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Juan José Hernández Escobar

400 Navor Carrillo St., Tampico, Tamaulipas, México

CP 89109

Phone number: +52 833-117-86-22



Universidad Autónoma Tamaulipas, Tampico, Tamaulipas, Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering (Faculty of
engineering). 2013-2017

GPA: 8.5

Study emphasis: Hydrology

Dissertation thesis on: Design of an instrument for the estimation of water balance in watersheds. Case Río

Advisor: Prof. Dra. Dora María Esther González Turrubiates.


>> Spanish (native language)

>> English (B)


Company: Ingenieros Sin Fronteras México, A.C

Description: Non-profit civil association that seeks to serve society, through the management and
execution of engineering projects for the development of infrastructure of basic services.
Work Station: Assistant

Time: 2016 - Present


- Estimated the runoff regimes for the 6 study areas of the project, "Monitoring of Hydraulic Balances in six
basins of Mexico incorporating climate change scenarios available in Mexico" from the project
"Collaborative Platform on Climate Change and Green Growth between Canada and Mexico 2013 -
2016”, which will have benefited 3,271,982 persons in the country.
- Developed metadata for the bases that served in the elaboration of the 4800 maps for the project
"Collaborative Platform on Climate Change and Green Growth between Canada and Mexico 2013 -
- Updated the mitigation plan of the "State Climate Change Program 2015-2030" in Tamaulipas.

 AutoCAD designer
 Technically proficient in Arcgis, GlobalMapper, Epanet, Mapa Digital, PLC Simulator, LADSIM y MPLab.


Books and graphic novels, pastime writer, scientific investigations and different sports practice.


Courses - Workshops

• "Digital map of Mexico for desktop (Basic Workshop, V & -24)" taught by the INEGI

• "Calculation of Ecological Flow according to the NMX-AA-159-SCFI-2012" taught by ISF-Mexico, A.C.

• "Management of Digital Databases" taught at the Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

• "Geographical Information Workshop" given by the INEGI.

• "ArcGIS V. Software Management 10.2.1." Taught by Ingenieros Sin Fronteras México A.C.


"Impact of climate change on average monthly precipitation regimes in the lower Tamesí river basin to the
future medium horizon 2045-2069" within the framework of the 7th National Congress of Research on Climate
Change, Northeastern Regional Headquarters for the Research on Change Climate Program of Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México.

Comentarios: Durante la entrevista se consultó el plan de maestría, se vieron las dudas referentes a los
apoyos para los programas en el extranjero, además se consultaron las habilidades que tengo para la
aplicación de los procesos de admisión de las universidades de interés, así como las fechas probables en
las que estaría aplicando todas las certificaciones necesarias para ser admitido en alguna de estas

Cambios: Cambio del formato de mi nombre, se incluyó datos personales, se corrigió el nombre de la
universidad al no traducirlo, se incluyó el periodo de trabajo y se modificó la experiencia laboral
redactándolas en tiempo pasado y se excluyó Microsoft Office de la lista de habilidades. n

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