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L.Purpose of TV adver ing From a child’s point of view, what is the purpose of TV advertising? Is advertising on TV done to give actors the opportunity to take a rest or (BEBGHG® their lines? Or is it done to make people buy things? Furthermore, is the main @iMf@FHE® between programs and commercials that commercials are for real, whereas programs are not, or that programs are for kids and commercials for adults? As has been shown several times in the literature (e.g. Butter et al. 1981; Donohue, Henke, and Donohue 1980; Macklin 1983 and 1987; Robertson and Rossiter 1974; Stephens and Stutts 1982), some children are able to @iStifgUISH between programs and commercials and are WA of the intent of TV advertising, whereas others are not. 2. An eccentric mix of language An @888HiFi@ mix of English, German and French has entered Japanese usage with grand abandon. A “kariya" woman is a career woman, and a "manshon" is an apartment. This increasing use of katakana, or unique Japanese versions of Western words, and the younger generation's more @™SU@) use of the Japanese language have prompted Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to worry that these new words may not be understood by a wider audience, (NSTHIFESHIE, a government panel is proposing to publish a manual on how to speak proper Japanese. Foreign words became katakana Japanese because no existing Japanese words could quite (GAplU® a specific meaning or feeling. When the word "cool" traveled east, all of its English connotations did not make the journey. A kuru person in Japan is someone who is calm and never gets upset. On the other hand, someone who is kakkoii is hip, or in translation, "cool." Similarly, a hotto person is one who is easily (GRGHABIG, perhaps passionate, but not necessarily a popular person or personality of the moment. 3. Complementary therapies Complementary therapies - such as those (BEH@HSE™ by naturopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists - have become increasingly popular in Australia over the last few SCAMS nterest initially coincided with @HEHUSIASH for alternative lifestyles, migration and increased contact and trade with China have also had an while (MHMARHE, The status of complementary therapies is being re-visited in a number of areas: legal regulation; the stances of doctors’ associations; their inclusion in medical education; and scientific research into their @AiH€¥) 4, Space work for an astronaut The space work for an astronaut can be inside or outside, inside they can monitor machines and the work is 25818 out alongside the craft. They also need to make sure the Space (REAVEIOUESIAE the craft, they can see how the seeds react in the space. Some seeds company send seeds to them to (fi¥@StGaEE how seeds change their biological character. When outside the crafi, they can set @P experiments or clean up the space rubbish. 5. Romans glorified The Romans glorified the (BEBVGEY shown in the arena, but trivialized the events and degraded the participants. Mosaic pictures of executions and combats, (GFAphically violentto our eyes, were displayed in the public rooms and even dining rooms in the homes of wealthy Romans. How can the viewer today possibly understand such images? Until fairly recently, modern authors writing about the arena minimized its significance and represented the institutionalized violence as a sideline to Roman history. The (H@SHE: also to view the events through our own eyes and to see them as pitiful or horrifying, although to most Romans empathy with victims of the arena was inconceivable. In the past few decades, however, scholars have started to analyze the complex motivations for deadly public @HEAAMIEHS and for contradictory views of gladiators as despised, yet beloved hero-slaves. 7. DOG. A DOG may be man's best friend. But man is not always a dog's. Over the centuries $@168H¥® breeding has pulled at the canine body shape to produce what is often a grotesque distortion of the underlying wolf. Indeed, some of these distortions are, when found in people, regarded as (PaEHOIOGIES, Dog breeding does, though, offer a chance to those who would like to understand how body shape is controlled. The @HG8StEY of pedigree pooches is well recorded, their generation time is short and their lift@® size reasonably large, so there is plenty of material to work with. Moreover, breeds are, by definition, inbred, and this simplifies genetic analys 's National Human Genome . Those such as Elaine Ostrander, of Ameri Research Institute, who wish to identify the genetic basis of the features of particular pedigrees thus have an {@@a@€p@rim@ntal animal. 8. The contemporary ministerial staffing system The COMEMPORAPIMinisterial staffing system is large, active and partisan - far larger and further evolved than any Westminster equivalent, Ministers’ demands for help to cope with the pressures of an increasingly competitive and professionalized political environment have been key drivers of the staffing system’s development. But there has not been commensurate growth in (@EFAREMERLS to support and control it, The OPEEAENG framework for ministerial staff is (iFAgMIEREEM and ad hoc. 1) A Tale of Two Farms A few summers ago I visited two dairy farms, Huls Farm and Gardar Farm, which despite being located thousands of miles apart were still remarkably similar in their strengths and vulnerabilities. Both were by far the largest, most prosperous, most technologically advanced farms in their respective districts. In particular, each was centered around a magnificent state-of-the-art barn for Sheltering and milking cows. Those structures, both neatly divided into opposite-facing rows of cow stalls, dwarfed all other barns in the district. Both farms let their cows faze outdoors in lush pastures during the summer, produced their own hay to harvest in the late summer for feeding the cows through the winter, and increased their production of summer fodder and winter hay by irrigating their fields. The two farms were similar in area (a few square miles) and in barn size, Huls barn holding somewhat more cows than Gardar barn (200 vs. 165 cows, respectively). The owners of both farms were viewed as leaders of their respective societies. Both owners were deeply religious. Both farms were located in §orgeOus natural settings that attract tourists from afar, with backdrops of high snow-capped mountains drained by streams teaming with fish, and sloping down to a famous river (below Huls Farm) or 3ord (below Gardar Farm). 3) Investment 4) One city will start to attract the {iMajOrity of public and/or private investment. This could be due to fiatural advantage or political decisions. This in turn will Stimulate further investment due to the multiplier effect and Significant rural to urban migration. The investment in this city will be at the @Xpense of other cities Serving on a jury Serving on a jury is normally compulsory for individuals who are qualified for jury service. A jury is intended to be an impartial panel capable of reaching a verdict. Procedures and requirements may include a fluent understanding of the language and the opportunity to test jurors’ neutrality or otherwise exclude jurors who are perceived as likely to be less than Métitrall or partial to one side. Juries are initially chosen randomly, usually from the eligible population of adult citizens residing in the court's jurisdictional area. 5) How to choose Room Mate? If you're choosing to use the random iaififig or are letting the college choose your roommate for you, you'll probably have to fill out some kind of profile or questionnaire. These usually include things like: what time do you usually go to bed, where do. you prefer to study, do you keep your space clean or are you more messy, ete. When you're answering these questions, be as honest as possible. If there's something you're GHG set against (e.g., a roommate who smokes) you can mark that and you will not be paired with someone who fits that criteria. Choosing a roommate can be kind of stressful. In some cases, it can’ feel like as big of a decision as actually choosing which school to attend, But don’t worry, if you get to campus and live with your roommate for a few weeks and find out that your lifestyles are just too different, you can always move. | §Wapped roommates my first semester of college, and after I moved my college experience was much more positive. In fact, I lived with different people every year of college and it alll worked out. So have fun with it! Be open to meeting new people and trying new things. Sometimes the best roommates are the ones that are completely different than you because they can not only introduce you to new cultural ERPSRIGHEES, but they can also expand your ways of thinking-and isn’t that what college is all about?

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