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Question 1:
1. The average individual is of less value to himself, to his family and to
society than he could be.
2. We are losing every year a vast army of individuals who are in their
productive prime.
3. There is too much illness, too much suffering.
4. Of course, most people are well enough to attend to their work, but nearly
all are suffering from some ill, mental or physical, acute or chronic.
5. It is natural to be healthy, but we have wandered so far astray that disease
is the rule and good health the exception.

1. You have to let people think and act outside their corporate boxes. You
have to create an atmosphere of innovation.
2. Innovation is about doing what delights the customer, not just satisfying
the customer.
3. But you cant invent revolutionary products in a conservative
4. Its giving the customer something they didnt expect. They cant ask for
it because they cant know what it is before it is created
5. Once it has been invented, customers cant imagine ever having lived
without it.
1. As manufacturing continues to shrink in an economy, overall growth will
increasingly depend on boosting productivity in services.
2. Policy should therefore focus on removing obstacles (such as trade
barriers and regulation), to such productivity growth, and creating a labour
market in which workers can move freely from factory employment to
3. Protection and subsidies push just the wrong way.
4. But those who would tackle this by subsidies or trade barriers are missing
the point.
5. De-industrialisation causes problems in economies unable to absorb the
workers released by manufacturing.

Question 4:
1. Four of the species ate plants, and four others, called theropods, preyed on
the plant eaters and other creatures.
2. All eight date to the Cretaceous period which lasted from 145 million to
60 million years ago.
3. No one has yet excavated a complete dinosaur skeleton from site near
Colville River or anywhere else in Alaska.
4. Most come from just the period lasting from 75 million to 70 million
years ago, some five million years before the famous mass demise of the
planet`s dinosaurs.
5. Nevertheless, paleontologists have been able to identify from partial
skeletons, isolated bones, teeth and fossil footprints, eight types of dinosaurs
that lived as contemporaries in the far north
Question 5:
1. Never stop thinking of ways to make your products better, but dont get
stuck trying to achieve perfection.
2. Release the product and, at the same time, continue to refine it.
3. Im not suggesting that it is ever acceptable to deliver shoddy products.
4. The longer you hold out for perfection, the less likely you are to achieve
it, and youll lose whatever competitive edge you may have.
5. The product that beats the competition is seldom the best, and its never

Question 6:
1. The Great Chain of Being did not correspond with sense experience.
2. Here the work of Galileo is centrally important.
3. His observations of the skies with a telescope led him to conclude that the
heavens could not be the perfectly ordered realm of the divine, for there
were irregularities and imperfections (like comets, sun spots, and the
irregular surface of the moon).
4. The really decisive challenge came from those who, in defence of
Copernicuss suggestion, insisted that the very nature of science must change,
that it must work from a different purpose and by different methods.
5. It must rely upon observations and shape the understanding of the
universe on the basis of those observations, rather than fitting all
observations into the traditional framework of Christian belief
Question 7:
1. Bill Gates, Akio Morita, Sam Walton, and others brought this ability to the
enterprises they founded.
2. Without it, their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less
3. A senior executive`s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain
insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use
to direct technologies, product and service offerings, communication
programmes, indeed, all elements of a company`s strategic posture.
4. Every successful business is built on superior sensesof timing,
opportunity, responsibility, and, not infrequently, humour.
5. None, however, is more critical than the ability to sense the market.

Question 8:

1 After that came the limbic brain, and lastly the neo-cortex.
The tendencies and instincts of the reptilian brain are the strongest
and most primitive; they being, survival and reproduction.
If we study evolution, we find that the reptilian brain has been
around for millions of years.
4 This is how these brains fall in evolutionary succession.
Question 9:

1 But Polish forces could not defend a long border.

German invasion of Poland officially triggered the Second World
Meanwhile, the world had woken up to the potential of atomic
energy and countries were conducting tests to exploit the same.
They lacked compact defense lines and additionally their supply
lines were also poorly protected.
In the beginning, Britain and France were hopeful that Poland
should be able to defend her borders.

Question 10:

It also underlines at the same time that energy is the biggest

challenge area that the country needs to wake up to.
The administration has understood the gravity of the situation and
2 a consistent plan has been devised to cope with the climate
warming issues.
As a report published by the US Department on Climate Change
3 points out, humanity as a whole is to be blamed for global
The government is quite serious about the issues ranging from
4 greenhouse cap, raising CAFE standards, and levying cess on
Question 11:

1 It also will give him something worthwhile to live for.

If he fails, it may have been due to troubles in his home, his
school or unsympathetic and hostile relative.
3 The finest asset any child can have is a happy home.
If he exhibits good judgment in later years, much of the credit
must go to those who trained him.
Such environment will enable him to develop strength and
5 stability of character thereby teaching him to face the future
without fear or undue anxiety.

Question 12:

1 During this time, I succeeded in learning to read and write.

2 I lived in Master Hugh`s` family for seven years.
3 I had no regular teacher.
Mrs. Hugh, who had kindly consented to instruct me, had, in
compliance with the advice and direction of her husband, not only
ceased to instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed
by any one else.
In accomplishing this, I was compelled to resort to various

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