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LEVEL: Advanced Reading and Writing 2

STUDENT: Joaquin Macazana, Jean Marcos Nicolas


SCHEDULE: 08:45-10:15

1. Achieve
 We need to support it through promoting concrete measures to achieve
tangible forward steps.
 With the exception of the environmental target, Vietnam is on track to
achieve another four targets by 2015.
2. Acquired
 Nations acquired nuclear weapons in order to promote what they saw as
their national security.
 The initiative has found support on the island and after this experience,
there are several people who have acquired plantation rights.
3. Apparently
 On 27 January, demonstrations began in a southern suburb of Beirut,
apparently to protest interruptions to the electricity supply in the area.
 It is encouraging that there is apparently an increased awareness and
increased willingness to seek assistance for emotional distress.

4. Approach
 In view of this a cautious approach will be adopted on the implementation
of some of the recommendations.
 These types of visits should be given priority over the systematic approach
of comprehensive assessments.
5. Behavior
 This includes study programs, texts, and the attitudes and behavior of
teachers, as well as the interaction of students.
 Cultural baggage contains the values that are important to you and the
patterns of behavior that are customary in your culture.
6. Category
 The different types of weapons that fall under this category are used
widely and kill indiscriminately.
 One of the ways of addressing the problem is through promoting healthy
eating habits, and the Mediterranean diet certainly falls into this category.
7. Cognition
 This study of several hundred individuals over the course of 18 months
showed no impact on cognition, although it resulted in lower levels of
homocysteine in these patients.
 Cognition, motor skills, and health form the foundation, or means, that
support the development of language skills.
8. Confront
 We cannot confront all these challenges effectively if we do not have
peace and security.
 Nonetheless, significant challenges still confront its full and effective
9. Controversy
 A second area of controversy swirls around the rights of persons belonging
to ethnic groups and national minorities.
 Any such controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis,
and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or
controversy of any other party.
10. Discern
 The driver can discern the course of the bend early and adapt his or her
driving accordingly.
 Through developing their critical thinking abilities, children are helped to
discern and discriminate what information is important.
11. Obvious
 There will also be obvious health issues for personnel deployed in such
 Since the evolutionary value of the positive ones is less obvious and more
indirect, it took longer to figure out.
12. Perception
 The first point we want to focus on regarding sustainable development is
the need for a radical change of perception on the issue.
 One source of conflict is the perception or reality that political leaders of
a country do not represent the people and their aspirations.
13. Sensory
 Its gentle, subtle fragrance, with both floral and fruity notes, takes your
clients on a voyage of intense sensory escape.
 They must record the temperature and sensory quality of the raw material
of all lots, particularly in the case of small-scale fisheries products.
14. Trait
 Autosomal dominant is one of several ways that a trait or disorder can be
passed down through families.
 However, for males there only needs to be one copy of an X-linked
recessive gene in order for the trait or disorder to be expressed.

15. Unconscious
 He is unconscious of what they are doing; they just keep going while his
mind is occupied elsewhere.
 This attitude may be conscious or unconscious, and is linked to factors
such as the patient's environment and personal and family history.

16. Unique
 The destruction of these unique Christian artefacts constitutes an
irreplaceable loss for mankind.
 Iraq is unique in the region in that it has two major waterways running
through it.
17. Viable
 It is also providing training to private- and public-sector agents to make
this system viable and sustainable on its own.
 How does one make and fund laws that would enable a viable market in
genetic resources and associated knowledge?
Express Opinions:
1. Oskar Pfungst proved that Clever Hans wasn’t able to solve mathematical
problems. Do you still believe that Hans showed intelligence by learning to
“read” the movements of his questioners and audience members?

I don't believe that Clever Hans showed intelligence because he only

perceived cues from the audience. Although they made unconsciously, this action
helped to Clever Hans to answer correctly those mathematical questions which
were questioned by strangers. In my opinion, it was a coincidence that Clever
Hans answered correctly those mathematical questions.

2. Temple Grandin feels that seizure alert dogs are showing signs of high
intelligence. Others may say that what they do is really just an example of
animals reacting based on instinct. What is your opinion? Explain.

From my point of view, I believe that the seizure dogs just follow the
instructions of their trainer. If a dog will be trained to become a seizure dog, the
dog should have a unique behavior. The dog should be able to do different things
and confront different situations. However, the development of their skills will
depend of their trainer. In short, their supposed intelligence of those dogs is the
root of hard-work and the effort of their trainers.

3. Share examples of animal behavior you have witnessed that you think exhibit
intelligence. Do these examples relate to Temple Grandin’s idea of what
animal intelligence is?

For example, I have witnessed the case of my dog, which is able to serve his
food and put the food on his dish from his bag and he can full his bowl of water
with his mouth. I think that my dog has a special sensory skills since he can
recognize my relatives when they come to my home. And he hasn't received a
special training, for that I consider him in the category of intelligent animals. In
short, this example which I explained is related to Temple Grandin's idea of what
animal intelligence is.
1. Awesome
 An awesome collection, mixing country and western and rhythm and blues
with a solid backbeat.
 Communicators now have an awesome responsibility to use and develop
indigenous forms of communication.
2. Chilly
 On chilly mornings, they'd turn on the clothes dryer for warmth.
 We are coming from the cold of Yalta, but the climate in Europe is
becoming chilly and egoistic.
3. Disparate
 Our analysis confirms that Europe remains disparate in the measures and
policies that its member states adopt to shape their respective labor
 The key challenge is how to extract data from disparate backbone systems
in order to cost-effectively provide agents with more data in more formats
in real time.
4. Emphatic
 It seeks to strengthen the concept of an interconnected Europe in an
emphatic physical form that enters through the senses.
 A number of new and more emphatic statements to the effect that access
to information held by public bodies is a fundamental human right have
been issued.
5. Fond of
 None stood against them in their day, for they fed on good meat, whereas
their degenerate children are far too fond of unwholesome food!
 If the country is still lacking the necessary infrastructure to welcome them,
those fond of sport fishing and ornithology are not discouraged.
6. Immeasurably
 In this context, the role of an international organization such as UNESCO
increases immeasurably.
 Documentation and security for air, land and sea ports of entry has
improved immeasurably with the use of technology and increased
7. Impetuous
 But as before, it is deemed desirable to provide checks against any
impetuous termination of marriage, in particular by providing for the
availability of official reconciliation procedure.
 I cannot describe this treaty as anything other than an impetuous leap in
the dark.
8. Inevitably
 If the criterion of the availability of logistical requirements is strictly
applied, it would inevitably prolong the resumption process.
 There will inevitably be gaps in the information available, in which case
assumptions need to be made and noted in the plan.
9. Insufferable
 Not even the European Union has a monopoly on rights, as demonstrated
by the insufferable way in which we treat migrants and Roma.
 The unremitting and indiscriminate rocket fire has levied an insufferable
toll on the civilian population of southern Israel, triggering a severe
humanitarian situation there.
10. Loveless
 It can also free us from the sloth of acedia, from sterile chastity, from
loveless intellectuality, from stagnant novelties, from disembodied
spiritualism, from soulless ritualism and legalism without the spirit.
 People are scared off by an ignorant, powerless and loveless church.
11. Presumptuous
 It is too early and could even be presumptuous to put forward a full
response as yet.
 Attempting to deal with the post-Doha period when we do not yet know
whether an agreement will actually be reached may appear a little
presumptuous to some.
12. Punctually
 In terms of my journey time, I should have arrived punctually, but this
was impossible due to the demonstrations blocking access to the building.
 The Committee agreed that it was very important that Parties provide
requested data punctually and that drafting proposals and references to
documents be very specific.
13. Radically
 It's a game that allows them to become visible, with a reality and a body,
in a radically new, even defiant way.
 The competitive edge that a business may gain with a radically new
innovation is likely to be longer lasting than that obtained from a simple
14. Tolerable
 However, the impact that pain can have on a patient's life can range from
tolerable discomfort to the production of a sense of crushing and
exhausting defeat.
 I supported the amendments in the hope that they might make this squalid
compromise tolerable.

15. Ultimately
 There is no doubt that a regional programmer has a comparative advantage
in tackling such issues, although ultimately they have to be addressed at
the national level.
 His dedication to supporting his wife and children ultimately wins out, and
he keeps looking.

16. Utterly
 What characteristics might differentiate a primary Lanonandek from one
of those utterly dependable Vorondadek Most Highs?
 It collects sensations of a different kind, utterly foreign to the state of the
rejecting mind.
17. Vigorous
 Such an environment enables vigorous economic expansion, even if the
propensity of private households to save remains unchanged.
 Women over age 50 who plan to begin a new program of vigorous physical
activity should first consult their physician to be sure they do not have
heart disease or other health problems.
18. Worrisome
 This situation is extremely worrisome, since it prevents the Union from
using this potentially important instrument.
 This lack of will is particularly worrisome for the poorest nations, their
citizens and the environment that they live in.
Research about “Descriptive Essay” and “Persuasive Essay”

Descriptive Essay
-Purpose: The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe something. The object of
definition can be a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. To describe anything, you must
observe it carefully and take notes. Use as many of your five senses as possible. What is
missing? How does it change over a period of time? What did you discover after your

Following the example below, list a general topic that you can develop by description.
After the general topic, write your specific focus and slant. Then write a topic sentence.

 The weather (general topic), blizzard in Chicago (specific focus), paralyzing
activities (slant)
 Typical of our winter weather in Chicago, a recent blizzard paralyzed the city's
normal activities. (Topic sentence)

Persuasive Essay
-Purpose: The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader to agree with the
writer. Many teachers insist that all writing is, to some extent, persuasive. This may be
true, but in any writing designated "persuasive," the focus will be on making the reader
see something the same way that the writer sees it, to share a point of view or conviction.

To convince another person to change an opinion or a course of action, you must make a
good argument. This includes stating facts to back up your position, offering the
testimony of experts, and being able to explain why people with other opinions are
mistaken (without getting emotional about it). To develop a persuasive paragraph, think
of controversial topics about which you have strong opinions. Following the example
below, write a general topic. Beside the general topic, write your specific focus and slant.
Then write a topic sentence.

 Anorexia (general topic), effects on teenage body (specific focus), without
nutritious food, stress, (slant)
 Without sufficient quantities of nutritious food, every cell and system in an
anorexic teenager's body undergoes stress. Then the writer tells what happens to
systems in an anorexic body.
Express Opinions (p.133):

1. Leo was “ten times her age”. Would you marry someone older than you? By
how much? What possible advantages or disadvantages are there to
marrying someone much older than you?
No, I wouldn’t marry with someone older than me. I consider to marrying
someone much older as a bad idea for two disadvantages. First, I think it is a
loveless way to meet your true love since people who are interested in older people
as couple only care their money or another benefits. It is a presumptuous approach
to get money easily. Second, it is a disparate idea because you don’t know if that
person who is older than you has good intentions. That person could be a thief or
a murder. In short, I would never marry with a person who is older than me for
those reasons.

2. The story mentions that with the Process, “these days you could look as young
as you like”. What age would you choose to look if you were having the
Process? Why?

Well, the age that I would like to look forever is 21 years old. Because it is a
tolerable age to do many things, such as travel or cook since in this age, you have
the enough energy to do many tasks. Also, you can punctually do your tasks of
college or work. It depends if you are responsible with your things.

3. Leo has had many different careers. “He reinvents himself every decade or
two. That’s as necessary to him as the Process itself”. Why do you think he
changes careers so often? Would you want to reinvent yourself every decade
or two? Why or why not?
I think if you were immortal, you will be bored with the time doing the same work
all days. He might want to reinvent his life with the goal of having new objectives
and proposals. Any person will inevitably be bored with the same career if the
person were immortal. In my case, I would want to reinvent myself with new
careers. It will radically change my life because I will learn a new thing all days.

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