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Client: 4th Grade Team School: R. N.

Fickett Elementary School(APS)

Mrs. Adriane Woods, Grade Level Chairperson

The Instructional Problem

After a review of grade level data, Mrs. Woods and the 4th grade team noticed a below

expectations performance level within the Geometry and Measurement domain. After further

analyzing of data, it was discovered that a need for improving the measurement standard existed.

Therefore, I began to plan in improvement to the activities used to support these standards.

The Instructional Design

To address my instructional design problem, I used the ADDIE instructional design

model. I Analyzed my learners and gathered as much information as I could on the

standard and my student resources. I then established broad goals for the lesson

taken from unit of study and the Department of Education Frameworks; with

keeping in mind what I am hoping to achieve. At the Design stage of ADDIE, I

identified my learning objectives which included introduction objects weighed in

ounces or pounds. I want my students to use this knowledge to identify appropriate

measurement units for objects and create a poster of various objects that are

measured in ounces and pounds. I also identified the outcomes of my lesson. Using

the question "How will I know that my students have achieved the learning

objectives and how will I assess learning? Then I began to Develop my

instructional strategies. I decided to use an infographic that includes definition of

ounces and pounds with images of objects measured in ounces or pounds. Along

with allowing students to complete an infographic or online poster that

demonstrates their understanding of these measurement units. My example will

help students achieve the outcome goals I have set for them. Students will work in

partner groups to develop their product and presentation. I completed my example

on draft sheet before using When my students begin their

measurement unit, I will Implement this plan with them. I executed my plan while

developing my comprehensive design plan for this class. After implementing with

students, I will evaluate my instructional design plan to be sure it successfully

achieved my goal. After developing and redesigning artifacts, I examined the

alignment to Georgia Performance Standards and academic goals. I hope to find

that my artifacts successfully achieved set learning goal.

Description of Re-Designed Lesson

When completing the “A Pound or What” Georgia Department of Education Framework task,

students are required to reach into a bad to get an object and decide if a pound or ounce would

best be used to weigh that object. This task does not include any images to enhance their

understanding of the unit used to measure its capacity. With my re-design, students will have

pictorial images of object as that will allow students to use visual literacy analyzing skills based

on the idea that pictures can be “read” and that meaning can be through a process of reading.

Methods of Assessment/Evaluation

During the completion of the lesson activity, students will be asked a few formative assessment

questions. For example, “When could you use a pound in your everyday routines?” After

completing the task, student work will be graded with feedback provided. Students will also

create a poster of common everyday objects that weigh a specific amount. As an intervention

part of the lesson students can create cards of items and separate cards with corresponding

weights in pounds. Students can then match the items with their weights and use a self-checking

system on the back of the cards. Understanding how much items in their own world weigh will
assist in the overall understanding of the unit. The following rubric will be used to grade posters

created by students:

Making A Poster : Ounces and Pounds Poster

Teacher Name: D McCrary

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Graphics -Clarity Graphics are all in Most graphics are in Most graphics are in Many graphics are
focus and the focus and the focus and the not clear or are too
content easily content easily content is easily small.
viewed and identified viewed and identified viewed and
from 6 ft. away. from 6 ft. away. identified from 4 ft.

Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate to Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic the topic. Most relate to the topic
and make it easier to and most make it borrowed graphics OR several
understand. All easier to have a source borrowed graphics
borrowed graphics understand. All citation. do not have a source
have a source borrowed graphics citation.
citation. have a source
Content - At least 7 accurate 5-6 accurate facts 3-4 accurate facts Less than 3 accurate
Accuracy facts are displayed are displayed on the are displayed on the facts are displayed
on the poster. poster. poster. on the poster.

Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout and though it may be a or very poorly
design, layout, and neatness. bit messy. designed. It is not
neatness. attractive.

Labels All items of Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too small
importance on the importance on the importance on the to view OR no
poster are clearly poster are clearly poster are clearly important items were
labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled.
that can be read that can be read that can be read
from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft.
away. away. away.

After gaining knowledge about multimedia principles and dual coding theory, I began to think

about the content given within the task. The activity entitle “A Pound or What” did not follow

Richard E. Mayer’s multimedia principle or Allen Paivio's dual coding theory. Within the re-

designed artifacts, I decided to enhance them by following Mayer and Paivio's theories of

instruction. According to Paivio, there are two ways a person could expand on learned material:

"verbal associations and visual imagery." Therefore, I added visual images and decreased the

amount of text within the task in hope of extending a mental connection between a pound and

ounce. Additionally, in agreement of Mayer's theory that the rationale for multimedia instruction

is that "people can learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone." I was

sure to keep some of the original wording and add additional images that captured the printed

text. The changes to this task are aligned with dual coding and multimedia theory.

Connection to ACRL Visual and Literacy Competency Standards

Standard one was addressed when I determined the visual materials needed to redesign the

lesson. To implement standard two, I found and accessed needed images and visual media

effectively and efficiently to allow students to determine if ounce or pound units were accurate to

measure image. Following standard three allowed me to interpret and analyze the meanings of

images and visual media and allow the audience of task to do the same. Within standard four I

evaluated images and their sources to be sure to include best image for activity. By following

standard five, I tried to effectively choose the best images to convey the task goal and objective.

Additionally, to make connections to standard size, I designed and created meaningful images

and visual media to aid in choosing the best unit of measurement. Finally, standard seven was

conveyed when I began to understand many of the ethical, legal, social, and economic issues
surrounding the creation and use of images and visual media, and created activities to access and

use visual materials ethically.

Assignment Reflection

Honestly, I enjoyed completing this comprehensive re-design activity. It allowed me to display

all the information and concepts learned in this course. However, it was very time consuming

when being required to write how various concepts to display in assignment. Overall, I have had

an awesome learning experience in this very time consuming assignment!


Mathematics Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) K-5. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2016,


ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. (2016). Retrieved

November 27, 2016, from

ADDIE Model. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2016, from http://www.instructi

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