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The Isle of

The land of Albion is
inhabited by many races,
all vying for supremacy on Of the Fimir, little is
the misty isle. The human known. Legends state
population of Albion is they are half-breeds, an
known for their ferocity unholy merging of
and viciousness in battle. Daemons and men. The
They possess an ancestral marshes are their homes
hatred of the brutish and and the Fimir will brook
mutated FImir, born from no trespassers. However
millennia of ceaseless the domain of the Fimir is
combat. not merely restrained by
the rocky shores of
The humans are split into Albion, and all throughout
two factions, those who the Old World, bogs and
dwell within the walls of marshlands are avoided by
the keeps and the their superstitious
tribesmen who eke out an neighbours.
existence in the mist filled
valleys. These two people
will join together, however
grudgingly in the face of
danger and King Ruaid
Lyr maintains peace with
his counterpart Setanta
men of Albion. Favoured
by the Old Ones, the men
What is certain of the of Albion were the most
Fimir is their propensity advanced race of men.
for slaving. Men, Elves,
Dwarves and Orcs alike However with the failure
are captured and held, of the Polar Gates, Chaos
deep underground to be was let loose on the world.
used in various, but The Old Ones were forced
generally unsavoury, to flee or be destroyed and
ways. Only the Fimir their children bore the
themselves are fully aware brunt of the Daemonic
of the fate of the slaves Incursions.
and they are not willing to
tell. Only the haunting Chaos stalked amongst the
screams and blood chilling lands, nightmares given
warnings that echo from form. The Dwarves
the swamps allude to the retreated to their mountain
captive’s grisly ends. holds in an attempt to
stave off their inevitable
Just like the rest of the defeat. Aside from the
world, the dead do not rest men of Albion, the
easy on Albion. The humans of the world were
Barrow Kings of old stalk weak and uncivilised,
the lands in a bid to unable to combat the
reclaim their lost domains. ravening hordes.
Silent legions of undead
warriors march into battle, On Ulthuan the Elves
serried ranks interrupted stood fast and behind
by statues of ancient Aenarion the Defender,
heroes and verdigris took the fight to the
bronze chariots. Daemonic hosts.
On Albion itself, the Old
The history of Albion is Ones were slaughtered,
strewn with mighty battles their armies shattered and
and if the men of Albion the race of Titans,
fall, it can only bode ill for The Old Ones decimated. The few
the Old World. remaining places of safety
The legends of Albion tell harboured the survivors.
of a time when the Gods
of old strode amongst the
As the men of Albion
prepared for their last
stand, the Elves finally
managed to complete their
magical vortex, draining
the world of Chaotic

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