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Introduction/Purpose: To examine the boiling point and melting point of water, two physical properties,

and to learn the procedure for graphing data in Microsoft Excel and Lab Pro.

Experimental Procedure:

Materials List:

Bunsen Thermometer Boiling Distilled Wire gauze Test tube Temperature

burner chips water probe
Sodium Ring stand Clamps Lab pro Laptop Ms Excel Ice
Beakers Logger pro Stirring rod Scale Watch glass

Procedure: The lab was broken down into 2 sections. For the first, the boiling point of water was
examined. Approximately 125 ml of distilled water was added to a beaker, along with 2-3 boiling
stones. The beaker was affixed to the ring stand, approximately 3 inches about the height of a Bunsen
burner. The burner was lit, away from the ring stand, and the flame was adjusted appropriately. The
flame was placed under ring stand and the water was allowed to boil. Once a rolling boil was reached
the temperature was taken with a thermometer. The temperature was then taken a second time after 2
minutes. For the second section the freezing point of water was examined. 5 ml of distilled was
measured with a graduated cylinder, and transferred to a test tube which was affixed to the ring stand. A
400-ml beaker was filled entirely with ice. A quantity of sodium chloride, between 10 and 15 grams,
was weighed on watch glass on a scale and added to the ice. Next, a small quantity of water was added
to the ice to create a slurry consistency. The lab pro device was then set up to record temperature
measurements every 10 seconds for 15 minutes. The temperature of the water in the test tube was then
taken for 2 measurements (20 seconds), and then the test tube was submerged in the ice slurry. The
slurry was stirred with a stirring rod and the temperature probe of the Lab pro device was moved
around within the test tube until the contents of the test tube froze. The data was then transferred to
logger pro and graphed. As a final exercise, the class data for the first section of the lab was entered
into Excel and analyzed.

Results: The boiling point of water was found to be 96.7 C when the two trials were averaged. This is a
-3.3% error from the expected value of 100 C. The freezing point of distilled water was found to be .26
C, or 273.42 K. This is a .1% error from the expected value of 273.16 K. The data was successfully
entered into and analyzed in Excel and Logger pro.

Conclusion: The aims of the lab, to examine the freezing and boiling point of water and learn the use of
Ms Excel and Lap pro were successfully met. The values obtained through experimentation were very
close to the expected values. In future trials of the experiment, it may be useful to examine the boiling
and freezing points of several liquids, as opposed to just water. The freezing and boiling points of water
are widely known, and thus the expected values of the experiment were known before the experiment
began. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it may have been more engaging to work with novel
Experiment 2: Graphs Data and Physical Changes
Matthew Orenstein 2/15/2017
Luke Kline

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