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Azlin Nur S (2012730016)

Rizky Rivonda (2012730090)

Nadira Juanti Pratiwi (2013730160)


Jeremy, age 9, was taken by his mother to a mental health clinic because he has become
increasingly undisciplined and difficult to organize in school. Since 6 months ago. A few
weeks ago he was suspended from school for 3 days.
Last week he was reprimanded by police for riding a bicycle on the road, his mother has
repeatedly warned him. Until he destroys shop windows as unable to control his brake pedal.
He was not caught in a more serious offense, though he also once broke a window when he
rode his bike with a friend for no reason.
Jeremy has been difficult to organize since kindergarten school. Problems have slowly
increased. Whenever he's unattended, he always makes a whim. He has been reprimanded at
school for harassing and kicking other children, and scoffing at other friends. Said his friend
He was described as irritable and irritable. Often he seems deliberately trying to annoy other
children. She has never been involved in serious fights, but she often hits several other
children for no reason.
Jeremy sometimes refuses to do what his teacher says, and when the tutor is very difficult to
teach him to in some lessons such as math, art, and science lessons. He gives many reasons
why he should not do it, and argues when told to do so. Jeremy when in the class did not want
to command his friend or even by his teacher in cooperating.
Jeremy's behavior at home varies considerably. On several days he was challenging and rude
to his mother, though Jeremy sometimes became a submissive child. Jeremy has a younger
brother named Richie and Jeremy is always rude to his sister and can not even play, relaxed
activities and can not wait to get an example play: take turns when maen ps / laptop.
Jeremy's concentration is generally good, and he does not leave his unfinished work. Her
mother also told me that Jeremy sometimes tells a small lie, but if when pressed, Jeremy is
honest about the important things.

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