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GM Gman:

It's the early evening as Saito quietly waits for you at the entrance to the
festival, he's wearing one of the now ubiquitous Colonial kimono, and it's a nice
cut on him. He's grown up a bit since you first met him but you never really
noticed with his normal clothes, but now he looks much more an adult....

GM Gman:
but you can still tell he's super nervous and this is the first time he's escorted
anyone other than his sister. It's cute in an earnest sort of way.

Shinjo Kimiko:
Kimiko arrives at the entrance and bows low to the young Miya, "Good evening, Miya-
sama! Have you had your rice today?", she smiles brightly, something she rarely
does nowadays. She's wearing her best kimono with the yellow/golden Kirin patterns
on her deep purple, one-layer kimono.

GM Gman:
He bows and then looks you up and down. "Hai, look wonderful. I
um...wanted to offer you this." He holds out an origami flower made of silver with
a small clipping of the plum tree attached to it. It's not the best thing ever
made, but you suspect that he made it himself for your 'date'

GM Gman:
(Silver paper not the metal silver)

Shinjo Kimiko:
Kimiko gingerly accepts the gift, a little blush creeping up her cheeks, "Oh! Miya-
sama, I'm honored!", she bowed low again.

GM Gman:
"Er, thank you" He says bravely not blushing himself as he bows back. "What did
Shinjo-sama want to do first?"

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Hm... did you have anything in mind, Miya-sama?"

GM Gman:
"Um..." he pauses for a moment. "I guess maybe we could go to the game stalls?"

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Sounds good! I've only rarely played games, mostly with my sister. Can't say I'm
very good at them, or even remotely good, but I'm always eager to learn!"

GM Gman:
"Okay then, winner gets too choose where we eat?" He says escorting you (or you
escorting him) towards the set of stalls where the games have been set up. There's
a series of throwing games, gold fish catching, and a few strength testing games
(Lift the boulder or swing the hammer ect)

GM Gman:
(Throwing, Strength, gold fish catching?)

Shinjo Kimiko:
"I like the suggestion! Do you have a preference for a game?"

GM Gman:
"...Hmm, I guess we could do the ring tossing?"

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Ring tossing it is!"

GM Gman:
(I'm going to allow you to roll agility tn 10 for a prize, called raises gets
better prizes)

GM Gman:
You make your way over to the ring tossing game with Saito, and you both are
quickly given a set of rings to throw over a series of posts, beside each post is a
sign showing a mountain, at the top of the mountain is a frankly gorgeous looking
fan, you think it might even have been made originally for the Imperial court.

GM Gman:
(In terms of winning the bet, more raises equals more points)

GM Gman:
Saito tosses his ring and wins a small stuffed animal easily.

GM Gman:
Looks like it's an adorable kitten or something like that.

Shinjo Kimiko:
Kimiko tosses her own ring in a similar manner to Saito, and manages to score! (25
agility with a raise (20 to hit), 1 void spent)

GM Gman:
Saito looks at Kimiko "...I don't think a tie works...let's try again"

GM Gman:
Saito tries for a much hard post this time, only to fail utterly.

Shinjo Kimiko:
Kimiko just smiles before trying again.

Shinjo Kimiko:
She does go for a slightly harder one to hit, and manages to score again! (21 with
2 raises (11 to hit), last void used)

GM Gman:
The ring swings around the post...and settles down. The vendor looks miffed as he
gives you a very nice looking fan, if not equal to the Imperial fan at the top,
it's still clearly better than what you and Saito won the first time

GM Gman:
Saito looks a little dejected "Well done Shinjo-sama...I suppose we could go to the
hammer game next?"

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Sure thing! Your first throw was still rather impressive, though!", she offers him
the fan, smiling, "Please, accept this, Miya-sama. You'd have easily won it, I'm

GM Gman:
He blushes, and stutters through the refusals before finally accepting it. It's
only after you make your way to the hammer game that you realize why he was
blushing. While gifting a fan is a common enough thing, exchanging fans is one of
the ways that lovers discreetly tell everyone else they're involved....what exactly
he was thinking is probably best left to the imagination. That said the vendor
explains that you get a special secret prize if you ring the bell.
GM Gman:
(Tn to ring the bell is 25, we're just going to do a straight strength comparison

GM Gman:
Saito hefts the hammer and swings it down, doing well but missing that last foot to
the bell.

GM Gman:

Shinjo Kimiko:
In Kimiko's turn, she seems to do somewhat worse than Saito, missing the bell by
another foot. (12)

Shinjo Kimiko:
(I'm finding Kimiko's lack of subtle etiquette to be quite amusing XD)

GM Gman:
"Well well, you came close young sir, here's your prize" The vendor gives Saito and
admittedly quite well made puzzle box. As you slowly make your way to the gold
fishing, he offers it to you, saying that you could use it on your longer guard
shifts to keep your mind active.

Shinjo Kimiko:
Suddenly reminded of her manners, Kimiko goes through the refusals before accepting
with a sweet smile.

GM Gman:
Now the final test for you both, to catch a fish with a paper net without ruining
the net or losing the fish, a true challenge... (if you have fishing it's
applicable here otherwise going to need an agility and reflex roll)

GM Gman:
(Tn 15 to succeed on both, and you must succeed on both)

GM Gman:
(18 and 27 versus 30 and 31 okay)

GM Gman:
Saito brings up a reasonably sized fish, but Kimiko doesn't think small, instead
she catches the largest fish there is and wins the grand prize, a beautiful
painting done by the Turquoise Champion's own students. It depicts a fish climbing
up a waterfall.

GM Gman:
Saito hangs his head in defeat. "Gomen Shinjo-sama, I'm not that impressive it
seems...where do you want to eat?"

GM Gman:
(For choices you have various foods on a stick, including chicken meats, dango and

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Nonsense, Miya-sama! You're quite the skilled samurai, from what I've observed!
How about this: I'll be doing some duties in Hope's Spring soon, would you like to
go hunting with me? I'll even teach you how to ride a Unicorn steed!"
GM Gman:
"...I'd like that a lot Shinjo-sama"

Shinjo Kimiko:
"And as a token of my acknowledgment, you can have this painting too!", she offered
him her newly won painting with yet another hearty smile.

GM Gman:
"Ah you've already given me so much, please don't give up your prize...." Although
he'll be somewhat insistent on the game of refusals, if Kimiko is determined he'll
acquiesce. That does leave the question of where to eat as you come to the food

Shinjo Kimiko:
"Hmm... how about some dango, Miya-sama?"

GM Gman:
"That sounds great Shinjo-sama"

GM Gman:
So you eat dango and wander around looking at various displays until the sun sinks
and the fire works come out...there under the moon and fireworks, Saito is daring.
Knowing he has to leave due to curfew, he leans over to Kimiko and kisses her on
the cheek before blushing and leaving her before she can react...when she does have
a mind to...she notices that tucked into her obi, is Saito's fan...

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