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Nama : Ali Hermawan

NPM : 2161001210016
Jurusan : Pendidikan Matematika
Fakultas : Pendidikan Ilmu Eksakta Dan Keolahragaan

1. Describe yourself at least 4 paragraph. Use an adjective

My name is Ali Hermawan, I am 37 years old. I was born in Sumenep on May 12nd, 1980.
I am a hardworking person and very often working over times at office. I am a kind hearted person,
patient but sometimes easily angry. I had average height, had little fat, and love to joke. I am happy
to help others who ask my help, so many friends are happy to be my friend. I’d love to spend my
holiday to the places that had panoramic and classic view such as Batu, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Bali,
Lombok, etc.
My parents live in Sumenep – Madura. My father died six years ago. During his daily life
my father was patient, not easily angry. He was very diligent in working. While my mother is a
beautiful person but easily angry. My mother loved to cook. She is good at making cooking with the
latest recipes.
Now I lived in Malang with my wife and my two sons. My wife is 33rd years old this year,
and she was a housewife. My wife is kind, beautiful, and very patient. She is great mother that
fulfilled her jobs in care and love, so do my sons to their mother. My beloved wife loved cleanliness
and always keep the house as clean as possible.

Sekarang saya tinggal di Malang bersama istri saya dan kedua anak saya. Istri saya
berumur 33 tahun, dia adalah ibu rumah tangga. Istri saya orangnya baik hati, cantik, dan sangat
sabar. Dia sangat baik dalam merawat kedua anak saya. Anak saya sangat sayang ke istri saya. Istri
saya sangat rajin memelihara kebersihan di rumah.

My first son is 8th years old, he is second grade on elementary school this year. He is smart,
kind-hearted soul, tolerant, and shy. He is filial son and love his parents and his sister. If there are
many peoples around he will sheepishly hid himself. My second daughter is 2nd years old, playful
and loved her brother, but little bit mushy.

Anak pertama saya laki-laki berumur 8 tahun, dia sekarang kelas 2 SD. Dia anaknya pintar,
penyayang, sabar dan sedikit pemalu. Dia sangat sayang ke orang tua dan ke adiknya. Akan tetapi
dia sedikit pemalu apabila berhadapan dengan banyak orang. Anak kedua saya seorang perempuan
berumur 2 tahun. Dia anaknya suka bermain dan sangat sayang kepada kakaknya, akan tetapi dia
agak sedikit cengeng.
2. Describe your favourite things. At least 3 paragraph

Waktu Indonesia Bercanda (WIB) hosted by Cak Lontong is my favorite TV Show. I Loved it
mainly because of the host, he is funny and sucks at the same times. Its questions don’t have
any common sense but made people laughing out loud when knowing the answer.

Saya sangat suka nonton acara Waktu Indonesia Bercanda. Apalagi pembawa acaranya
Cak Lontong. Orangnya sangat lucu dan sedikit menyebalkan. Apalagi soal-soal kuisnya sangat
sulit bias dijawab. Setelah tahu jawabannya membuat orang jadi jengkel dan ketawa.

Comedy is the thing that I loved the most, it made me laugh and feel elated. Laughing
made us stay young longer, but too much laughing is not proper thing to do, it harms you.

Saya sangat senang komedi, karena membuat kita menjadi terhibur dan ketawa. Ketawa
membuat kita menjadi lebih awet muda, tetapi jangan sampai kebanyakan ketawa karena hal
tersebut juga tidak baik dilihat orang lain.

By watching something funny like a comedy, I feel fresh and stress-free. When I felt that
my brain doesn’t work normally, or too much stress builds up in my body, or too much college
essay to do. I will find some comedy program to watch, it freed my boredom, stress, and all
negative emotions in me.

Dengan menonton hiburan seperti komedi membuat saya lebih fresh dan tidak stress.
Karena hiburan seperti komedi menjadi obat kejenuhan saya dalam bekerja, terkadang tugas kantor
atau tugas kuliah membuat kepala pusing dan pening.

3. Why do you choose Mathematics Program? Elaborate your answer/reason in 2 paragraph

I choose mathematic program because it’s my most loved subject. We use mathematics in our daily
live. Another reasons are I want to dig deeper to it, know it, and loved it. In almost every aspect in
our live, we need mathematics that’s why it’s very important to me.

Saya memilih jurusan matematika karena matematika merupakan pelajaran yang sangat
saya sukai. Ilmu matematika sangat dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain itu saya ingin
sekali mendalami ilmu Matematika yang sebelumnya pernah saya dapatkan di SMA. Di berbagai
bidang selalu diperlukan matematika, karena itu matematika sangat penting bagi saya.

I am a teacher. It’s in line with my personal love to mathematics subject, so that I could
deliver it beautifully to my students, and teach them how to loved it like I do.

Keinginan menjadi guru adalah cita-cita saya. Hal ini sejalan dengan pelajaran yang saya
sukai yaitu matematika saya ingin menjadi guru matematika yang bias menyampaikan pelajaran
matematika kepada siswa dengan baik.

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