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My favorite painting

There are many amazing paintings in the world, that evokes different feelings and emotions. And every
work of art inspires me differently.

But one of the most excellent Baroque painting, that affects me the most is the “Girl With A Pearl
Earring” .

It is the famous masterwork of the Dutch Realist painter Johannes Vermeer, created in the 17th – century.

In the past the painting has also been called ‘The Dutch Mona Lisa’ or ‘The Mona Lisa of the North’.

This painting illustrates a young wide-eyed girl in exotic dress, wearing an oriental turban and a large pearl
in her ear. She is going to tell something, because she slightly opens her mouth.

It is not a portrait, but a ‘tronie’ – a painting of an imaginary figure.

The girl’s features may have been inspired by a live model, but her identity is unknown.

The strength point of the painting is using light reflection, that makes the girl looks alive, by illuminating her
face and highlighting the shining pearl. The dark background also emphasize the girl’s white face .

The pearl earring in this painting is remarkable. It symbolizes innocence. Critics suggest that an earring of
this type didn’t exist at that time and it was painted from imagination.

I am fond of this painting, because it makes me to escape from reality into the fantasy by thinking about
it’s mysterious and deep meaning.

In my opinion, the young girl has an absolute beauty, because of her oval face , her youth, the softness and
delicacy of her skin and the innocent eyes.

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