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The international newspaper for the younger reader
13th August 2009
British English edition
Issue Number 99
In this issue
EU seal product ban
Lost music discovered
OBITUARY – Corazon Aquino
3D fossils
Pacific Islands Forum annual
Three amigos meet
Microsoft and Yahoo!
Gobi desert treasure
Canadian forest fires
Woodstock anniversary
Red supergiant photographed
Barcodes to Bokodes
Jury trials in Japan
Ocean rowing record
Official photograph of Bill Clinton and Kim Jong-il, taken in North Korea
Sudan trial postponed


NATO’s new leader
Growing new teeth
Supreme Court Justice
Bill Clinton, the former president of the two Americans had been arrested and appointed
USA, made an unexpected visit to North that they would be charged with spying. East Asian typhoons
Korea on 4th August. Soon after his ar- North and South Korea are two very Book review
rival North Korean officials announced different countries with a troubled his- Glossary and Sudoku prize
that two American journalists who had tory. They were a single country when competitions
been imprisoned there would be allowed Korea was taken over by Japan in 1910.
to return home. After Japan was defeated at the end of
The two journalists, Laura Ling and the Second World War in 1945 Korea
Euna Lee, work for an American televi- became divided. The USA occupied the English as a
sion company. In March they travelled to southern part and Russia occupied the foreign
an area in China close to the border with north. Each set up a different type of
North Korea. The two women planned to government. The USA introduced demo- language?
make a film about North Koreans who cratic elections. The Russians set up a
try to leave the country to go to live in communist government under the leader
South Korea. Kim Il-sung.
The journalists and two other people Kim Il-sung died in 1994 and North
crossed a river that runs along the border Korea is now run by his son, Kim Jong-il. Recommended
between China and North Korea, on 17th In 1950 North Korea invaded the
March. Ms Ling and Ms Lee were then South. The United Nations (UN) – us-
captured by North Korean border guards. ing mostly American troops – supported for
The other two people managed to get the South, while China helped the North. TEFL and ESL
away. Later, North Korean officials said After three years of fighting a truce was
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 2

signed that ended the Korean War. Instead they attempt to cross the bor- release the two women to Mr Clin-
Today the border between the two der into China. They hope to meet ton. However, Mr Clinton must have
countries, called the DMZ (Demili- people who are willing to help them asked the American government for
tarized Zone), is where the opposing get to Beijing, the capital of China, permission to travel to North Korea.
armies faced each other when the and then to South Korea. Those that All President Obama would say was
fighting stopped. are caught get severely punished. that he was very pleased both jour-
The two journalists who were ar- nalists had been released.
rested were put on trial on 8th June. Recently North Korea and sev-
They were found guilty of illegally eral other countries, including the
entering North Korea and sentenced USA and South Korea, have been
NORTH to 12 years of hard labour in a prison arguing about North Korea develop-
KOREA camp. American officials protested. ing nuclear weapons. Many believe
They said the trial had been un- Mr Clinton and Mr Kim must have
fair and the two journalists should talked about this problem.
Sea of
Japan be released. Some people criticised Mr Clin-
Mr Clinton is the husband of Hil- ton’s visit. They said it was a propa-
lary Clinton, a senior member of ganda victory for North Korea to get
the American government. He was such a well-known person to visit,
KOREA president of the USA from 1993 to and that it would strengthen Mr
2001. Many people were surprised Kim’s Stalinist regime. 
JAPAN to learn Mr Clinton had arrived in
Pyongyang, the capital of North Ko-
Now South Korea has one of the rea, on a private plane. CANADA PROTESTS EU SEAL BAN
most successful economies in the Soon after Mr Clinton and Mr
world. North Korea has remained Kim finished a three-hour meeting it Canada is angry about a recent rul-
a closed country. Many people de- was announced that the two Ameri- ing made by the European Union
scribe it as the world’s last ‘Stalinist’ can women had been pardoned. (EU). The ruling was made after a
state. This name is used to describe They were allowed to fly back to the vote in the European Parliament on
countries that are run by a single USA with Mr Clinton. 27th July. It says no products made
person as a dictatorship. They have from seals can be sold within EU
no elections, everything is owned member countries.
by the state and people can be eas- Canada has a seal hunt every
ily imprisoned without a fair trial. year. Government officials insist
The term ‘Stalinist’ comes from that all seal hunters in the country
Joseph Stalin, a former leader of the have to follow very strict rules if
Soviet Union. they wish to take part. These rules
North Korea spends a lot of its are to make sure seals are killed in
Laura Ling and Euna Lee arrive back in the USA
money on its army and military a humane way. The rules also state
equipment. Most people living Mr Kim said Mr Clinton had how many seals can be killed each
there are poor and many do not brought a courteous message from year so seal populations do not be-
have enough to eat. Kim Jong-il, the President Barack Obama. But peo- come too low.
North Korean leader, says a large ple who work for President Obama As it obeys all the rules about
army is needed to defend his coun- insisted he did not send a message to seal hunting, Canada claims the EU
try against a possible attack by other Mr Kim. They claimed Mr Clinton’s ban is illegal. Products made from
countries such as the USA. trip had been a private visit. seal skin or pelts include water-
Some North Koreans try to es- Some people think North Korean proof jackets and shoes, and seal fur
cape to South Korea. However, it officials had contacted the journal- coats. Seal blubber – the animals’
is impossible to cross the DMZ ists’ families in the USA and said thick layer of fat – is also used to
because it is so heavily guarded. North Korea would be prepared to make oil.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 3

Canada says it will ask the World they say, meant many people did The two ‘missing’ Mozart pieces
Trade Organization (WTO) to help not take part in the hunt this year, as of music were discovered in a note-
it argue against the EU ban. The the cost of hunting seals was higher book owned by the Foundation. The
WTO is an international organisa- than the amount for which the pelts notebook contains music pieces that
tion that was set up in 1996. Part could be sold. Mozart’s father collected for his
of its job is to settle arguments and While the hunters insist it is im- daughter – Mozart’s sister. Many of
disputes about international trad- portant for the population of seals to the pieces of music in the book were
ing among its member countries. be controlled others say seal hunt- written by Mozart’s father. Experts
Before going to the WTO, Cana- ing is cruel. Many were therefore think he put them together to help
dian officials will meet with repre- pleased with the EU’s ban on the his daughter as she learnt to read
sentatives from the EU to try to find sale of seal products. One group and play music.
a solution. said it hopes there will eventually be But recently someone noticed
a total ban of all seal hunting. that two of the piano pieces in the
notebook, although written in the
handwriting of Mozart’s father,
NEW MOZART MUSIC DISCOVERED seemed very different from the style
of music he composed. The pieces
In July two short pieces of music contain a few mistakes, which Mo-
were discovered in an old music zart’s father had corrected.
book in Salzburg, in Austria. On 2nd After studying the pieces – a one-
August a musician played them on minute prelude and a four-minute
a piano. Yet they were no ordinary concerto – experts now believe Mo-
Canada believes the EU’s ar- pieces of music, and the piano was zart composed them on the piano
gument against seal hunting is a special one. The music was com- while his father, sitting next to him,
more about people’s emotions and posed by, and the piano belonged to, wrote the notes down. They think
not about facts or the realities of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was around eight years old
seal hunting. For example, it ac- Many people consider Mozart to when he composed the music.
cuses some EU member countries be one of the world’s greatest com-
of showing pictures of white-coat posers. He died at the age of 35 in
baby seals when discussing seal 1791, but in his short life he wrote
hunting, even though these baby more than 600 different pieces of
seals have not been hunted for 20 music. These include operas, mu-
years. Canadian officials say it’s un- sic for choirs, piano concertos and
fair to use emotional pictures such chamber music. He first started
as these instead of arguing using composing when he was only five
scientific facts. years old.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Around 80% of Canada’s seal Mozart was born in the city of
hunting industry is in the province Salzburg, in what is now Austria. On 2nd August the two piano
of Newfoundland and Labrador, His father was also a musician and pieces were played on Mozart’s
on the east coast of the country. taught his children to play music piano in his old house – the first
Many people living in this region and to speak foreign languages. time they had been played in 200
make their living by hunting seals The house where Mozart lived years. Music experts said they were
and selling the products made from in Salzburg now belongs to the In- amazed Mozart was able to com-
them. The banning of the sale of any ternational Mozarteum Foundation. pose them at such a young age.
seal products in the EU will mean This organisation looks after places This isn’t the first discovery of
the amount of money these people associated with the composer, col- ‘lost’ pieces of Mozart’s music. Last
can make could be greatly reduced. lects items that belonged to him, year an unknown piece handwritten
They complain the price of seal and encourages people to study by Mozart was found in a library in
pelts has already decreased. This, his music. France. 
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 4


Housewife who became the first female president of the Philippines
Corazon Aquino was the first woman to be elected 1972. Mrs Aquino took part in some of these street
president of an Asian country. She died of cancer protests wearing a bright yellow dress.
on 1st August, aged 76. In 1985, in response to the demonstrations,
Corazon Cojuangco, known as ‘Cory’, was born on President Marcos surprised many people by say-
25th January 1933. Her family was very wealthy ing an election would be held in the following
and Cory was the sixth of eight children. year. Many Filipinos wanted Mrs Aquino to stand
Ms Cojuangco went to study in the USA after against him. Yet she was reluctant, saying she was
finishing school. Soon after returning to the Phil- a housewife and had no experience of politics. But
ippines to study law she married Benigno ‘Ninoy’ eventually she agreed to be a candidate.
Aquino. Ninoy Aquino was a young politician. Af- Immediately after the election President Mar-
ter their marriage he became governor of a region cos declared he was the winner, although many
of the Philippines and was elected to the Sen- people knew he had cheated and Mrs Aquino had
ate – part of the country’s parliament – in 1967. won. One group of soldiers, including several sen-
When her husband began his political career, ior officers, mutinied. Thousands of people, many
Mrs Aquino gave up her studies to look after her wearing yellow clothes, surrounded the army base
growing family. to protect these soldiers against attack from other
At that time Ferdinand Marcos was the presi- military groups loyal to President Marcos.
dent of the Philippines. He had been The USA advised President Mar-
elected in 1965. Many people ex- cos to leave the country and said
pected Mrs Aquino’s husband to be he could move to America. Presi-
a candidate in the 1973 presidential dent Marcos agreed to go. He and
election. By then President Marcos his wife Imelda – who was later to
would have completed two four-year become famous for her huge collec-
terms as president and would, by law, tion of shoes –went to live in the
not be allowed to stand again. USA. The mass demonstrations that
But in 1972, President Marcos said ended President Marcos’s rule be-
he and the army were taking control. came known as ‘people power’.
He insisted this was necessary be- Soon after becoming president Mrs
cause the country was under threat from militant Aquino forced senior people in the military and the
groups. Mr Aquino and many other politicians that government who had supported President Marcos
opposed President Marcos were imprisoned. to resign. She ordered the release of all those who
In 1980 President Marcos agreed to release Mr had been imprisoned for their political beliefs. Mrs
Aquino. He and his family were forced to leave the Aquino also arranged for the country to have a new
Philippines so they went to live in the USA. Three constitution – the set of rules by which the country
years later Mr Aquino decided to return. As soon as would be run. This was to make sure the Philippines
he got off the plane in Manila, the capital city, he was would always have democratically-elected leaders.
shot dead by a soldier at the airport. Many blamed When her term as president ended Mrs Aquino de-
President Marcos for Mr Aquino’s assassination. cided not to stand for re-election. Instead she said
A few days later Mrs Aquino arrived for her hus- she wanted to become an ‘ordinary citizen’ again.
band’s funeral. During the funeral over two million On 4th August tens of thousands of people,
people crowded into the streets of central Manila. many wearing yellow, crowded into the streets
The funeral turned out to be the first of many mass of Manila near the church where her funeral took
demonstrations against President Marcos, who place. Cory Aquino was buried next to her husband
had been running the country as a dictator since and leaves behind a son and four daughters.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 5

NEW TECHNOLOGY USED ON behaviour and habits. For example, General is Tuiloma Neroni Slade,
ANCIENT FOSSILS the scientists think the insect with who is from Samoa. When the Fo-
spikes might have developed them rum holds its annual meeting, the
Two ancient relatives of modern- to put off predators. The other one’s leader of the country in which it is
day spiders have been ‘brought back grasping legs were at an angle that held acts as the ‘Chair’. The ‘Chair’
to life’ using x-rays and computer could have allowed it to grab and organises all the discussions. As this
scanning technology. hold its prey before killing it. year’s meeting was held in Cairns,
The scientists are now plan- the ‘Chair’ was Kevin Rudd, the
ning to use their new method to prime minister of Australia.
study other small fossils trapped in In May this year the members of
rocks.  the Forum voted to suspend Fiji. This
was the first time a member country
had been suspended since the organi-
PACIFIC COUNTRIES MEET sation was set up 38 years ago.
In 2006, Frank Bainimarama, the
3D images of 300 million year-old fossils
Members of the Pacific Islands commander of Fiji’s military forces,
Scientists working in the UK Forum held their annual meeting deposed the elected prime minister
wanted to study the fossils of two between 5th and 6th August. The a took over the run-
small insect creatures that lived meeting took place in Cairns, in ning of the country.
around 300 million years ago. Nor- Australia. The members discussed The other members
mally this would be done by break- many topics, including climate of the Forum said
ing open the rock the fossils are in. change and problems with the gov- this was illegal. They
Yet doing this, especially when the ernment in Fiji. insisted that control of Fiji should
insects are small and have long thin The Pacific Islands Forum is be handed back to a democratically-
legs, often damages the fossils. a group made up of independent elected leader.
So instead of trying to break open countries in the Pacific Ocean. It At first Commander Bainima-
the rock the scientists used X-rays was started in 1971. At first there rama said new elections would be
and some specially-written compu- were seven members. The group has held in the early part of 2009. Yet
ter software to make three-dimen- now grown to 16 member countries. recently he has announced that elec-
sional (3D) images of the ‘trapped’ The Forum is led by a Secretary- tions are now unlikely to happen
fossilised insects. General. The current Secretary- before 2014. Government officials
X-rays are a form of radiation. in Fiji are angry about their suspen-
When X-rays are directed at some- MI
sion from the Forum. They say it is
thing – such as the human body – P FM not up to other members of the Fo-
they can show a picture of what is PNG NR
K rum to tell Fijians how to run their
inside it. Around 3,000 X-rays were WS
own country.
taken of the rock from many differ- F TO N The members of the Forum think
ent angles. These pictures were then Fiji is suffering because it does not
transferred to a computer, where the have a democratically-elected gov-
software built up a 3D image of the ZEALAND ernment. Traditionally Fiji has been
fossils inside the rock. Pacific Islands Forum Members
a popular place for holiday makers.
The images showed that one Australia Tonga (TO)
But since 2006 fewer people have
of the spider-like creatures had New Zealand Federated States of been visiting the island’s holiday
spikes on its back. The other had Kiribati (K) Micronesia (FM) resorts. Many countries have also
Palau (P) Marshall Islands (MI)
front legs that could grab or grasp reduced the amount of trade they do
Solomon Islands (SI) Tuvalu (T)
something. Being able to find out Cook Islands (CI) Fiji (F) (suspended) with Fiji. These changes have had a
these small details about creatures’ Nauru (NR) Niue (N) bad effect on Fiji’s economy. Many
bodies means scientists can make Papua New Guinea Western Samoa (WS) of its workers are now not able to
(PNG) Vanuatu (V)
better guesses about the creatures’ earn as much money as they used to.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 6

The Forum held several discus- criminal drug gangs have been fight- two years. These problems have
sions on climate change and trade. ing in the north of Mexico. Many meant trade among the three coun-
It says climate change is a threat to people have been killed and Presi- tries has decreased.
coral reefs and fishing areas in the dent Calderón has sent soldiers to the The American government has
Pacific region. Many of the island area to help the police. made a decision to spend large
countries that are members of the amounts of money on rebuilding
Forum are low lying and only a few things such as roads and bridges.
metres above sea level. If sea lev- Many Americans believe contracts
els rise because of climate change, for this work should be awarded to
there is a danger that people will American building companies. But
no longer be able to live in these Prime Minister Harper reminded
countries.  President Obama they have a trade
agreement, which means Canadian
companies should be allowed to
THREE FRIENDS GET TOGETHER The leaders of Canada, Mexico and the USA
compete for this work.
In the past the USA has offered Recently, Mexican trucks have
The North American Leaders’ Sum- Mexico help by giving it money been banned from working in the
mit took place between 8th and 11th to be used in its fight against the USA. President Calderón is unhap-
August in Guadalajara, the second- drug gangs. However, recently the py about the ban and asked Presi-
largest city in Mexico. two countries have disagreed about dent Obama to cancel it.
The Summit is an annual meet- the amount of money and when it All three countries have been af-
ing of the prime minister of Canada should be paid. fected by swine flu. In recent months
and the presidents of Mexico and Canada and Mexico have more the number of cases has been de-
the USA. These official meetings trade with the USA than with any creasing. But medical experts pre-
among the three countries first other country. The USA and many dict the number of people catching
began in 2005. other countries have been affected swine flu will greatly increase in the
Just before the first meeting was by financial problems over the past autumn. The three leaders discussed
held in the USA the president of plans about how to deal with the vi-
America at the time, George W Bush, NEWSCAST rus if this should happen. 
described the three leaders as the ‘tres LOST DOG COMES HOME — Animal
amigos’ (which is Spanish for ‘three rescue workers received a phone
friends’). Since then the summit has call about a dog being kept in a MICROSOFT AND YAHOO!
often been described as the ‘three yard in Melbourne, in Australia.
amigos’ or ‘three friends’ summit. The caller said the dog was being On 29th July the Microsoft and Ya-
This year’s meeting was attended badly treated. The rescue workers hoo! companies announced that they
by Stephen Harper, the prime min- took the dog away and discovered have made a ten-year agreement to
ister of Canada, Felipe Calderón, she had a microchip – an identi- work with one another. Both com-
the president of Mexico, and Barack fication tag – under her skin with panies are based in the USA. Micro-
Obama, the president of the USA. her owners’ details on it. The real soft is the world’s biggest software
The three main subjects dis- owners of the dog lived over 1,700 company and Yahoo! is one of the
cussed were the current ‘drugs kilometres (1,060 miles) away. world’s leading web portals.
war’ in northern Mexico, increas- They had lost her nine years ago. Most experts agree that Micro-
ing trade among the three countries, Nobody knows what happened to soft wanted to make an agreement
and the H1N1 virus – often called the dog during that time. But her with Yahoo! because it now needs to
swine flu. owners – whose daughter was compete with the Google Company.
Many of the illegal drugs sold eight when the dog was lost and is Not very long ago Google and
in America and Canada are smug- now 17 – said they were delighted Microsoft were very different. Micro-
gled across the border from Mexico to get their pet back. soft made money from selling soft-
into the USA. For over a year large ware and Google sold online display
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 7

advertising and ‘pay per click’ adverts to attract as many people as the arrested the monks and closed down
on its internet search engine. Google search engine does. It is the monastery.
Yet recently each company has estimated Microsoft and Yahoo! One of the monks, called Tuduv,
started to get involved in the other’s will have 28% of internet searches realised what was about to hap-
business areas. Microsoft has creat- in the USA, against Google’s 65%. pen. He managed to take 64 boxes
ed a new search engine called Bing In the rest of the world Google is of treasures and relics out of the
to compete with Google. Google has even further ahead. It has 67% of monastery and bury them in the
launched an internet browser called internet searches while Microsoft desert before the soldiers arrived.
Chrome, which now competes with and Yahoo! combined only have It’s thought there were as many as
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. And 11%.  1,500 boxes in the monastery. All
Google says in the near future it will except those taken by Tuduv were
launch a new free operating system, destroyed by the soldiers.
also called Chrome. This will com- MONGOLIAN BURIED TREASURE Tuduv managed to escape and
pete with Microsoft’s Windows op- eventually became an animal herder.
erating system. A set of rare treasures has been dis- He passed on the secret of where the
covered buried in the Gobi desert, boxes were hidden to his grandson –
in Mongolia. They were uncovered Zundoi Altangerel.
by a museum-owner, Zundoi Altan- In the early 1990s the communist
gerel, and an amateur archaeologist, Russian-led Soviet Union collapsed.
Michael Eisenriegler. On 1st August Soon afterwards Mongolia became
a live internet broadcast showed the an independent country with a
two men digging up boxes contain- democratically-elected government.
ing valuable Buddhist relics. The The new government changed many
boxes had been buried in the desert of the old communist rules. People
Last year Microsoft wanted to over 70 years ago. were allowed to practise religions
buy the Yahoo! Company. It of- The treasures include statues, old again. The Khamaryn monastery
fered to pay US$47.5 billion (£30 manuscripts, musical instruments, was reopened in 1991. It is now
billion). But the bosses of Yahoo! holy texts called sutras, and cloth- home to 20 monks.
decided not to accept Microsoft’s ing. They originally came from a
offer. Many experts criticised this remote Buddhist monastery.
decision. They said Yahoo!’s search The Khamaryn monastery was
engine business had fallen so far home to Danzan Ravjaa, a Buddhist
behind Google that it would be sen- master. He lived from 1803 to 1856.
sible to accept Microsoft’s offer. He was recognised as a Buddhist
Now, only a year later, the value of incarnation. Danzan Ravjaa wrote
Yahoo! is estimated to be US$22 many poems and set up several
billion (£13.75 billion). schools. Even today there are many
Zundoi Altangerel with one of the statues
In the Microsoft-Yahoo! agree- legends about him.
ment neither company will pay any When Danzan Ravjaa died his Mr Altangerel then decided to
money to the other. Microsoft will be body was mummified and placed dig up 20 of the boxes. He set up
able to use the Yahoo! search technol- inside a temple within the monas- a museum, called the Danzan Rav-
ogy in its Bing search engine. For the tery. Boxes containing treasures and jaa Museum, where the contents
first five years Yahoo! will get 88% manuscripts were placed around of the boxes could be displayed.
of the money Microsoft’s search en- his body. The museum is in the town of
gine makes from search advertising Mongolia became a communist Sainshand, 400 kilometres (250
or ‘pay per click’ sales. country in 1921, supported by Rus- miles) from Ulaanbaatar, the capital
While most experts think the sia. Later the communists banned of Mongolia.
agreement is a good idea, they say people from following any religion. In 2008, while travelling around
it will still be difficult for Bing In the 1930s the Mongolian army Mongolia, Mr Eisenriegler heard
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 8

about the museum and the story of dead plants and leaves on the The Woodstock Festival took
behind the relics. He persuaded Mr ground. When a forest fire reaches place between 15th and 18th August
Altangerel to dig up some more of the burnt area, there is no fuel so it 1969. It has become known as one
the boxes. goes out, or can be easily controlled. of the most significant moments in
Mr Altangerel says he now plans Other provinces in Canada have the history of modern music.
to dig up the remaining boxes. His- helped by sending firefighters to The 1969 event was planned as an
torians are studying the manuscripts BC. Several forest fires are still outdoor music and arts festival. Resi-
that have been found, to discover burning and firefighters are work- dents of the town of Middletown, in
what life was like in the monastery ing hard to control them. More than the state of New
over 150 years ago.  4,000 people have been involved in York, where the
the firefighting efforts. festival was origi-
Due to the dry forests the BC nally planned, op-
FOREST FIRES IN CANADA authorities have announced a camp posed it. The or-
fire ban. On 6th August, officials be- ganisers said they
British Columbia (BC) is a province gan visiting parks and forests where expected about
in the west of Canada. Local offi- people go camping. Anyone found 50,000 people
cials say this summer could be one to have lit a campfire was fined. One to attend. So the
Woodstock poster
of BC’s worst ever for forest fires. official said the campfire ban was town passed a
Forest fires happen during most important and people should un- law that said special permits had to be
summers in many parts of the world. derstand how dangerous campfires given to hold events with a crowd of
When the weather gets very hot it is can be when the forest is very dry. over 5,000.
easy for forest fires to start. Areas He said the firefighting teams were A hotel owner in the town of
such as BC have a lot of thunder- busy fighting fires caused by light- Bethel, about 70 kilometres (44
storms in the summer months, and ning and should not have to worry miles) from Woodstock, already had
lightning can easily start fires. When that people might accidentally start a permit to hold outdoor music con-
forests are very hot and dry they even more fires. certs. Yet the land he owned was not
burn easily. So when a fire starts it Fire experts from Australia and large enough. So he arranged to rent
can spread very quickly. New Zealand have travelled to BC. some land from a local farmer.
They have been asked to help so Ca- News about the festival quickly
nadian fire experts can have a break spread. On the day it started more
from working. Officials say it is im-
portant for those organising the fire- NEWSCAST
fighting to make the correct decisions, UNUSUAL PASSENGER — People trav-
so they need to be able to take a rest. elling on a flight from Abu Dhabi,
A BC official said although in the UAE, to Cairo, the capital of
the fires are very serious, the fire- Egypt, were startled when some-
fighting effort has been a success. one’s pet crawled out of a luggage
So far no lives have been lost and bag and began walking up the aisle
Forest fire
very few buildings have been of the plane. The ‘pet’ was a baby
Areas and countries that have destroyed.  crocodile. People in the plane said
forest fires make plans and prepa- the crocodile was about 30 centi-
rations to deal with them. Officials metres (12 inches) long. A crew
send warnings to people to leave ANNIVERSARY CONCERT CANCELLED member caught the crocodile and
their homes when the area they live the flight continued safely. None
in is threatened by fire. It is also A lack of money has meant plans to of the passengers admitted to own-
possible to prevent, slow down or hold a free music concert in the USA ing the escaped reptile. When the
stop a forest fire by lighting another have had to be cancelled. The concert plane landed, the crocodile was
one on purpose. This is called a was to be held to mark the 40th an- taken to Cairo Zoo.
back burn. The back burn gets rid niversary of the Woodstock Festival.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 9

and more people arrived. It is esti- of Orion. The astronomers used a that encompasses the orbits of Mer-
mated as many as 500,000 people new method of producing extremely cury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
attended. News reports showed pic- clear images of very distant objects. The astronomers’ new process-
tures of huge traffic jams and warned ing system is able to take pictures
people not to go to the concert. that have a very high resolution.
There were many problems dur- The photographs show Betelgeuse
ing the festival because so many has a large plume of gas extend-
people went to it. Volunteers flew ing out into space from its surface.
in extra food, medical supplies and There also appear to be enormous
even doctors. The event became gas bubbles just under the surface of
memorable because, despite all of the giant star.
the problems, it was peaceful. Giants such as Betelgeuse lose a
In 1969, the USA was involved in lot of mass very quickly. Astrono-
the Vietnam War in south east Asia. mers are not really sure why this
The war had lasted a long time and is, but they know it means the most
many younger people in the USA massive stars die very quickly com-
didn’t support it. At the time large pared with smaller ones. Betelgeuse
numbers of young American men is a dying star. It is estimated that
had to join the military. This was every 10,000 years Betelgeuse loses
The Orion constellation
known as the draft. Some of those an amount of material – gas and dust
drafted were killed in the war. To take the pictures the scientists – of the same mass as our Sun.
During the Woodstock festival used the VLT, in Chile, in South The astronomers think the new
some performers sang anti-Viet- America. The VLT – which stands pictures could give the answer
nam War songs. The event became for Very Large Telescope – was to why giant stars lose so much
a symbol of peace and a protest set up by 14 European countries to material every year. The gas bub-
against the war in Vietnam. study stars as they are seen from the bles might be causing this mate-
An arts centre has been built southern hemisphere. The telescope rial to be thrown out into space in
where the Woodstock Festival took is positioned on the top of a high plumes such as the one photo-
place. The centre opened in 2006. mountain in the Atacama Desert. graphed on Betelgeuse.
One of the groups that played at the The star the astronomers have
photographed is called Betelgeuse
festival in 1969 gave a concert at the
centre when it opened. (pronounced Bet-el-jooz). It is the
Some small concerts are planned second-brightest star in Orion and
to mark the 40th anniversary of one of the brightest in the night
Woodstock, and several books have sky, so it is easy to spot. The star is
been published. These tell the story many thousands of times brighter
than our Sun – but it doesn’t look
of the festival and the things it came
to symbolise. Yet no sponsor could as bright to us because it is so far
be found to provide the money away. Betelgeuse is estimated to be
Picture of Betelgeuse taken using the VLT
needed to pay for a free music event about 600 light years away from the
similar to the original Woodstock Earth. A light year is the distance a Astronomers think Betelgeuse
festival.  single beam of light could travel in will collapse and explode, possibly
one year. within the next 1,000 years. This is
Betelgeuse is known as a red super- known as a supernova. Scientists say
SUPERGIANT PHOTOGRAPHED giant – the name given to the biggest when Betelgeuse becomes a super-
stars. It is several hundred times more nova it will appear to be as bright as
French and German astronomers have massive than our Sun. If Betelgeuse the Moon in both the daytime and the
released new pictures of one of the were at the centre of our solar system night sky for a period of a few weeks
stars that make up the constellation it would extend over the whole area or months, before it disappears. 
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 10


Black-and-white striped barcodes may soon sports, RFID tags are attached to the numbers on
disappear. Scientists in the USA have announced competitors’ chests to record accurately how long
they have developed a new system to replace the person takes to run a race. In many countries,
them. Called bokodes, they are much smaller than transport systems use RFID tags for payment of
barcodes, but can store a lot more information. road tolls. Some schools even attach RFID tags to
Using barcodes for automated checkout students’ uniforms and belongings.
counters in shops was first thought of in 1932. The new bokodes can hold thousands of times
Yet it took 40 years to fully develop the idea. A more data than barcodes and RFID tags. Each
supermarket in Ohio, in the USA, was the first bokode is circular and only three millimetres
shop to use barcodes in 1974. (0.12 inches) in diameter. It contains a light-
Items can be sold quickly using barcodes. Be- emitting diode (LED) – an electronic light source.
fore barcodes were invented, people had to read This is covered with a tiny mask and a lens. The
and type in an item’s price to the cash register, light shines through the mask so its brightness
which took much longer. At first barcodes were depends on the angle from which it is viewed.
only used in supermarkets. However, it was soon Unlike barcodes, bokodes can be read from a long
realised that, as they can store data that identifies way away. Even cameras on mobile phones can
an item, barcodes could have many other uses. read the information on them.
They are now used for many things, The developers think bokodes
such as tracking stock in warehous- could replace barcodes in many
es, identifying library books, and for places. For example, someone food
tracing luggage at airports. shopping could read the information
A barcode scanner is needed to stored on bokodes with a mobile
read the data stored on a barcode. phone camera. This could give the
Most scanners use a beam of light item’s price, nutritional value, ‘use
that can read the black-and-white by’ date and even recipes in which it
striped pattern. The scanner sends can be used.
this data to a computer that can be A bokode Bokodes may be useful in class-
programmed to carry out different tasks. For ex- rooms. Students could use individual bokodes to
ample, in a supermarket it would add the price of interact with large teaching displays. Shops and
the item to a shopping bill and then order another restaurants could put bokodes on their windows
item to replace the one that had just been sold. and on large advertisements. A camera placed to
In libraries, barcodes can record the names and read such bokodes could display the information
addresses of people who borrow books and the on people’s computers.
computer can then calculate any fines if books Currently the main disadvantage of bokodes is
are returned late. that they are expensive to make. They cost around
Other tracking systems, such as radio frequency US$5.00 (£3.00) each. This is because of the LED
identification (RFID) tags, have been developed and lens and the need for a source of power.
that are similar to barcodes. Most RFID tags have However, the developers believe they will soon be
an electric circuit for storing and processing data, able to make reflective hologram bokodes. These
and a small antenna for sending and receiving will be much cheaper as they will not need a
radio signals. power source.
RFID tags are currently used for several pur- As bokodes can provide a very simple way of
poses. For instance, some countries such as Ma- storing and accessing large amounts of informa-
laysia, Norway, Japan, the UK and the USA issue tion, the developers are sure their new invention
passports with RFID tags. In some competitive will soon replace both barcodes and RFID tags.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 11


and that these should be decided by
JAPAN judges who have legal training. Oth-
MONEY FOR A RAINY DAY — A Ger- ers believe juries are very important.
A jury trial has taken place in Ja- man airline has come up with a They say this is because police evi-
pan. It was the country’s first trial new plan to encourage people to dence is not always correct and that
of this type for over 60 years. The choose to fly on holiday on its citizens should be able to play a part
trial, which finished on 6th August, planes. The company, Lufthansa, in the justice system. 
ended when the jury found a man has offered people ‘sunshine in-
guilty of murdering his neighbour. surance’ – money back if it rains
A jury is a group of people select- while they are on holiday. People OCEAN RECORD
ed to take part in a court case when pay an extra fee when booking
someone is accused of committing their flights. Then for every day A teacher from the UK has become
a crime. The jury listens to all the on which more than five millime- the first woman to row on her own
evidence in court and decides if the tres (0.2 inches) of rain falls, they across the Indian Ocean. Only three
person who has been accused – the receive a payment as compensa- other people have managed to row
defendant – is guilty or not guilty. tion. Passengers could receive up solo across this ocean before.
Some historians say the first jury to €200 (£170) if they are very Sarah Outen, who is 24 years old,
trials took place in Ancient Greece. unlucky with the weather on their rowed from Perth, on the west coast
Others say they date to the 1100s in holidays. The airline says the in- of Australia, to the island of Mauri-
England. Countries that don’t hold surance has been very popular tius. She arrived in Mauritius on 3rd
jury trials usually rely on one or with passengers. August. The trip was 6,400 kilome-
more judges to decide if someone is tres (4,000 miles) long and took 124
guilty or not guilty of the crime of rare for a judge to find a person days to complete.
which they are accused. not guilty.
Many countries that have jury tri- In Japan, the jury members are
als base their justice systems on the called lay judges, or citizen judges.
one used in England. In these coun- Six members of the public took part
tries, it is considered a person’s right in the jury trial. The jury heard the
to be ‘tried by jury’. The number of trial alongside a panel of judges.
jury members, or jurors, differs from The jury are allowed to question
country to country. For example, in the person on trial. They are also al-
the UK it is 12, and in Italy six. Nor- lowed to decide on the punishment
Sarah Outen and her boat, Serendipity
mally members of the jury have to if they find the person on trial is
be between 18 and 70 years old and guilty. Japan has the death penalty, Ms Outen set off from Perth
must not have a criminal record. which means a jury is allowed to in February. Soon afterwards, she
In English law when a jury finds sentence someone to death. had to abandon the attempt. This
someone guilty of a crime, a judge Thousands of people queued to get was because some of the electrical
decides on the punishment. If a jury tickets to see the trial, which was held equipment on her boat did not work
cannot decide whether a person is in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Mil- correctly. After this was fixed she
guilty or not guilty, the judge may or- lions more watched it on television. set off again.
der another trial with a different jury. The 72-year-old defendant admitted During her successful trip she
Japan has experimented with tri- he had killed his 66-year-old neigh- lived on dried foods. If the sea was
als by jury in the past. The military bour after they had an argument. The not too rough she was able to cook
government stopped them in 1943. jury found him guilty and decided he a hot meal. Ms Outen also took
Since then it has been up to a judge, should spend 15 years in prison. 500 chocolate bars with her, for
or judges, to decide if someone is Not everyone in Japan agrees extra energy, and four litres (seven
guilty. While there are fewer people with the new jury trial system. Some pints) of sun cream. She posted
convicted of crimes in Japan than say citizen judges will not be able updates on her website throughout
in many other countries, it is very to understand complicated cases, her trip.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 12

Just before Ms Outen arrived in Ms Outen had not seen another Hussein says it is important to
Mauritius her boat, called Serendip- person for 124 days. She said she bring everyone’s attention to a law
ity, was hit by several large waves. was very happy to see all the peo- she believes is being used to treat
The boat turned over and she was ple who came out to meet her. They women unfairly.
thrown into the sea, although she included her mother, who had trav- In Sudan laws govern how wom-
was still attached to the boat by a elled to Mauritius. en are allowed to dress. They must
rope. The upturned boat dragged her While Ms Outen was a student at wear headscarves and can be arrest-
across some coral reefs. This badly university her father died. She dedi- ed for wearing whatever is thought
injured her foot. After she managed cated her trip to her father and kept of as ‘indecent’ clothing.
to get back to the boat she turned a picture of him on her boat. She Ms Hussein was arrested at the
it over again but soon realised all also raised £11,000 (€12,800) for beginning of July. She says the
her communication equipment had a charity that supports people who police came into the restaurant she
been lost. have arthritis, a disease that affects was in, and arrested 13 women who
Ms Outen set off some flares, the joints. were all wearing trousers.
which she hoped would be seen Ms Outen is now the youngest Ten of the women are reported
by her support team. She knew her woman to row solo across any ocean to have accepted the punishment
team was waiting for her to arrive in the world.  the authorities ordered. They were
in Mauritius. As soon as her sup- flogged, or beaten, ten times, and
porters saw the flares they went out had to pay a fine. Ms Hussein and
in a boat. Once they had found Ms ‘TROUSER TRIAL’ two other women decided they
Outen they guided her back to the wanted to have a trial instead of just
shore. This meant Ms Outen was A woman in Sudan who was arrest- accepting the punishment.
able to row the final part of her ed for wearing trousers wants her The problem, say Ms Hussein and
record-breaking journey. case to be tried in a law court. Lubna her supporters, is that the law states

CANADA Newfoundland
and Labrador U. K.
Columbia GERMANY
U. S. A.


taken by


This map shows countries to which news stories refer in this issue. Visit for more detailed world maps.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 13

women can be arrested for wear- believes the Sudanese authorities are Taliban, a group that insists on what
ing indecent clothing, yet it does just using their version of Sharia law many consider are very strict Islamic
not say exactly what this means. to treat women unfairly. rules, was in control of Afghanistan.
So some officials might decide Many people think the Suda- After the USA was attacked it led
trousers are indecent, while others nese government is embarrassed by an invasion of Afghanistan to try to
don’t think so. This means women Ms Hussein’s trial, especially as it capture the leaders of al-Qaeda. In
don’t know what they may and may has been reported in many foreign 2003, other NATO member coun-
not wear. Ms Hussein believes the newspapers and on television broad- tries agreed to send troops to Af-
clothing law is just being used to casts. On 4th August the judge said ghanistan to help the USA and the
harass women. he had decided to postpone Ms Hus- new Afghan government stop the
sein’s trial until September.  Taliban from seizing control of the
country again.
The war has caused disagree-
NEW NATO LEADER ments and arguments among some
NATO member countries. Most
Anders Fogh Rasmussen is a former people think Secretary-General
prime minister of Denmark. On 1st Rasmussen’s first job will be to try
August he officially became the new to solve these arguments. The disa-
Secretary-General of NATO. greements are mostly about how
Lubna Hussein
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty many troops NATO member coun-
Officials said Ms Hussein did not Organization) was first set up by tries should send, and what their
have to be put on trial. This is be- the USA in 1949. The organisation’s troops should and shouldn’t do.
cause she worked for the United Na- headquarters are in Brussels, in Bel- Most of the fighting against the
tions (UN). UN workers in Sudan gium. Many European countries be- Taliban and al-Qaeda is happening
have immunity against these types came members. Canada also joined. in the south of Afghanistan. Troops
of laws. However, Ms Hussein de- Now NATO has 28 members. from the UK, the USA, Canada, The
cided to deliberately give up her job Normally the military command- Netherlands, Denmark and Esto-
with the UN. She said she did this er of NATO forces is an American, nia have been involved. NATO has
so the authorities would have to put while the Secretary-General comes about 62,000 troops in Afghanistan.
her on trial. from a European country. Mr Ras- Most of them are from the USA and
Ms Hussein says it is important mussen took over as Secretary-Gen- the UK.
to have a trial so people in other eral from Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a
countries learn about what hap- politician from The Netherlands.
pens to women in Sudan. She sent Members of NATO sign an agree-
invitations to newspaper journal- ment saying they will send military
ists and foreign diplomats to come forces to help if another member
to her trial. Ms Hussein has also country is attacked. Currently there
asked them to see her being beaten are NATO troops in Kosovo, a small
if she is found guilty. Many people European country once part of Ser-
crowded around the court to support bia, and in Afghanistan. The 14,000
New NATO leader, Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Ms Hussein. NATO-led troops in Kosovo are
What women are allowed to wear there to keep the peace, but those So far countries such as France
in Sudan is based on a strict form of in Afghanistan are taking part in and Germany, that have troops in
Islamic law known as Sharia law. a war. the north and west of the country,
However, Ms Hussein insists beating In 2001 the USA was attacked have refused to get involved in the
women is not a part of true Sharia by a militant group called al-Qaeda. fighting in the south. Others have
law, and says the Koran – the Islamic This group had military training decided not to increase the number
holy book – does not say women bases in Afghanistan and was sup- of troops they have in the country.
should be treated in this way. She ported by the Taliban. At the time the The Canadian parliament has voted
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 14

that all its troops in Afghanistan are new organs. Their idea, they say, is
to be withdrawn by the end of 2011. to be able to make the human body
Mr Rasmussen visited Afghani- WORLD’S LONGEST WEDDING DRESS? grow organs that could replace ones
stan between 5th and 7th August. — A newly-married couple in that have been damaged because of
He said NATO members must send China hopes to set a new record illness or injury. 
more troops. These, he said, are for the world’s longest wedding
needed to take part in the fighting, dress. The groom’s family helped
to continue to train the new Afghan to make the dress, which was SUPREME COURT JUSTICE
army, and to rebuild the places dam- 2,162 metres (7,083 feet) long. APPOINTED
aged by the war.  They sewed 9,999 silk roses on
the dress. The wedding guests are On 8th August Sonia Sotomayor of-
said to have taken three hours to ficially became a justice of the Su-
GROWING NEW TEETH unroll and decorate it. The couple preme Court of the USA.
will now submit a video of the The Supreme Court is the most
Scientists in Japan say they have record attempt to the Guinness senior court in the USA. It is al-
successfully grown replacement Book of World Records. The cur- lowed to make changes to, or re-
teeth in mice. rent record for the world’s long- move, American laws that it thinks
The scientists used tiny bundles est wedding gown is 1,579 metres are wrong or unlawful. It can make
of cells they called ‘germs’. All (5,180 feet). important judgments on things such
living things as freedom of speech and the rights
are made up of The ‘milk teeth’ we have as children of American citizens. For example,
cells. The cells fall out naturally and are replaced the Supreme Court has ruled on the
that make up by adult teeth. But there are other right of Americans to carry guns,
different parts reasons that people can lose their abortion, and allowing American
of the body teeth. Sometimes teeth have to be states to carry out the death penalty.
contain coded removed because they, or the gums A person appointed to the Supreme
information that surrounding them, have become in- Court is called a justice.
tells them their fected. Teeth could also be knocked
purpose. For out in an accident. Once an adult
example, a hair tooth has been removed, nothing
cell has differ- will grow back in its place.
Green spot showing ent information In the experiment the germs of
new tooth growing from a cell in teeth cells were implanted into the
a muscle. The germs the scientists gums of mice. The scientists had put
made contained tooth cells. a brightly-coloured substance inside
The shape of our teeth is related the cells. This colour would show
Sonia Sotomayor
to what they are used for. Meat- up if the teeth that grew contained
eating animals have teeth that can the right coding for real teeth – in- Ms Sotomayor is the third woman
bite and tear. Animals that only eat cluding the nerves and blood vessels to become a Supreme Court Justice.
plants have teeth that grind as they inside. The scientists said the teeth She is also the first Hispanic justice.
chew. Teeth are made of a hard that grew in the mouths of the mice Ms Sotomayor comes from a poor
whitish substance called enamel. In- from the germs were exactly the family. Her parents emigrated to the
side the enamel is a softer substance same as normal teeth. USA from Puerto Rico before she
called dentin. These two outer lay- The scientists say their research was born. Ms Sotomayor studied law
ers protect a series of nerves and means in the future it may be pos- at university and became a judge.
blood vessels inside the tooth. sible to regrow human teeth. The The Supreme Court has nine jus-
People can lose teeth for many rea- scientists also think their work tices who vote to make decisions.
sons. Humans are supposed to grow could be the first step to being able A majority of the justices have to
two sets of teeth in their lifetimes. to ‘grow’ other body parts such as agree for a vote to be passed.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 15

Once appointed, justices can that can affect large areas. Similar everyone had left the hotel before it
remain a member of the Supreme storms in the Atlantic and eastern fell down.
Court for the remainder of their Pacific Ocean are known as hurri- The heavy rains caused huge
lives. But they may resign or retire canes. In the Indian Ocean they are mudslides, which have buried many
if they wish to. One justice, David called cyclones. villages. Rescue workers used heli-
Souter, recently decided to retire, so NORTH
copters as many roads have been
Ms Sotomayor will take his place. KOREA blocked. Thousands of troops have
Justice Souter had been a member SOUTH been sent to the worst hit areas. The
of the Supreme Court since 1990. Taiwanese government has asked
A person must be nominated, or Typhoon
other countries for help. It is feared
recommended, to be a justice by the that hundreds of people may have
president of the USA. Ms Sotomay- Morakot OCEAN been killed by the mudslides.
or is President Barack Obama’s first TAIWAN
Typhoon Morakot caused flood-
nomination to the Supreme Court. ing and mudslides in China too.
Once the president has made a In East Asia typhoons normally Before it struck China the authori-
nomination, the person must ap- form between July and September. ties ordered over 1.5 million people
pear before several members of the This period of the year is known living near the coast to leave their
American Senate – elected officials as the typhoon season. When these homes. People moved further inland
of the American Congress, or parlia- storms form they are given a nick- and stayed in schools, hospitals, gov-
ment. The person has to explain why name. The two typhoons in East ernment offices and other people’s
he or she is a good choice for the Su- Asia were named Morakot and houses. The Chinese authorities said
preme Court, and answer questions. Etau. Morakot is a word in the Thai the storm had killed six people.
These meetings are called confirma- language meaning ‘emerald’. Typhoon Etau first hit the south-
tion hearings. The 100 elected mem- Climate and weather experts ern islands of Japan on 8th August.
bers of the Senate then vote to de- study satellite pictures to spot ty- For three days the storm travelled
cide if the person nominated should phoons forming far out in the ocean. along the eastern coast of the coun-
become a Supreme Court Justice. Once these storms reach a certain try before moving out into the Pacif-
Although it is unusual, the Sen- strength, with a swirling mass of ic Ocean again. Japanese authorities
ate has turned down the president’s cloud and an ‘eye’ in the middle, said many areas of the country had
nomination for the Supreme Court they are tracked. The experts try been flooded and some buildings
in the past. In 1987 President Ron- to work out in which direction the had been damaged. Officials said
ald Reagan nominated Robert Bork. storms will travel so people can be the storm had killed 14 people and
He was rejected because the Senate warned before they arrive. another 17 were missing. 
disagreed with some of his opinions The two typhoons formed over
on the law. When this happens the the Pacific Ocean. When over the
president continues to make nomi- sea, typhoons pick up speed. After Editor: Amber Thody
nations until the Senate approves hitting land they gradually slow Acknowledgements:
one of them.  down and disappear. Typhoon News story photographs by gettyimages
Morakot struck Taiwan on 8th Au- Graphic for book review courtesy of
gust. It crossed over the middle of HarperCollins
TWO TYPHOONS HIT EAST ASIA the country. Then, when it was over For further details about Newsademic
the sea again, it picked up speed be- and subscription prices visit
Two large typhoons have caused fore hitting the coast of China.
flooding and damaged many build- In Taiwan the typhoon brought
ings in Taiwan, China and Japan. over two metres (6.6 feet) of rain.
Typhoons are very powerful Large areas were flooded. One river NEWSPAPER FOR USE WITHIN
tropical storms that occur in the washed away the foundations of THEIR SCHOOL ONLY.
western Pacific Ocean. They bring an eight-storey hotel. The building
© Newsademic 2009
strong winds and very heavy rainfall collapsed into the river. Fortunately
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 16

HAVE YOU READ …? Dusk is the first bat on We follow Dusk and his colony as they leave the
Earth. Or that’s how it island and seek out a new home. Their journey onto
seems, in this strange ad- the mainland is exciting and fascinating – we learn of
venture set between the changes in the strange world along with Dusk and his
end of the Age of Rep- kind. They meet other chiropters, who shun them for
tiles and the beginning of their abandonment of the pact.
the Age of Mammals. I like the moments in the book when we see the last
Young Dusk is an hangers-on of the age of dinosaurs: young Dusk finds a
odd creature among his winged quetzal dying of some mysterious skin disease
kind, which are known spreading throughout the remaining reptilian species. I
as chiropters. Dusk has also loved reading about the terrible new animals of the
two fingers instead of Earth, such as diatryma, an enormous flightless bird that
three on each hand, and hunted down prey across open grasslands. I enjoyed the
has membranes between dilemma of Dusk and his sister, whose changing behav-
his fingers that are dif- iours put them at risk.
ferent from the other Author Kenneth Oppel has created the chiropter spe-
chiropters’. These mem- cies, of which there is no scientific evidence, but which
branes enable him to fly farther than anyone he knows, is a clever way of showing how bats may have evolved.
flapping like a bird – but his father does not approve. To help readers further imagine the beasts in the story
Dusk’s sister Sylph tries to imitate him, and this too is there is a helpful illustrated glossary at the end of the
frowned upon by the other chiropters. Dusk is evolving, book. Kenneth Thompson’s illustrations are excellent,
though no one seems to realise it. showing these ancient beasts in action. There’s also an
The chiropters in this book are the ancestors of the interview with the author, who explains why and how
modern bat. They have their own rules and behaviours. he made up the chiropters.
They do not fly like the other winged beasts of that This story has a gruesome factor – it is a story of
world, such as the quetzals (the last of the winged rep- wild beasts of an ancient world, hunting and killing at
tiles) or birds. The chiropters live on an island, isolated will. Best for readers of ages ten and older, it’s an ad-
from the much more dangerous mainland. They stay venturous read, but don’t read it while you eat!
among the trees, catching their prey and resting. They Darkwing is the prequel to Oppel’s Silverwing Tril-
never venture above the treetops. ogy: Silvering, Sunwing and Firewing.
Something terrible comes. Four-legged carnivores – Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel, illustrated by Keith
called felid – are on their way across the mainland to Thompson. HarperCollins
the island. They are coming to kill not only the saurians Reviewed by Craig Purdon
(the last dinosaurs), but also the chiropters.
Carnassial is one of the wolf-like felid, which can WANT US TO REVIEW A BOOK THAT YOU
hunt both on land and in trees. He too is evolving. Un- HAVE READ AND ENJOYED?
like many of his kind, he has a taste for fresh meat and
saurian eggs, as his back teeth are able to shear and shred If you do, look for the ‘recommended
meat from bones. Even his parents do not like this wild book’ link in your subscriber menu
new change in their young one. Carnassial is also the first when you log in to our website.
of his kind – and others are mimicking his ways. Complete the form and tell us why
The island chiropters have broken a pact they made you enjoyed the book. If we review
with the felid to wipe out the saurians. The chirop- your choice, we’ll mention your name
ters haven’t done their part. When the felid arrive and and include some of your comments.
slaughter forty chiropters, the island is no longer safe.
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 17

GLOSSARY INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete the crossword. The answers are

highlighted in orange in the news stories. There are 25

words highlighted and you need 20 of them to complete the
crossword.  Once you have solved the crossword find the
20 words in the word search on the next page 

2 3

6 7

9 10

11 12



15 16


18 19


2 Noun The luck to make interesting or valuable discoveries by 1 Noun A person or organisation willing to give money
chance to support another organisation, person or group
5 Noun Something, usually money, given to make up for loss, 3 Verb Removed a person from power
suffering, or injury 4 Noun Misleading or biased information spread to
9 Noun A system or method of government promote a cause
10 Verb When a group of people, usually soldiers or sailors, 6 Verb To be forgiven for a crime and had your
refused to obey orders punishment stopped
14 Noun (Plural) Parts of the body of, or things that belonged to, a 7 Noun A group of stars in the night sky that
holy person appears to form a pattern and has been given
15 Verb Placed a device, organ or cells into a body in a medical a name
operation 8 Noun Protection against any form of punishment
17 Noun The deliberate ending of a pregnancy, usually by a 11 Verb To annoy or upset someone over a period
medical operation of time
18 Adjective Describes people related to, or originating from, 12 Noun (Plural) Thin skins or layers of tissue
Spanish-speaking countries 13 Noun An electrical device that sends or receives
19 Adjective Showing kindness; not causing suffering radio signals
20 Noun The killing of an important person, usually for political 16 Noun (Plural) Charges or fees for using a road
reasons or bridge
13th August 2009 – British English edition page 18

GLOSSARY INSTRUCTIONS:  Find the crossword

answers in the word search. Words can


go vertically, horizontally, diagonally and
back to front.  After solving the word
search write down the unused letters,
starting at the top left and reading from
left to right, top to bottom to find the
C A L R S E N A R B M E M I H C E S solution. Hint - The numbers of letters
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