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Les verbes pronominaux (réfléchis / réciproques /se )

s’amuser - to enjoy oneself

se battre - to fight each other
se brosser les dents - to brush one’s teeth
se coucher - to go to bed
se coiffer - to to one’s hair
se disputer - to argue with each other
s’endormir - to fall asleep
s’habiller - to dress (oneself); to get dressed
se déshabiller - to undress
s’installer - to settle oneself in
se laver - to wash (onself)
se lever - to get up
se parler - to talk (to oneself)
se peigner - to comb one’s hair
se penser - to think (that you are)
se raser - to shave (oneself)
se regarder - to look at/watch oneself
se réveiller - to wake up

Attention à ces verbes pronominaux Literal translation

se débrouiller to cope (to manage oneself)
se demander to wonder (to ask oneself)
s’entendre to get along, to agree (to hear/understand each other)
s'habituer to get used to (to get oneself used to)
se plaindre to complain (to pity onelself)
se régaler to eat well (to treat oneself royally)
se presser to hurry (to hurry oneself)
se dépêcher to hurry (to hurry oneself)

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