Reconognition Diana Cueva Goupnumber 90121

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Activity 1: Recognition Forum


GROUP: 90121



DATE 18-02-2018
Envíe el producto final incluidos los puntos 1, 3, 4 y 5 en un archivo PDF cuyo
nombre sea Recognition_Name_goupnumber. Debe ser enviado al Ambiente de
Monitoreo y Evaluación.

Part 1: Send your profile’s screenshot; you need to upload your photo
and send the screenshot of the Preknowledge.
Part 3: Answer the following questions:

How many quizzes are there in the course? Mention their names and where can you
find them?

In the evaluation and monitoring environment we found three items the initial
evaluation we found activities one and two In the intermediate evaluation items we
find the activities 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 In last items we find the final evaluation

2. What kind of information can you find in the “Course Agenda”?

The start and end dates of the activities, plus the score of each of them.

3. Where can you find the Glossary and how can it help you?

The glossary is found in the knowledge environment

It helps us find and find concepts for our knowledge of the course

4. How many units are there in the course?

Mention the topics that belong to Unit 1.
We estimate two units
unit 1expressing ideas and information unit efectivelly
unit 2 usig language creatively
5. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Rules and Conditions for Course

They are norms so that the student develops the activities proposed in the course
has to read the norms and the conditions for the optimal development of the
academic process.
Part 4
How many quizzes are there in the course? Mention their names and where
can you find them?
There are 3 Quizzes, we have the Preknowledge Quiz, Quiz 1 – Unit 1 and Quiz 2 –
Unit 2; they are located in the monitoring and evaluation environment.
What kind of information can you find in the “Course Agenda”?
Course Agenda: It represents the schedule of all the activities to be developed
throughout the course.
Where can you find the Glossary and how can it help you?
The Glossary can be found in the Knowledge Environment and can be used to find
the meaning of some important words that appear in Online Contents.
How many units are there in the course? Mention the topics that belong to Unit
There are 2 Thematic Units, we have unit 1: Expressing ideas and information
effectively and Unit 2: Using language creatively. The Topics that can be found in
Unit 1 are:
Topic 1: Compound Adjectives
Topic 2: Modal Verbs
Topic 3: Past Progressive
Topic 4: Time and enough clauses
Topic 5: Use of-forms
Explain with your own words the aim of the link Rules and Conditions for
Course Development.
the rules and conditions that have to be developed for this course, which indicate
that we have students who need the degree, that can help us find the best
academic development, scheduled. and structured by the tutors and the student
population of UNAD
Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and supporting
his opinion:

How can you improve your speaking and listening abilities using Internet?

Listen to English music. There is no music in English, but music that contains its
rhythm, its prosody and its tonality. The intonation Even if you technically speak
English perfectly, if you speak it like a robot, you do not have it the way it is
supposed to be spoken.

It decreases the velocity. Above all, slow down if you want me to understand you.
The clearer you speak, the better and there will be more of what your listener
understands you. It's tempting to have nerves and want to accelerate to finish, but
you can not do it! Clarity is essential for some native English speakers!
Record Even though we always listen to each other, we really do not know how we
sound. So record! What are the strong and weak aspects that you hear in your
speech? Then, become what you have to strive for.

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