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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305 – 319

Do red beds indicate paleoclimatic conditions?:

A Permian case study
Nathan D. Sheldon*
Department of Geology, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom
Received 27 September 2004; received in revised form 25 February 2005; accepted 16 June 2005


Terrestrial red beds have long been interpreted as desert deposits by comparison with modern red deserts. More recently red
beds have been interpreted as evidence of seasonally dry conditions and a Permo–Triassic Pangean monsoon. Red beds of Cala
Viola, Sardinia are identified as paleosols and used to reconstruct Late Permian paleoclimatic conditions. Reconstruction of
paleoenvironmental conditions based on the paleosols of the Cala Viola indicates warm, humid conditions with no evidence of
dry conditions, as in a desert, or of extreme seasonality as in a monsoon. Instead, it is suggested that the red color of the
paleosols is a result of former good drainage, and that red color in general does not indicate specific paleoclimatic conditions.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Permian; Sardinia; Paleosols; Paleoclimate; Monsoon

1. Introduction climates (Walker, 1976). However, modern red deserts

of Arizona and Australia are red because of sediments
A long held dogma is that widespread Triassic recycled from paleosols of Triassic and Miocene age,
terrestrial red beds indicate a global transition to warm- respectively, and most deserts of North and South
er and drier conditions than those that characterized the America, Asia, and the Middle East are grey like
Permian (Parrish, 1995). This new climatic system has their weathering source rocks. Further, many red
been termed the Pangean mega-monsoon (Kutzbach soils in semi-arid areas such as New Mexico derived
and Gallimore, 1989). The question to be addressed their red color from well-drained, warm conditions
herein is whether red color alone is sufficient evidence during Pleistocene pluvials, so the red color is relict
upon which to base paleoclimatic interpretations. and related to earlier paleoenvironmental conditions.
Early research on modern red deserts supported the More recently, Parrish (1998, p. 192) stated that ter-
interpretation that ancient red beds formed in hot, dry restrial red beds, b. . .appear to be indicative of cli-
mates that are warm and dry or seasonal with respect
* Tel.: +44 1784 443615. to rainfall.Q A model put forth by Dubiel and Smoot
E-mail address: (1994) suggests that continental red bed formation is
0031-0182/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
306 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

favored by warm climates with alternating wet-and- sonality. It is suggested that the red color is indicative
dry seasons (monsoons) and open, desert to savanna of well-drained conditions and that it provides no
vegetation. However, it is not an exact analog because unequivocal information on the paleoclimatic condi-
a true savanna requires grasslands, which did not tions at the time of paleosol formation. Instead, paleo-
evolve until the Cenozoic (Retallack, 2001a; Terry, climatic conditions are reconstructed on the basis of
2001). Monsoonal tropical Pakistan and India include other proxies, such as the degree of chemical weath-
both grey and red soils and paleosols (Retallack, ering, nature and extent of pedogenic carbonate and
1991a). Wynn (2000) and Wynn and Retallack salts, and patterns of root traces and trace fossils.
(2001) describe reconstructed savanna ecosystems
from Cenozoic paleosols in Africa that are not signi-
ficantly reddened. Furthermore, numerous examples 2. Geologic context
have been published of diagenetic reddening of non-
desert paleosols by dehydration of iron oxyhydroxides Basin-and-Range topography was a result of the
(Retallack, 1991a, 1997, 2001b; see also the review of Carboniferous–Permian Hercynian orogeny from eastern
older literature in Blodgett et al., 1993). Europe to the southern coast of the United States
Taken together, these various factors suggest that (Cortesogno et al., 1998). Collision of South Europe
the origin of red color may not be well-understood or with North America and Africa during the Late De-
well-explained by existing models. Work presented vonian and Carboniferous (Condie, 1989) was fol-
here on Late Permian red beds in Sardinia offers an lowed, through Triassic time, by local rifting and
alternative explanation to pronounced aridity or sea- formation of continental basins in Spain, Southern

Fig. 1. Map showing the location of field sites and stratigraphic column for the Lago di Baratz section, Verrucano Sardo Formation. LB01-15 are
sample numbers, and Munsell colour of the sample is to the right of the sample number. The exact transition between the lesser developed
Mosca Pesca and Lago di Baratz paleosols and the overlying Mácchia paleosols is unknown and may lie in the covered interval (shown with an
X) rather than at the first logged Mácchia Rossa paleosol.
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 307

France, Italy, Corsica, and Sardinia (Cassinis and

Ronchi, 1997). These basins were filled with clastic
red beds derived from the orogenic belt.
In Sardinia, those sediments are part of the Verru-
cano Sardo Formation exposed on the Cala Viola
(bviolet bayQ) (Fig. 1), and are divided it into four
informal units (Gasperi and Gelmini, 1979). The red
beds described in this paper are from bUnit 2,Q a 150
m package of sediments composed of sandy conglom-
erates, grey sandstones, and red sandstones and mud-
stones. The Cala Viola Nord section is capped by a
thick, quartz cobble conglomerate that is also exposed
near the base of the Cala Viola Sud section (Fig. 1).
The rocks exhibit fluvial paleochannels, tetrapod foot-
prints, and fossil plants indicating subaerial deposition
on alluvial fans and floodplains. Gasperi and Gelmini
(1979) examined the limited available fossil assem-
blages and found Autunian (Early Permian) non-ma-
rine strata near the base of the sequence and Triassic
red claystones and sandstones near the top [Units 3
and 4], overlain by Middle Triassic (Anisian–Early
Ladinian) limestone (Cassinis and Ronchi, 1997; Cas-
sinis et al., 1992). The red beds described here are
located near the top of the sequence (top of Unit 2),
and are thus Late Permian in age (Cassinis et al.,
The Lago di Baratz area (Fig. 1) is well vegetated
and exposure is generally poor. Three of the four
pedotypes are exposed in this section (Fig. 1), includ-
ing the Lago di Baratz and Mosca Pesca pedotypes,
which are not preserved in either of the Cala Viola
sections. In contrast, the Cala Viola sections, with
localized gentle folding, are well-exposed in sea cliffs
and rock platforms, and are continuous and conform-
able with significant lateral variability difficult to
capture adequately in single stratigraphic sections
(Figs. 2 and 3). The Lago di Baratz section lies
stratigraphically below the Cala Viola sections by an
unknown thickness of mudstones and sandstones in
Unit 2 of Gasperi and Gelmini (1979). However,
given that only the middle and upper portions of Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column for the Cala Viola Nord section,
Unit 2 are red and the lower portion is primarily Verrucano Sardo Formation. Symbols and conventions are as in
grey, it is possible that the red Mácchia paleosols of Fig. 1. Asterisks next to sample numbers indicate samples that were
the Lago di Baratz section (Fig. 1) represent the first weakly reactive to dilute acid. The thicknesses of the conglomerate
red beds. If this is the case, given the 75–85 m that caps the Cala Viola Nord and Sud sections are variable, so the
average thickness is portrayed. Where multiple lithologies are
exposed in the Cala Viola sections (Figs. 2 and 3) shown, there is significant variability along strike and additional
and a total thickness of 150 m for Unit 2 (Gasperi and symbols apply to the right column, which represents the dominant
Gelmini, 1979), there can be no more than a few tens lithology.
308 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

grain size changes (Retallack, 1997). Munsell color

was recorded as well as the qualitative degree of
calcareousness on the basis of reaction with dilute
hydrochloric acid (Retallack, 1997). Samples were
collected for petrography and geochemical analysis
from three sites north of Alghero, near Lago di Baratz
and at two localities on the Cala Viola (Fig. 1).
Geochemical data were obtained from a commercial
laboratory (Intertek of Vancouver, B.C.) using XRF,
ICP-MS, and titration (FeO) and are compiled in
Table 1. Paleosols were classified into pedotypes
(Retallack, 1997; Retallack, 2001b) on the basis of
physical and chemical characteristics (Sheldon and
Retallack, 2001; Sheldon et al., 2002), and analyzed
using the factor function approach (Jenny, 1941).
Bulk density (q) was measured by the clod method
using paraffin; analysis of 10 replicates of a single
sample gave an uncertainty of 0.09 g cm 3.

4. Evidence of pedogenesis

Paleosols in the Cala Viola sections fine up-profile

and are notably finer grained than the succession as a
whole (Figs. 2 and 3). This difference shows up in the
weathering profile of the sections as well (Fig. 4A)
and in contrast to the fluvially-derived sandstones
(Fig. 4B). Many of the paleosols also preserve drab-
haloed root traces (Fig. 4C,F) and rarely, vertical
burrows (Fig. 4C,D). Burrows range up to one cm
in diameter and show some internal structure consis-
tent with backfilling by an arthropod. Non-calcareous
rhizoliths are well-preserved in some of the paleosols,
both in hand specimen and thin section (Fig. 4H).
Both root traces and burrows penetrate deeply into
paleosol profiles (Fig. 4C), indicating that the paleo-
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic column for the Cala Viola Sud section, Verru- water table was substantially below the surface. Point
cano Sardo Formation. Symbols and conventions are as in Fig. 1. counts of thin sections (e.g., Fig. 4E,H) are consistent
See Fig. 2 caption for additional information. with the field observation that paleosols are more fine-
grained than interfluve sandstones, siltstones, and
of meters between the top of the Lago di Baratz mudstones. Some of the Cala Viola paleosols have
section and the bottom of the Cala Viola Nord section. an observed clay bulge (Fig. 5) and illuviation argil-
lans observable in thin section consistent with subsur-
face accumulation of clay in a Bt horizon. A and B
3. Methods horizons of paleosols have 80–97% clay and phyllo-
silicate minerals and 3–20% quartz and lithics (includ-
Paleosols were recognized in the field on the basis ing feldspars) with an average of less than 10%,
of ped morphology, horizonation, root traces, and whereas C horizons and other fluvial sediments all
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 309

Table 1
Geochemical data
Sample Level Reacta Horizon SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Feb FeO Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI Total
LB02 3.6 N 77.98 0.37 12.64 1.80 0.45 1.30 0.02 0.27 0.07 n/a 1.85 0.07 4.03 99.1
LB03 4.4 N A/Bwc 78.63 0.30 9.62 4.81 0.39 4.37 0.03 0.21 0.08 n/a 0.97 0.12 4.16 99.3
LB04A 5.9 N C 66.80 0.70 14.89 7.30 0.51 6.73 0.05 0.60 0.16 0.10 2.75 0.15 5.79 99.8
LB04B 6.0 N C 70.08 0.81 17.22 1.68 0.45 1.19 0.01 0.74 0.09 0.19 3.40 0.05 5.31 100.0
LB04C 6.2 N A/Bw 69.27 0.84 17.08 1.73 0.51 1.16 0.02 0.66 0.06 0.20 3.56 0.05 5.08 99.1
LB04D 6.4 N A 67.22 0.70 15.35 6.52 0.58 5.88 0.05 0.59 0.09 0.08 2.88 0.11 5.66 99.8
LB11 13.0 N C 75.11 0.52 14.21 2.83 0.45 2.33 0.03 0.62 0.11 0.03 2.48 0.07 4.29 100.8
LB12 13.2 N C 66.15 0.72 16.84 5.58 0.71 4.79 0.02 1.14 0.12 0.14 3.95 0.08 4.99 100.4
LB13 13.5 N C 61.17 0.80 18.76 6.54 0.71 5.75 0.02 1.40 0.08 0.17 4.82 0.06 5.27 99.8
LB14 13.7 N Bw 62.34 0.79 18.84 5.15 0.90 4.15 0.02 1.30 0.10 0.21 4.69 0.06 5.93 100.3
LB15 13.9 N A 61.20 0.78 18.63 7.02 0.64 6.31 0.02 1.32 0.08 0.15 4.70 0.08 5.30 99.9
CV03 1.7 N Bw 58.00 0.92 19.18 6.61 0.84 5.68 0.05 1.81 0.90 0.16 5.22 0.06 6.67 100.4
CV06 4.2 N 56.05 0.84 16.17 6.06 1.61 4.27 0.13 2.60 3.50 0.23 4.05 0.07 9.78 101.1
CV07 5.5 N C 48.79 0.72 16.40 6.19 0.71 5.40 0.46 4.30 5.26 0.22 4.41 0.09 12.5 100.0
CV08 5.8 N Bt 54.82 0.87 19.81 6.40 1.03 5.26 0.07 2.21 1.50 0.17 5.47 0.12 7.92 100.4
CV09 6.1 N Bt 56.93 0.91 20.65 6.49 0.90 5.49 0.02 1.67 0.28 0.15 5.72 0.12 6.27 100.1
CV10 6.5 N A 57.71 0.91 20.21 6.98 0.77 6.12 0.02 1.57 0.20 0.18 5.27 0.08 6.12 100.0
CV13 10.1 N 56.05 0.91 19.22 6.32 0.90 5.32 0.07 2.00 1.31 0.16 5.30 0.08 7.39 99.7
CV16 12.4 N C 55.56 0.78 14.59 6.55 1.74 4.62 0.18 3.03 4.20 0.32 3.79 0.04 10.7 101.4
CV19 14.1 Y C 56.24 0.86 16.04 3.47 1.87 1.40 0.17 3.12 4.47 0.18 3.87 0.09 11.1 101.5
CV22 17.2 Y Bt 30.48 0.47 9.25 3.30 1.03 1.51 0.91 10.6 15.5 0.29 2.26 0.06 26.7 100.8
CV24 19.15 N C 56.12 0.59 13.94 4.64 1.42 3.07 0.18 3.27 5.08 0.26 3.58 0.05 11.4 100.5
CV25 19.85 N Bt 51.90 0.63 11.69 4.83 0.51 4.26 0.34 4.77 7.67 0.19 2.89 0.07 14.2 99.7
CV26 20.65 Y A 14.89 0.25 4.99 2.98 0.26 2.69 0.91 15.1 22.6 0.22 1.10 0.07 35.4 98.8
CV27 22.05 Y Bt 56.94 0.89 19.69 7.98 0.77 7.12 0.02 1.44 0.29 0.09 5.79 0.14 5.82 99.9
CV28 23.2 N C 53.35 0.83 15.45 5.58 0.77 4.72 0.06 1.50 1.90 0.22 4.24 0.09 6.61 90.6
CV29 24.2 N Bt 59.56 0.89 19.87 6.59 0.64 5.88 0.03 1.24 0.19 0.17 4.95 0.12 5.43 99.7
CV30 24.9 N Bt 57.89 0.93 20.01 8.35 0.58 7.71 0.03 1.20 0.14 0.12 4.77 0.11 5.75 99.9
CV31 26.15 N 55.13 0.61 11.67 4.29 0.51 3.72 0.15 1.18 6.57 0.56 2.41 0.05 11.5 94.6
CV45 46.5 N C 58.99 0.40 6.22 1.26 0.32 0.90 0.12 6.17 9.31 0.25 1.57 0.03 14.5 99.1
CV46 48.0 N BC 58.65 0.71 12.04 3.43 0.45 2.93 0.09 4.28 5.56 0.59 2.85 0.04 9.89 98.6
CV47 49.25 N Bw 83.50 0.26 8.57 1.23 0.45 0.73 0.01 0.28 0.22 0.05 1.57 0.03 2.75 99.0

Sample Rho CIA  K Clayeynessd ( bases/Al)d Salin.d Gleyd MAP MAT Bae Sr Y Nb Zr Rb
(g cm 3)
LB02 2.52 0.095 0.22 0.16 0.77 132 66 25 28 164 112
LB03 2.39 98.51 0.07 0.18 0.11 0.198 1540 15.3 76 36 18 18 141 72
LB04A 2.58 0.13 0.33 0.21 0.17 351 92 31 21 257 137
LB04B 2.49 0.15 0.35 0.23 0.84 362 127 42 28 312 194
LB04C 2.50 97.49 0.15 0.35 0.24 0.98 1509 12.8 377 116 37 22 281 180
LB04D 2.55 98.11 0.13 0.32 0.21 0.22 1528 13.4 293 95 29 22 260 151
LB11 2.59 0.11 0.32 0.19 0.43 208 61 23 22 229 159
LB12 2.59 0.15 0.45 0.27 0.33 358 107 36 28 280 240
LB13 2.64 0.18 0.49 0.29 0.27 423 121 34 21 215 292
LB14 2.53 97.28 0.18 0.47 0.29 0.48 1503 12.0 405 123 33 28 229 293
LB15 2.54 97.94 0.18 0.47 0.29 0.23 1522 12.0 398 128 38 23 225 276
CV03 2.71 90.99 0.195 0.63 0.31 0.33 1328 11.6 622 117 37 23 171 266
CV06 2.70 0.17 1.095 0.29 0.84 1636 134 34 21 284 195
CV07 2.71 0.20 1.56 0.31 0.29 544 122 34 16 144 210
CV08 2.81 86.82 0.21 0.73 0.31 0.44 1223 11.5 998 105 30 22 114 262
(continued on next page)
310 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

Table 1 (continued)
Sample Rho CIA  K Clayeynessd ( bases/Al)d Salin.d Gleyd MAP MAT Bae Sr Y Nb Zr Rb
(g cm 3)
CV09 2.77 96.47 0.21 0.54 0.31 0.36 1479 11.5 449 98 33 24 120 280
CV10 2.74 96.84 0.21 0.51 0.30 0.28 1490 11.8 418 94 30 21 153 270
CV13 2.74 0.20 0.70 0.31 0.38 1081 125 27 25 147 260
CV16 2.64 0.15 1.37 0.32 0.84 951 92 36 19 237 184
CV19 2.65 0.17 1.28 0.28 2.97 959 113 42 19 301 196
CV22 2.76 0.18 6.26 0.32 1.52 537 87 43 10 93 94
CV24 2.67 0.15 1.56 0.31 1.03 2439 136 33 16 195 163
CV25 2.58 0.13 2.52 0.29 0.27 2434 142 41 12 306 124
CV26 2.82 0.20 16.2 0.31 0.22 9654 272 29 nd 31 40
CV27 2.74 96.68 0.21 0.54 0.33 0.24 1485 11.3 507 158 33 24 125 270
CV28 2.54 0.18 0.79 0.32 0.36 51,452 1017 22 nd 151 178
CV29 2.70 96.95 0.20 0.46 0.28 0.24 1493 12.0 3292 262 32 22 159 244
CV30 2.72 97.79 0.20 0.43 0.27 0.17 1518 12.3 367 179 47 21 173 241
CV31 2.60 0.13 1.58 0.30 0.31 34,767 688 30 9 269 95
CV45 2.69 0.06 5.57 0.34 0.79 275 73 34 20 202 79
CV46 2.75 0.12 2.08 0.34 0.34 303 107 32 22 390 138
CV47 2.60 94.67 0.07 0.37 0.21 1.37 1428 13.4 144 78 17 23 133 102
Reactive with dilute HCl.
Total iron as Fe2O3.
Refers to samples at the boundary between two
P horizons.
Molar ratios: clayeyness = (Al2O3 / SiO2); bases / Al = (CaO + MgO + Na2O + K2O) / Al2O3; salinization (Na2O + K2O) / Al2O3; gleiza-
tion = (FeO / Fe2O3).
All trace element compositions.

have 15–35% quartz and lithics, with an average of wick et al., 1990; e.g., Driese et al., 2000). Elements
about 20%. Many of the fluvial sediments, and two of that are typically considered as immobile during
the paleosols, have non-calcareous sandy concretions weathering include Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, and under some
ranging in size from mm-scale (Fig. 4E) to decimeter pH conditions, Al. Ti, Zr, and Nb were considered and
scale. Typically these are grey-green, fine- to medium- Ti was selected both because it was immobile relative
grained sand in otherwise red sediments. Grey-green to Zr and Nb and because it is the most abundant of
color in iron-bearing paleosols is typically associated the three elements. The open system mass-transport
with unoxidized iron. These apparent micro-reducing function for element j in the weathered sample (w)
conditions may be attributable to the former presence is defined as follows (e.g., Chadwick et al., 1990):
of decaying organic matter, and may have been     
formed in a fashion similar to the drab-haloed root sj;w ¼ qw Cj;w = qp Cj;p ei;w þ 1  1 ð1Þ
Bulk rock geochemical properties of fluvial rocks where q w is the density of the weathered material,
may also be used to identify paleosols and to separate C j,w is the chemical concentration (weight percentage)
paleosol orders (Sheldon et al., 2002). Net gains and of element j in the weathered material, q p is the
losses of different elements may be calculated by density of the parent material, and C j,p is the chemical
examining the mobility of the element of interest concentration (weight percentage) of element j in the
relative to some assumed immobile element (Chad- parent material. If s j,w = 0 (i.e., element w was immo-

Fig. 4. Field and petrographic photos. A) Outcrop photo of the Cala Viola Nord section; paleosols sit on top of the coarser, horizontal benches in
the section (arrow). B) Outcrop photo showing the complex fluvial character of Verrucano Sardo Formation. C) Profile of a Cala Viola paleosol;
the light colored vertical streaks are rhizoliths and drab-haloed root traces (arrows). D) Close-up of vertically oriented burrows in a paleosol A
horizon (arrow). E) mm-scale quartz concretion (sample CV-20). F) Root traces (arrow) deep in the C horizon of a paleosol, penetrating nearly
to into the A horizon of the underlying paleosol. G) Laterally discontinuous ground water gleying (arrow) features where the water table was
ephemerally closer to the surface. H) Thin section of a root trace (sample CV-12).
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 311
312 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

Fig. 5. Chemical degree of weathering. A) Ca and Sr loss in the type Mácchia and Cala Viola paleosols assuming Ti is immobile. A tau value of
1 represents 100% loss of Ca relative to the parent material, and a tau value of 0 represents the parent material. Both paleosols lost Ca, with
the Cala Viola type profile showing greater Ca loss, consistent with a greater degree of chemical weathering. Other elements such as Sr show
more complicated changes, but are still consistent with a greater degree of chemical weathering in the type Cala Viola profile. B) Additional
geochemistry (CIA  K (Maynard, 1992) and clayeyness (molar ratio of alumina to silica; Retallack, 1997)). of the type Cala Viola profile The
significant offset between values low in the profile and high in profile is evidence of intense chemical weathering. The clayeyness index shows a
bbulgeQ consistent with the field identification of a Bt horizon.

bile), then e i,w can be solved for separately allowing ate, with separate geochemical analyses for each of the
us to bypass volume (as in the classical definition of paleosol profiles (Table 1; lowermost C horizon anal-
strain) as follows (e.g., Chadwick et al., 1990): yses). Fig. 6 shows the losses or gains of Ca and Sr
(which occupy the same sites in most minerals) in the
ei;w ¼ qp Cj;p = qw Cj;w  1 ð2Þ type Mácchia and Cala Viola paleosols assuming Ti
was immobile during weathering (calculated following
where e i,w is the strain on immobile element i in the Chadwick et al. (1990)). Although both pedotypes have
weathered sample. The parent materials for the profiles lost much of their Ca relative to their parent material,
were overbank mudstones and sandstones as appropri- the Cala Viola paleosol has clearly been more weath-
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 313

Fig. 6. Gleization for the type profiles of the Cala Viola and Mácchia pedotypes. Gleization is the molar ratio of ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric
(Fe3+) iron.

ered, a finding consistent with the field classification of comparable to modern Alfisols (Soil Survey Staff,
the paleosols (Table 2). Paleosols generally exhibit the 1998) in the USDA soil classification scheme (Table
highest degree of chemical weathering within their A 2). They are moderately developed (see Retallack
and B horizons, with a decrease in weathering down (1988) for definitions of the degree of development),
profile. Fig. 5B shows the chemical index of alteration with no relict bedding, blocky peds, and subsurface Bt
without potash (Maynard, 1992) for the type Cala Viola or Bw horizons. Cala Viola profiles are typically A–
paleosol. This pattern is consistent with pedogenesis Bt–C, and represent a fairly stable landscape (i.e.,
rather than fluvial sedimentation where one would infrequently flooded; Table 3).
predict a more erratic variation from bed to bed, but
where most values would cluster around a btypicalQ 4.1.2. Lago di Baratz (bBaratz’s lakeQ)
value for the whole sedimentary succession. The type Lago di Baratz paleosol crops out in the
Lago di Baratz section. Lago di Baratz paleosols are
4.1. Pedotypes comparable to modern Entisols (Soil Survey Staff,
1998) in the USDA soil classification scheme (Table
Four pedotypes (sensu Retallack, 1994) were 2). They are very weakly developed, with some relict
identified and given names in Italian from their bedding and no diagnostic subsurface horizons. Lago
field localities or reconstructed similarity to a given di Baratz profiles are A–C and represent a frequently
environment. disturbed landscape (i.e., flooded; Table 3).

4.1.1. Cala Viola (bviolet bayQ) 4.1.3. Mácchia (bunderbrushQ)

The type Cala Viola paleosol crops out in the The type Mácchia paleosol crops out in the Lago di
northern Cala Viola section. Cala Viola paleosols are Baratz section, and Mácchia paleosols are found in
both field areas. Mácchia paleosols are comparable to
Table 2 modern Inceptisols (Soil Survey Staff, 1998) in the
Cala Viola pedotypes USDA soil classification scheme (Table 2). They are
Pedotype Diagnosis FAO USDA weakly developed with little relict bedding or ped
Cala Viola Thick and red with clayey Luvisol Alfisol structure. Mácchia profiles are A–(Bw)–C and repre-
subsurface (Bt) on alluvium sent a fairly stable landscape (Table 3).
Lago di Grey-green silty soil with Fluvisol Entisol
Baratz some relict bedding and no 4.1.4. Mosca Pesca (bfly fishingQ)
diagnostic subsurface horizons
The type Mosca Pesca paleosol outcrops in the
Mácchia Variable thickness red Cambisol Inceptisol
sometimes with scattered Lago di Baratz section. Mosca Pesca paleosols are
drab haloed root traces and comparable to modern Entisols (Soil Survey Staff,
no subsurface Bt or Bk 1998) in the USDA soil classification scheme (Table
Mosca Sandy, relict bedding, Fluvisol Entisol 2). They are very weakly developed, preserve relict
Pesca without horizonation
bedding, lack ped structure, and lack diagnostic sub-
314 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

Table 3
Paleoenvironmental interpretation
Pedotype Paleoclimate Former vegetation Paleotopography Parent material Timea
Cala Viola Humid (1300–1500 mm/yr) Eutrophic forest Negligible, but Alluvial sandstones, 1000–10 000 years
temperate well-drained siltstones and mud-stones
Lago di Baratz Insufficiently developed to Stream-side early Negligible, but poorly Coarse sandstone 100–5000 years
determine, but probably successional woody drained
humid and herbaceous vegetation
Mácchia Humid (1300–1500 mm/yr) Eutrophic forest Negligible, Alluvial sandstones, 500–5000 years
temperate but moderately siltstones, and
to well-drained mud-stones
Mosca Pesca Insufficiently developed to Stream-side early Negligible Coarse sandstone b100 years
determine successional herbaceous
Estimated semi-quantitatively after Retallack (1997) and references therein.

surface horizons. Mosca Pesca profiles are AC–C and 2001). Given that all of these paleosols are developed
represent a frequently disturbed landscape (Table 3). on alluvium, an estimate based on inorganic flood-
plain silts and muds (see Sheldon and Retallack,
2001) of 78.6–86.4% of the original thickness is a
5. Diagenesis good first order generalization for the sedimentary
succession as a whole.
Paleosols typically undergo a number of diagenetic
changes including loss of organic matter, burial red-
dening due to dehydration of oxyhydroxides (e.g., 6. Paleoclimatic reconstruction
conversion of goethite [Fe(OH)3] to hematite
[Fe2O3]), and compaction due to burial beneath an A number of means have been devised to recon-
overburden (Retallack, 1991b). Paleosols of the Cala struct paleoclimate from paleosols. Retallack (1994)
Viola preserve essentially no organic matter (b 1% has suggested that the depth to the Bk horizon can be
by volume in thin section point counts). Studies of related to mean annual precipitation (see Royer (1999,
Quaternary (Stevenson, 1969) and older (Retallack, 2000) and Retallack (2000) for discussion of this
2001b) paleosols have shown that buried paleosols approach). Although a couple of the Sardinian paleo-
lose up to an order of magnitude of organic carbon sols effervesce slightly when hydrochloric acid is
soon after burial in well-drained soils, whereas water- applied, there is nothing that would qualify Bk ho-
logged (hydromorphic) or peaty paleosols show sig- rizons (Soil Survey Staff, 1998). Royer (1999) sug-
nificantly less to no loss of organic matter (Stevenson, gested that soil carbonate is absent in regions
1969). Given their red color and low ferrous to ferric receiving precipitation N760 mm per year, although
ratios (see Fig. 6), much of the iron in these paleosols this value varies with seasonality and local evapo-
has been oxidized, indicating at least a moderate transpiration (Retallack, 2000; Royer, 2000). This
degree of aeration post-burial, and oxygen promotes value for the western US may be applicable to the
the breakdown of organic matter. This likely accounts Sardinian paleosols given their formation within a
for the dearth of detectable organic matter. continental interior montane basin.
Sheldon and Retallack (2001) showed that the A more quantitative approach is to compare the
degree of compactibility varies according to the initial precipitation regimes of modern soils with indices of
physical properties of the soil. Regional stratigraphic chemical weathering (Sheldon et al., 2002; Sheldon,
relationships indicate a burial depth of 2–4 km, so the 2003). Climatic transfer functions applied to a set of
paleosols have been compacted to between 61.2% and paleosols spanning the Eocene–Oligocene boundary
87.8% of their original thickness depending on burial produced results that were consistent with indepen-
depth and soil order (see Sheldon and Retallack, dent estimates of mean annual precipitation and mean
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 315

annual temperature (Retallack et al., 2000; Sheldon et At the present time, soils forming under conditions
al., 2002; Sheldon and Retallack, 2004). Although the of N1200 mm/year mean annual precipitation and 11–
paleosols in this study are much older, bulk rock 14 8C mean annual temperature are found in Mexico
geochemical data for the Sardinian paleosols can on the eastern side of the Gulf of California, in the
also be used to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental United States on the eastern side of the Appalachians,
conditions under with they formed, because the pres- northern India, Greece, and southern Italy (FAO,
ence of root traces, rhizoliths, and burrows indicates a 1971–1981). Given the proximity of the Sardinian
formerly vegetated landscape for which modern ana- paleosols to the Hercynian chain and their low paleo-
logues can be identified. Mean annual precipitation latitude (10 F 5 degrees), northern India is probably
can be related to the chemical index of alteration the best modern analogue. Such comparisons are im-
without potash as follows (Sheldon et al., 2002): perfect modern analogues because Permo–Triassic
CO2 levels far exceeded present levels (Berner and
MAP ðin mmÞ ¼ 221:12e:0197ðCIAKÞ ð3Þ
Kothavala, 2001; Retallack, 2001c). Nevertheless, it is
with an R 2 = 0.72 where CIA  K is 100 times the clear that these soils did not form in desert conditions.
molar ratio of aluminum to aluminum, calcium, and Could they have instead formed in a monsoonal
sodium (Maynard, 1992). Mean annual temperature paleoenvironment?
can be related to salinization (Retallack, 1997) where Modern monsoonal environments are characterized
by extreme seasonal variation, with a pronounced dry
MAT ð8CÞ ¼  18:5ðS Þ þ 17:3 ð4Þ
season or seasons, and a short, very wet season or
with a somewhat low R = 0.37 (Sheldon et al., seasons. There are two main varieties, namely, wet
2002). As shown in Fig. 7, mean annual precipitation monsoons as in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, northeast-
increased slightly from 1300 mm/year to about 1500 ern Australia, and some of India, and dry monsoons as
mm/year, while mean annual temperature increased in central Asia, parts of India, northwestern Australia,
slightly but held fairly steady at 11–14 8C. That the Arabian peninsula, and the southwestern United
result is consistent with the general lack of soil States, however, there is a spectrum of conditions
carbonate. Two analyses (CV22 and CV25 on between the main end-members. Soils forming under
Table 1) of Bt horizons are excluded from the anal- dry monsoonal conditions are most often Vertisols,
ysis because of extremely low oxide totals owing to Aridisols, and rarely, Mollisols (FAO, 1971–1981).
high volatile contents (LOI on Table 1; 26.7 and Soils forming under wet monsoonal conditions are
14.2%, respectively). most often Ultisols or Vertisols (FAO, 1971–1981).

Fig. 7. Paleoprecipitation and paleotemperature estimates using transfer functions from regression of climatic data against chemical composition
of Quaternary soils. The standard error on the precipitation estimate is F 182 mm and the standard error on the temperature estimate is F4.4 8C.
316 N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319

Table 4 difference is in base saturation. Alfisols are base-rich

Paleoclimates compared soils that typically have forest vegetation, while Ulti-
Features Desert Wet Dry Cala viola sols are base-poor forest soils. Because of this diffe-
monsoon monsoon
rence, modern Alfisols and Ultisols are distinguished
Salts Yes No No No on the basis of their base status (e.g., percentage base
CaCO3 nodules Yes No Yes No
saturation), which is not always recorded (or measur-
MAP (1300–1500 mm) No Yes Maybe Yes
MAT (11–148) No Maybe Maybe Yes able) in paleosols. A statistically significant method of
Soil Types Aridisols Ultisols Vertisols Alfisols differentiating Alfisols from Ultisols has been derived
Vertisols Aridisols Inceptisols for paleosols. The B horizons of Alfisols have molar
Mollisols Entisols ratio of bases (CaO, Na2O, MgO, K2O) to alumina
Layered No Yes Yes No
(Al2O3) greater that 0.5, whereas the B horizons of
Mukkara/gilgai No Yes Yes No Ultisols have base / alumina ratios less than 0.5, typi-
gilgai cally much less (Sheldon et al., 2002). Fig. 8 shows
the base / alumina ratios of paleosols in the Cala Viola
section; most have base / alumina ratios greater than
Only the Cala Viola and Mácchia pedotypes are 0.5, thereby confirming the field diagnosis of these
sufficiently developed to use in comparisons with paleosols as Inceptisol-like (Mácchia) and Alfisol-like
modern environments. Both pedotypes developed (Cala Viola) rather than Ultisol-like. Only one of Cala
on areas of little or no topographic relief, had similar Viola paleosols plots within the Ultisols field, though
parent material, and indicate similar paleoclimatic others are bnear-Ultic,Q perhaps indicating some weak
conditions (Table 3). The primary differences were monsoonal influence (Fig. 8).
formation time and vegetative covering (Table 3), Retallack (1991a) studied Miocene monsoonal
though it could be argued that Cala Viola pedotypes paleosols and soils of Pakistan and found that they
represent later stage succession of Mácchia pedo- typically have concretions (rather than nodules) of
types, however there is not sufficient evidence to hematite, calcite, or interlayered calcite and hematite,
conclude this robustly. and diffuse carbonate in small nodules throughout the
A dry monsoon is considered first. In Vertisols, profile, including the A horizon. There is essentially
large precipitation differences or seasonal soil mois- no carbonate in the Sardinian paleosols and the rare
ture deficits between wet and dry seasons change the
physical volume of smectite clay minerals in soils.
During the wet season, clays swell with the addi-
tional water. In the dry season, the clays lose the
water that they have gained and the parting between
layers shrinks. These shrink-swell cycles lead to
deep cracks in the soil. The behavior of the clay
minerals and colloids also gives rise to mukkara
structure and gilgai microrelief that readily distin-
guishes Vertisols (Coulombe et al., 1996; Coulombe,
1997; Retallack, 1997; Driese et al., 2000, 2003).
None of these features (deep vertical to sub-vertical
cracks, mukkara structure, gilgai microrelief) are
present in any of the Sardinian paleosols (Table 4).
Nor do the Sardinian paleosols have pedogenic cal-
crete and salts of Aridisols, or the abundant crumb
peds, organic matter, and fine root traces of Molli-
sols (Table 4). Fig. 8. Molar ratio of total bases to alumina for Cala Viola paleosols.
Wet monsoons are characterized by Vertisols and Only one Cala Viola paleosol (at 24.9 m) plots within the Ultisol
Ultisols. Ultisols are similar to Alfisols; the primary field, though others are bnear-Ultic.Q
N.D. Sheldon / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (2005) 305–319 317

observed nodules are unlayered, and silica- or iron- section are again weakly developed (Retallack, 1998;
oxyhydroxide cemented. There are no nodules or Kraus, 1999). This suggests a long-term cyclicity in
concretions consistent with a monsoonal paleoclimate. the alluvial delivery system that could be related to
Taken together, these various lines of evidence sug- either tectonics or minor climate change, but not to
gest that the Sardinian paleosols were not subject to a desertification or monsoonal conditions. The red color
strongly monsoonal paleoclimate, either wet or dry of these paleosols appears to be primarily related to
(Table 4). the hydrological conditions in which they formed.
Although the Lago di Baratz and Mosca Pesca
paleosols of the Lago di Baratz section show little
significant reddening, the Mácchia and Cala Viola 7. Conclusions
paleosols of both the Lago di Baratz and Cala Viola
sections are both characterized by very red color. Continental red beds should be studied outcrop by
Intensity of color and degree of clay remobilization outcrop as they can form in a variety of settings, rather
are two-fold indicators of development, and can be than generalized to a single genetic model. Red paleo-
supported with chemical and petrographic data. Degree sols form in environments ranging from tropical fo-
of drainage also plays a role in soil color and can be rests to deserts. Red color, in and of itself, is not
inferred from the degree of chemical gleization (molar diagnostic. Paleoclimatic reconstruction of Late Perm-
ratio of Fe2+ / Fe3+), soil redoximorphic features (e.g., ian paleosols on the basis of the degree of chemical
reduction spots, grey/green paleosols with red mot- weathering and pedological features indicates humid,
tles), and trace fossils of organisms requiring oxygen temperate conditions with no evidence of either desert
(animal burrows and root traces). The red paleosol conditions or precipitation seasonality pronounced
types (Mácchia and Cala Viola) are characterized by enough to be called a monsoon. The change from
low gleization ratios (e.g., Fig. 6) and nearly uniform grey paleosols to red paleosols is attributable to
red color, with the exception of rare drab-haloed root changes in hydrological drainage, rather than desert-
traces. Drab-haloed root traces are commonly created ification or increased seasonality. Low latitude Late
by micro-reducing conditions, which occur around Permian paleoclimate of Sardinia was warm, tempe-
decaying organic matter shortly after burial (Retal- rate and perhaps mildly seasonal, but certainly not
lack, 1991b), and as such, would be unrelated to the desertic or strongly monsoonal.
past water table depth. There are no other soil re-
doximorphic features (iron-manganese nodules, ferric
nodules) and the deeply penetrating root traces and Acknowledgements
burrows (Fig. 4C–D) indicate good drainage as does
the degree of chemical weathering and clay illuviation The author would like to acknowledge financial
into subsurface horizons. The root traces are drab support from a Geological Society of America student
from the inside out, as in surface water gley, rather research grant to him for this project while he was a
than groundwater gley, yet there is no high density or Ph.D. student. An earlier version of the manuscript
impermeable layer within the paleosols that would benefited from reviews by Steve Driese and Greg
perch the water table. Retallack, and this version has benefited from two
The sequence, as a whole, goes from weakly de- anonymous reviews and a review by Lee Nordt.
veloped grey paleosols to more strongly developed
red paleosols, which is consistent with a dropping
base level or increased distance from a stream References
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