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Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

DOI: 10.1002/jqs.615

Buried palaeosols of the Nevado de Toluca:

an alternative record of Late Quaternary
environmental change in central Mexico
Departamento de Edafologı́a, Instituto de Geologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Del. Coyoacán 04510
D.F., Mexico

Sedov, S., Solleiro-Rebolledo, E. Gama-Castro, J. E., Vallejo-Gómez E. and González-Velázquez A. 2001. Buried palaeosols of the Nevado de Toluca: an
alternative record of Late Quaternary environmental change in central Mexico. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16, pp. 375–389. ISSN 0267-8179.
Received 13 June 2000; Revised 5 January 2001; Accepted 11 January 2001

ABSTRACT: Buried palaeosols of central Mexico, not previously analysed from a palaeopedolog-
ical standpoint, have helped to develop a reliable regional model of Late Quaternary climatic
change. This paper focuses upon morphological and micromorphological properties, particle-
size distribution, and extractable Fe, Al and Si of seven palaeosols (named PT1–PT7) in the
vicinity of the Nevado de Toluca volcano. The characteristics of Andic Cambisol PT1, similar
to those of modern soils in semi-arid environments, indicate a drier climate in the first half of
the Holocene. Humic Andosols PT2–PT4 are analogous to modern volcanic soils of humid
forest environments. They show evidence that a moist palaeoclimate prevailed during marine
oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 2 and 3. Luvisols PT5 and PT6, which are assumed to have formed
at the end of marine OIS 5 to marine OIS 4, also indicate humid conditions. We attribute the
differences between Andosols PT2–PT4 and Luvisols PT5–PT7 to variations in the duration in
the pedogenesis rather than to changes in palaeoclimate. Micromorphological features of Andosol
to Luvisol transition confirm that these soils form an evolutionary sequence. Being for the most
part consistent with lacustrine records, the palaeosol properties do not reflect the episodes of
‘drier climate’ during the Last Glacial Maximum, however, as shown by diatom and palynological
data from lake sediments. Mesoclimate variations and/or incompleteness of ‘soil memory’,
reflecting mostly periods of humid pedogenesis, probably provide the reason for this disagree-
ment. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: buried palaeosols; soil forming processes; palaeoenvironments.

Introduction which are among the most useful tools for palaeoenvironmen-
tal reconstructions.
The climatic system of tropical Mexico is considered to
Well-preserved buried Quaternary palaeosols are rare in trop- be rather susceptible: recent short-term changes, coinciding
ical regions (Stoops, 1989). Palaeosol–sedimentary sequences with climatic fluctuations in temperate regions (e.g. with the
of Central Mexico, which provide a unique palaeopedological Little Ice Age), were registered in historical and instrumental
record of Late Pleistocene to Holocene climates of tropical records (Jauregui, 1997; O’Hara and Metcalfe, 1997). An
Mesoamerica, however, have received surprisingly little atten- understanding of Late Pleistocene to Holocene climatic
tion after the pioneer research of Bryan (1948). In a few studies change in this region can provide a better insight into
they have been utilised as stratigraphical markers or studied the climatic oscillations in tropical areas linked to glacial–
from a sedimentological perspective (Arellano, 1953; Heine interglacial cycles.
and Shönhals, 1973; Cervantes-Borja et al., 1997) with little Current reconstruction of Late Quaternary environmental
emphasis given to the identification of soil forming processes, change in central Mexico is based largely upon results of
multidisciplinary research (palynological, rock magnetic and
sedimentological) on the closed-basin lake sediments from
* Correspondence to: S. Sedov, Departamento de Edafologı́a, Instituto de
the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) (Watts and Brad-
Geologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Del. Coyoacán 04510
D.F., Mexico. bury, 1982; Straka and Ohngemach, 1989; Lozano-Garcı́a
Contract grant sponsor: National Council of Science and Technology of
et al., 1993; Lozano-Garcı́a and Ortega-Guerrero, 1994;
Mexico (CONACYT) Caballero et al., 1999, in press; Ortega-Guerrero et al.,
Contract grant number: 32337-T 2000). These lacustrine records are known to be partly

incomplete and their interpretation is controversial. The extensively replace natural vegetation. Modern surface soils
interpretation problems (discussed by Metcalfe (1997) and are Andosols.
Lozano-Garcı́a and Xelhuantzi-López (1997)) are related to Sequences of palaeosols interbedded with pumice and ash
variations of sedimentation rates and existence of hiatuses, flows are exposed in two quarries: Arroyo la Ciervita
the influence of local tectonic and volcanic processes over- (3100 m, N19°13′26″ and W99°47′22″) and Zacango
printing climatic signals, anthropogenic disturbances and (2800 m, N19°33′40″ and W99°38′45″), located on the
(often) loss of the upper part of the sedimentary sequence northern flank of Nevado de Toluca. Pedostratigraphical
as a result of deflation and mineralisation after drying. correlation of these two sites was based on localisation of
The study of the dynamics of Quaternary glaciations of palaeosols and pumice layers with distinctive properties. The
the highest volcanoes of the TMVB provides another source stratigraphy and chronology of the volcanic sediments were
of palaeoclimate information for central Mexico (Heine, studied earlier in these exposures by Bloomfield and Valastro
1984; White and Valastro, 1984; Vázquez-Selem, 1997). (1974) and Macı́as et al. (1997); the radiocarbon dates
However, the glacial sequences proposed by these authors obtained by these authors have been used to develop the
differ considerably; the chronology of major glacial advances time frame for the present research. Five new conventional
is still under discussion, which hampers further palaeocli- radiocarbon dates from humus of bulk samples of palaeosol
matic deductions. Ah horizons were obtained by the radiocarbon laboratory
With these problems still unsolved, alternative inde- of the Geological Institute RAS (Moscow).
pendent terrestrial records of Quaternary climatic change are The palaeosols and their genetic horizons were first
of major value for reliable palaeoenvironment reconstruction. defined according to their morphology, following the inter-
Palaeosols buried in Quaternary volcanic sediments, which national soil classification World Reference Base for Soil
occur frequently throughout the TMVB, can provide such Resources (FAO, 1998).
records. Most of these palaeosols belong to the Andosol Comparison of palaeosols with the Holocene surface soils
group (FAO, 1998), which causes some difficulties for their of the same area facilitates the palaeoenvironmental inter—
palaeoclimatic interpretation. The methodological approach pretation of Quaternary palaeosol–sedimentary sequences (see
for palaeoenvironmental interpretation of Andosols is less e.g. Bronger et al., 1998). We studied two modern soil
developed than that of other soil groups, e.g. those present profiles: one, exposed in the Arroyo la Ciervita quarry, is
in loess–palaeosol sequences. However, soils derived from affected by recent cultivation and the other, about 300 m
volcanic materials are known to differ considerably when higher on the northwest slope of Nevado de Toluca, is an
formed under different environmental conditions (Mizota and undisturbed soil formed under pine forest.
van Reeuwijk, 1989). The correlation between Andosol Bulk samples for physical and chemical analyses as well
properties and soil forming factors, especially climate and as undisturbed samples for preparation of thin-sections were
time (which is necessary for palaeoclimatic deductions), is collected from genetic horizons of palaeosols and modern
available from a number of Andosol climo- and chronosequ- soils. Soil colours were determined according to the Munsell
ences in the tropics (Martini, 1976; Quantin, 1985; Nizeyim- Soil Color Charts (1975). Organic carbon and Fe, Al and Si
ana, 1997). Detailed research on Andosols of the Sierra contents, extracted with dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate and
Nevada (central Mexico) also has been carried out by Miel- oxalate solutions, were evaluated according to the USDA
ich (1992). (1996). To establish particle-size distribution we separated
Tephra–palaeosol sequences have been used for the recon- quantitatively the sand fractions (2–0.02 mm) by sieving and
struction of Late Pleistocene to Holocene palaeoclimates in silt (0.02–0.002) and clay (⬍ 0.002 mm) fractions by gravity
Japan (Inoue and Sase, 1996), New Zealand (Campbell, sedimentation with preliminary destruction of aggregating
1986) and central Italy (Frezzotti and Narcisi, 1996). Data agents: 10% H2O2 was used for organic matter and dithion-
from buried volcanic soils in Colombia (Fölster et al., 1977) ite-citrate-bicarbonate extraction for iron oxides. Thin-sec-
have been interpreted for the purpose of making a palaeoen- tions were prepared from undisturbed soil samples impreg-
vironment reconstruction. nated at room temperature with the resin Cristal MC-40,
In this paper we present the results of a pedogenetic studied under a petrographic microscope and described,
study of a Late Pleistocene to Holocene sequence of buried following the terminology of Bullock et al. (1985).
palaeosols in the vicinity of the Nevado de Toluca volcano.
The main objective is to assess the palaeosol properties
as evidence of soil forming processes and furthermore as
palaeoenvironment indicators. The climatic interpretation is
then correlated with other terrestrial palaeoclimatic records. Results

Local stratigraphy and morphology of palaeosols

Materials and methods and modern soils

Modern soils have a well-developed horizon of humus

The Nevado de Toluca (4680 m) is a Pleistocene andesitic– accumulation (Ah): 30–40 cm thick, brown (10YR 5/3) dry,
dacitic stratovolcano (Bloomfield and Valastro, 1974) located dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) moist in cultivated Haplic
in the central part of the TMVB (Fig. 1). The contemporary Andosol, darker in forest Melanic Andosol (dark greyish
climate (station Toluca, 2675 m) is characterised by a mean brown 10YR 4/2 dry; black 10YR 2/1 moist). Ah horizons
annual temperature of +12.7°C, with very small seasonal gradually merge into parent material; numerous krotovinas
variations. Annual precipitation is 791.6 mm, with uneven with dark fillings are located just below the Ah horizon. No
distribution: the most humid period is June–August, the most illuvial or intensively weathered B-horizons (Bt or Bw) were
dry is December–February. Natural vegetation is pine forest, observed in these soils.
with Pinus pseudostrobus as the dominant species (Sandoval, Seven pedostratigraphical units were recognised and lab-
1987). Below 3000 m agricultural plants, mostly maize, elled PT1–PT7 (PT represents Palaeosol Toluca) in the two
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 1 Location of the Nevado de Toluca Volcano and study areas: Arroyo La Ciervita and Zacango.

quarries studied. Only palaeosol PT5 is severely truncated In the Zacango quarry (exposures Z.1, Z.2 and Z.3) units
by erosion. Other palaeosols are well preserved: they exhibit PT2 – PT7 are exposed. Thick profiles of PT2 and PT3
more or less complete profiles, including upper Ah (in PT2– palaeosols have similar well-developed Ah horizons with
PT4) or EB (PT6 and PT7) horizons. The uppermost parts cracks underlain by brown weathered ABw and Bw horizons.
(5–7 cm) of the Ah horizons appear to have been transformed However, in contrast to Arroyo la Ciervita, both PT2 and
during burial: the dark colours are partly lost and pumice PT3 display a single palaeosol profile. Only in the southern
fragments from above are incorporated. part of exposure Z.1 does a second (lower) humus horizon
In Arroyo la Ciervita, upper palaeosols PT1–PT3 are appear in PT2, so that the morphology of this pedocomplex
located in three exposures: A.C.1, A.C.2 and A.C.3 (Fig. 2). becomes similar to that in Arroyo la Ciervita. Palaeosol PT4
Palaeosol PT1 differs considerably both from modern soil is located below PT3. It also has a profile Ah–Bw–BC, with
and the underlying palaeosol units. It consists of a yellowish a dark humus horizon and brown Bw horizon, similar to
brown (light yellowish brown 10YR 6/4 dry; dark yellowish PT2 and PT3. Palaeosols PT2–PT4 were defined as Mollic
brown 10YR 3/4 moist) weathered Bw horizon and an under- Andosols.
lying transitional BC horizon; no Ah horizon is observed. The morphology of palaeosols PT5–PT7 differs completely
This palaeosol was defined as Andic Cambisol. from that of younger units and modern soils. Well-developed
Palaeosols PT2 and PT3 are thicker than modern Andosols. clay-illuvial (argic) Bt horizons are the most pronounced
The presence of more than one Ah horizon indicates that feature of these palaeosols. Their colour ranges from yellow-
each unit consists of more than one palaeosol member, ish brown PT7 (10YR 5/4 dry; 10YR 4/4 moist) to strong
so both PT2 and PT3 can be regarded as pedocomplexes brown in PT6 (10YR 5/4 dry, 7.5YR 4/6 moist). Angular
(Smolikova, 1967). In PT2, two well-developed Ah horizons blocky–prismatic structure with thick continuous illuvial clay
(present in both exposures—A.C.1 and A.C.2) indicate two coatings on ped surfaces as well as some Fe–Mn mottles
palaeosol profiles of similar thickness; an additional thin and concretions are observed. Palaeosol PT5 is truncated by
discontinuous humus zone in exposure A.C.2 suggests the erosion so that only the lower part of Bt is preserved,
possibility of one more soil-forming event. Palaeosol PT3 in whereas PT6 and PT7 have more complete profiles with
exposure A.C.3 consists of two different palaeosol profiles: pale eluvial EB horizons (very pale brown 10YR 7/4 dry;
the lower one is thick and well developed and the upper dark yellowish brown 10YR 4/6 moist) above the set of Bt
is thinner with a less developed A–AC profile. horizons. No dark humus horizons are present in PT5–PT7.
In both the PT2 palaeosols and the lower palaeosol of These palaeosols were defined as Andic Luvisols.
PT3, dark Ah horizons (dark greyish brown to dark brown
10YR 4/2, 3/3 dry; black 10YR 2/1 moist) are underlain by
loamy brown intensely weathered ABw or Bw horizons,
which merge via transitional BC horizons into unweathered Micromorphology of palaeosols and modern
pumiceous parent material. The upper Ah horizon of PT2 soils
and the lower Ah horizon of PT3 have numerous cracks
that produce a coarse angular blocky structure. In the Bw The petrographic and mineralogical composition of parent
and BC horizons in the lower palaeosol of PT3 there are material, as observed in thin-sections of BC and C horizons,
rusty Fe–Mn mottles—evidence of the redoximorphic pro- is rather uniform in all profiles. Numerous fragments of
cesses. volcanic rocks, mostly andesite with porphyric texture, are
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 2 Stratigraphical relationship of palaeosols (dotted lines indicate there is no observed correlation). Asterisks denote those from
Macı́as et al. (1997).

composed mainly of plagioclase, brown hornblende, pyr- granular or crumb structure: round 0.2–0.5 mm microaggre-
oxene and volcanic glass. The same minerals comprise sand gates are separated by packing voids, providing very high
and silt fractions. Clear weathering features—cracks in rock porosity (Fig. 3a). Such structure is typical for upper horizons
fragments filled with clay and iron oxides, etching of plagio- of Andosols. The fine material is dark coloured, isotropic
clase, pyroxene and hornblende grains—are most pro- and rich in humus. No features related to clay illuviation or
nounced in Bt horizons of palaeosols PT6 and PT7 and redoximorphic processes are observed.
humus horizons of PT2–PT4. In all palaeosols (including In the Bw horizon of palaeosol PT1, the structure is
most weathered and clay-rich Luvisols of PT6-PT7) as well more complex: granules of different size are associated with
as in modern soils, however, coarse material consists mostly subangular blocks (Fig. 3b). Fine material is isotropic, light-
of unstable minerals, i.e. plagioclase, pyroxene, etc. which brown and consists of clay associated with iron oxides.
indicates a rather early stage of weathering in these profiles. The micromorphology of the humus horizons of pedocom-
The characteristic micromorphological feature of humus plexes PT2 and PT3 is variable. In the lower Ah of PT2 and
horizons in modern soils is a strongly developed ultrafine upper (thinner) Ah of PT3 in Arroyo la Ciervita we observed
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 3 Micromorphology of palaeosols and modern soils. Plain polarized light. (a) Ultrafine granular structure in Ah horizon of modern
soil; exposure A.C.1. (b) Complex structure of Bw horizon of palaeosol PT1, exposure A.C.1.

the same characteristic strong ultrafine granular structure and porosity were found in the Ah horizons of PT2 and PT3
high porosity as in modern soils. In the Zacango exposure (except the upper part) in Zacango. In these horizons we
these properties were observed only in the upper part of the observed thin yellow-brown isotropic depositional coatings
Ah horizon of PT3. In contrast, in the upper Ah of PT2 and in some channels (Fig. 3e).
lower (thicker) Ah of PT3 the groundmass is more compact, Underlying horizons also are different: in the upper
pores are mostly channels and planes, and aggregates are palaeosols of PT2 and lower palaeosol of PT3 they are more
subangular blocks (Fig. 3c). The same types of structure and compact, have subangular blocky structure and incomplete
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 3 Continued. (c) Subangular blocky structure and planar voids in the lower Ah horizon of pedocomplex PT3; exposure A.C.3 (d)
Ferruginous hypocoating (marked with arrow). Pedocomplex PT2, BCg horizon, exposure A.C.2.

pedality. Features related to redoximorphic processes are phological features: clay coatings are observed not only in
ferruginous nodules, mottles and occasional hypocoatings in Ah, but also in the underlying B horizon. However, the
the voids (Fig. 3d). Only a few very thin clay coatings were total amount of these coatings is not sufficient to meet the
found below Ah horizons in these palaeosols. requirements for an argic Bt horizon.
Although the profile morphology of palaeosol PT4 is simi- In palaeosols PT5–PT7 the most spectacular micromorpho-
lar to that of PT2 and PT3, it has some specific micromor- logical features are the numerous thick clay coatings and
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 3 Continued. (e) Thin clay–humus coating (marked with arrows) in the channel in the lower part of Ah horizon of palaeosol PT3;
exposure Z.1. (f) Clay coatings and infillings in the upper Bt horizon of the palaeosol PT6, exposure Z.3.

infillings. In Bt horizons they occupy more than 10% of total mostly of crystalline minerals, as evidenced by its anisotrop-
area in thin-sections (Fig. 3f). Many of these pedofeatures are ism between crossed polarisers. Low interference colours
microlaminated, indicating multiple clay illuviation events (not higher than white of the first order) indicate that 1:1
(Fig. 3g). Although there are some microlayers containing clay minerals are dominant; preliminary results of X-ray
fine silt particles, the larger part of the coatings and infillings diffraction confirmed the abundance of halloysite in these
is made up of pure limpid clay. In contrast to the coating horizons.
material in PT2–PT4, clay in palaeosols PT5–PT7 consists Pedofeatures related to redoximorphic processes also are
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 3 Continued. (g) Microlaminated clay infilling in the lower Bt horizon of palaeosol PT6, exposure Z.3. (h) Ferruginous coatings
superimposed (s) and juxtaposed (j) on the clay coating in the lower Bt horizon of palaeosol PT6, exposure Z.3.

abundant in these profiles. In the EB and upper Bt horizons simultaneously with or after clay illuviation. In the Bt1 thin-
they are mostly rounded, dark dense ferruginous nodules section of PT7 we observed areas with a specific fabric: the
with sharp boundaries. In the lower Bt there are many groundmass forms granular aggregates, whereas clay coatings
ferruginous mottles and coatings, superimposed or juxta- and infillings occupy the major part of pore space around
posed on clay coatings (Fig. 3h), thus indicating that them (Fig. 3i). Numerous phytoliths are observed within the
migration of iron owing to redoximorphic processes occurred aggregates at higher magnifications (Fig. 3j).
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 3 Continued. (i) Granular aggregates surrounded by illuvial clay in the upper Bt horizon of palaeosol PT7, exposure Z.3. (j)
Phytoliths within granular aggregates in the upper Bt horizon of palaeosol PT7, exposure Z.3.

Analytical characteristics of palaeosols and metric analysis data (Fig. 4). Clay accumulation in palaeosols
modern soils is similar or higher than in modern soils. In palaeosols PT2–
PT4 (Andosols) the profile maxima of clay, observed in A,
AB or B horizons, is in the range 24–32%. In PT5–PT7
The clay content in the soils studied is considerably higher (Luvisols) the values are variable. In PT5 and PT7 it is 27–
than in the underlying parent material, as shown by granulo- 32%, which is similar to PT2–PT4, whereas in the lower
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 4 Analytical data of palaeosols studied and modern soils.

part of PT6 it reaches 48%—much higher than in all other of palaeosols PT2–PT4 is above 2%. This is high enough to
profiles. meet the requirements of a Mollic horizon, but it is lower
In the comparatively weak palaeosol PT1 the clay content than in modern soils under forest. However, it should be
is surprisingly high (ca. 38%), and in the BC horizon it is borne in mind that part of the organic material is lost owing
as high as 24%. We conclude that this soil was formed in to decomposition after burial. Calculations by Mielich (1992)
a parent material originally rich in clay, which at least in showed that buried Holocene Andosols of the Sierra Nevada
part accounts for the anomalous high clay content. The contained 3% less Corg than they should according to chron-
underlying volcanic ash layer has a completely different ofunctions. We assume even higher losses in the palaeosols
content of all size fractions, including sand and silt. This studied because of longer burial duration. The youngest
means that it should be considered as an independent litho- palaeosol (PT1) and the oldest (PT5–PT7) contain much less
logical unit and not as the parent material of PT1. Corg (⬍ 0.5%).
The amount of organic carbon (Corg.) in the Ah horizons The iron content, extracted by dithionite solution (Fed),
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Figure 4 Continued.

which includes fine iron oxides produced by weathering, is coincides with high Sio.values This confirms that
quite similar to that of modern soils and for all palaeosols. allophanes are the main contributors to Alo in these soils.
In contrast, the quantities of Fe, Al and Si extracted by Palaeosols PT1 and PT4 have lower Feo and Alo values,
oxalate solution (Feo, Alo, Sio ), which detects amorphous despite the morphological similarity of PT4 and PT2 and
compounds or those with a poor crystalline structure, PT3. The Luvisols of PT5–PT7 are characterised by the
differ greatly in the profiles studied. They are high (often lowest content of both Feo and Alo, so that Feo makes up
⬎ 1%) in modern soils and palaeosols PT2 and PT3. The only one-third or less of Fed.
Feo and Fed values in these soils are very similar, indicat- The radiocarbon ages obtained (see Fig. 2) correlate well
ing that a large part of the fine iron oxides is represented with the earlier dates of Bloomfield and Valastro (1974) and
by compounds with poor crystallinity. A high Alo content Macı́as et al. (1997).
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

Discussion ability at least marine OIS 4 and possibly the late sub-
stages of marine OIS 5.

Dating of palaeosols and duration of

Pedogenetic and palaeoenvironmental
interpretation of palaeosol properties
The adopted time-scale for the palaeosol sequence studied
is based on radiocarbon dates of palaeosol Ah horizons
The palaeosols studied can be grouped in three units,
and charcoal included in volcanic sediments, obtained by
according to the similarity of their morphological and ana-
other workers for these and correlative sections of the
lytical characteristics.
palaeosol–sedimentary sequences (Bloomfield and Valas-
tro, 1974; Macı́as et al., 1997) and on five new radiocar- 1 The properties of palaeosol PT1 (yellow-brown colour,
bon dates reported here from palaeosol humus. In the low accumulation of humus, moderate clay and iron oxide
Arroyo la Ciervita exposure the tephrous sediments, which formation with a small proportion of amorphous com-
are the parent material for PT3, are correlative to the pounds, complex microstructure) are different from other
layer dated 42 000 yr BP. The layer of ‘block-and-ash flow palaeosols as well as from local modern Andosols. These
deposit’ with numerous charcoal fragments, which is the properties are analogous to those described by Dubroeucq
parent material for PT2 and overlies PT3, has an age of et al. (1998) in volcanic soils formed in drier environments
28 140 yr BP. Pedocomplex PT2 is capped by the layer (but still under pine forest) in the eastern part of the
correlative to the Upper Toluca Pumice, dated 11 600 yr. TMVB. In this way PT1 gives evidence of a relatively dry
BP. The radiocarbon dates of the Ah horizons in the upper climatic phase in the first half of the Holocene. However,
part of PT2 (27 900 ± 500 yr BP, GIN-10581), the lower no signs of precipitation of secondary calcite, which is
part of PT2 (29 000 ± 1200 yr BP, GIN-10582) and the typical of volcanic soils in real arid climates (Jahn et al.,
lower part of PT3 (35 650 ± 1200 yr BP, GIN-10586), agree 1985), were observed.
with the ages of parent and overlying materials. The char- 2 Palaeosols PT2–PT4 are characterised by a set of proper-
coal, found just below the modern soil, has an age of ties that reveal high accumulation of humus and formation
3450 yr BP; the thin sediment that separates the modern of thick dark epipedon, accumulation of clay and iron
soil and PT1 is probably related to one more minor erup- oxides as a result of weathering in situ and a high content
tion that occurred about 3200 yr BP (J. L. Macı́as, personal of allophanes (proved by high Alo and Sio). These pro-
communication, Instituto de Geofı́sica, UNAM, March cesses are typical for Andosols formed under forest veg-
2000). According to these data the following intervals etation in humid environments. The modern analogues in
of soil formation were estimated: for pedocomplex PT3, the region are found in the pine forest ecosystems of
ca. 42 000 to ca. 28 000 yr BP (late Pleistocene, marine Nevado de Toluca and in the coniferous forests of the
OIS 3 (Imbrie et al., 1984)); for PT2, 28 000 to Sierra Nevada (Mielich, 1992). Redoximorphic processes
ca. 11 600 yr BP (late Pleistocene, end of marine OIS 3 (detected macro- and micromorphologically in some hor-
to OIS 2); for PT1, ca. 11 600 to ca. 3500 yr BP (early to izons of these palaeosols) offer additional evidence of
middle Holocene); for modern soil, 3500 yr BP to present humid climate, because they occur only in the case of at
(late Holocene). least seasonal water oversaturation. According to the
In the Zacango exposure the morphological and micro- adopted time frame, the period of formation of these
morphological similarity of palaeosols PT2 and PT3 as palaeosols (confirmed by radiocarbon dates) covers marine
well as the radiocarbon age of PT3 (39 600 ± 1000 yr BP, OIS 2 and 3. We conclude that humid forest environments
GIN-10588), which fits to the established interval, provide persisted during a major part of this period.
good correlation with Arroyo la Ciervita. Timing of pedog- Our interpretation of palaeosols PT2–PT4 contradicts
enesis is still less certain for the lower part of the sequence with the palaeoclimatic deductions of Fölster et al. (1977),
studied. The age of palaeosol PT4 (radiocarbon date who studied somewhat similar buried soils derived from
⬎ 35 500 yr BP, GIN-10589) seems to be beyond the volcanic ash in the Central Cordillera of Colombia. These
possibilities of dating by the radiocarbon method. authors assume that formation of a dark A horizon with
Palaeosols PT5–PT7, which do not have Ah horizons, higher humus content in the upper of two Late Pleistocene
have not been dated by instrumental methods so far. palaeosols is evidence of an environmental change
Preliminary conclusions about the age and duration of towards grassland vegetation and drier climate. However,
pedogenesis can be drawn from the morphological and the data from different climosequences confirm that in
analytical characteristics of the soil horizons. Palaeosol Andosols the accumulation of humus intensifies as
PT4 is an Andosol with similar properties to those of humidity increases and reaches its maximum in forest
palaeosols of PT2 and PT3 formed over a period of ecosystems with Udic soil moisture regimes (in contrast
ⱕ 10 000 yr. It follows that palaeosol PT4 was most to the classic Luvisol–Chernozem climosequence of tem-
probably formed during the lower part of marine OIS 3. perate regions where maximal humus accumulation takes
As for Luvisols PT5–PT7, their formation requires a longer place in steppes under Ustic soil moisture regime)
period. The results from a number of soil chronosequ- (Quantin, 1985; Mielich, 1992; Nizeyimana, 1997). The
ences in North America summarised by Birkeland (1984, explanation of this phenomenon lies in specific organo-
1992) shows that well-developed Bt horizons appear on mineral interactions of volcanic soils: the major part of
landsurfaces older than 10 000 yr. Only in the case of the humus is bound to amorphous Si–Al componds, which
an original high clay content in the parent material or are most abundant in humid Andosols. Thus, humus-rich
extensive aeolian clay input is this horizon formed faster dark-coloured buried volcanic soils are evidence of a
(n × 100 − n × 1000 yr); however, these preconditions humid palaeoclimate and forest palaeovegetation. This
are not provided in our case. Therefore, the period of example shows that the interpretation of volcanic palaeo-
formation of these palaeosols should cover in all prob- sol properties should not follow the same patterns as used
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

for palaeosols of other genetic types, e.g. those of loess– responsible for tephra deposition and burial of palaeosols).
palaeosol sequences. Previous workers have emphasised the importance of the
3 Palaeosols PT5–PT7 belong to the Luvisol group. The time involved in soil formation as one of the key elements for
combination of the main soil forming processes—extensive palaeoclimatic interpretation of buried Pleistocene palaeosols
clay accumulation in Bt horizons as a result of illuviation (Boardman, 1985; Bronger et al., 1998).
(indicated by abundant clay coatings) and weathering in
situ, simultaneous migration of iron owing to redoxi-
morphic processes (which caused numerous ferruginous
mottles and coatings)—are typical of pedogenesis in humid Correlation with other palaeoclimate records
forest ecosystems. This allows us to assume that humid
palaeoclimates also persisted over a rather long period Lozano-Garcı́a et al. (1993), Lozano-Garcı́a and Xelhuantzi-
prior to marine OIS 3, probably marine OIS 4 and late López (1997), Caballero et al. (1999a) report a period of
substages of marine OIS 5 (see ‘Dating of palaeosols and lower lake-levels and drier climate in the first half of the
duration of pedogenesis’). Holocene, consistent with our interpretation of palaeosol
The assertion that such different palaeosols as Andosols PT1.
PT2–PT4 and Luvisols PT5–PT7 indicate fairly similar More problems arise in the correlation of palaeosol
palaeoenvironments seems contradictory at first. However, palaeoclimatic inferences with the lacustrine records of the
it makes sense if different durations of pedogenesis are Last Glacial Maximum (marine OIS 2). Several authors have
assumed. It has been shown in a number of studies that interpreted pollen and diatom assemblages, lithology and
Andosols are formed on recent volcanic sediments magnetic properties of lake sediments corresponding to this
whereas evolution towards soils with clay illuviation takes period as evidence of ‘cool and dry’ palaeoclimate (Lozano-
place on older landsurfaces (Martini, 1976; Delvaux et al., Garcı́a et al., 1993; Lozano-Garcı́a and Ortega-Guerrero,
1989). The fact that Luvisols of PT5–PT7 have more crys- 1994; Ortega Guerrero et al., 2000). However, palaeosol
talline clay and less amorphous compounds (which is unit PT2, formed during marine OIS 2, shows only evidence
proved by anisotropism of clay in thin-sections and low of humid pedogenesis. It should be noted that nearly all
quantities of Feo, Alo and Sio) fits well with our interpret- published palynological spectra from closed basins in central
ation. The general tendency in the evolution of neoformed Mexico point to the abundance (⬎ 50% in most samples)
minerals in volcanic soils involves the transformation of of arboreal pollen (especially Pinus and Quercus) in the
amorphous compounds (formed during the early stages of sediments, corresponding to the Last Glacial Maximum
pedogenesis) into crystalline minerals as weathering and (Straka and Ohngemach, 1989; Lozano-Garcı́a et al., 1993;
soil formation advance; this evolution is associated with Lozano-Garcı́a and Ortega-Guerrero, 1994; Bradbury, 1997).
the transformation of Andosols into other soil units Although it is known that Pinus pollen is over-represented
(summarised by Shoji et al., 1993). (Lozano-Garcı́a and Xelhuantzi-López, 1997), these values
nevertheless are well above those of Pinus sp. in pollen rain
Within our hypothesis, the palaeosols upper PT2, lower from modern grasslands of the Basin of Mexico. So, the
PT3 and PT4 are interpreted as being in the initial stage of ‘cool and dry’ palaeoenvironment of the Last Glacial
evolution of Andosols towards Luvisols. These soils have Maximum does not imply true arid conditions that would
thick dark humus horizons, and extensive accumulation of have completely suppressed forest ecosystems. It is thought
humus and amorphous compounds that are typical of humid to have been somewhat drier than in previous stages, pro-
Andosols. However, they already are compact and have moting the advance of grasslands and decrease in diversity
blocky structure (instead of granular, typical for Andosols), of tree species, but allowing development of ‘open mixed
which indicate structural reorganisation. Thin but distinct pine and oak forests’ (Lozano-Garcı́a and Ortega-Guerrero,
clay coatings in the A horizon indicate that clay illuviation 1994; S. Lozano-Garcı́a, personal communication, Instituto
has already started, although this process is restricted to de Geofı́sica, UNAM, March 2000).
local intrahorizontal clay transport and does not cause profile The contradiction between palaeosol and lacustrine rec-
differentiation. These palaeosols (especially PT4 with lower ords could be related to the differentiation of palaeoveg-
Alo and Sio content) fit the concept of ‘Intergraded Andisols’, etation and palaeoclimates within the mountain basins. Loz-
which are defined as presenting ‘an advanced degree of ano-Garcı́a and Ortega-Guerrero (1994) suggest that open
evolution and weathering towards soils with a much lesser forests dominated highlands and grasslands developed
content of amorphous materials’ (Fernández-Caldas et al., around the sub-basin of Chalco during the Late Pleistocene.
1985). Contemporary annual precipitation in the northern part of
On the other hand the granular microstructure and numer- the Basin of Mexico varies from 800 mm below 2500 m to
ous phytoliths in the groundmass of Bt1 horizon in the 1200 mm above 3000 m (Meza, 1980). It is highly probable
Luvisol PT7 are likely to be a relict feature of a previous that palaeosols located on the volcano flanks reflect more
Andosol phase, during which this material was part of the humid palaeoenvironments of the highlands, whereas lake
Andosol lower A or AB horizon. Signs of transformation of sediments were more influenced by drier conditions of the
Andosols towards Luvisols, as well as relict Andosol features basin bottom.
in Bt horizons of Luvisols, support the idea that in the Finally, lacustrine records show short-term environmental
sequence studied these Andosols and Luvisols indicate differ- changes for the period corresponding to marine OIS 2.
ent stages of soil development rather than different palaeocli- Pollen and diatom spectra from Lake Chalco reveal several
mates. We conclude that the whole sequence of palaeosols humid events prior to 15 000 yr BP, and finally considerable
PT2–PT7 was formed under humid climatic conditions in humidisation between 15 000 and 12 000 yr BP (Lozano-
forest ecosystems, and thus assume that such environments Garcı́a et al., 1993). Magnetic properties of lake sediments
persisted throughout a major part of the Late Pleistocene. also show sharp fluctuations (Ortega-Guerrero et al., 2000).
The variability in properties observed in these palaeosols Some of these changes seem to be related to volcanic
results from differences in the duration of pedogenesis, activity. It is known that ‘soil memory’ (concept of Targulian
determined by the intervals between eruptions (which are and Sokolova, 1996) reflects humid phases better than arid
Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 16(4) 375–389 (2001)

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