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The Unchanged Uniqueness

Whenever the subject of talk is the Cultural Heritage of Thailand, the legend of Mae Nak
Prakanong is one that absolutely rates a mention due to its importance to Thai culture. The
legend of Mae Nak Prakanong dates back to the beginning of Rattanakosin Era. According to the
legend, Mae Nak dies during the pregnancy with Mak, a soldier who is away fighting in a battle
field. Without knowing that his wife and his son has already passed away, Mak comes back and
lives normally with his dead wife. This reflects the love that Mae Nak has with Mak, she never
let death stops her from being with her love. Her love for Mak will never fade away. For this
reason, the love of Mae Nak represents the cultural uniqueness of Thailand. Thainess is handed
down from generation to generation along with the changes of society and culture. It is
represented through our Thai Costume, which is a costume of Mae Nak.
Thai Costume has changed throughout the ages, due to outside influences or what best
suited the functionality required at the time. The clothes that we make are the Thai Costume
during Mae Nak Prakanhong period or during the reign of King Rama III. Women during that
time usually wear “Saibai”, which is a long piece of cloth use to wrap the upper body, and the
“Jong Kaben”, which is the ancient day lower body wear. In addition to demonstrate the
traditional Thai wear during that period, it also shows the beauty and flourish of the traditional
thai dress that gradually evolves into present days dress but still retains its uniqueness. From the
legend of Mae Nak Prakanhong, the audience can see the strong bond and the importance of the
family institution in Thailand. In addition to being able to see into the way of life of Early
Rattanakosin people through the dress, the use of “Sabai” also illustrates the beauty, simplicity,
and delicacy of Thai dress. On the other hand, the “Jong Kaben” emphasizes the adaptability and
flexibility of Thai tailors, who can adjust them to match functionality while still retaining
In addition to all these characteristics that reflect the ways of living of Thai women in the
past, the dress also shows that aside from having a very unique culture, Thai people have the
ability to adapt them into useful tools. For example, Thai food retains its uniqueness and
trademark even through the passage of time, the signature taste and presentation still remain the
same. Language and etiquette, although they are now modernised, they still have their hard
hallmark of Thai culture: respect and humility towards the elders. Even family institutions,
which become smaller and woman take bigger roles on it, still retain the warmth that parents
share with the children.
If we look at Thailand and our Thainess only at the surface, we may say that foreign and
technological influences have changed Thai society in many different ways. But on a closer
inspection, we can see that Thai people have actually retained their cultural uniqueness and
heritage even through the passage of time.

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