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Application of parsing

Applications of parsing is very large area. It expands from simple phrase finding, e.g. for proper name
recognition, to deep semantic analysis of text, e.g. for information extraction, machine translation or
question answering system ...
+ Proper Noun Recognition and Classification:
Recognizing and classifying proper nouns involves determining which strings in a text name individuals
and categorizing which classes these individuals fall into. Typical name classes include organizations,
persons, locations, dates, monetary amounts ,.... The task is made difficult by the unpredictable length
of names (company names can be twelve or more words long), ambiguity between name classes
(Ford can be a company, a person, or a location), embedding, where e.g. a location name occurs within
an organization name, variant forms, and unreliability of capitalization as a cue, e.g. in headlines in
English and everywhere in German.
+ Information retrieval:
Information retrieval(IR) system aim to provide mechanisms for
users to find out information in large electronic collections(except
audio, images). Typically this involves retrieving that subset of
documents (or portions thereof) in the collection which is
deemed relevant by the system in relation to a query issued by
the user. The query may be anything from a single word to a
paragraph or more of text expressing the user's area of interest.
With the proliferation of on-line textual information (especially
the World Wide Web) IR technology has become of significant
interest both as a research topic and in applications (cf. the
sudden emergence of commercially supported Web search

+ Question answering system

Question answering system aim to supply users with

"just the right information" instead of providing a list of
hits or useless answering. The grammar parsing will help
the QA system more efficient by using relation extraction
and intent mining. To find the answer to a question, a
QA system may use either a pre-structured database or a
collection of natural language documents. It gives the
user a shortest and closest meaningful answer to their

+ Intent mining:
Intent mining is a sub-area of data mining. It assess the attitude of the document author with respect to
a given subject, e.g. problem(description, solution), agreement(assent, dissent), preference(likes,
dislikes), statement(claim, denial).
+Options mining:
Daily human create a bunch of billions of information in Internet. The information can be published in
personal blog, article, website ... In the billions of those information, we have many personal opinions. It
is very worth if we can parse, process, stored those ones in the way easy for searching.
+ Machine translation:

Machine translation (MT) is a sub-field of computational

linguistics that research the method to translate text or
speech from one natural language to another. At basic
level, MT performs simple substitution of words in one
language to another, which we call the word-by-word
translation. At hight level, right now, the machine
translation was supported by many techniques such as
parsing, interlingual machine translation, transfer-based
machine translation. With the result of many researcher
and IT developers, MT has proven useful as a tool to assist
human translators.

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