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DUP revolves around the idea of high frequency training by changing the daily

stimulus (volume/intensity/rep ranges/exercise selection/etc). Not just high

frequency overall, but high frequency for specific lifts in order to enhance motor
learning by repeated exposures to the same movement under a variety of conditions

So, now instead of focusing on the same component for 4 weeks at a clip, you might
focus on multiple components within the same week of training. Lets say you�re
currently utilizing 3 workouts per week and for the most part you�re focusing on
strength with a simple, linear 5x5 approach. Well, now you�re going to divide your
training up into 3 workouts, each with a distinct purpose: strength, power, and

If you want to stay basic, you don�t have to adjust anything else in your training
except sets and reps in order to alter the goal of each training session. However,
there are a variety of other goodies that you could add if you understood how to
program them effectively (HRV, percentage load drops, RPEs, etc); I�m just offering
you a very basic outline and understanding of the methodology so that you can apply
it in your own training today.

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