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Hola cielo,

Existe un libro del efecto mariposa en el que cambia el final de la peli:

Evan sale corriendo detrás de Keli (kayleigh) y es entonces cuando acaba.

Me ha gustado encontrarlo pues es como yo terminaria la peli, seguramente cuando la saquen en

DVD saquen finales alternativos.


I have heard that the endings in the book and the movie (the Butterfly Effect) is very different? I
havnt read the book, and I'm asking if anyone who has read the book can tell me what happens at
the end of the book. I am simply very very very curious.

Didnt someone say that When TBE comes out on DVD or whatever that there will be alternate
endings or something? I swear I read that somewhere

I read the book and would definitely recommend it!!! About the ending, the only major
difference is that Evan runs after Kayleigh instead of just passing by her in the movie.
Then it ends. The alternative ending that will be on the DVD was not in the book. The
book pretty much follows the movie scene by scene except for that last part. Hope I

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