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Conflict Resolution Aid

Available Units Frontline Units

Support Units

Used Units

Conflict Resolution:
1. Pick area of Conflict (chosen by Active Player).
2. Each player draw a card for initial combat value.
3. Each player secretly selects which units to commit from the
available box.
4. Each player secretly assigns committed units to frontline
Dead Units and support (1/2 frontline round up).
5. Display selected units and calculate combat value total.
6. Resolve combat: Lower score side returns committed units
to force pool, higher side places committed units to the
used unit box. Tied results mean both sides are lower.
7. If there are no more available units, move all used units to
the available unit box and acquire a disorder marker.
8. Once the opponent has acquired a disorder marker, you may
(Return to Force Pool) retreat to an adjacent controlled non-conflict area.
9. Go back to step 2 until area has only units from one force left.
Disorder Markers 10. Remove 1 elite marker from losing empire (if any).
11. If area changes hands, remove any artefacts, fortifications, and
reduce any city there 1 level.
12. If capital city taken (or barbarian leader), reduce that empire's
saved money to 0 and transfer 1/2 of the original total to
(Discard at end of Conflict) winning empire. Replace capital with regular city.

Combat Value Calculations

Value of card drawn from deck
+ frontline value (1/2 of committed units, owner's choice, round up) *
+ support value (remainder of committed units)
+1 per elite marker empire owns (maximum +3)
+1 per age empire is ahead of opponent's empire
+ single best frontline value per opponent disorder marker
+ single best support value per opponent disorder marker
+ terrain value (defender only) ** +0 Fertile +1 Forest +3 Mountain
+2 for fortification (defender only) +0 Desert +1 Tundra +1 River (or Arrow)
+ city value (defender only) *** +0 Steppe +2 Jungle +2 Invasion Beach
* value of chariots, light horse, & horse archers = 0 if opponent commits an elephant
** cumulative value of terrain in area + any one of River, Arrow, or Invasion Beach bonus. Terrain type
is based on the Age of the defending empire if necessary.
*** city value = 0 if opponent commits any missile unit other than archers

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