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Commonly, the people do not care about the thing that could happen wrong in their lives, they
just think that that could be boring, unnecessary or even a bad omen of the things that are going
to happen. As they say, they just live the moment, day by day.

For example, in my family, my mom does not like to think about the bad things that should
happen, she says that we are calling the “bad vibes” and we should be more positives and think
that everything is going to be fine. Maybe that is because she is some kind of “metaphysical”,
she loves to think about the good things that should happen in her life.

On the other hand, I like to think about all the possibilities that should happen while I am doing
something, for more good or bad they are, that is because I like to have the control of everything,
or I should say, almost everything. that's the way I stay prepared for all the possibilities.

Sometimes, I like to talk to my really close friends, because, in this subject, they think the same
way as I do. It is interesting the way that we imagine all the possible scenarios to happen, even
of the littlest action we take.

Ending, in my point of view, “premortem” I something very good, the people should have this
on his mind all the time, because it helps to prevent almost all the damages or setbacks that a
decision or an action could cause.

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