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(1 hour 15 minutes)

Name: _________________________ Marks: __________%

Class: 5 _____________________ Date: _________ of March 2017

Section A
( 20 marks )
Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Hurry up! They ______________ for us outside.

A is waiting
B were waiting
C are waiting
D was waiting

2. _______________did you meet last night ?

A Why
B Who
C When
D What

3. Jack and Jill fell from ______________ bicycles while riding at the park
A my
B his
C their
D our

4. There is ______________ curry in the bowl.

A many
B much
C a lot of
D several
5. Didie did not go to school today __________________ she was ill.
A so
B and
C because
D but

Question 6
Choose the most suitable answer with the correct spelling.

6. Khana was _____________________ in the pool when his mother called him.
A swiming
B swimiing
C swimingg
D swimming

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer for each blank.
Batu Caves was crowded with tourist and children. There _____________ ( 7 ) two hundred
and seventeen steps leading to the caves. Some of the visitors were huffing and puffing as
______________ ( 8 ) walked and ran up the steps. Inside the caves, the strong smell of bat
droppings _______________ ( 9 ) the air.

7. A is 8. A they 9. A filling
B are B you B filled
C was C he C fills
D were D twe D fill

Question 10
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning to the underlined word.
10. The watches sold at that shop are cheap.
A expensive
B better
C dear
D new
Question 11
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
11. A “ How are you”asked Amyzar ?
B “how are you asked Amyzar”?
C “How are you ?”asked Amyzar.
D “ How are you,”asked amyzar.

Questions 12 to 15
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Every evening mothers will take their children to the playground. While they talk, their children will play
_________________ ( 1 2 ) themselves. There are swings, a slide and _____________ ( 13 ) see-saws for the
children to play with. The children are quite safe in the playground because there is a __________ ( 14 )
around it. When the _____________ ( 15 ) goes down, the mothers take their children home. Everyone leaves
the playground happily.

12. A with 13. A -

B along Ba
C amomg C an
D between D the

14. A gate 15 A sun

B wall B sky
C fence C rain
D railing D moon
Questions 16 to 20
Read the dialogue below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Chan : Hi, Jared. Fahmi told me your mum bought you a pair of roller

Jared : Yes, I’ve wanted it for a long time. Here, have a look at it.

Chan : Wow! It looks cool. Have you tried it on?

Jared : Of course, but I’m still quite clumsy on it.

Chan : Listen, do you want to go skating with me, Fahmi , Ain and Lin this

Jared : Yes, I’d love to! But I’m afraid I might not be able to catch up with
you all.

Chan : Don’t worry, we’ll wait for you. And while you’re there, we might be
able to teach you some tricks too.

Jared : That would be nice. I hope I could perform some stunts soon.

Chan : I’m sure you could. Just remember to wear a helmet and protective
elbow and knee pads when you do.

16 Who bought Jared a pair of roller blades ?

A His mother
B His brother
C His sister
D His father
17 From the dialogue we know that Jared __________________________.
A is a careful skater
B does not like skating
C cannot skate very well
D can perform some stunts

18 Based on the dialogue, how many people will be going skating this weekend ?
A Two
B Three
C Four
D Five

19 The word “tricks” in the dialogue refers to ____________________ .

A jokes
B cheats
C stunts
D skills

20 Based on the dialogue it can be said that _____________________________________.

A Jared is a professional roller skater
B Chan’s hobby is collecting roller blades.
C Jared, Chan, Ain, Fahmi and Lin will be going skating this weekend.
D Ain, Fahmi and Lin dislike roller skating.
( 30 marks )
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

( a)

Thank you, sir. Answer :



( 2 marks )


Answer :



Can I join you _______________________________________

all, please ?
( 2 marks )

May I help you carry
Answer :
the books ,Pn Aliza ?


( 2 marks
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Easy Ways to Conserve Water

Since water is a limited resource and is essential to each of us every day, water conservation is important.
Below are some water conservation tips to be applied at home.
Inside Home:
Check every faucet in your home for leaks. Just a slow drip can waste 15 to 20 gallons a day. Fix it
and you save almost 6,000 gallons annually.
Install aerators on the faucets.
 Wash vegetables in container, not under running water.
 Use dishwasher for full loads only.
 Install low-flow shower heads.
 Take shorter showers. (Showers kept under 5-minutes can save you about 15 gallons per
 If you take a bath, fill bathtub less than halfway. (You can save 10-15 gallons per bath)
 Turn off water while soaping hands and brushing teeth.
 Do not use the toilet as a wastebasket.
Laundry Room
 Use washing machine for full loads only.
 Purchase high-efficiency clothes washer. (You can save 20 gallons per load)
Outside Home:
 Water your yard and outdoor plants early or late in the day to reduce evaporation.
 Use broom to clean car porch.
 Turn off sink faucet while scrubbing dishes and pots.
 Wash car with a bucket, sponge and hose.

Question 22
Tick (/) the correct answer.

a. If one of the faucets at home leaks, you should…

ignore the leaking faucet.
repair the leaking faucet.
buy a new faucet.
( 1 mark )
b. Yuki is washing her hands before dinner. What should she do?
Turn off the water while soaping her hands.
Fill the sink with five inches of water.
Check the faucet for a leak.

( 1 mark )
c. We should invest in a good washing machine to…
show off.
wash a full load of laundry.
use water more efficiently.
( 1 mark )
d. Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phases in List B. An example is given below.

List A List B
Five minutes of showering during hot weather.

Only run washing machine with full loads of laundry.

Avoid watering the plants with a bucket, sponge and hose.

Wash the car can save 15 gallons of water.

( 2 marks )
Write your answer in the space provided.
e. Why is it important for us to conserve water?


( 2 marks )
f. What do you understand by the sentence ‘Do not use the toilet as a wastebasket.’?


( 2 marks )
Study the poster below and answer the questions that follow

Ranja’s Toy Store

RM 3.00
RM 5.00 RM 1.50

RM 6.00

RM 3.00
RM 50.00
RM 30.00 RM 50.00

Question 23

Tick (  ) the correct answer.

(a ) How many toys are priced belowRM 20.00 ?

( 1 mark )

(b )How many toys are priced above RM 20.00?

( 1 mark )
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c ) Mansoon buys a robot, two sets of marbles and a top. How much must he pay ?

( 2 marks )
( d ) You have RM100.00 , which toys would you buy? Why ?

( 2 marks )

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, a lamb, a cat, a pig, and a little red hen lived on an old farm on a flowery hill
surrounded by fields of golden wheat. One day, the Little Red Hen found some grains of wheat scattered in
the barnyard. "Look what I've found!" she said to the other animals. "Who will help me plant these grains of
wheat?" "Not I!" said the lamb."Not I!" said the cat."Not I!" said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. She knew that seeds need water to
grow tall and strong. "Who will help me water these seeds?" asked the Little Red Hen."Not I!" said the
lamb."Not I!" said the cat."Not I!" said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. The Little Red Hen watered the soil
and waited patiently for the wheat to grow. When the wheat was tall and golden, she knew it was ready to be
cut. "Who will help me harvest the wheat?" asked the Little Red Hen."Not I!" said the lamb."Not I!" said the
cat."Not I!" said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. The Little Red Hen's basket was soon
filled with wheat. "Who will help me take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour?" asked the Little Red
Hen."Not I!" said the lamb."Not I!" said the cat."Not I!" said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. The kind miller ground the wheat
into powdery, velvety flour, and the Little Red Hen carried it home in a rough brown sack. "Who will help
me make this flour into bread?" asked the Little Red Hen."Not I!" said the lamb."Not I!" said the cat."Not I!"
said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. The Little Red Hen mixed the flour
into sticky dough and kneaded it into a smooth loaf. "Who will help me put this bread into the oven to bake?"
asked the Little Red Hen."Not I!" said the lamb."Not I!" said the cat."Not I!" said the pig.

"Then I'll do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And so she did. The kitchen filled with the delicious
scent of baking bread, and the other animals came to see what was happening. The Little Red Hen took the
warm, crusty loaf out of the oven, and set it on the table. "Who will help me eat this fresh, tasty bread?" asked
the Little Red Hen.

"I will!" said the lamb."I will!" said the cat."I will!" said the pig."No, you will not," said the Little Red Hen.
"You didn't help me plant it, or water it, or harvest it, or mill it, or bake it. I shall eat it myself!" And so she

Question 24

Tick (  ) the correct answer.

( a ) How many animals are there in the story ?

( 1 mark )

( b ) What did the Little Red Hen find ?


( 1 mark )

( c ) The word ‘harvest’in the story can be best replaced with ___________________________


( 1 mark )
Question 25
Write your answer in the spaces provided.

( a ) Why did the Little Red Hen plant the grains of wheat ?

( 2 marks )

( b ) Do you think the Little Red Hen is selfish ? Why ?


( 2 marks )

( c ) What is the moral value of this story ?


( 2 marks )

Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

MsViloshena Ravandran Pn Shanti Subaramaniam Ms Manikam Sinnappan

Year Five Secretary of Head Mistress
English Language Teacher The English Language Panel

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