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C refuses to
own in
over I
Governors set broadcaster on collision course with government over bias claim
By Tim Burt and Jean Eaglesham was 'as serious au athtck ml my the inquiry lacked sufficient evl-
integrity as there could pos,ibly dence to make a definitive judg
The BBC last night set itself on a the" ment on BBC claims The MI's
collision course with the go%cin- The BUC's 12 governols, how- arc, also expected to lambast
ment by relectmg Downing Street' ever, endorsed the t .mpmailon's Downing Stlecl over the second
allegehons of hlas m the broad- coverage after brjelings horn ' dodgy dossier" It lssucd m b'eb-
castet's co~etage of the Iraq will Grog Dyke, dnectol general, and ruary, quoting, with approval,
I'll(? BBC board of governors, Ricbatd Sambrook, head of News the admlsslon by ,Iack Stlaw the
after a two and a half hour erner- Ml llyke told governois that foterKn setretary, that the gov-
gency meetlug, called on Alastatr Dov,n¢mg Sklcet was thre .Ateulng otmnent made a "Complete
Cauipbsll, the prome minister's the BBC's independence and Liorllcks" ol it
'I eolnleneueat,ons duectot, to could put its public scrvlcc chal- Downing Stleel said yesterday
~ withdraw a<ulsalions that the trr at llsk A collcagoc sold ' we will continue to press fill tile,
corporation l.ndanly accused the "G) ok's position is that unless we BBC to tecognlse what ls
go~clnment of 'sesmg up" the taxe these kind of stan(N the patently obvious - thele is no
fds'0 for war ' Chattel is not worth anything " evidence to supprn t their c lann< "
In a st,rtwnenL, dcscuhed by Downrng Stleet last night The llume numstcl is taking a
one govarnm a" "about as far <laimed the BBC had fail,,(] to hardluie stance in a week
from an .Apology as it's possible addrcss the ceutral issue over designed to lelaunch the govejr,-
to get", the govvrnms smd "The so-called "dodgy dosslerF", xnent after a tecv rnontlls that be,
BIiC's o%ctall coverage of the adding it was "saddened that the adnrlts vwcie "a lon laz;ged'
w,n, in(] the political i,sucs sur BBC conrinues to defend tile The IiFSC ulged 67r Campbell to
lotuldmg L, ]),is been entlreQy mdefernslble" wiLhdrav. bra4 clanns ]lilt govei-
lmpal Lial " TodaS's repit by lilt, Coin nars admitted the Today pi o-
'lonv 13tav, hunevel, Is confl fools fotelk'<7 aflavs eommlttee is glamum ~hotild have kept bettel
d'jnt thei a Cnulncons tnduuy unlikely to sottle the row 'I'll(, iecords of dcalnrge iutn Ihi~ ivlin-
tepoll todav will partly vindtca[e 1,9Fs ale cipected to sa> theic ~s rbtly of Uefenrc
17owurna ; Shcct snrl matnlaro no evldunte to show that h7r The government, lneauwlule,
lnrssnle on tho BBC to] suggest Campbell ordered tile inchl-aoll ill'isto(I it would not 11'e its
in[= that in(, 1ntellhgeRcc xlvlccs of the '45 initiate Claim" 11) a power to decide 11w BBC', futine
were uneasy about elmms that go~ornment dossier issued in fmldui« when the chaltel eaPores
Iraq could launch weapons of September m 2006 lo forcr~ .lu apolo;n
not,, desirueilon tvltlun 45 Hilt HIP lrpoct will not eutne_ly
ba<{. ihe anveininent'c 1, .,,, f6 .Fher .. . ., .  . ..l .. .,. .a . o .
luinutcs of an ul%aslon

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