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1. Regarding U.S. educational system, each local school district gives the teacher a
textbook for each student for specific subjects. TRUE
2. In U.S educational system, elementary (primary) teachers instruct students of diverse
learning needs. TRUE
3. Regarding U.S educational system, high school students take variety of classes
focusing special emphasis on some particular subjects. FALSE
4. In U.S educational system, middle school students have the same teacher for different
subjects. FALSE

1. Regarding U.S. educational system, which of the following are typical
responsibilities of Elementary School teachers?
a) Stay after school to lead extracurricular activities.
b) Working schedule is 8 hours a day.
c) Have one 40-45 minute preparation period during the day.
d) All of them are correct

2. Regarding U.S. educational system, which of the following statements about U.S
educational system is not true?
a) Students arrive by yellow school bus.
b) Extracurricular activities are popular for young elementary school students.
c) School year schedule may have to take snow days into account.
d) Being sent to the principal’s office is a serious punishment.

3. Regarding U.S. educational system, some of the learning standards in Elementary

school are:
a) Social studies.
b) Arts and Reading.
c) Science and Mathematics.
d) All of them are correct.

Antonio Morcillo Martínez 2º B

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