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Pride Product Approval Form

Submitted to Product Approval Committee

Name Megan Brochetti

Date (s) submitted 10/4/17

Research Topic / Area of Study Occupational therapy

Connection to research paper Paper topic is occupational therapy. Included history of the field
and medical advancements, knowledge/personal qualities needed
for people pursuing this career, and projected job growth.

Goal of product / what problem or Create a fine motor skills kit that is personalized to a fictional
need solved or addressed patient struggling with day-to-day tasks. The goal of activities
within the kit would be to strengthen hand muscles, improve
hand-eye coordination, and help patients relearn how to
complete essential tasks like cooking, grasping objects, and
getting dressed. The kit would include an information packet
with instructions and how each exercise is beneficial to a patient.
A video would be provided of the fictional patient actually using
the kit. The ultimate end goal for the kit would be for it to be
used in an actual kindergarten classroom.

Estimated time to complete Most likely a few months to plan activities, purchase materials,
build the tools, create the information packet, and make the

People who will assist (if applicable) Mentor: Katie Champion (Huntersville Health Rehabilitation
Center) will help with giving me ideas for activities to include in
the kit, how they benefit patients, and how to create them
Pine Lake’s occupational therapist: Meredith Parnell will
coordinate with me to ultimately use to kit in kindergarten
Lower school kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Allison who I will
eventually give my product to be used in her class with her

Estimated cost / investment ● Box- $15

● Ingredients for thera-putty- $25
● Pipe cleaners- $5
● Beads- $10
● Decoration for containers- $10
● Marbles- $2
● Tongs- $6
● Play dough- $6
● Buttons- $5
● Total- $84

What will judges see at ● Decorated kit with therapy activities inside
presentation? (evidence of work ● Information packet with instructions on each exercise
and development) and how they improve fine motor skills
● Video that introduces fictional patient and shows them
using the kit
● The judges will also get to attempt the activities
themselves so they can experience what it is like to be a
● Pictures of me and the kindergarten teacher that received
my product

Personal stretch (area of growth) ● Will have to do a lot of research on occupational therapy
techniques and why/how they benefit patients
● Working with mentor to get ideas for activities to
incorporate into my kit
● Getting better at actually creating things that can help
people and allowing patients to enjoy them as well
● Finding and reaching out to a classroom that could use
my product

Product Description:
- This fine motor skills kit would include many activities to strengthen hand muscles, improve hand
eye coordination, and help patients relearn how to complete essential tasks. It would be
specifically designed and personalized for a fictional patient who struggles with fine motor skills.
In addition, I would make an informational packet that has instructions on how to use the tools,
information on each task, how it would benefit the patient. Sample exercises should be fun so the
patient (and judges) is encouraged to do them properly. They would include: making shapes with
different levels of thera-putty, using tongs to pick up marbles, making paperclip necklaces,
“baking” play dough cookies, squeezing pipettes, peeling oranges, practicing buttons, using
beads/threads to make bracelets, and making shapes with pipe cleaners. A video that introduces
the fictional patient and shows them doing to exercises would also be shown to the judges. The
end goal of my product is for it to be and used in Mrs. Allison’s kindergarten classroom at Pine

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