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Group Passage Phase I – Research and Describe the Issue Proposal

Group Members​: Stephanie, Uriel, Gustavo, Bryan Silva, Mohammed

Working Title of Group Passage​: The gift of giving

Website​: working on it

Description of the Issue​:

During the holiday season y​ou always see the videos from stores during Black Friday: mass amounts
of people funneling into a store to grab anything and everything they can. People go on day-long
shopping sprees to cross off everything on their list for the holiday season. Now there is Cyber
Monday, where people can get the same deals that Black Friday offers, only from the comfort of their
own homes. With all the focus on gifts and deals, it is easy to overlook that giving to charities can be
just as rewarding as giving a good gift. Our group noticed that during this time in the holiday season
many children are left without christmas presents due to their families financial hardships. No kid
should ever have to go through that struggle. So we decided to team up with the salvation army.
During the holiday season though, there are more ways the Salvation Army helps families in need, 
according to office assistant Alyssa Pringle. They have a winter coat exchange where families are able to 
look through racks of coats and take what they need. They also donate a basket of typical Thanksgiving 
foods to families that sign up. The food donations have many items in them, such as a turkey, canned 
vegetables, stuffing, etc. Another service provided through the Salvation Army is the Angel Tree. This 
tree has ornaments on it with the names and ages of children in need, and what they want for Christmas. 
People in the community then pick an ornament, buy some of the things listed, and donate it to The 
Salvation Army’s Toy Shop. Parents who can’t afford Christmas gifts are then able to pick out some 
things from the shop for their children. The angel tree was something our group participated in with the 
DCIS community. 
Product:​ ​As a group we are going to gather a group of staff members from DCIS that are willing to
participate in getting an orphan kid a present. This would essentially ease the kids and help them with
their anxiety. We will also be documenting our whole process by pictures and videos. Our group will
also create a website to display our work and encourage this norm to continue in the community. We
will hope

Research & Sources:

An honors thesis presented to the Department of Sociology University at Albany, State University of New
York in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with Honors in Sociology and graduation from
The Honors College. Ashley Chung Research Advisor: Angie Chung, Ph. D.​ This is the home page we used to contact the salvation army​ This website highlights the importance of donating and helping
others​ This website gave us an insight on why we should donate
to charaties such as the salvation army.

Connection to Desired Outcomes:​ Briefly explain how your project will address each of the outcomes below.

LEAD 11-12.INV1. Identify, describe, and frame questions about an issue, and explain how that issue is
locally, regionally, and/or globally-focused.
● We can propose questions about community outreach and volunteering for the salvation army. This means
we will be able to take the appropriate guidelines in order to conduct our research. With that we will be able
to share our research with our fellow peers.
● We will explain how our research carries out an affect on our school and surrounding local community.
Group Passage Phase I – Research and Describe the Issue Proposal

LEAD 11-12.INV2. Use a variety of international and domestic sources to identify and weigh relevant
evidence that addresses a globally-focused question.
● We will be able to recognize and identify relevant pieces of evidence and sources that addresses a globally
focused question pertaining to our service project. With that we will be able to analyze both international
and domestic sources from a diverse array of research to further support our research and back up our
● We will be able to focus our research to target a solution that will positively affect the children that cant
afford gifts during the holiday season.
LEAD 11-12.PERS 1. Express personal perspectives on situations, events, issues or phenomena, and
identify influences on that perspective.
● We can express our personal perspectives on this project and what provoked us to conduct this research.
With that we will be able to communicate our personal aspect of this project and make a greater personal
connection with this project.
● We will also express a personal reason of why each of us decided to participate in this research and we will
be able to share that connection with our peers.
LEAD 11-12.PERS2. Explain the perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thoughts, and identify
possible influences on those perspectives, including access to information and resources.
● We will explore multiple others perspective and understand from where this perspective is derived or
developed from. Than in order to challenge or prove that perspective we will present our research and data
to our audience.
● We will also be able to explore what would influences others perspective on our research and why were they
influenced by that particular thought
LEAD 11-12.PERS4. Apply an understanding of multiple perspectives and contexts when interpreting and
communicating information about situations, events, issues, or phenomena.
● We will be able interpret complex situations, events, issues, or phenomena from multiple different
perspectives and sources. This means we can describe our project and research from two or more different
perspectives keeping in mind the mindset of our audience.
● We can will communicate information about our research to people with different perspectives. This means
We can communicate about project to a person and keep that person’s unique perspective in mind, avoiding
offending that person or introducing our perspective or others’ perspectives inappropriately.
Division of Work​:
Stephanie:- contact the salvation army and arrange visit.
Gustavo:- will write up invitations to teachers for our toy drive.
Uriel:- set up the christmas giving tree.
Bryan:- will come up with appropriate gifts.
Mohammed:- will reach out for community participation..

Rubric​: Refer to the rubric below to insure your phase I proposal meets the necessary requirements.
Group Passage Phase I – Research and Describe the Issue Proposal

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