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My Financial Game Plan

By Leslie Gutierrez
Period 8
Step 1: Become a sonographer

1. I plan to get an two year associate's degree and then receive on-the-job training
2. To accomplish this plan I will apply to Merced College
3. I predict that I will be able to find a job in the next 4 or 5 years in merced or
modesto for ultrasound tech
Step 2: Have all my debts paid off by 30
1) I plan to have no debt by the age of 30
2) Since I will be attending Merced College, I would be driving a car that my mom
gave me and I don’t have to worry about the car payment because it’s paid off
3) While I’m in college I will find a job so I could earn some money
Step 3: Save
1) After I am done with 2 year college, I would get a job in the Merced Hospital or
any place that have an ultrasound tech.
2) I plan to save money when I start working and spend money on the things that
are important and also save money for retirement
3) I plan to move out of my parents house in the age of 21 and live in a apartment
Step 4: Engaged & Retirement

1) I plan to be in engaged by the age of 26 and get married when my partner and I
are both settled and ready
2) I plan to have kids by the age of 27 or 28 and hoping to live in a nice house
3) Get retire by the age of 40 and be on vacation with my family

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