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The effect of medial patellar taping on pain,

strength and neuromuscular recruitment in
subjects with and without patellofemoral pain

Article in Physiotherapy · March 2007

DOI: 10.1016/


21 266

4 authors, including:

Janet H. L. Keet Janine Gray

University of Cape Town University of Cape Town


Mike Ian Lambert

University of Cape Town


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Mike Ian Lambert
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 23 July 2016
Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52

The effect of medial patellar taping on pain, strength and neuromuscular

recruitment in subjects with and without patellofemoral pain
Janet H.L. Keet ∗ , Janine Gray, Yolande Harley, Mike I. Lambert
MRC/UCT Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, P.O. Box 115, Newlands 7725, South Africa


Objectives Patellar taping is used by clinicians to reduce pain, increase strength and enhance neuromuscular recruitment in patients with
patellofemoral pain. This study explored the effect of medial patellar taping on these parameters in physically active subjects with and without
patellofemoral pain.
Study design A placebo-controlled clinical trial with randomised interventions.
Setting Sport Science Institute of South Africa.
Participants Fifteen subjects with patellofemoral pain (experimental group) and 20 subjects without patellofemoral pain (healthy cohort).
Methods Pain perception, quadriceps force output and electromyographic (EMG) data were collected during maximal quadriceps strength
testing and submaximal step testing for each intervention.
Intervention Subjects were tested during three different knee taping conditions: (1) no tape; (2) placebo tape; and (3) medial tape, in a
randomised order.
Main outcome measures Visual analogue scale (VAS), isokinetic and isometric force output, and EMG analysis.
Results Medial patellar tape did not result in a significant reduction in pain during the step testing (step-up) in the group with patellofemoral
pain (no tape condition: mean VAS 1.0, 95% confidence interval 0.30–1.70; taped condition: mean VAS 1.07, 95% confidence interval
0.22–1.91) or an increase in quadriceps force output. However, there was a significant decrease in EMG activity of the vastus medialis oblique
in both groups during the closed chain step test (e.g. group with patellofemoral pain, no tape condition: mean 77%, 95% confidence interval
62–92%; taped condition: mean 64%, 95% confidence interval 53–75%, P < 0.05).
Conclusion Although taping did not reduce pain in the patellofemoral pain group, it did enhance the efficiency of the vastus medialus oblique.
Future studies should determine whether there are clinical benefits to these findings.
© 2006 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Knee; Quadriceps; Force; Electromyography

Introduction A wide variety of disorders may fall under the umbrella

term of patellofemoral pain. As a result, a thorough
Patellofemoral disorders are amongst the most common systematic evaluation of the patient’s lower extremity
clinical conditions encountered in the sporting and general alignment, patellar mobility and alignment, muscle flex-
population [1,2]. Patellofemoral pain is usually described ibility, strength, co-ordination, soft tissue and articular
as diffuse, peripatellar, anterior knee pain [1,3]. Symptoms pain is important in determining the possible causes of
are typically aggravated by activities such as ascending or patellofemoral pain and prescribing an optimal rehabil-
descending stairs, squatting, kneeling, running and prolonged itation programme. Management of patellofemoral pain
sitting [1,4]. syndrome often includes reduction of pain and inflammation
through cryotherapy, heat therapy, massage therapy, muscle
flexibility and strength training (especially quadriceps),
∗ Corresponding author at: P.O. Box 765, Somerset West 7129, South patellar taping, bracing, orthotics, correction of abnormal
Africa. Tel.: +27 21 8471577; fax: +27 21 8524837. biomechanics or other causative factors, acupuncture and
E-mail address: (J.H.L. Keet). surgery.

0031-9406/$ – see front matter © 2006 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 J.H.L. Keet et al. / Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52

Patellar taping is used by clinicians during the treatment of Table 1

patellofemoral pain to reduce pain [5,6], increase quadriceps General subject characteristics for the healthy cohort (n = 20) and the
patellofemoral pain (PFP) group (n = 15)
strength [7], enhance neuromuscular recruitment [8], and
correct timing of onset of activation of the vastus medialus Variables Healthy cohort PFP group
oblique relative to the vastus lateralis [9]. Many hypothe- Sample size 20 15
ses for the mechanism of action of the patellar tape have Female 13 11
Male 7 4
been proposed, including: (1) pain inhibition [10–12]; (2) Duration of PFP (weeks) N/A 5 to 624
reduction of reflex inhibition of the quadriceps [13] with Mean duration of PFPa N/A 124 ± 196
a resultant increase in force [14,15]; (3) altered quadriceps Sport (hour/week)a 5.3 ± 3.2 5.1 ± 3.6
muscle recruitment with regard to timing of onset of the vas- Mass (kg)a 64.4 ± 11.1 65.2 ± 9.6
tus medialus oblique relative to the vastus lateralis [9,16,17]; Age (years)a 29.4 ± 4.6 29.1 ± 5.1
(4) improved patellar tracking by repositioning the patella a Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
within the trochlear groove with a resultant decreased load on
the patellofemoral joint [5,17], a theory as yet unsupported by retropatellar or peripatellar pain, with insidious onset, of at
radiological studies [18–20]; (5) alteration of compensatory least 5 weeks’ duration, and to be currently participating in
gait strategies [21,22]; (6) enhanced proprioception through a minimum of 2 hours of physical activity per week, even
directionally sensitive mechanoreceptors [23–25]; and (7) the though pain may be affecting their sporting activity [27]. In
placebo effect of a clinical intervention. addition, the subjects had a minimum of three of the follow-
This study examined whether patellar taping does decrease ing five criteria [17,28]: retropatellar or peripatellar pain on
pain, increase quadriceps strength and enhance neuromus- physical examination of the patella; pseudolocking: clicking
cular recruitment. This study is unique as it included both and a painful or painless ‘catching’; pain on ascending or
open chain testing (maximal isometric voluntary contraction, descending stairs; pain or stiffness on prolonged sitting; and
concentric and eccentric isokinetic torque) and functional pain on squatting.
closed chain (step) testing. In addition, testing was performed Exclusion criteria for subjects in both groups were: a his-
on physically active subjects with patellofemoral pain and tory of traumatic knee injury including knee ligament or
healthy control subjects without symptoms of patellofemoral cartilage injury, patellar subluxation or dislocation; prior knee
pain. In this study, the authors eliminated confusion about surgery; or any other musculoskeletal injury to either lower
which components of taping provide the observed benefit by extremity.
using the first component [11,17], the medial glide, alone dur-
ing a range of weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing tests. Taping technique and application
Furthermore, randomisation of interventions and placebo
control formed part of this study design, making it more strin- Patellar tape with the medial glide component [11,17]
gently controlled than much of the previous research in this was used in this study. This technique makes use of flexible
area [14,15,26]. Fixomull hypoallergenic tape under the rigid leucotape (BSN
Medical, GMBH & Co., Hamburg, Germany). The placebo
patella tape was Fixomull tape alone and was applied directly
Methods over the patella, as above, but without the medial glide
component. The tape was applied by an experienced phys-
The study design was a placebo-controlled clinical trial iotherapist. The order of tape application was randomised.
with three randomised interventions for each subject: (1) with The potential differences between the two taping conditions
medial patellar tape; (2) with placebo tape; and (3) with no (placebo and medial patellar tape) were not explained to the
tape. Male and female subjects were recruited from the Sport subjects.
Science Institute of South Africa. The experimental group
consisted of 15 subjects with patellofemoral pain, and the Electromyographic evaluation
healthy cohort consisted of 20 subjects without symptoms of
patellofemoral pain (Table 1). Electromyographic (EMG) data from the bellies of the
The sample size was determined through a power analysis vastus medialus oblique and vastus lateralis muscles were
of data from previous studies. This calculation showed that collected during isokinetic, isometric and functional testing.
for a change in pain score of 2.0 ± 1.5 units (which is clin- The subject’s skin was prepared by shaving off the hair and
ically relevant), a sample size of nine in each group would the outer layer of epidermal cells and cleaning with alcohol
have sufficient statistical power (␣ = 0.05, power = 80%) to swabs. A surface Triode EMG electrode (Thought Technol-
detect difference between groups and treatments. This calcu- ogy Triode MIEP01-00, Montreal, Canada) was placed over
lated sample size was increased in anticipation of subjects’ the midpoint of the bellies of the vastus medialus oblique
non-compliance and missing data from technical problems. and vastus lateralis, and orientated in line with the longitudi-
To fulfill the inclusion requirements of this study, the sub- nal fibres [29,30]. The vastus medialus oblique electrode was
jects with patellofemoral pain were required to present with placed approximately 4 cm superior to and 3 cm medial to the
J.H.L. Keet et al. / Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52 47

superomedial patella border, orientated 55◦ to the long axis of of these measurements has been shown to be less than
the patella. The vastus lateralis electrode was placed approx- 10% [33]. This test was followed by isometric quadriceps
imately 10–15 cm superior to and 6 cm lateral to the superior tests, which were performed at 60◦ knee flexion. Subjects
border of the patella, orientated 15◦ to the long axis of the were given consistent verbal encouragement by the same
patella. The quadriceps muscles were contracted isometri- tester.
cally prior to electrode placement to identify the midpoint of All subjects were familiarised with the equipment and test-
the muscle belly. The electrode was linked to an amplifier ing procedure prior to the start of data collection. Subjects
box that was connected via a fibre-optic cable to a com- were asked to perform 10 submaximal concentric and eccen-
puter with Flexcomp/DSP software (Thought Technology, tric actions of the quadriceps, gradually progressing from 50
Montreal, Canada) for recording of data. to 90% of their maximum, as part of the warm-up. Thereafter,
EMG readings were sampled at 1984 Hz and were passed three maximal voluntary concentric and eccentric actions of
through a 50-Hz line filter to remove interference from elec- the quadriceps were performed. This test was followed by a
trical sources to yield raw data. Movement artefact was warm-up of five submaximal isometric actions of the quadri-
removed from these raw signals with a high-pass second- ceps with a 5-second hold and 5-second rest period between
order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 15 Hz. each action. This was followed by three maximal voluntary
The means of the EMG signals were then removed and isometric quadriceps contractions of 5 seconds duration. For
the signals were full-wave rectified. The signals were then all these tests, the action producing the greatest peak force
smoothed with a linear envelope using a low-pass second- was recorded for analysis. EMG data were recorded simulta-
order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 5 Hz. neously.
Filtering procedures were performed using MATLAB soft-
ware (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). After Closed chain tests
filtering, EMG data were processed to yield amplitude and
frequency compression data using software courtesy of H. The functional test consisted of a step-up followed imme-
Mullany (University College Dublin, 2000). EMG amplitude diately by a step-down with the same leg, over a 20-cm step,
was calculated using the root mean square method. Inte- performed in time to a recorded voice counting 3 seconds for
grated EMG data have shown to be a reliable method to study the step-up and 3 seconds for the step-down, and repeated
strength qualities of muscle during maximal and submaximal three times. EMG data were recorded simultaneously. EMG
contractions [31]. amplitude was sampled over a 0.5-second period during
Normalisation of the data was performed by expressing the greatest burst of EMG activity. EMG values were aver-
each subject’s isokinetic and functional test EMG data as aged for the three tests. All testing was performed with
a percentage of the isometric EMG data obtained whilst bare feet to prevent the confounding effect of differences in
the subject performed the maximal isometric strength test shoe type.
[32] with no tape applied. This EMG normalisation pro-
cess, as opposed to working with raw EMG data, negates Pain evaluation
the potentially confounding effects of differences in lean
muscle mass and percentage body fat between subjects, and A 10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS) was used after
the individual variation introduced as a result of electrode each test to record the subjects’ perceived pain [34]. The
placement. VAS has proven to be a reliable method of assessing pain
Open chain tests
Statistical analysis
The KinCom Isokinetic Dynamometer (Chattanooga
Group, Inc., Chattanooga, USA) was used to test the Appropriate statistical tests were performed on the data
muscle strength of the quadriceps during maximal isokinetic using the Statistica 6.1 software package (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa,
(concentric and eccentric) and isometric tests whilst EMG OK, USA). An analysis of variance with repeated measures
data were recorded. The subjects were seated with the was used to determine whether the interactions of the main
hip in 90◦ flexion and were stabilised in the chair with effects (group X taping conditions) were significant. Any
a strap across the chest and waist. Isokinetic tests were differences between the interactions or main effects were
performed with the knee extending or flexing between 85◦ analysed with a Tukey post hoc test. The coefficient of vari-
and 5◦ at testing velocities of 120◦ second−1 . Previous ation was calculated for the maximal voluntary isometric
isokinetic studies have produced higher pain scores at contractions for each subject for each of the three condi-
lower testing velocities (60◦ second−1 ) and lower pain tions (no tape, placebo and tape). The ratio of the coefficient
scores at higher testing velocities (180◦ second−1 ) [14,15]. of variation was calculated as an estimation of whether the
Therefore, 120◦ second−1 velocity was used in this study to experimental group and the healthy cohort had similar or
be representative of walking or jogging and so as not to cause different variation during the measurement of maximal vol-
undue exacerbation of pain. The coefficient of variation untary isometric contraction [36]. All data were expressed
48 J.H.L. Keet et al. / Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52

as mean ± standard deviation or 95% confidence interval.

Statistical significance was accepted when P < 0.05.


Subject characteristics

Subject characteristics for the healthy cohort and the

patellofemoral pain group showed no significant differences
(Table 1), except that the healthy cohort had no history or
symptoms of patellofemoral pain. Fig. 1. Pain (as measured on the visual analogue scale, 0–10) in the
patellofemoral pain group during the maximal voluntary isometric contrac-
Pain tion (MVIC), concentric/eccentric and step tests with no tape, placebo and
tape. Data are expressed as mean ± 95% confidence intervals.
The healthy cohort experienced no pain with testing,
whereas the patellofemoral pain group experienced signif- during the maximal voluntary isometric contraction tests,
icantly more pain during all the tests (P < 0.05). However, no 25% less during the concentric tests and 15% less during
significant differences were found in the pain scores of the the eccentric tests (P < 0.05) with no tape. Taping brought
patellofemoral pain group between the no-tape, placebo and about no significant difference in force production within the
tape conditions during all of the tests (Fig. 1). patellofemoral pain group or the healthy cohort during testing
(Table 2).
Neuromuscular recruitment
The coefficient of variation for the maximal voluntary iso-
metric contractions was 7.1 ± 7.5% versus 6.1 ± 3.8% (no EMG activity of the vastus medialus oblique was 28%
tape), 5.5 ± 4.1 versus 6.6 ± 7.5% (placebo) and 8.7 ± 12.7 greater during the step-up test and 29% greater during the
versus 7.2 ± 6.1% (tape) for the experimental group and the step-down test (P < 0.05) in the patellofemoral pain group
healthy cohort, respectively. Based on the ratios of the coeffi- compared with the healthy cohort with no tape. In addition,
cient of variation (experimental group versus healthy cohort), during the step-up test with tape, EMG activity of the vas-
it may be concluded that these differences in variation did not tus medialus oblique was decreased by 17% (patellofemoral
have any clinical relevance [36]. pain group) and 22% (healthy cohort) compared with their
When comparing the patellofemoral pain group with the respective no-tape measurements. During the step-down test
healthy cohort, the quadriceps mean force was 21% less with tape, EMG activity of the vastus medialus oblique was

Table 2
Results of healthy subjects and subjects with patellofemoral pain (PFP) during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), concentric, eccentric and
step tests with no tape, placebo tape and tape, expressing mean quadriceps force output and percentage electromyographic (EMG) activity of the vastus medialus
oblique (VMO) and VMO to vastus lateralis (VL) ratio
Healthy subjects PFP group

No tape Placebo Tape No tape Placebo Tape

Mean force
MVIC (N) 458 (419 to 497) 451 (400 to 503) 453 (412 to 494) 362a (311 to 414) 348a (307 to 390) 376a (316 to 436)
Concentric (J) 112 (100 to 124) 109 (97 to 121) 113 (102 to 125) 84a (71 to 97) 77a (64 to 90) 82a (66 to 99)
Eccentric (J) 156 (137 to 175) 156 (136 to 175) 154 (134 to 174) 132a (107 to 158) 119a (97 to 142) 131a (113 to 149)
MVIC 100 (0) 103 (93 to 113) 105 (82 to 127) 100 (0) 107 (87 to 127) 93 (78 to 108)
Concentric 138 (122 to 154) 134 (114 to 155) 135 (112 to 159) 138 (111 to 165) 129 (112 to 146) 141 (101 to 180)
Eccentric 108 (95 to 121) 114 (95 to 133) 111 (80 to 141) 122 (101 to 143) 118 (96 to 140) 136 (88 to 184)
Step-up 60 (49 to 71) 62 (51 to 72) 47b (40 to 54) 77a (62 to 92) 77a (62 to 93) 64a,b (53 to 75)
Step-down 66 (55 to 76) 65 (55 to 75) 55b (45 to 65) 85a (70 to 101) 81a (68 to 93) 72a,b (60 to 85)
Step-up 1.4 (1.1 to 1.6) 1.5 (1.2 to 1.7) 1.1b (1.0 to 1.3) 1.5 (1.1 to 2.0) 1.5 (1.1 to 1.9) 1.3b (1.0 to 1.6)
Step-down 1.3 (1.1 to 1.5) 1.2 (1.1 to 1.4) 1.1b (0.9 to 1.2) 1.4 (1.1 to 1.7) 1.4 (1.1 to 1.6) 1.2b (1.0 to 1.5)
Data expressed as mean (95% confidence interval).
a PFP group vs. healthy cohort (P < 0.05).
b Tape vs. no tape and placebo (P < 0.05).
J.H.L. Keet et al. / Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52 49

which components of taping provide the observed benefit by

using the first component [11,17], the medial glide, alone
during a range of weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing
tests. However, another technique or additional taping may
have produced a different effect. Wilson et al. [12] showed
that neutral and lateral glide taping techniques produced a
greater degree of pain relief for patellofemoral pain suffer-
ers during a step-down test than the medial glide technique.
In other studies [39,40], a rehabilitation exercise programme
has been shown to reduce pain in subjects with patellofemoral
pain whether tape was applied or not, suggesting no addi-
tional benefit of adding tape to rehabilitation exercises in the
treatment of patellofemoral pain.
The fact that tape did not alter pain in this study may be
due to the level of physical activity of this sample of subjects.
Taping may not be an appropriate treatment technique for
these subjects. In addition, the subjects in this study reported
little pain at baseline prior to testing (2–2.5/10 reported on the
VAS pain scale), so any change may have been too small to
be of any significance. However, this amount of pain prior to
and during exercise did affect this sample’s physical activity.

Fig. 2. Percentage electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialus Strength

oblique (VMO) comparing the healthy cohort and the patellofemoral pain
(PFP) group during step-up and step-down tests with no tape, placebo and
tape. Data are expressed as mean ± 95% confidence intervals. (*) PFP group
Previous studies have shown that subjects with
vs. healthy cohort: P < 0.05; (•) tape vs. no tape and placebo: P < 0.05. patellofemoral pain have a reduced quadriceps torque [41,42]
and decreased explosive strength compared with control sub-
decreased by 15% (patellofemoral pain group) and 17% jects [41,43]. Similarly in this study, the force output from
(healthy cohort) compared with their respective no-tape mea- the quadriceps of the patellofemoral pain group was 15–25%
surements (Fig. 2, Table 2). Furthermore, vastus medialus weaker than that in the healthy cohort.
oblique/vastus lateralis ratios were significantly (p < 0.05) Interestingly, tape had no significant effect on force pro-
lower during the step tests with tape compared with their duction in either the healthy cohort or the patellofemoral pain
respective no-tape measurements, in both groups. No signifi- group. This is in contrast to previous studies that showed an
cant differences were evident between groups with regard to increase in torque [14,15] and an increase in the knee extensor
EMG activity of the vastus lateralis or the vastus medialus moment [22] and power [44] in subjects with patellofemoral
oblique/vastus lateralis ratio with and without tape. pain with patellar tape. However, many of these studies
lacked randomisation or placebo control in their study design
[15,17,22]. In addition, subjects in most studies were only
included if they experienced a 50% reduction in pain with
The main findings of this study were that medial patellar tape [8,14,17]. As pain relief did not occur with tape in this
tape did not result in a significant reduction in pain or an study, it is not surprising that force output was not increased
increase in quadriceps force output. However, there was a with tape due to possible reflex quadriceps inhibition with
significant decrease in EMG activity of the vastus medialus the presence of pain [13]. In addition, reasons for the lack of
oblique in both groups during the closed chain step test. effect of tape on force production in this study may include the
possibility that the medial glide technique or taping may not
Pain be an appropriate treatment choice for this physically active
population. A rehabilitation programme aimed at improving
Medial patellar tape did not significantly reduce pain in the quadriceps strength deficits may be more appropriate. This is
patellofemoral pain group during any of the tests. This finding supported by a study showing no additional benefit of adding
is in contrast to previous studies [9,11,14] which also made tape to a rehabilitation programme of this nature [40].
use of placebo tape as a control. The method of tape applica-
tion in many studies [10,15,18,26] followed the McConnell EMG activity with tape
method [17], which requires tape to be applied according
to the McConnell classification of patellar orientation. How- The literature does not appear to support the theory [17]
ever, this assessment has been proven unreliable [37,38]. In that tape enhances the amount of activity of the vastus medi-
the present study, the authors eliminated confusion about alus oblique [11,26,45]. In accordance with the literature,
50 J.H.L. Keet et al. / Physiotherapy 93 (2007) 45–52

this study showed that tape produced no significant differ- patellofemoral pain may be affected differently by taping.
ences in EMG activity of the vastus medialus oblique during This study was limited to a physically active sample of
the open chain tests in both groups. However, tape produced patellofemoral pain subjects, so results are only relevant
a decrease in EMG activity of the vastus medialus oblique to this population. In addition, tape with a medial glide
during the step-up and step-down tests in both groups. This component alone was used, so these findings are specific
means that fewer vastus medialus oblique fibres were acti- to this taping technique, which may not be an appropriate
vated in order to perform the same task, hence the muscle technique for all individuals in this population. Only short-
appears to be working more efficiently. term pain relief was tested and no long-term follow-up was
It is unknown if the action of this medial tape is different performed.
for maximal voluntary effort tests as opposed to submaximal Future studies are necessary to determine which patients
tests, but it is possible that the tape exerts a greater effect with patellofemoral pain, separated into different groups
during less intense activity. In addition, the open chain tests according to a classification system, respond best to taping.
were performed in, or moved through, a range of knee flex- Research aimed towards developing a taping stratification
ion greater than 40◦ , whereas the closed chain tests moved that can be applied accurately, in the appropriate order, to
through a knee flexion range less than 40◦ . The patella specific patients would be valuable.
has most medial and lateral mobility prior to engaging in
the femoral trochlear groove at approximately 30◦ [46–48].
Therefore, the closed chain test may have allowed for a
greater action of the tape on the patella due to increased
patellar mobility at this range of knee flexion.
This study suggests that this group of physically active
How does the tape reduce the activity of the vastus medi-
subjects with patellofemoral pain exhibited weaker quadri-
alus oblique in those with patellofemoral pain and those
ceps muscles and less efficient vastus medialus oblique
without pain? The tape may play a stabilising role producing
muscles. Although tape did not appear to reduce the symp-
a medial force, thus substituting for some of the activity of
toms of this population, it did appear to enhance the efficiency
the vastus medialus oblique. Therefore, when tape is applied,
of action of the vastus medialus oblique. Whether this is
less vastus medialus oblique fibres are activated to perform
of any clinical benefit is not evident. The clinical impli-
the same task, suggesting a more efficient muscle action. Tap-
cation of this study is that, at this stage, taping cannot be
ing may be a valuable tool in rehabilitation of patellofemoral
used as a standard form of treatment for all patients with
pain subjects as it may enhance efficiency of vastus medi-
patellofemoral pain. The characteristics that would determine
alus oblique action and aid in training motor control of the
a subject’s eligibility for treatment with tape are yet to be
vastus medialus oblique. In contrast, tape may have delete-
rious effects on the vastus medialus oblique, as it resulted in
This study highlights the importance of placebo-
a significantly lower vastus medialus oblique/vastus lateralis
controlled clinical trials on treatment interventions in order
ratio which may reduce the training level stimulus, result-
to investigate popular theories on which the management
ing in weakening or atrophy of the vastus medialus oblique.
of conditions is based. This approach increases the clinical
Rehabilitation studies have shown no additional benefit of
knowledge of the mechanisms and efficacy of treatment inter-
adding taping to exercises in the treatment of patellofemoral
ventions, and enhances the clinical management of disorders.
pain, suggesting that perceived clinical benefits of McConnell
strapping may be due to the associated rehabilitation pro- Ethical approval: Ethics and Research Committee of the
gramme [39,40]. University of Cape Town, South Africa, Ref. No. 086/2002;
The effect of tape on the time of onset of activation of Dean’s circular MED04/02.
the vastus medialus oblique relative to the vastus lateralis in Funding: Research undertaken in the MRC/UCT Research
patellofemoral pain subjects is not covered in this study, but Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, South Africa
may be relevant for investigation. Two studies have shown an is funded by the Harry Crossley and Nellie Atkinson Staff
earlier onset of activation of the vastus medialus oblique rela- Research Funds of the University of Cape Town, the Medical
tive to the vastus lateralis, and a reduction in pain after patella Research Council of South Africa, Discovery Health, Bro-
tape was applied to symptomatic knees [9,16]. However, in mor Foods, and the National Research Foundation of South
asymptomatic subjects, tape has resulted in a significant delay Africa through the THRIP initiative.
in onset of activation of the vastus medialus oblique relative
to the vastus lateralis [49], and a decrease in the performance Conflict of interest: None.
of normal subjects [50].

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