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Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

a) Certainty
b) Dwell; abide by; comply with; put up with; tolerate
c) Monarch; sovereign
d) Angry

2. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Male sheep
(b) Impertinent; forward; trim; jaunty
(c) Pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated
(d) Divided into classes; arranged into strata

3. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Forcible restraint; especially unlawfully; coercion by threat; illegal coercion
(b) Older person who accompanies and supervises a young unmarried woman
(c) Work or appoint as a deputy
(d) Foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of

4. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Light stroke as with a whip
(b) Not repentant
(c) Lacking in spirit
(d) Repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement)

5. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Mental calmness
(b) First in rank or importance; principal; earliest in time
(c) Resorting to help when in trouble
(d) Strongly opposed to social or political change; opposing progress; politically

6. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Substance that dissolves another
(b) Similar; analogous; corresponding
(c) Tip; summit; climax; highest point
(d) Skin disease (esp. Of domestic animals) marked by loss of hair

7. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Give shape to; make
(b) Unreal reflection; optical illusion
(c) Sociable; eager to mix socially with others
(d) Distorted; crooked; bent

8. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Reverse the order or position of
(b) Postponement or cancellation of a punishment; temporary stay
(c) Dissenting (with an opinion, a group, or a government); rebellious
(d) Shove; bump; push against (someone) rather roughly

9. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) make or become dull or discolored
(b) Record of descent; lineage; ancestry; study of ancestry
(c) Assuage or satisfy (thrust); slake; douse or extinguish; put out; suppress
(d) Paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using
this substance

10. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) make young again
(b) (of desire, wish, plan) recently begun; not explicit; at the beginning of
development; rudimentary; elementary
(c) Thwart; present an obstacle; stump
(d) Small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

11. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather
(b) Those of gentle birth; high social class; refinement; quality of being genteel
(c) Shy and reserved (of a person); modest
(d) Use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals
12. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive
(b) Soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of blood cells
(c) Deck opening; lid covering a deck opening
(d) Fall apart into tangles; entangle; unravel or untwist

13. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Agree; be in harmony with; gibe
(b) Mentally quick and observant; having insight; perceptive; able to make good
(c) Miserable person; bad or despicable person
(d) Return of part of a payment; discount

14. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Large three-masted sailing ship
(b) Pamper; coddle; baby; indulge excessively
(c) Queer and amusing
(d) Pleasantly fat; nicely rounded

15. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Parish priest; representative
(b) Lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect
(c) Intricate; difficult; tangled
(d) Falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves

16. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Bankrupt; lacking money to pay
(b) Inactive; lacking power to move; unable to move or act
(c) Casual; hastily done with little attention to detail
(d) Small ring; band of gold, silver, jewel, etc. (worn on the head, arms, or neck as

17. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Make impure or of power quality by adding inferior or tainted (contaminated)
(b) Calmness of temperament; composure
(c) Metal-bearing vein (long deposit of an ore)
(d) Cautious; careful; prudential

18. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Preceding events that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background
(b) Linger; delay in staring or going; dawdle
(c) Giving pleasure to the senses; pertaining to the physical senses; operating through
the senses; sensuous feeling of soft velvet on the skin
(d) State without proof

19. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Done with speed; quick
(b) Not harmonious; conflicting
(c) Despicable; unpleasant; disgusting
(d) Providing for future needs; displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies;

20. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) (of liquid) pour out in large quantities from a hole; make an excessive display of
feeling (without true feeling)
(b) Pledge of good faith especially in betrothal
(c) Irresolution; inability to make up one’s mind
(d) Support; prop up

21. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Dull; stuffy; boringly conservative
(b) Harmless
(c) Work at in a non serious fashion; splash around; move noisily in a liquid
(d) Permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear

22. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge
(b) Having a common center
(c) Convincing
(d) Concerning trade or merchants
23. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Joking (often inappropriately); unserious; humorous
(b) Spot; blot
(c) Of or like an uncle
(d) Something; such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a
person or event

24. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Piebald; variegated(many-colored); multicolored
(b) Accustom a baby not to nurse; accustom (the young of a mammal) to take
nourishment other than by suckling; give up a cherished activity; cause to gradually
leave (an interest or habit)
(c) One who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)
(d) Plunder; sack

25. Choose the correct meaning of the following word :

(a) Wretch; wrongdoer; villain
(b) Commit an offense; do (something wrong)
(c) Staying for a short time, momentary; temporary
(d) Uninterrupted; unceasing

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