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Parents are the ones who guide their children and they are considered as the legal guards

has the right and responsibility to support their children. Parenthood is a state of being a parent.
Responsible parenthood defines us having the responsibilities of parents to guide, secure and
provides the basic needs of their children like foods, shelter and education. As our government
look at our society many parent don’t act their responsibility because of some reasons like
unemployment of both parties and having many children as a result they cannot sustain the basic
needs of children. So, our government think of a bill which is being made by the legislative
branch of our government wherein they planned well in order this bill will be approved by the
executive branch which is composed mainly our president and become a law which will be
implemented. After some legal procedures that is done by the senate and being approved by our
president they implemented the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
(Republic Act No. 10354) or informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law. RH
Law is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal access to methods of contraception,
fertility control, sexual education ,and maternal care. The contents of this law is divided into 17
sections which this law mandates the government without biases, all effective natural and
modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal. Aside from that according
also to the provisions of this law the national government and local governments will ensure the
availability of reproductive health care services like family planning and prenatal care. It also
starts about the different contraceptives like condoms, IUD and others. As this bill was being
process and made many arguments arises and rally that happened. As what I observed , there are
rally and arguments arises because most of the people here in Philippines are Catholics wherein
the bill doesn’t coincide to the teaching and laws of the Church. Aside from that, the government
implemented this law to control overpopulation in our country which greatly affects our
economy. For me, this is not the answer to have a stable economy and to be progressive and a
developed county. Overpopulation is not the reason why we experience poverty, the government
is the main point of this problem which cannot sustain and support the needs because they
corrupt the money from the people who paid taxes. As what I have read there is a section in the
provisions that any person who violates this law will be jailed. For me, this law prohibits the
meeting the of the sperm and the eggs because of the contraception that was used by the people
wherein the meeting of the sperm and the eggs life begins. For me, I am not favored this law and
not a solution to our Philippine economy.

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