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Trick or Treat 

By: Mrs. Spinella 

On All Hallows Eve night the kids all come 
While ringing doorbells and shuffling their feet 
Their little fingers are all cold and numb 
With those famous words of, “Trick or Treat.” 
They all wear their costumes and ghoulish masks 
Knocking on all doors for their yearly treats 
Witches and goblins carry on their tasks 
With Halloween comes the patter of feet. 
Their wistful faces you can’t recognize 
Monsters and witches stalking through the night 
Their little masks make an awesome disguise 
On All Hallows Eve is the Night of Fright. 
Their voices and the sound of little feet 
Are known by all when they say, “Trick or Treat.”

“Halloween” by Clarissa Serna

A time to laugh
A time to scream
Takes up the entire month
If you’re enthusiastic
My favorite time of the year
Even if some candy tastes like plastic
A time for horror
A time for terror
When things are not as they seem
The air full of fear
It’s Halloween
It’s here
“The grave” by: Maria Mora
Don’t stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I don’t sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on the snow.
I am the sunlight on the ripened grain.
I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there , I didn’t die.

“Politics of Bag of Trick?”

By: Karen Arguelles

Oppressed or depressed can’t progress is that congress?

They teach us checkers while they play chess while still using cheat codes and secrets
I want to protest I have rights that protect but I’ll get arrested so I’ll just take a rest
I’m not like the rest I’ll go against

What’s wrong to do what’s right to have a right to have a right not just what’s left
Is the president racist? Am I a rapist? Do you believe when he says this?
He looks down on me like can insect
I dissect and I digest the fact that justice is blind from one eye or it that still a lie?
You have 2 eyes and still can’t see the truth while honest tears come from mine

He’s in office online tweeting bad about football players

Being bad guys for speaking for the deprived
I guess the protest in Charlotte is all right
Because he’s quite as a mouse when it comes to the mice

Math is important these days he’s teaching how to divide

He puts the wall to disconnect the 2 dots that’s the symbol right
I see right through him that’s a fence
Let's all hold hands and take a stand
Let’s take offense to his offensive nonsense unfollow
Disconnects him from tweeting ever again maybe that will get him out his office

That’s just how I feel that's just my opinion

But then again maybe it’s true or am I just like him a bigot
I beg for forgiveness for any bad i’ve committed and my intentions of my comments are
Harmless I just want to be in harmony with everybody I love you all as I put the me in meant it

“What Robotics Is To Me” by Melina Basso

Robotics is more than a club to me
It’s a fascination, exhilaration.
It gives me strength, brings me clarity,
Robotics taught me about adaptation

We don’t solely design and build robots,

We want to teach our young community
They can be anything, like astronauts.
All they need is the opportunity.

To me, robotics represents a chance,

A chance to build myself a foundation
To help our society to advance
And spread that ambition to our nation

For me, robotics lit a bright ember

It’s a lesson I’ll always remember

“Iliana” by Kasandra Mosqueda

She is like a rose,
Everyday she grows.
When she smiles her little eyes glow.
When she’s mad,
I turn that frown upside down.
In the night you are my light,
You make it so bright.
When I am not near,
I am in great fear.
You stand out from all the rest,
To me you are the very best.
You are my one and only niece
And from my heart you have a very big piece.
And with my hugs I’ll give you a squeeze.

Lyla Meuy by Sonia Arellano

I only see you once and​ awhile
But blessed to see you laugh, live, and​ smile
I can hear you mumbling in the background of the ​phone
I’m sorry I’m almost never ​home,
I’m sorry for the tone I give your​ mom
But you're too young to know what’s going​ on
Your so young, so tiny, chubby, but​ little
I hate seeing snapchats of you at the ​hospital
I love you, your glowy brown eyes, and​ giggle
I love the way you make your nose ​wiggle
I love the Harry Potter birthmark you have on your ​forehead
And the way you spread yourself out when it’s time for​ bed
It’s funny the way you yell like if you're trying to​ talk
I hope I’m there when you first start to ​walk
Since April 25,th 2017 my life has felt more calm, at​ peace
Finally happy to have my first born ​niece.

Lyla Meuy Saelee 

The Truth of Healing

By: Estefany Godoy

I dont bury my sadness

Like a sorrowful shade
That after all this pain, refuse to fade
I let my soul rest
When i set foot on sand
Letting the waves hit my skin
Upon earth i redeem my sin
Beneath these blue waters
The world was mute, thats what matters
Surrounded by trees
The leaves began to fall due to the breeze
Whispering to stay a while
The world is filled with peace and shine
I have been set free
For My mother
By Sheyenne Huichapan

Thank you for always showing me to be strong

Words cannot express your sweetness and might
Even on my worst days, they don’t last long
I still have love for you although we fight

While you worry about others, I worry about you

I could tell you every second, all day
Oh, how I appreciate all that you do
You know how to make things better with what you say

Of all the mothers, I am lucky to have you

I love you so much and want you to be happy
Best of all, you’ve shown me to never feel so blue
After all has been said, I hope this isn’t sappy

This is for my mother, the one I hold dear

Oh, how I wish to always keep her near

​Food By: Alejandro Navarro

You always make me feel complete inside,
You cheer me up everytime you’re around,
when I see you, I just want to eat,
I’m in pain and start to crave you all day

Your smell, so swell, I can’t do without you

crave is insane, why not eat a taco
Or maybe a delightful burrito
You make me glad, your look, your smell, charming

satisfy my needs, every single time

I would go crazy without you near me
You numb my taste buds with savory needs
Sometimes you're bad but all is forgiven

You’ve been there since I was a little boy

I will always love you, you are my joy
Invisible by- Nicole Romero
You walk by like nothing happened
You put a smile so no one questions
You do things so no one assumes
But you know can see through
Deep down inside I hear your screams
That no one else does
Yet you're on mute to the one you call “friends”
You hate opening up yet you picked me to open up
You put a limit on it though
You shut me out once the clock was set
So I’ll see you in the halls
Walking around like everythings fine
Yet you don’t know that this is

“A dog named Spot” by Samantha Ochoa

There once was a dog named Spot
He lived with his family in a cott
The pup had 6 brothers and sisters, thats a lot!
His favorite brother was a human boy
Whose name happened to be Troy
They were the bestest of friends
Playing all night, hoping that it would never end
Sadly, Troy had to grow up
And leave Spot, such a lonely pup
But don’t worry Spot, you have have to be down
FOr you still have 5 brothers a sisters around
Spot was 16 when Troy came home at 23
Their reunion wasn’t as happy as it should be
Old Spot was sick and in pain
His bones were stiff and lame
Shh old boy, it will be painful to be apart
But you will always have a special spot in my heart
Miguel Salas
Curly Hair
Curly hair curly hair
Brushes getting stuck in there
People want curly hair so bad
But they don’t know the struggle that we’ve had
Straighteners are our friends and enemies
They Straighten your hair but the life is ending
The split ends in your hair just don’t care
Taking away the curls that are naturally there
Try to brush it dry and your hair will fall out
But please don’t cry and let tears come out
You can't just get up and go because it's frizzy
Especially when outside is nothing but humidity
So when you sit there and wish you had curly hair
Remember you can’t just go out with nothing in there

Handsome Baby
By: Jackie Centeno

My handsome baby
He feels my heart with joy
It comes all from this little boy
Who will one day find his lady

Years have gone by, now he’s become a man

Who has found his lady
But we find her shady
Yet we went him to be as happy as he can

Time goes by and he comes to realize we were right

He felt her heart was cold
Because all she wanted was gold.
He no longer wants her in his sight.

All we ever wished for our handsome baby

To be on a lookout to find his lady
November 1st-2nd
By: Yuliana Amador
Dia de los muertos
Estos días mis brazos están abiertos
You can smell pan dulce in the air
You see bright colors in little girls’ hair
Alters are being set up
Papel picado is hung up
Offerings being made to the deceased
It’s all just one big love feast!
Loved ones left to be nothing but souls
To us like sunlight they are pure gold
La cultura está llena de belleza
Y su gente de nobleza
One day we hope to meet again
But for right now, we’ll celebrate the dead

The Life Before

By: Emilie Yang
In this life
I love you once
I love you twice
You are a vice
Coming to me thrice
It came with a price
Then you coming in like a mice
Stealing some rice
Rolling my dice
To see if you could come in thrice
But like water you will be freeze like ice
Wouldn’t that be nice
Being store in a device
In the afterlife
“Best I Will Ever Have”​- Norberto Farias
She is like the world that revolves around me
She can’t break me but she can make the best come out of me.
She is the light of my life without her I can’t see.
Without her in my future it will forever be done.

Life with you is literally a blessing, and without you is a tragedy.

If someone has a problem with you. They better have a problem with us not just one.
If someone wants to come between us
It won’t make us weaker it will make us stronger.
If people try to ruin this relationship they shouldn’t even bother.
If I had to choose how to treat you it would be like a king treats his queen.
This relationship is the best thing that has ever happen to me it feels like a dream.
If I ever lost you I would always tell myself “I can’t do anything without her”
You are my motivation for every single thing
If I ever am in a hurtful situation I wouldn’t feel a damn thing.
You make the pain go away and that is what makes you special to me.
If I had to choose the people that are in my life it would just be you and me.

Lovefilled Redwood 
By Carlos Diaz 
I wouldn’t give you flowers 
Since they wilt and die to fast 
That does not represent the love of ours 
So I would give you a redwood sapling that will last 
Something that will live on and on 
Something that will stay green forever 
Something that will never be gone 
Something that will never sever 
It will keep growing 
and if we ever tilt 
And we are still loving 
We have always rebuilt 
Don’t worry baby we'll climb that tree 
And together we will forever be 
Ashley Sedgwick
Once was there now it’s gone
I spent months looking
Endless hours along the side
Trying to find what once was mine
I nearly dropped once I saw it
I barely recognized it
But deep down under I knew she felt it
Yet she was never lost
She was being found
And when she was found she was a bliss
But she wasn’t the temporary bliss
The bliss was her
Fading Away
By: Elijah A. Villanueva
1 As time goes, the wind blows
2 Rowing down memory road
3 As our bones began to grow old
4 Moments away from you are cold
5 Without you I feel all alone
6 In the dark without your hand to hold
7 Please don’t choose to go
8 Don’t throw away all we’ve grown
9 We can take things slow
10 Watch as our love begins to flow
11 When you’re around, my eyes seem to glow
12 We’ll cuddle and watch it snow
13 Hold each other as leafs blow
14 With you I’m never feeling low 

By:Israel Rangel

Oh glistening piece of pork slap

You look so, appetizing
Everytime I cook you, golden brown
You look so, mesmerizing
I can't forget about the important stuff,
Eggs,milk and pancakes
The way the pancake flips and fluffs
There is just, no mistake

Eggs have to be scrambled, just right

Or it they will just end up dry
You have to constantly stir it, ight
Or you will surely sigh

Make sure you have something to drink,

So last, but not least, make sure you have the milk

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