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# To enable 3D anaglyph press "Shift + 3 + D" in-game.

Take a guess on how to

change it back to normal 2D #

# User control settings #

up = "UP"
down = "DOWN"
left = "LEFT"
right = "RIGHT"
action = "ALT"

# Remove the '#' char from the 4 lines below to enable wsad controls #
#up2 = "W"
#down2 = "S"
#left2 = "A"
#right2 = "D"
action2 = "SHIFT"

# Controller Vibration - default is false #

#vibration = false

# Change the backbuffer height to a custom value. Limbo was designed for 720. #
# Lowering backbuffer size will improve performance #
# Common values: 360, 480, 576, 720, 768, 900, 1080 #
# Overwrite backbuffer setting by uncomment line below - default is using platform
configuration below #
#backbufferheight = 720

# Start limbo in windowed mode - default is false #

windowedmode = false

# Limit the framerate to 30fps for a more framerate consistent experience on slow
computers - default is false #
#use30hz = false

# Use the 8bit color depth to slightly improve performance at the cost of image
quality - default is false #
use8bitrender = false

# Override system language

# Options are: uk, ja, de, fr, es,it, ko, zh, sz, pt, ru, pl, br, tr
language = "sz"

# Fluctuation settings #
# To avoid fluctuations in the framerate an algorithm is monitoring performance #
# and setting framerate to either 30hz or 60hz to give the most consistent
experience #
fluctuation_detectionon = true
peaksize = 10.0
retrigger_spike_time = 1.0
stable_fps_time_for_confidence = 6
spike_count_to_trigger_30hz = 5
retry_60hz_time = 30

# platform specific configurations : <PlatformID> = <backbufferheight>,<framerate>

# Unknown identifiers are set to defaults above which is 720p, 60hz
AMDRadeonHD6490M = 720,60
AMDRadeonHD6630M = 720,60
AMDRadeonHD6750M = 720,60
AMDRadeonHD6770M = 720,60
AMDRadeonHD6970M = 720,60
ATIRadeonHD2400XT = 576,60
ATIRadeonHD2400 = 576,60
ATIRadeonHD2600Pro = 576,60
ATIRadeonHD2600 = 576,60
ATIRadeonHD2600XT = 576,60
ATIRadeonHD4670 = 720,60
ATIRadeonHD4850 = 720,60
ATIRadeonHD5670 = 720,60
ATIRadeonHD5750 = 720,60
ATIRadeonHD5770 = 720,60
IntelHDGraphics3000 = 576,60
HDGraphics3000 = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce320M = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce7300GT = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce8800GS = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce8800GT = 720,60
NVIDIAGeForce9400 = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce9400M = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForce9600MGT = 720,60
NVIDIAGeForceGT120 = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForceGT130 = 576,60
NVIDIAGeForceGT330M = 720,60

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