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Rigorous – Strict

Strangle – squeeze/ press sb’s neck to kill them

Without any intention – unintentionally
Exaggerate – high on hype, low on delivery
Catastrophe – disaster
Inhumane – callous, cruel x humane
Spearhead – begin an organization
Under the auspices – under the support
Vulnerable – fragile
Contagious – infective
Rebarbative – objectionable, offensive, unpleasant, odious, horrible
On the spur of the moment - suddenly
Hideous – So extremely ugly as to be terrifying
Oblivious – Not aware of sth
Sweltering/ stifling - Be uncomfortably hot
Stirrup – one of the metal rings that hang down on each side of a horse’s saddle,
used to support the rider’s foot
Saddle – a leather seat for a rider on a horse [sb swung into the ~]
In the saddle – in a position of authority and control
Penthouse – an apartment/ flat located on the top floors of a building
Skylight/ fanlight – a window in a roof to admit daylight
Jacuzzi - (trademark) a large whirlpool bathtub with underwater jets that
massage the body
Recline/ lounge/ lounging (n) – move the upper body backwards and down/ lean
in a comfortable resting position
Townhouse - A house that is one of a row of identical houses situated
side by side and sharing common walls
Floorboard - The floor of an automobile (A motor vehicle with four wheels)/ a
board in the floor
Duplex/ semidetached house - A house with two units sharing a common wall
Jeopardize – endanger (danger), hazard (n=), imperil, menace (n=), peril (n=),
stake, threaten (threat)
Deluxe/ opulent/ sumptuous/ gilded/ grand/ luxurious/ princely/ elegant - Rich
and superior in quality
Aura – air/ atmosphere/ vibe
Vibe – vibration
Enviable – desirable
Fathom – come to understand/ penetrate
Connotation/ intension - What you must know in order to determine the
reference of an expression/ an idea that is implied or suggested
Dome –
Scored – made a cut [scored opening at the top of carbonate drink can]
Amount (uncountable) ≠ Figures (countable)
In that {in: d3t} = for the reason that/ because
Numbers = figures
As for = in contrast
Dingy = dark & dirty
Befuddled = confused & unable to think normally
Mind- boggling = difficult to understand
(Insane) asylum, psychiatric/ mental hospital/ home/ institution = a hospital for
mentally incompetent/ unbalanced person
Asylum = a shelter from danger or hardship
Refugee= an exile (A person who is expelled from home or country by authority)
who flees from country for safety
Permeate = penetrate
Franks = sausages
Devoted = given/ dedicated
ballot = vote
Forgone / given up
Inferior = low
Undermine {mAin} = weaken
Trivial = unimportant
To outrun – to develop faster than sth
Grousing – complaint (n)
Convenience store – [7 eleven]
At (tertiary/ secondary) level
Amble/ stroll (v) - to walk at a slow relaxed speed
Preposterous – scandalous/ atrocious/ outrageous/ completely unreasonable,
shocking or annoying/ unusual in a silly or shocking way

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