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Nama : Muhammad ervan

Kelas : XII_BIOS

Good morning , I would tell my future school enrollment in smk two Malinau

Tenth grade
The first time you log smk I do not know anything , because it can be accepted
at the famous smk multimedia I choose majors mulimedia so we check our
names on the wall magazine smk so , the next day we went downstairs to wait
ten class division and class divisions next day finished I entered the tenth
grade a and so the next day we seat selection there is one friend puzzled
friends sitting so met him I invite sat together actually he wanted to sit with
me so we go to class immediately seat number four on the wall once
completed our class elections go home and the next day we learned to
klosmeting class rise , we are happy so hear the long holiday .

Eleventh grade
Once inside the school grade twelve we relaxed kind of no load , so the
selection of the class turns into eleventh grade b finally we select a seat and so
tomorrow homeroom sign gives direction to our eleventh grade b , bagitu
finished we was told the name of the guardian class named bu niyem and so
we learn we to the arrival of a new teacher named pack azis , turns pack azis
teaching so teachers physical education in all classes , the next day we fit
studying physical education our introductions her name among all students
ayu most complete to be able nickname ya nice and , We learned our
chemistry arguing with a pack ishak problems understanding the atomic
nucleus we finally succumb ishak pack immediately explained to us all
eventually we , too, so we share the report cards we were sad to see our
friends who do not ride in the eleventh grade class .

Twelfth grade
Go to school I'm happy for a long time really do not see your friends and noisy
in the classroom first pleasan class division into class thirteen b , we go
straight into class langung homeroom came in and introduced his name to us ,
and we were told about PKLH we listen to it well once completed we went
home for so long we learned not feel pkl already face so briefly tasted pkl me
to not want to go back to school , finish reports assignments pile up ,
eventually many unfinished tasks to complete and once finished pkl we
immediately repeat the semester one and semester two of our down as usual
we directly connect old friends sorts never met one year and here was me
understand true friendship is not concerned boyfriend but my friends are
more important , and our competency test before the headache to get it done .

That is all and thank you

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