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Story Board

Shot This shot was a Pan of the whole scene. We Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.1 used a pan shot to establish the location Panning 10
and the characters attending the funeral. This shot was a pan of the whole seconds
location and setting of where the
funeral was held.

At this point there will be only

nature sound in the background to
show the purity of the beginning of
the funeral.
Shot In this shot we decided to use an extreme Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.2 long shot to set the scene and incorporate Extreme 5
all the characters into this shot. Long Shot This shot is towards the beginning seconds
of the ceremony where the
reverend announces the opening
prayers and why we are brought to
the church.

The sound will be medium volume

with a clear voice over from the
reverend with his opening prayers.
Shot For this shot we decided to use an over Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.3 shoulder shot. We used this shot so the Over 4
audience can see the funeral from the Shoulder This shot is taken directly over the seconds
reverends point of view, this also directly Shot shoulder of the reverend. We took
shows the characters and their feelings this shot from a different angle to
from body language and facial gestures. show variety in the different shots
throughout this scene.

Throughout this shot the sound will

be medium volume of the reverends
voice over of his prayers.

Shot We used for the second time the extreme Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.4 long shot; we used this so the viewers can Extreme 3.5
see the ceremony of the funeral from a Long Shot This shot is taken during the middle seconds
variety of different angles. Although we of the ceremony and shows the
have used the extreme long shot before we attendees gathered around the
have taken this shot from a different angle grave whilst the reverend states his
whilst still using the same shot. prayers.

In this scene will be a continuous

voice over of the reverends prayers
which will be clear and in sync.
Shot In this shot we used worms eye view, we Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.5 used this to show the superiority of the Worms 2.5
reverend and to focus on his words during Eye view This shot shows the reverend seconds
the ceremony. This shot made the completing the ceremony.
reverend look superior and portrayed him
to look powerful. We wanted to use this Throughout the whole scene will be
affect as we wanted the viewers to show the reverends mouth moving to
sympathy to the words he uses for example show he is speaking however, there
‘we have now entrusted Jenifer and Robert is a voice over of his prayers during
to god’s mercy and we now commit their the ceremony which will be clear
bodies to the ground’. This shot focuses on and played throughout.
the reverend and shows his facial
expressions alongside his body gestures.

Shot For the last shot we decided to do a Shot type: Camera and sound: Time
No.6 medium close up. We did this to focus the Medium 10
attention on the characters feelings and Close up At this point in this film the music of seconds
reactions to burying his parents. This shows Giorni Dispari the song Ludovico
to the audience Tom as an orphan and how Einaudi will softly start to play
this has emotionally affected him, which gradually building up. All other
will be illustrated by his facial gestures and sounds will be blocked out.
body language.
This shot shows Tom’s character to
be emotionally drained from the
trauma he has had to go through, as
he is brought to his knees laying
flowers down during the burial of
his late mother and father.

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