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Slim = Beautiful = Handsome =

Fat = Tall = Short =

Old = Ugly = Strong =


1. My mother is beautiful

2. My father is handsome

3. My grandmother is old

4. My aunt is tall

5. My uncle is fat

6. My grandfather is not ugly

7. My father is not fat

8. My uncle is not short

9. My mother is not tall

10. My aunt is not slim

11. My mother is tall and slim

12. My father is tall and handsome

13. My uncle is short and fat

14. My grandfather is strong and old

15. My grandmother is short and old

Expensive = Small = Big =

Cool = Old = Strong =


1. Mobil itu sangat mahal

2. Rumah itu sangat besar

3. Semut itu sangat kecil

4. Tas itu sangat keren

5. Gajah itu sangat kuat

6. Rumah itu kecil dan tua

7. Gajah itu besar dan kuat

8. Mobil itu mahal dan keren

9. Tas itu mahal dan besar

10. Rumah itu besar dan keren

11. Semut itu tidak besar

12. Gajah itu tidak kecil

13. Rumah itu tidak tua

14. Tas itu tidak keren

15. Mobil itu tidak mahal

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