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from the E-Book of Shadows, Volume II

& so I dreamed and was shown a range of mountains that I had never seen before or least in such a
manner; it’s illumination shone brighter than any portion of the landscape as if the sun had burst
through the clouds & shown only upon this side of the mountain & I wondered indeed if this was the
land I had discussed building castles within with my father. The vision of the mountain range was so
lucid that I could not even decipher when I awoke if the beautiful blue skies I had been seeing while
awake was real or imaginary; the one who was showing me the mountains was not my father at all, but
probably the angel Lucifer who tours me around & continues to show me the heavens beyond & the
realities that exist in other worlds & other planes. The vision was so lucid it looked like a model, a
miniature representation of some portion of time & space that existed once before or may in fact exist
eternal. Perhaps the Lucifer is myself & I am only showing me my subconscious. How very beautiful, I
thought & wondered further instead…

I awoke to find at that the last of the white Rhino’s was dead & wondered still more at the chance
encounters of acausal events.

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