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Dialogo ingles

Ma: Hello girls, How are you?

Ye: Hello Mariela, fine thanks you?

Mo: Hello Mariela, we are fine and you?

Ma: Fine thanks you? What did you do last night?

Ye: Umm let` me think! I cleaned the house. Then I chatted online with my
friend in España

Ma: And you Monica?

Mo: Well, I rented a dvd, I watched a fun movie and you Mariela?

Ma: Well, I studied for an exam all night, I am exhausted!

Ye: Ohh! You did? You poor thing!

Mo: I am sorry, that terrible. Well anyway. It’s my birthday today

Ye: Really! Happy birthday

Ma: Happy birthday Monica. We will cook something very delisious for you

Mo: Ok, thank you! I like Italian food

Ma: Ok, Lazaña? Well, anyway How was your vacation Yenny?

Ye: I was in Brazil

Ma: How long were you there?

Ye: let` me see. Ohh! Three weeks

Mo: What did you do in Brazil?

Ye: I went to the beach and played volleyball with some friends

Ma: You went carnival?

Ye: Yes, it was very fun, I met many people

Mo: Interesting Yenny. I remember my first vacations

Ye: Really! How was your first vacations?

Mo: It was very fun too! I was in México

Ma: Great! México is beautiful! So anyway let`s go home to cook for Monica
Ye: Yes, Let`s go!

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