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Arianne Clarise P.

Villegas International Political Economy

AB Foreign Service 302 Sir Jumel G. Estrañero

Rwandan Butchery’s Interconnection to The Philippine Security

Rwandan genocide or also known as the genocide of the Tutsis, was depicted in a
historical drama film entitled Hotel Rwanda. The movie was a powerful message to the world
that, during the time somewhere in 1994, nearly a million Rwandan is losing their lives while
some of us on the other side of the globe sits on our dining tables at night to eat a peaceful
dinner. Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), a Hutu, a hotelier at Hôtel des Mille Collines and
lives a happy life with his Tutsi wife (Sophie Okonedo) and their three children. But when Hutu
military forces initiate a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Tutsi minority, Paul is
compelled to allow refugees to take shelter in his hotel. As the U.N. pulls out, Paul must struggle
alone to protect the Tutsi refugees in the face of the escalating violence.

Security is a crucial factor for a developing country’s political economy especially in

Asia- Pacific; there are a lot of developing countries known in this region. Security affects the
political economy of country in a way that, you wouldn’t invest your life savings in something
that is not properly secured, right? In other words, a country wouldn’t invest something to a
country without security, a country without law and order, a country whose people kills their
own kind. Security already affects the political economy in that kind of form. A well-secured
country easily draws the attentions of investors, because security plants the idea of confidence
and a legitimate business, it is much easy to handle investments on a country that is well ordered
and with that, other countries in other regions will be drawn to it. On the other hand, only those
who have the will to help a damaged country are most likely to invest to it, to build a foundation
or to make a change.

Peace should come first. Without peace there is no development, we cannot achieve
sustainable development where there is no peace and stability because conflict and violence are
widely recognized as the number one obstacle in achieving them. Why? War and violence affects
over billions of people in the world, destroying communities and unravelling years of social and
economic developments. Countries in conflict face far higher levels of undernourishment,
educational deficits, child mortality and many more. With that being said, how can a country
develop without peace?

I really do think The Philippines is making the most of it in attaining a peaceful and
sustainable development. Example of this is the dramatically decrease in crime rate since the
Duterte administration took the office, also the Battle of Marawi that lasted for over 5 months.
Though it lasted longer than expected, the administration pushed through their power’s
boundaries to put an end to it as death toll and social economic developments rise. As for the
news and articles circulating all over the media, people are starting to feel safer in The
Philippines and as for sustainable developments, the administration is funding more on
infrastructure developments in particular to Foreign Direct Investments to boost The Philippines’
economic status. Though the process needs time, it needs patience because at the end of it, The
Philippines’ foundation in rising as successful and safe country will result to a huge change to
the lives of more than hundreds of million Filipinos. The attainment of sustainable development
and security will be the keys in making the Philippines great again.

The Republic of the Philippines will be able to avoid the same tragic event that happened
in Rwanda by having unity. Forcing revolutions for false beliefs and greed for power are the
minor causes of these kinds of events, the major cause is hatred. Spreading hatred will escalate to
different kinds of false beliefs which can lead to a big downfall of a country, spreading hatred
will give people the idea of using power for their own good. Also, a country should see the
potential growth in every aspect, negativity and war won’t solve nothing in fact, in can cost the
country’s existence.

So I highly recommend that in every crisis The Philippines encounters along the way,
always take advantage of the country’s potential growth and promote unity. Taking advantage of
the country’s growth will release the country’s citizens to a lifetime of poverty. Promoting unity
will lead The Philippines to a far better future, it will provide peace and order to the country, it
will give the citizens it’s fair share and everyone in the country can gain what every person can
get, we should get rid of our self-interests because competitive self-interests are destructive to
the order of the country, it will divide the beliefs of the people and unity might be close to
impossible if not avoided. If everyone unites and supports what’s best for us, the support can
make a really big difference. First of all, “unity” is absolutely essential – even if most Politicians
are incapable of trusting each other. If humanity is to ever resolve the major problems in the
world today, countries and their respective governments must start ‘working together towards
their collective good’. This kind of cohesive psychological global unity and cooperation must
exist for any real change to become possible. So, promote unity and denounce negativity.

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