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3C Yassmin Akram khamis

part Defect
Pinna There will be a disturbance in collecting
and directing the sound to the auditory
Auditory canal There will a disturbance in amplifying
the sound and maybe there is an
infection due to the disorder in the
acidity of it or may be a drying out for
the canal due to the amount of wax.
Tympanic membrane There will be a disorder in the vibration
and forming the correct frequency of
the sound wave.
Ossicles There will be a problem in the amount
of amplification of sound. Also may be a
disorder in the amount of pressure
wave in the fluid of the inner ear due to
the error of the incus movement that
causes the footplate of the stapes to
displace the oval window.
Eustachian tube Error in equalizing the pressure inside
and outside the tympanic membrane.
Cochlea Deforming the function of converting
stimulus from outside environment into
nerve impulses for transmission to the
SEMICIRCULAR CANALS Difficulty in maintaining the balance.
Inner ear When the ear is itself attacked, this is
known as autoimmune inner ear
disease and could be developed into
creating debris.
inner ear or the vestibule-cochlear Creating Ototoxicity ("ear poisoning") is
nerve(which sends balance and due to exposure to drugs or chemicals.
hearing information from the inner
ear to the brain)

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