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mistranslated Matthew



MATITwhy (MatitYahu)
(mistranslated Matthew)



Literally and meticulously translated word-for-word

from the du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of Matitwhy

by Todd (Tobhy) Effren

5764 (pagan year 2004)


“Amein, I say to you, in every place that there will be proclaimed this Besorah Tobah in all the world,
of whatever she has done will be told for her name and for her memorial.” (MatitWHY 26:13)

Please note that this MatitWHY version uses Palaeo Hebrew letters for the Names throughout the text of the 28 chapters.
You will also find the familiar ‘modern’ Hebrew letters throughout the Introduction.

Front cover by Lew White

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Table of Contents

1 Title Page
2 Ordering Information
3 Table of Contents
4 Acknowledgement / Dedication
5 Introduction
5 Ani (I Am) Statements of hwhy / OSWHY, The
5 Attachment Letters
5 Awkwardness
5 du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of MatitWHY (MatitYahu), The
6 Etymological Connection, The
6 First Mention
6 Glossary
6 Grammatical Position
6 Hebrew
6 Hebrew / Aramit Original, NOT greek!
7 How the Palaeo Name Version (PNV) Came About
8 Kephah / Kepha
8 king vs. Melek
8 Names
8 Names- Discrepancies
8 Names Are Never Translated!
9 Names of Those Whose Correct Names We Know Not
9 No J Sound in Hebrew / No Letter J in Hebrew
9 One + One = Three
9 Palaeo Name Version (PNV)
10 PNV
10 Pronunciations
10 Proof-reading
10 Suggested Reading
10 TaNaK, The
10 Torah
11 Translations Are Not Inspired
11 Transliterations
12 Underlined Ch, ch, The
12 Waw, The
12 w4w
12 Yam haMelach (Dead Sea) Scrolls, The
12 Miscellaneous
13 Statement of Belief
14 A Final Word
15 MatitWHY (the word-for-word translation)
68 Glossary: 348 Ebrit (Hebrew) - English entries
75 Glossary: 379 English - Ebrit (Hebrew) entries
84 110 Quotes from the TaNaK found in MatitWHY
88 Strawberry Islands Messianic Publishing


TODAH RABAH HWHY for showing me that Your Shem (Name) AND Your Shabat are ALL-IMPORTANT to You.

TODAH RABAH HWHY for revealing Your Palaeo Ebrit (Ancient Hebrew) Shem to Lew and Phyllis White, for writing
Fossilized Customs through Lew, and for making sure Lew sent me a copy so that You could also reveal Your Shem
to me.

TODAH RABAH HWHY for also making sure Jennifer received a copy of Fossilized Customs from Lew.

TODAH RABAH HWHY for allowing me to live in Erets Yisrael for 7½ months, for allowing me to visit the Shrine of the
Book (part of the Yisrael Museum) in Yerushala’im, and for allowing my eyes to behold Your Palaeo Ebrit Shem
upon the Yam haMelach scroll and fragments. I am so richly blessed!

TODAH RABAH HWHY that I got fed up with all the mistranslations, for making sure I received a copy of the du Tillet
Manuscript of MatitWHY, for doing this great work through me, for bringing Jennifer and I together, and providing
her as proof-reader.

TODAH RABAH HWHY for EVERY single one of Your innovative ideas in the Palaeo Name Version.

TODAH RABAH HWHY for all the Ebrit You have taught me. May You use this work to reach multitudes of others.

…and todah rabah to David and Gray Morris for converting MatitWHY to .pdf so it can be seen upon CD.

HWHY lnjrt (erchamcha HWHY, I love You HWHY)

baShem OSWHY


This work was a joy to do and is dedicated to Joan Effren- who passed away 7/8/2004. She was the BEST mom in the whole
world and will be missed dearly!

Introduction (topics are in aleph-beit-ical order)

Ani (I Am) Statements of hwhy / OSWHY, The:

The Ani (I Am) Statements spoken by hwhy / OSWHY are POWERFUL. The example in MatitWHY (MatitYahu) is
found at 22:32 (page 51).

Attachment Letters:
An attachment letter is a Hebrew letter that is attached to a Hebrew word. The letter v (hay), when used as an attachment
letter, is pronounced ha and means the.

The word talmidim means students, so to say the talmidim just attach ha to talmidim (ohshnk, + v) making it hatalmidim
(ohshnk,v). Now without the apostrophe ( ’ ) hatalmidim looks awkward, so an apostrophe is used between the lower-case
a in ha and the lower-case t in talmidim (ha’talmidim). When the word you are attaching ha to begins with a lower-case
letter, using an apostrophe removes the awkwardness.

Mashiach means Messiah. To say the Mashiach just attach ha to Mashiach (jhan + v) to make it haMashiach (jhanv). In
this case an apostrophe is not used between the lower-case a in ha and the upper-case M in Mashiach because a lower-case
letter when next to an upper-case letter does not look awkward.

Note that the apostrophe- when it is used to separate an attachment letter from the word it is attached to- has absolutely NO
importance or value other than it just makes the reading easier.

Other attachment letters are c (beit, like our b), u (waw, like our w), k (lamed, like our l), and n (meim, like our m). In the
same way that ha means the,
c means in, at, with, by, when, upon Example: baShem (in the Name)
u means and, but, also, therefore, then Example: w’haAb (and the Father)
k means to, for, into Example: lBen-Dawid (to the Son of Dawid)
n means from, of, than, more than Example: mMarom (from upon High)

When reading the PNV you may encounter some awkwardness. This is because the PNV is literally a word-for-word transla-
tion. Hebrew grammar is positioned a little differently than English. Do not let that bother you. Most of the PNV reads quite
well actually. Here and there it may take a little getting used to. All said, if you have difficulty with the reading ask hwhy
for help. See Grammatical Position (page 6).

du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of MatitWHY (MatitYahu), The:

The following information is from The Hebraic-Roots Version (by James Trimm, pp. xxxvi to xxxvii, xli):
The du Tillet version of MatitYahu is taken from a Hebrew manuscript of MatitYahu which was
confiscated from Yahudim in Rome in 1553. Upon 8/12/1553, at the petition of Pietro, Cardinal
Caraffa, the Inquisitor General (later to become Pope Paul IV), Pope Julius III signed a decree banning
the Talmud in Rome. The decree was executed upon 9/9/1553 (Rosh haShanah) and anything that
looked like the Talmud, that is, anything written in Hebrew characters was confiscated as the Yahudim
homes and synagogues were ravaged. Jean du Tillet, Bishop of Brieu, France, was visiting Rome at the
time. Du Tillet was astounded to take notice of a Hebrew manuscript of MatitYahu among the other
Hebrew manuscripts. Du Tillet acquired the manuscript and returned to France, depositing it in the
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. It remains there to this day as Hebrew manuscript No. 132.*

* from An Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew’s Gospel, Hugh Schonfield; 1927; pp 3-4.

While most scholars have ignored the du Tillet Hebrew version of MatitYahu, two scholars, Hugh Schonfield and George
Howard, have stated their opinion that this Hebrew text underlies our current greek text. Schonfield writes:
…certain linguistic proofs… seem to show that the Hebrew text [du Tillet] underlies the greek, and that

certain renderings in the greek may be due to a misread Hebrew original.**

** from An Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew’s Gospel, Hugh Schonfield; 1927; p 17.

Trimm writes:
The Hebraic-Roots Version “New Testament” (HRV) uses the du Tillet version of MatitYahu as its primary Hebrew
text because it appears to be the best, purest manuscript of Hebrew MatitYahu available.

In the du Tillet Hebrew text of MatitWHY, the Sacred Name appears as hh beginning at 1:22 but is rendered HWHY (Yahuah)
in the PNV. Both guah (Yeshua) and uah (Yeshu) appear throughout the du Tillet Hebrew text. In the PNV, guah and uah are
rendered OSWHY (Yahushua), Elohim is rendered HWHY, and in most places Adoni is rendered Rabi (Rabbi). It is interest-
ing to note that the du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of Matitwhy PRECEDES the kjv by MORE THAN half a century!

Etymological Connection, The:

MatitWHY 4:4 reads,
Then answered uSwhy, and said, “It is written, ‘That not upon the bread alone will live the man, but upon every
utterance of HWHY will live the man.’ ”

OSWHY said in Yochanan (mistranslated John) 5:43,

“I, behold, I come baShem (in the Name) Abi (of My Father).”

There is NO etymological connection between Jesus, Jews, Judaea, Judah, and God… which are ALL mistranslated! How-
ever, when the CORRECT Hebrew Names/words are used there definitely IS a HEBREW etymological connection! The
first three letters (W-H-Y, yod-hay-waw) are IDENTICAL: HWHY (Yahuah), OSWHY (Yahushua), hdWHY (Yahudah),
and mwdWHY (Yahudim). The shortened form of HWHY is HY (Yah) and is found at the beginning of the Name OSWHY
which means HY (Yah) is our Deliverance. HalaluHY!

First Mention:
When a Hebrew word occurs two or more times in a chapter, it is mentioned in the Glossary the first time it occurs. For ex-
ample, if a word appears in verses 7, 11, 22, and 26, it is only mentioned at verse 7. Otherwise the Glossary would wind up
being longer than the verse.

A Glossary section appears at the end of each chapter. Due to space, not all names and place-names are listed. A complete
Ebrit (Hebrew)-to-English and English-to-Ebrit (Hebrew) Glossary appears at the back (pages 68-82). Many of the mistrans-
lations listed originated from the kjv.

Grammatical Position:
Dag haSha’ar means The Fish Gate. When translating Dag haSha’ar word-for-word you get:
Fish (Dag) the (ha) Gate (sha’ar) or Fish the Gate
That sounds funny but does not make sense. Simply reverse the first two words (Fish the) and it will make sense.

If you have wanted to learn some Hebrew words, phrases, names, place-names, etc., the PNV is an answer. It is guaranteed
that your knowledge of Hebrew will increase substantially! Most important you will learn the Inspired Palaeo Hebrew Names
of HWHY and OSWHY. Guess what? His Name is NOT God or LORD- these are NOT even Hebrew words! Hebrew reads
from right-left.

Hebrew / Aramit Original, NOT greek!:

I would think there are numerous articles and books written about this subject. Here are two you can check out:

1. Exploding the Inspired greek New Testament Myth! by Jacob O. Meyer (20 pp, free)
Assemblies of Yahweh (717) 933-4518
P.O. Box C (717) 933-4880
Bethel, PA 19507 (800) 523-3827

2. The Semitic Origin of the New Testament by James Trimm (78 pp, $20 ppd)
Society for the Advancement of Nazarene Judaism (SANJ) (817) 284-7039
P.O. Box 471 website:
Hurst, TX 76053-0471 E-mail:

EVERYONE agrees that HWHY is Qodesh and that He wrote the TaNaK in Ebrit/Aramit. Also, we ALL agree that He hates
paganism and lying. We know that the greeks had (as well as worshipped) MANY gods- greek culture was PAGAN to the
core! The logical question to ask then is, WHY would HWHY suddenly choose to write His Qodesh Word in a PAGAN lang-
uage like greek? It does NOT make sense that HWHY would do that.

How the Palaeo Name Version (PNV) Came About:

I never heard of Replacement Theology. “John” 10:22 in the kjv started the Replacement Theology ball rolling maybe ten
years ago, although I did not know it at the time.
And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. (kjv)

I read 10:22 and wondered, “What is this feast of the dedication?” So I looked it up. Guess what? It was Chanukah! The ge-
neric feast of the dedication REPLACED Chanukah! This is Replacement Theology. The words feast and dedication were
NOT even capitalized in the kjv to show it is the name of something! The original Hebrew-ness was eradicated! That got me
mad …and that was just the start!

Same with candlestick. I wondered what a candlestick had to do with anything. I looked it up and it was Menorah! Menorah
had been REPLACED with the generic candlestick and lampstand! This is Replacement Theology. That got me mad... again!

Then came easter at Acts 12:4. I wondered what the Hebrew was, so I looked it up and it was haPesach (Passover). easter
REPLACED Pesach! This is insidious Replacement Theology. That got me really mad!

HWHY started showing me how word after word after word had been REPLACED including the two MOST IMPORTANT
Names- HWHY and OSWHY! He showed me that the Hebrew-ness of EVERYTHING had been systematically done away
with. The names and place-names that contain part of His Name, ALL the other names and place-names, ALL the titles- they
were ALL CHANGED! The Brit Chadashah became gentilized. It is no wonder most Yahudim see the Brit Chadashah as a
christian book and will NOT go near it! Knowing what I know now I do not blame them. It evolved into a christian book!

I got sick and tired of reading all the mistranslations and Replacement Theology in the various establishment versions where
Emet HWHY (Truth of HWHY) had been CHANGED! This is the main reason for the Palaeo Name Version.

HWHY says in Debarim (mistranslated Deuteronomy) 4:2,

“Do not add to haDabar (the Word) I am commanding you, and do not take away from it, so as to keep Mitswot
(Commandments of) HWHY your Elohim which I am commanding you.”

and at Debarim 12:32,

“All of haDabar that I am giving you, you be careful to do- you do not add to it and do not take away from it.”

Mishlei (Proverbs) 30:6,

“Do not add to His Words... ”

Chizayon (Revelation),
22:18 I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, HWHY will add to
him the plagues that are written in this book,
22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, HWHY will take away his portion from Ets
haChayim (the Tree of Life), and out of Ir haQodesh (the Qodesh City), which are written in this Book.

We are NOT supposed to add anything, take away anything, or change anything that HWHY wrote!

ha’shatan has the world thinking that the Yahudim have to convert to christianity. WRONG!!! The ones who need to do the
converting are the gentiles! It is the gentiles who MUST graft in to Yisrael- NOT their way via false churchianity, but rather
the way of HWHY! Read haRomi’yim (Romans) chapter 11.

Kephah / Kepha:
The du Tillet Hebrew text has two spellings for Kephah: vphf (Kephah) ending in v (hay), and tphf (Kepha) ending in t
(aleph). I do not know why there are two spellings but it is probably NOT a mistake. When his name ends in v it is rendered
Kephah, and when it ends in t it is rendered Kepha. Kephah and Kepha are one and the same person. Regardless of how it is
spelled, you can be sure his name was NOT Peter… and he was NOT the first pope! Oy vey!

king vs. Melek:

Melek is the Hebrew word for Sovereign, Ruler. The following guide should remove any confusion as to why in some places
you will see king and in other places Melek. In the PNV,

Melek (as a Title) is used when referring either to HWHY or OSWHY (with or without Their Name), as in:
HWHY, Melek haOlam Melek OSWHY
Melek Yisrael Behold, your Melek

Melek is also used when it refers to Dawid, and other Hebrew sovereigns from the line of OSWHY:
Melek Dawid Melek Shlomoh

king is used when referring to gentile heads of state, especially if they are pagan kings, as in:
king Herod and the king said

king is also used in parables, as in:

there once was a king the king sent his servants

HWHY (Yahuah), OSWHY (Yahushua), and SdWqh jWr (Ruach haQodesh) are written in Palaeo Hebrew… the reason
for the name of this volume- Palaeo Name Version (PNV).

The shortened form of HWHY is HY (Yah). When Hy or WHy (Yahu) is part of someone’s name (or place-name), that part
of the person’s name (or place-name) is also rendered in Palaeo Hebrew. For example:
EliWHy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias)
Beit-AnHy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany)

Names- Discrepancies:
Once in a while you will come across a slight variation of the same name, i.e.:
YeshaHy and YeshaWHy, YeshaYah and YeshaYahu (both mistranslated Esaias)

Sometimes the Hebrew has vhgah where it ends in v (hay), making it YeshaYah, and sometimes the Hebrew has uvhgah
where it ends in u (waw), making it YeshaYahu. As in Kephah / Kepha, YeshaHy / YeshaWHy are one and the same person.

Names Are Never Translated!:

If George Bush went to China, guess what? He is STILL George Bush! If George Bush went to Russia, guess what? He is
STILL George Bush! If George Bush went to Japan, Madagascar, or Tim-Buk-Tu, he is STILL George Bush! This holds true
for today, for yesterday, as well as for 6, 60, 600, or 6,000 years ago! NAMES ARE NEVER TRANSLATED!

However… something INSIDIOUS happened to the Hebrew names. They somehow got translated, changed, replaced, and
even eradicated! Have you ever wondered why? I have an idea…

Many Hebrew names (and even some place-names) contain part of the Name of HWHY in them, i.e.,
ObadHy, ObadYah (mistranslated Obadiah)
ChizqiWHy, ChizqiYahu (mistranslated Hezekiah)
Beit-AnHy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany), to name just a few- a Hy (YAH) CONNECTION if you will.

The bottom line is that the evil one HATES you, and his job is to destroy you any way he can! A sure-fire way he can accom-
plish this is to get rid of the Names of HWHY and OSWHY (along with ALL the names that contain part of His Name) so as

to remove EVERY LAST TRACE of His Name! That way, if you do not KNOW His Name then you will NOT be able to
CALL UPON His Name… and you know if you do not CALL UPON His Name then you will NOT be DELIVERED!

Yo’el (mistranslated Joel) said at 2:32,

“And it will be everyone who calls upon the Name of HWHY will be delivered…”

This is ALSO written in Mephalot haShlichim (Acts of the Emissaries) 2:21, and in haRomi’yim (Romans) 10:13.

You always hear people say, “Call upon the Name of the LORD and you will be saved” and “Call upon His Holy Name”
but you NEVER hear them SAY His Name! That is because they do not KNOW His Name or think His Name is important.
This is VERY SCARY! The words L-O-R-D and G-O-D are NOT names, and they are certainly not HIS Name! They are
NOT even Hebrew words! HWHY is His Name, HalaluHY! Calling upon a WRONG name is altogether worthless… AND

We have NO RIGHT translating the Names hwhy and OSWHY!

Many times you have seen in movies where someone knocks upon a door and the one inside opens up that little window near
the top of the door, peers out and waits for the one outside to say the password. If he says the password the door will open
and he will be allowed to come in. However, if he does NOT say the password then the door will NOT open and he will NOT
be allowed to come in! It is THAT simple! It might be a good idea to think of the Name of HWHY in the SAME light.

Guess what? There was NO Peter, Paul or Mary either! NAMES ARE NEVER TRANSLATED! The correct names of this
trio are Kephah, Sha’ul and Miryam. Once you start to learn some Hebrew, LOTS of doors start opening. See the Glossaries
at the back of the book for other correct names (pages 68-82).

Names of Those Whose Correct Names We Know Not:

It would be nice to have an Ebrit/Aramit manuscript showing the correct Ebrit names for people like Timothy and Stephen,
etc., like we have for Yochanan (mistranslated John) and Ya’aqob (mistranslated James). Until we have these manuscripts,
the PNV leaves these names “as is” the way we are familiar with. Transliterating them as Timotiyos and Istephanos, substi-
tuting one wrong name for another, is not the way to go.

Tell me- HOW can there be ENGLISH names and place-names in Scripture BEFORE the English language even evolved?

The real names of the bad guys of pagandom: Caesar, Herod, Pontius Pilate, etc., are not known either. These names were
ALSO left “as is” for the same reason… besides, their names mean nothing anyway.

No J Sound in Hebrew / No Letter J in Hebrew:

The twenty-two letters of the Hebrew aleph-beit are the twenty-two LETTERS OF CREATION, and are:
aleph, beit, gimel, dalet, hay, waw, zayin, cheit, teit, yod, kaph, lamed, meim, nun, samek, ayin, pay, tsadi, qoph, reish,
shin, and taw.

NOT EVEN ONE of these twenty-two letters has a J sound! There is NO letter J in Hebrew!

If there is NO J sound in Hebrew and NO letter J in Hebrew, then please explain HOW can there be a:
Jacob, Jael, Jah, Jair, Jairus, Japheth, Jared, Jasher, Jason, Jebusites, Jehoshaphat, Jehovah, Jeremiah, Jeremias,
Jeremy, Jericho, Jeroboam, Jerusalem, Jesse, Jesus, Jethro, Jews, Jezreel, Joanna, Job, Joel, Jonah, Jonas, Jonathan,
Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joses, Joshua, Josiah, Jotham, Judah, Judas, Jude, Judith, etc.?!

One + One = Three:

From an early age we are taught LIES (i.e., that His Name is Jesus… or 1 + 1 = 3), and we grow up believing these lies to be
the truth. Then one day the TRUTH comes along (that His Name is OSWHY… or 1 + 1 = 2), and we see THIS as a lie
because we ALREADY believed the lie (that His Name is Jesus… or 1 + 1 = 3). Now go read haTasloniqim Beit (2 Thess.)

Palaeo Name Version (PNV):

To the best of my knowledge the PNV is the ONLY version in ha’olam (the world) to:

-restore the Name of HWHY (Yahuah) haAb (the Father) to the ORIGINAL Palaeo Ebrit (Ancient Hebrew) writing.
Adonai, El, Eloah, Elohim, Eloqim, The Eternal, GOD, G-D, God, G-d, HASHEM, HaShem, haShem, Hashem, Jah,
Jehovah, LORD, L-RD, Yahveh, Yahweh, YHVH, YHWH, etc., are REPLACEMENTS for His Name! They are
NOT His Name. MANY of these words are NOT even Hebrew!

-restore the Name of OSWHY (Yahushua) haBen (the Son) to the ORIGINAL Palaeo Ebrit writing.
Christ, Christ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord, L-rd, etc., are REPLACEMENTS for His Name! They are NOT
His Name. They are NOT even Hebrew words! Even the word Yeshua is NOT His Name. Yeshuah means Deliver-
ance. Yeshuah is what He is- He is our Yeshuah, our Deliverance. HalaluHY!

-restore SdWqH Cwr (Ruach haQodesh) to the ORIGINAL Palaeo Ebrit writing.
Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, the Spirit, etc., are REPLACEMENTS! These are NOT even Hebrew words!

-restore the names of ha’nebi’im (the prophets), malachim (messengers), place-names, etc., that contain part of the Shem
(Name) of HWhy, to the ORIGINAL Palaeo Ebrit writing, i.e., YeshaWHy, ObadHy, Beit-AnHy, etc.

-correctly transliterate (AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE) His Titles and His I AM Statements so they retain their ORIGINAL

-correctly transliterate (AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE) all other names and place-names so they retain their ORIGINAL

-get rid of Replacement Theology and mistranslations via churchianity/paganism that replaced the ORIGINAL Hebrew-

PNV is an abbreviation for Palaeo Name Version. The word palaeo (also spelled paleo) means ancient, historically early.

The pronunciations at the end of each chapter and in the Glossaries at the back of the book are suggested. People pronounce
words differently, sometimes VERY differently. To the best of my knowledge the pronunciations are accurate. Syllables in
SMALL CAPITALS receive the emphasis, i.e.,
as Hebrew is pronounced HEE-broo, Mashiach is pronounced mah-SHEE-ahch.

This volume has been proof-read AND automatically spell-checked MANY times. Hopefully no mistakes will slip by. I am
sorry if they do. Corrections will be reflected in the next edition.

Suggested Reading:
These two books by Lew White are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! See page 2 for Ordering Information.
1. Fossilized Customs – The Pagan Sources of Popular Customs (176 pp, $9.95) $4 S/H
2. In the Twinkling of an Eye – The End of Days (116 pp, $7.95) $4 S/H

I learned MORE from Fossilized Customs than from ALL the books, newsletters, tapes, and videos I own! If you read FC
cover to cover you will know MORE than ALL the pastors, preachers, evangelists, and most Messianic “rabbis”! Also check
out Lew’s web-site articles.

TaNaK, The:
TaNaK is a Hebrew acronym for Torah-Nebi’im-Ketubim. The Torah is the Guidance, the Instruction of hwhy. Nebi’im
means Prophets, and Ketubim means Writings. It is a Covenant NOT a testament. The word bible is NOT found in Scripture!

Some pronounce it TOH-rah, others toh-RAH. The important thing is that the TORAH HAS NOT BEEN DONE AWAY
WITH as so many like to believe. Maybe this is why HWHY included these two verses in MatitWHY:
5:17 “Do not calculate that I came to abolish haTorah or haNebi’im. I came not to abolish but to fulfill.
5:18 “Amein, I say to you, until Shamayim and earth will pass, not one yod or one tip will pass from haTorah until that all

is fulfilled.”

Think about it- does it REALLY make sense that OSWHY did away with the Torah? Can you imagine listening to the news
and hearing our President announce he is abolishing CIVIL LAW, that starting immediately Americans can do whatever they
want- with NO penalty or consequence? Now we can go through red lights, not pay the rent, bounce checks, and rob stores…
and the police will NOT come after us!

The hypothetical scenario described above is ANARCHY! In these days there is enough anarchy WITH the law being en-
forced! It is absolutely ridiculous to think our President would do away with civil law. How much MORE ridiculous is it to
think that OSWHY did away with the Torah? That would be Spiritual Anarchy (Torah-lessness, lawlessness). How can we
even think that HWHY would allow His Torah to be done away with? How much MORE Qodesh is the Torah of HWHY
than man’s laws? HWHY says He does not change (Malachi 3:6). It is MAN who changes everything!

Translations Are Not Inspired:

The PNV is a translation/transliteration and therefore NOT inspired… even though every aspect of this work was brought
before Kisei HWHY (Throne of HWHY). However, the PNV is the ONLY version that uses the Inspired Palaeo Ebrit
(Ancient Hebrew) Names!

A transliteration implies the writing of words with characters of another aleph-beit that represent the same sound (or sounds),
while a translation implies the rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken.

An example of transliteration:
okaurh is TRANSLITERATED Yerushala’im but does NOT get TRANSLATED to Jerusalem! Why? PLACE-NAMES

An example of translation:
Although ,hc TRANSLITERATES beit, it is TRANSLATED house.

There may be several ways to transliterate many Hebrew words… especially since there is no definitive volume entitled
Webster’s Dictionary of Transliterated Hebrew Words. Sometimes it seems as if translators take their pick from the several
possible spellings and just go with it. In the PNV, the transliteration and spelling of a word is as CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to
the way the Hebrew word is supposed to sound.

There are several letters that need mentioning: j (cheit), f (kaph), l (kaph sofit), m (tsadi), . (tsadi sofit), and e (qoph). In
the PNV:
the j (cheit) is transliterated ch (or Ch) not kh (or Kh). Examples: vfubj (Chanukah), jhan (Mashiach)
the f (kaph) and l (kaph sofit) are transliterated k (or K) not c (or C). Example: vphf (Kephah)
the m (tsadi) and . (tsadi sofit) are transliterated ts (or TS) not z (or Z). Examples: iuhm (Tsiyon, not Zion), .rt (Erets,
not Erez)
the e (qoph) is transliterated q (or Q) not k (or K). Example: asue (Qodesh, not Kodesh). If you turn the e around it
looks like an English q.

The following are all written as ch (or Ch):

j (cheit) at the beginning of a word. Example: vfubj (Chanukah)
j (cheit) at the end of a word. Example: jhan (Mashiach)
f (kaph) in the middle of a word, and without a dot inside the f. Example: vnfj (chachmah)
l (kaph sofit) at the end of a word, and without any vowel point inside the l. Example: lf (kach)
l (kaph sofit) at the end of a word, and with a vowel point inside the W. Example: Whct (Abichah)

Underlined Ch, ch, The:
Words like Beit Lechem, chachmah, Chanukah, Koach, Mashiach, Yochanan, Zecharhy, etc., that have an underlined ch are
pronounced with that familiar guttural sound- as in Johann Sebastian Bach, Loch Ness. It is written as Ch, ch in the PNV.

Waw, The:
Many pronounce the 6th letter (u) as vav, many waw. In the PNV it is rendered waw.
Dawid (dah-WEED) rather than David (dah-VEED)
Mitswah (meets-WAH) rather than Mitsvah (meets-VAH)

The name of the Palaeo Hebrew font used in the PNV is Palaeo Bora (courtesy Lew White) and includes the letter waw (W),
which looks like an English Y. The Palaeo Hebrew waw that I saw upon the Yam haMelach Scroll and fragments (see Yam
haMelach Scrolls below) was similar to a small reverse Z attached to a back-slant stem. The Palaeo Bora font does NOT
contain the waw I saw upon the Scroll and fragments. Don’t let that bother you. This W is also legitimate. I don’t know why,
but some letters change in shape over time while others remain essentially unchanged. The waw is one of the letters that
underwent some change in shape. One waw is older than the other. Rest assured they are one and the same letter with the
same sound. Both letters are pictured in the Encyclopedia Judaica, under ALPHABET, HEBREW, pages 683-4.

w4w is just an abbreviation for word-for-word. This word-for-word translation is just that- a word for word translation. It is
NOT an interpretation. There is NO commentary.

Yam haMelach (Dead Sea) Scrolls, The:

I never heard of Palaeo Hebrew until I read about it in Fossilized Customs by Lew White. A few years later, when I was in
Yisrael, I visited the Shrine of the Book Museum (which is part of the Yisrael Museum) in Yerushala’im. Here the Yam ha-
Melach (Dead Sea) Scrolls and fragments are housed in a climate-controlled environment.

saw it and I was BEYOND happy! Many Sacred Name believers think His Name is written as vuvh, which is babylonian
Hebrew writing, or modern-day Hebrew. I am in agreement with Lew that it is His Palaeo Hebrew Name that is INSPIRED.
I do not feel it is inspired when written in modern-day Hebrew, much less when it is transliterated YHWH. This is yet another
instance where we take what is of HWHY and change it to suit our needs.

If this book gets you angry, please do not be angry with me for telling you the truth! Rather, you should be angry with ALL
the lies you have been taught ALL your life… and THEN go back to the beginning like I did and re-learn EVERYTHING the
RIGHT way! Ask HwHY (not “God” or “the LORD”) to show you His Emet (Truth). He will IF you are sincere.

If you have any serious objections with the PNV w4w translation of du Tillet MatitwHY, please obtain a copy for yourself,
translate it word-for-word, and compare it side by side with the PNV. You will find they will be practically IDENTICAL!

Last and least- references to the evil one are rendered in lower-case letters, i.e., ha’shatan, beliya’al, ha’menaseh, etc.


I believe Rabbi OSWHY (Yahushua) haNatsri (the Natsrite) is the Yahudi Mashiach (Messiah), and that:

He is the Yeshuah (Deliverance) of HY (Yah), He is our Yeshuah (Deliverance), HalaluHY!... haRomi’yim 11:26
He is the Promised Redeemer of Yisrael spoken of by haNebi’im (the Prophets)… YeshaWHY 41:14
He is of the seed of Melek Dawid… MatitWHY 1:1, 20:30-31, 22:42; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 18:38-39; haRomi’yim 1:3; 2 Timothy 2:8
He was born of the virgin Miryam… MatitWHY 1:16, 18
He was (and is) without sin, without guile, and without deceit… Yochanan 1:47
He was (and is) obedient to His Ab (Father)… Yochanan 15:10; Philippians 2:8
He was immersed by Yochanan haMetabel (Yochanan the Immerser)… MatitWHY 3:13-16
He was anointed with SDWQH CWR (Ruach haQodesh)… MatitWHY 3:16-17
He is a Kohen like Malki-Tsedeq… haEbrim/Hebrews 5:6
He is our Kohen haGadol (our High Kohen)… haEbrim/Hebrews 3:1
He is a Nabi (Prophet) like Mosheh… Mephalot haShlichim/Acts of the Emissaries 3:22, 7:37
He is a Melek (Sovereign) like Dawid… YirmeWHY 23:5
He was made manifest into flesh and blood to destroy the works of ha’shatan (the evil one, the devil)… Yochanan
Aleph 3:8
He was our Suffering Servant Who suffered for us… YeshaWHY 52:13 - 53:12; Luke 24:46; haEbrim/Hebrews 3:12
He was to be an offering for sin… YeshaWHY 53:10; haQorintiyim Aleph/1 Corinthians 15:3
He was pierced in His hands, feet and side… Tehilim/Psalms 22:16; ZecharHY 12:10; Yochanan 19:34, 37
He shed His Blood for us… haEphesiyim 2:13; haEbrim/Hebrews 10:19, 13:12, 20; Kephah Aleph 1:2
His Blood cleanses us from all our sins… Yochanan Aleph 1:7
He was executed upon the execution stake for us… Mark 15:32; Yochanan 19:17-20, 23

HE DIED FOR US… Mark 15:37; Luke 18:33; haQorintiyim Aleph/1 Corinthians 15:3; haTasloniqim Aleph/1 Thessalonians 4:14, 5:9-10

HE WAS BURIED FOR US… haQorintiyim Aleph/1 Corinthians 15:4. He remained in the heart of the earth for three days
and three nights for us, just as was Yonah in the bowels of the fish three days and three nights… MatitWHY

HE WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD THE THIRD DAY FOR US…MatitWHY 20:19; Mark 10:34; Luke 18:33, 24:46;
Yochanan 2:20-21; haQorintiyim Aleph/1 Corinthians 15:4

He is alive forevermore, the First Fruits of haTequmah (the Resurrection)… haQorintiyim Aleph/1 Corinthians 15:20, 23;
Chizayon/Revelation 1:18, 2:8
He was not to see corruption… Tehilim/Psalms 16:10, 49:9; Mephalot haShlichim/Acts of the Emissaries 2:27, 31, 13:35, 37
He ascended up to haShamayim to sit at the Right Hand of His Ab (Father)… Mephalot haShlichim/Acts of the Emissaries
He is the fulfillment of OVER THREE HUNDRED prophecies from the TaNaK (Torah-Nebi’im-Ketubim)
He is the fulfillment of Moadim HWHY (the Appointed Times of HWHY)
He is the fulfillment of ALL things, including haBrit haChadashah (the Renewed Covenant)… MatitWHY 5:17-18
He is the Promised Mashiach (Messiah) and Melek (Sovereign of) Yisrael… Yochanan 1:49
He is our Yom Kipur, our Pesach Lamb, our Substitutionary Sacrifice, our Propitiatory Offering
He came the FIRST time as our Suffering Servant, and is coming back the SECOND time as our Triumphant
Melek (Sovereign)

OSWHY (Yahushua) and His Ab (Father) are Echad (One)… Yochanan 10:30, 17:21

OSWHY (Yahushua) is Seh HWHY (the Lamb of HWHY) Who takes away the sin of the Land!... Yochanan 1:29

Baruk HY! (Praise Yah!)


A Final Word:
Many times we have heard a policeman, fireman, or EMT person say, “I’ve been working at this job for fourteen years and if
I can help save just one person’s life, it would make it all worthwhile.” Well I feel the same way. If, by this volume, I can be
used to steer just one person in the right direction, it would be such a blessing. Hopefully it will steer VAST MULTITUDES
in the right direction.

When we go into a new field, i.e., the computer industry, we learn the correct terminology for computers. When we go into
real estate we learn the correct terminology for real estate. In whatever field we go into we learn the correct terminology for
THAT field. Then how much MORE should we learn the correct terminology of Scripture starting with the two most impor-
tant Names- HwHY and OSWHY written in the ORIGINAL Palaeo Ebrit (Ancient Hebrew)?

Check out the movie The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston. Use your remote control to freeze the picture at the
point where the Commandments are being written by HwHY and you will see the Palaeo Ebrit writing upon the two stone
tablets. Hollywood FINALLY got something right! You can also see three Palaeo Hebrew letters (rfY) written upon the
flat face of the marker stone of the well of Yeter (mistranslated Jethro). In Palaeo, Yeter is spelled rfY. There is a mistake
upon the marker stone- the middle letter in rfY SHOULD have been a t (taw) NOT a f (teit), even though BOTH letters
have a “T” sound.

I am just a student who is learning. I am just a man and I could be wrong. Check EVERYTHING out for yourself.

Hypothetical situation: I know that the bridge you take when you drive to work was just hit by a ship in the thick fog. The
collision caused the roadbed to collapse and cars are literally driving off the edge and plummeting down into the icy depths
below. What kind of a person would I be if I did NOT warn you of this danger?

I pray that HwHY will open your eyes to His Palaeo Ebrit Shem (Name), the Name that is ABOVE ALL names… also to His
Shabat, His Moadim (Appointed Times) and His Torah, and that you will be richly blessed as you read, study, learn, and
enjoy the PNV, and grow closer to HwHY.

baShem OSWHY, Amein!

Todd (Tobhy) Effren

MATITwhy (MatitYahu)
(mistranslated Matthew)



Literally and meticulously translated word-for-word

from the du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of Matitwhy

by Todd (Tobhy) Effren

5764 (pagan year 2004)


1:1 These are annals of uSwhy, Ben-Dawid, Ben-Abraham:
1:2 Abraham fathered Yitschaq, Yitschaq fathered Ya’aqob, Ya’aqob fathered Yahudah and his brothers.
1:3 Yahudah fathered Perets and Zerach by Tamar, Perets fathered Chetsron, Chetsron fathered Ram.
1:4 And Ram fathered Aminadab, Aminadab fathered Nachshon, Nachshon fathered Salmon.
1:5 Salmon fathered Boaz by Rachab, Boaz fathered Obed by Rut, and Obed fathered Yishai.
1:6 Yishai fathered Dawid haMelek, and Dawid fathered Shlomoh by the wife of Urihy.
1:7 And Shlomoh fathered Rechabam, Rechabam fathered Abihy, and Abihy fathered Asa.
1:8 And Asa fathered Yehoshaphat, Yehoshaphat fathered Yehoram, Yehoram fathered UziWhy.
1:9 UziWhy fathered Yotam, Yotam fathered Achaz, Achaz fathered ChizqiWhy.
1:10 ChizqiWhy fathered Menasheh, Menasheh fathered Amon, Amon fathered YoshiWhy.
1:11 YoshiWhy fathered Yechanhy and his brothers in ha’galut Babel.
1:12 Yechanhy fathered She’alti’el, She’alti’el fathered Zerubabel.
1:13 Zerubabel fathered Abihud, Abihud fathered Abner, Abner fathered Elyaqim, Elyaqim fathered Azur.
1:14 Azur fathered Tsadoq, Tsadoq fathered Amon, and Amon fathered Elihud.
1:15 Elihud fathered Elazar, Elazar fathered Matan, Matan fathered Ya’aqob.
1:16 Ya’aqob fathered Yoseph, husband of Miryam, that from her is born uSwhy Who is called Mashiach.
1:17 And all the generations from Abraham until Dawid are fourteen generations, and from Dawid until galut Babel are
fourteen generations, and from galut Babel until haMashiach are fourteen generations.
1:18 And annals of uSwhy haMashiach thus are: Since His mother Miryam became engaged to Yoseph, before he
came unto her, she was found pregnant from SDQH CWR.
1:19 And Yoseph her husband was a just man, and not wanting to deliver her to death, and not to disclose her, only it be
in his heart to abandon her in secrecy.
1:20 And in bewilderment he thought upon this, ha’malak appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Yoseph ben-Dawid, do
not fear to take Miryam as your wife, for what which is born from her is from SDQH CWR, for from SDWQH
CWR she is pregnant.
1:21 “And behold, she will bear a Son, and you will call His Shem uSwhy, for He will deliver His people from all
their sins.”
1:22 And all this was to fulfill what the verse said from HWHY through ha’nabi, YeshaHY, saying,
1:23* “Behold, ha’almah will conceive, and bear a Son, and will call His Shem Imanu’el.”
1:24 Then Yoseph awoke from his sleep and did as commanded him of a malak HWHY, and took her to wife,
1:25 and did not know her until she gave birth to her Son, haBechor, and called His Shem uSwhy.

1:23* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 7:14


1:1 annals, historical records or chronicles, history

uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) behn dah-WEED
Ben-Abraham, Son of Abraham behn ah-brah-HAHM
1:2 Yitschaq (mistranslated Isaac) yeets-CHAHQ
Ya’aqob (mistranslated Jacob) yah-ah-QOHB
Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
1:5 Yishai (mistranslated Jesse) yee-SHYE
1:6 haMelek, the Sovereign (mistranslated the king) hah-MEH-lehk
Shlomoh (mistranslated Solomon) SHLOH-moh
1:11 ha’galut, the exile hah-gah-LOOT
Babel (mistranslated Babylon) bah-BEHL
1:16 Yoseph (mistranslated Joseph) yoh-SAYPH
Miryam (mistranslated Mary) meer-YAHM
Mashiach, Messiah, Anointed (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
1:18 SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh


1:20 ha’malak, the messenger (mistranslated the angel) hah-MAHL-ahk

1:21 Shem, Name shaym
1:22 HWHY (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
YeshaHY, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
1:23 ha’almah, the virgin, the maiden, the young woman hah-ahl-MAH
Imanu’el ee-mah-noo-AYL
1:24 malak HWHY, messenger of HWHY (mistranslated angel of the Lord) MAHL-ahk yah-HOO-ah
1:25 haBechor, the First-Born hah-beh-CHOHR

2:1 And after uSwhy was born in Beit-Lechem in a city of Yahudah in the days of Herod the king, and behold,
sorcerers came from the east of Yerushala’im, saying,
2:2 “Where is He Who is born Melek over haYahudim? For we have seen His star in the east, and we have come to bow
down to Him.”
2:3 And when Herod heard, he became full of anger- he and all Yerushala’im with him.
2:4 And he gathered all Sarei haKohanim and sophrei of the people, and he needed from them in what place haMashiach
will be born.
2:5 And they said to him, “In Beit-Lechem of Yahudah, for thus it was said by mouth of ha’nabi,
2:6* ‘But you, Beit-Lechem, Ephratah, young to be among the clans of Yahudah, from you He will come forth to Me to
be Moshel over My people Yisrael.’ ”
2:7 Then Herod called the sorcerers secretly, and questioned them well of the time of the star which had appeared to
2:8 And he sent them to Beit-Lechem, and said, “Go and ask well concerning haNa’ar, and when you have found Him,
tell me, so that I may also come to bow down to Him.”
2:9 And when they heard the king, they went. And behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before their eyes,
until it came and stood still above, over against where haNa’ar was.
2:10 And when they saw the star, they rejoiced a very great joy.
2:11 And they came to the house, and they found haNa’ar and Miryam His mother, and they fell upon the ground and
they bowed down to Him, and they opened their treasures, and they offered Him gifts of gold, and frankincense, and
2:12 And it came to pass, a percentage of them were sleeping, and behold, ha’malak appeared to them, saying, “Guard
from returning to Yerushala’im to Herod,” and they went and returned to their own land by another way.
2:13 And since they went, and behold, a malak HWHY appeared to Yoseph in a dream, saying, “Arise! Take haNa’ar and
His mother, and flee to Mitsrayim, and be there, and there remain until I return to you, for Herod is seeking to kill
2:14 And he awoke, and did as ha’malak said to him, and took up haNa’ar and His mother by night, and departed into
2:15* and he was there until death of Herod, to fulfill what the verse said from HWHY through ha’nabi, who said, “From
Mitsrayim I called My Son.”
2:16 Then Herod, seeing that he was fooled of the sorcerers, was considerably furious, and sent, and killed all the boys
who were in Beit-Lechem and in all her boundary, from two years and under, as he heard the time from the
2:17 Then was fulfilled what the verse said by YirmeWHY ha’nabi, upon whom be ha’shalom, the utterance,
2:18* “A voice in Ramah is heard, wailing, lamentation, Rachel crying over her children, she refuses to be comforted over
her children, because they are no more.”
2:19 And after Herod died, behold, a malak HWHY appeared in a dream to Yoseph in Mitsrayim, saying,
2:20 “Rise, and carry haNa’ar and His mother and go to Erets Yisrael, for died they the seeking after Nefesh haYeled.”
2:21 And he arose, and took haYeled and His mother, and came to Erets Yisrael.
2:22 And when he heard that king Arqelos in Yahudah was in place of Herod his father, he was afraid to go there. And he
was warned in his sleep to go to Erets haGalil.

2:23* And he came and dwelt in the city of Natseret, to fulfill what the verse said by mouth of ha’nabi, “For a Natsrit He
will be called.”

2:6* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Michah 5:1a
2:15* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 11:1b
2:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 31:15b
2:23* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 11:1


2:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

Beit-Lechem, House of Bread (mistranslated Bethlehem) bayt LEH-chehm
Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
2:2 Melek, Sovereign (mistranslated King) MEH-lehk
haYahudim (mistranslated the Jews) hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
2:4 Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
sophrei, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-RAY
haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
2:5 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
2:6 Moshel, Ruler moh-SHAYL
Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYLE
2:8 haNa’ar, the Boy hah-nah-AHR
2:11 Miryam (mistranslated Mary) meer-YAHM
2:12 ha’malak, the messenger (mistranslated the angel) hah-MAHL-ahk
2:13 malak HWHY, messenger of HWHY (mistranslated angel of the Lord) MAHL-ahk yah-HOO-ah
Yoseph (mistranslated Joseph) yoh-SAYPH
Mitsrayim (mistranslated Egypt) meets-rah-YEEM
2:15 HWHY (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
2:17 YirmeWHY, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
ha’shalom, the peace hah-shah-LOHM
2:18 Rachel (mistranslated Rachel) rah-CHAYL
2:20 Erets Yisrael, Land of Yisrael (mistranslated land of Israel) EH-rehts yeece-rah-AYL
Nefesh haYeled, Life of the Child NEH-phehsh hah-YEH-lehd
2:22 haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
2:23 Natseret (mistranslated Nazareth) nah-TSEH-reht
Natsrit (from Natseret) nahts-REET

3:1 In those days was called out Yochanan haMetabel, and he cried in a midbar of Yahudah,
3:2 saying, “Make teshubah in your lives, for near is Malchut HWHY to come!”
3:3* And this is he that YeshaWHY spoke of, saying, “A voice crying in ha’midbar, ‘Make way to HWHY! Make straight
in an arabah a path to Eloheinu!’ ”
3:4 And was clothing of Yochanan from hair of camels, and a belt of skin about his waist, and his food was a locust and
honey of the forest.
3:5 Then they went out to him from Yerushala’im and from Yahudah and every district of haYarden,
3:6 and they were immersed of him in haYarden, and they confessed their sins.
3:7 And when he saw many from Prushim and from Tsedoqim, who came to his immersion, he said to them, “The
generation of vipers! Who has informed you to flee from the wrath to come?
3:8 “Therefore, make the fruit suitable to teshubah,

3:9 and do not say among yourselves, ‘Because Abraham is our father.’ For I say to you, ‘Rejoice! Power is in the hand
of HWHY to raise up sons of Abraham from these stones.’
3:10 “And already the axe is placed about a root of the trees, and every tree that does not bring about good fruit is cut
down and into a fire it is sent.
3:11 “Only I immerse you in water to teshubah, but whoever that will come after me, he is stronger than I, and I am not
fit to carry His shoes, and He will immerse you in the fire of SDQH CWR,
3:12 and in His hand a winnowing fork, and He will cleanse His threshing floor and gather His wheat to a granary, and
chaff He will burn in a fire without quenching.”
3:13 Then came uSwhy from haGalil by haYarden to Yochanan so that He may be immersed from him.
3:14 And said to Him Yochanan, saying, “I should be immersed by Your hand, and You come to me?”
3:15 Then answered uSwhy, and He said to him, “Stop! Please! For by this fit manner it is for us to fulfill all justice.”
He permitted Him, and immersed Him.
3:16 And after uSwhy was immersed and gone up from the water, and behold, haShamayim was opened to Him, and
behold, HWHY CWR descended from haShamayim as the likeness of a dove and came upon Him,
3:17 and behold, from haShamayim a voice, saying, “Zeh B’ni Ahubi, Who in Him is pleased My Nefesh.”

3:3* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 40:3


3:1 Yochanan haMetabel, Yochanan the Immerser yoh-chah-NAHN hah-meh-tah-BAYL

(mistranslated John the Baptist)
midbar, desert, wilderness meed-BAHR
Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
3:2 teshubah, repentance teh-shoo-BAH
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
3:3 YeshaWHY, YeshaYahu (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH-hoo
HWHY (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
arabah, wilderness ah-rah-BAH
Eloheinu, our Eloah (mistranslated our God) eh-loh-HAY-noo
3:5 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
haYarden (mistranslated the Jordan River) hah-yahr-DAYN
3:7 Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
Tsedoqim (mistranslated Sadducees) tseh-doh-QEEM
3:9 Abraham ah-brah-HAHM
3:11 SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
3:13 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
3:16 haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
HWHY CWR, Ruach HWHY (mistranslated Spirit of God) ROO-ahch yah-HOO-ah
3:17 Zeh B’ni Ahubi, This is My Beloved Son zeh beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
Nefesh, Being NEH-phehsh

4:1 Then uSwhy was brought into a midbar of Yahudah by CWR so that He might be tested of ha’shatan.
4:2 And when He fasted forty days and forty nights afterwards He was hungry.
4:3 And ha’menaseh came, and he said to Him, “If You are Ben-HWHY, say that these stones will be made bread.”
4:4* Then answered uSwhy, and said, “It is written, ‘That not upon the bread alone will live the man, but upon every
utterance of HWHY will live the man.’ ”
4:5 Then ha’shatan raised Him to Ir haQodesh, and put Him upon a turret of haHechal,

4:6* and he said to Him, “If You are Ben-HWHY, fall downwards, that here it is written, ‘For His malachim He will
command concerning You, to keep You in all of Your ways, upon palms they will bear You up, lest You will strike
upon a stone Your foot.’ ”
4:7* Then answered uSwhy, and He said, “Also it is written, ‘Do not test HWHY your Eloah.’ ”
4:8 And again, ha’shatan lifted Him up upon a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and
their splendour,
4:9 and he said to Him, “All these are given to You if You fall and will bow down to me.”
4:10* Then uSwhy said to him, “Go, ha’shatan, for it is written, ‘HWHY your Eloah you will bow down to, and Him
alone you will serve.’ ”
4:11 Then ha’shatan gave Him rest, and behold, malachim drew near and served Him.
4:12 And after that heard uSwhy that was imprisoned Yochanan, He went to haGalil.
4:13 And He left Natseret, and traveled to and dwelt in Kephar-Nachum, and it was a city by the sea, in the borders of
Zebulun and Naphtali,
4:14 to be fulfilled what the verse said by mouth of YeshaHY ha’nabi, the utterance,
4:15* “Land of Zebulun, and land of Naphtali, by the sea, beyond haYarden, Gelil ha’goyim-
4:16* the people walking in darkness saw a great light, sitting in a land of great darkness, a light shines upon them.”
4:17 And then began uSwhy to cry, saying, “Shubu, shubu, in teshubah, for near is Malchut HWHY.”
4:18 And went uSwhy to them from haGalil, and He saw two brothers, Shimon who is called Kephah, and Andrai’ah
his brother, casting the net in the sea, for they were fishermen.
4:19 And He said to them, “Walk after Me, and I will make you fishermen of people.”
4:20 And they immediately left the nets and followed Him.
4:21 And He went from there, and He saw two other brothers, Ya’aqob ben-Zabdi, and Yochanan his brother, in the boat
with Zabdi their father, stitching their nets. And He called them,
4:22 and they immediately left the boat and their father, and followed Him.
4:23 And went uSwhy around in all Galil, and He taught in their batei-kenesiyut, and He announced of haMalchut, and
healed all sickness and pain among the people.
4:24 And went out the report of Him to all the people. And they brought to Him all that of them of illness in the bodies,
and that had fallen into many sicknesses, and in pains, and those that were possessed by shadim, the falling, and the
dropping of limbs. And He healed them.
4:25 And there came after Him many sects from haGalil, and from ten towns, and from Yerushala’im, and from
Yahudah, and from beyond haYarden.

4:4* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 8:3b
4:6* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 91:11-12
4:7* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:16a
4:10* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:13a
4:15* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 8:23 (9:1)
4:16* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 9:1 (9:2)


4:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

midbar, desert, wilderness meed-BAHR
Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
CWR, Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil hah-shah-TAHN
4:3 ha’menaseh, the tester (ha’shatan) hah-meh-nah-SEH
Ben-HWHY, Son of HWHY (mistranslated Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah
4:4 HWHY (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
4:5 Ir haQodesh, the Qodesh City (mistranslated the holy city) eer hah-QOH-dehsh
haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
4:6 malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
4:7 Eloah (mistranslated God) eh-LOH-ah


4:12 Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN

haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
4:13 Natseret (mistranslated Nazareth) nah-TSEH-reht
Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
4:14 YeshaHY, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
4:15 haYarden (mistranslated the Jordan River) hah-yahr-DAYN
Gelil ha’goyim, Gelil of the gentiles (mistranslated Galilee of the Gentiles) geh-LEEL hah-goh-YEEM
4:17 Shubu, shubu, Return you, return you; Repent you, repent you shoo-BOO shoo-BOO
teshubah, repentance teh-shoo-BAH
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
4:18 Shimon (mistranslated Simon) sheem-OHN
Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Andrai’ah (mistranslated Andrew) ahn-drye-AH
4:21 Ya’aqob ben-Zabdi (mistranslated James the son of Zebedee) yah-ah-QOHB behn zahb-DEE
4:23 batei-kenesiyut, synagogues bah-TAY keh-neh-see-YOOT
4:24 shadim, demons shay-DEEM
4:25 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem

5:1 And when saw uSwhy the sects, He went up upon a mountain, and afterwards He sat, and His talmidim
approached Him,
5:2 and He opened His mouth and taught them, saying,
5:3 “Happy are poor of the spirit, for theirs is Malchut hwhy.
5:4* “Happy are mourners, for they will be comforted.
5:5* “Happy are meek, for they will inherit a Land.
5:6 “Happy are who hunger and who thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.
5:7 “Happy are compassionate, for they will be pitied.
5:8 “Happy are pure-hearted, for they will see hwhy.
5:9 “Happy are shalom-makers, for b’nei-hwhy they will be called.
5:10 “Happy who are persecuted for the sake of justice, for theirs is Malchut hwhy.
5:11 “Happy are you with people cursing you, and when they persecute you, and will say every wicked thing to you
deceitfully, for My sake.
5:12 “Rejoice and delight, for your reward it is great in haShamayim, for thus they persecuted ha’nebi’im who were
before you.
5:13 “You are salt of the earth, and if the salt will wear away, how will it be salted? It ceases to be efficient any more
except that it will be thrown outside, and will be trampled by men.
5:14 “You are light of the world. You are not able to hide a city that sits upon a mountain.
5:15 “Nor can you light a candle to put under a measure, except upon ha’menorah, to light all who are in the house.
5:16 “So shine your light before sons of men, so that they will see your good works, to esteem Abichem, Who is in
5:17 “Do not calculate that I came to abolish haTorah or haNebi’im. I came not to abolish but to fulfill.
5:18 “Amein, I say to you, until Shamayim and earth will pass, not one yod or one tip will pass from haTorah until that all
is fulfilled.
5:19* “And all that abolish one of these little of haMitswot, and will teach thus to the sons of men, least is he who will be
called in Malchut hwhy.
5:20 “And I say to you, had it not been that your justices are more than justices of haPrushim and ha’sophrim, you will
not come into Malchut hwhy.
5:21* “You heard what the verse said to the ancestors, ‘You do not murder,’ and whoever that will murder, he will be
pronounced guilty to judgment.

5:22 “But I say to you, for whoever will have anger towards his brother, he will be pronounced guilty to judgment. And
all that say to his brother, ‘Evil one,’ will be condemned to the council of ha’keneset. And whoever that will say to
him, ‘Unbeliever,’ he will be condemned to fire of Gei-Hinom.
5:23 “And if you offer your offering at ha’mizbei’ach, and there remember that there is something your brother has
against you,
5:24 put down there your offering before ha’mizbei’ach, and go you firstly to atone to your brother’s face, and then you
will come and you will give your offering.
5:25 “Properly go and to your adversary quickly, while you will be with him in the way, lest will deliver you shatan in
the hands of the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer of the law, and you be sent to the jail.
5:26 “Amein, I say to you, you will not go out from there until you will pay a last ribua.
5:27* “You heard that it was said to the ancestors, ‘Not you shall commit adultery.’
5:28 “But I say to you, for whoever sees a woman and lusts at her already commits adultery with her in his heart.
5:29 “And if your right eyes cause you to stumble, pick it out and cast it from you, it is very well to you that it perish one
from your limbs more than casting your whole body to Gei-Hinom.
5:30 “And if your right hands cause you to stumble, cut it off and cast it from you, it is very well to you that it will perish
one from your limbs more than casting your whole body to Gei-Hinom.
5:31* “Also, it was said concerning who would send away his wife, ‘That he should write her a Sefer Kritut, and give it to
her, and send away her from his house.’
5:32 “But I say to you, that whoever will send away his wife, except for a matter of adultery, he commits adultery with
her, and whoever that will take the divorced woman, he commits adultery.
5:33* “Again, you heard what the verse said to the ancestors, ‘You do not swear falsely, except you will pay to hwhy
your vow.’
5:34* “But I say to you, you will not swear anything, not by haShamayim, for it is Kisei hwhy,
5:35* and not by the earth, for it is a footstool of His feet, and not by Yerushala’im, for she is Ir haMelek haGadol,
5:36 and you will not swear by your head, for the reason that there is not in your hand power to whiten one hair or restore
it black.
5:37 “But let your word be ‘Yes, yes,’ ‘No, no,’ and anything more than from these words from evil is he.
5:38* “You heard what the verse said, ‘Eye for eye, tooth for tooth,’
5:39 but I say to you, that you not stand up against the evil, but if he comes who will strike you upon the right cheek, you
will turn to him the other.
5:40 “And whoever that wishes to cause a quarrel with you in judgment, and wishes to take from you your shirt, leave it
to him also the overcoat.
5:41 “And who will press you for one mile, go with him also two.
5:42 “And he that asks of you give to him, and to a borrower from you it will not be returned.
5:43* “You heard that it was said, ‘You will love your neighbour and you will hate your enemy,’
5:44 but I say to you, love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you, and pray for them persecuting you, and for
exploiting you,
5:45 so that you will be sons of Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, Who shines His sun upon the good and upon the evil,
and rains upon the righteous and upon the wicked.
5:46 “And if you will love only them who love you, what wage have you? Surely also a sinner does this!
5:47 “And if you ask in ha’shalom of your brothers alone, what will you do about more? Surely also ha’goyim do this!
5:48 “Therefore, you be flawless, like Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, Who is flawless.

5:4* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 61:2b
5:5* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 37:11a
5:19* This is not in the du Tillet Manuscript of MatitWHY: And all that keep one of these little of haMitswot, and will
teach thus to the sons of men, great is he who will be called in Malchut hwhy.
5:21* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:13; Debarim 5:17
5:27* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:14; Debarim 5:18
5:31* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 24:1b, 3b (see also Matitwhy 19:7)
5:33* A reference from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:12a; baMidbar 30:3 (30:2); Debarim 23:22a (23:21a)
5:34* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 66:1a
5:35a* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 66:1a
5:35b* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 48:2

5:38* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 21:24a; Wayiqra 24:20a; Debarim 19:21a
5:43* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b


5:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
5:3 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
5:9 shalom, peace shah-LOHM
b’nei-hwhy, sons of hwhy (mistranslated children of God) beh-NAY yah-HOO-ah
5:12 haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
ha’nebi’im, the prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
5:15 ha’menorah, the menorah (mistranslated the candlestick) hah-meh-NOH-rah
5:16 Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
5:17 haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
haNebi’im, the Prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
5:19 haMitswot, the Commandments hah-meets-WOHT
5:20 haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM
ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
5:22 ha’keneset, the synagogue hah-keh-NAY-seht
Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
5:23 ha’mizbei’ach, the altar hah-meez-BAY-ahch
5:31 Sefer Kritut, Bill of Divorcement SAY-phehr kree-TOOT
5:34 Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy (mistranslated God’s throne) kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
5:35 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
Ir haMelek haGadol, the City of the Great Sovereign eer hah-MEH-lehk hah-gah-DOHL
5:47 ha’goyim, the gentiles hah-goh-YEEM

6:1 “See that you do not your good deeds before men, because they will see you, then you do not have a reward with
Abichem, Who is in haShamayim.
6:2 “And when you give the good deed, you will not blow a shofar before you, like which do the hypocrites in
ha’kenesiyut and in the streets, in order that men will honour them. Amein, I say to you, that already they received
their reward.
6:3 “But you, when you will do the good deed, not will understand your left hand what does your right hand,
6:4 and your good deed will be in secret, and Abichah, Who sees in secret, He will recompense you in the open.
6:5 “And do not be like the hypocrites when praying, for they delight to stand in from ha’qehilot and at the corners of
the streets to pray, so that men will see them. Amein, I say to you, that already they received their reward.
6:6 “But you, when praying, come in to your room and close your door, and pray to Abichah, Who is in secret, and
Abichah, Who sees in secret, will recompense you in the open.
6:7 “And you, when you pray, do not increase in words like which ha’goyim do, who think that in an abundance of
words they will be heard.
6:8 “And you, do not be like them, Abichem knows what your need is to you, before which you will ask from Him.
6:9 “But you, thus will you pray:
‘Abinu, Who is in haShamayim, Qodesh will be Your Shem.
6:10 ‘Your Malchut will come, Your desire be done, as in haShamayim, also upon the earth.
6:11 ‘Our continuous bread give to us today.
6:12 ‘And forgive to us our debts, as we forgive to our debtors.
6:13 ‘And let us not come into temptation, but rescue us from all evil- for to You is haMeluchah, and haGeburah, and
Kabod, forever, and forever and ever. Amein.’
6:14 “And if you will forgive to men their sins, also forgives to you Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, your sins.
6:15 “But if you will not forgive to men, also He does not forgive to you your sins.

6:16 “And you, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, that gloomy and disfigured are their faces, according to the
appearance in the eyes of man that they are fasting. Amein, I say to you, already they received their reward.
6:17 “But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,
6:18 in order that you will not appear to men that you fast, but to Abichah, Who is in secret, Who will recompense you in
the open.
6:19 “You will not accumulate to you treasures upon the earth, that there locust and moth will eat, and thieves break
through there and steal,
6:20 but accumulate to you treasures in haShamayim, that there locust and moth will not spoil, and that there the thieves
will not steal.
6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will be also your heart.
6:22 “Lamp of your body they are your eyes. And if your eyes will be faultless, will be your entire body in great light.
6:23 “But if your eyes will be evil, all your body will be gloomy. And if light that is in you is darkness, the darkness how
great it is!
6:24 “Man is not able to serve two masters, for if he will hate the one he will love the other, or if he will love the one he
will hate the other. You are not able to serve hwhy and ha’mamon.
6:25 “And, therefore, I say to you, strive you not within your nefesh how you will eat, and how that you will drink, and to
your body how that you will be clothed. Is it not so ha’nefesh it is more than food, and the body it is more than of
6:26 “See the birds of ha’shamayim, for they will not sow, and they will not reap, and they will not gather to their
granaries, and Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, will feed them. Is it not so you will be more than of them?
6:27 “And who among you by calculating how you will be able to add to his height also one cubit?
6:28 “And concerning clothing, why strive you? Look at lilies of the field, how they grow, and they do not labour, and
they do not spin.
6:29 “Truly I say to you, that not Shlomoh in all his kabod was so clothed like one from them.
6:30 “And if grass of the field is expensively clothed today and tomorrow is sent into the furnace, hwhy thus clothes all
the more so you lacking ahmanah.
6:31 “Therefore, strive you not, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘How will we be covered?’
6:32 “For all these goyim seek after. And Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, knows that you are needful of all these.
6:33 “Therefore, at first, you seek from Malchut hwhy, and all His Justice, and all these will be added to you.
6:34 “And strive you not for tomorrow, for day of the morrows will strive for itself. Poured out daily is its evil.


6:1 Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM

haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
6:2 shofar, ram’s horn (mistranslated trumpet) SHOH-phahr
ha’kenesiyut, the synagogues hah-keh-neh-see-YOOT
Amein, So be it, Surely ah-MAYN
6:4 Abichah, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHAH
6:5 ha’qehilot, assemblies (mistranslated synagogues) hah-qeh-hee-LOHT
6:7 ha’goyim, the gentiles hah-goh-YEEM
6:9 Abinu, our Father ah-bee-NOO
Qodesh (mistranslated holy) QOH-dehsh
Shem, Name shaym
6:10 Malchut, Reign mahl-CHOOT
6:13 haMeluchah, the Reign hah-meh-loo-CHAH
haGeburah, the Might hah-geh-boo-RAH
Kabod, Honour kah-BOHD
6:24 hwhy (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
ha’mamon, mammon, money hah-mah-MOHN
6:25 nefesh, life NEH-phehsh
6:29 Shlomoh (mistranslated Solomon) SHLOH-moh
6:30 ahmanah, faith ah-mah-NAH
6:33 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of God) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah

7:1 “Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned.
7:2 “For with what judgment you will judge, you will be judged. And with what measure you will measure, it will be
measured to you.
7:3 “And how will you see a chip in the eye of your brother, but a beam that is in your eye you will not see?
7:4 “And how will you say to your brother, ‘My brother, stop! Please! and cast a chip from amidst your eye,’ and
behold, the beam is in your eye?
7:5 “Hypocrite! Cast at first the beam from above your eye, and then you will be able to see to cast the chip from above
an eye of your brother.
7:6 “You will not give a qodesh thing to the dogs, and you will not cast off your pearls before the pigs, lest they trample
them with their feet, and the dogs will turn and drag them.
7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.
7:8 “For all who will ask will receive, and who will seek will find, and anyone who will knock it will be opened.
7:9 “And who among you that his son will ask from him the bread, and his father will deliver to him the stone?
7:10 “Or that will ask from him his son the fish, and his father will put in his hand the serpent?
7:11 “And if you, the evil, will know to seek to give good gifts to your children, all the more so Abichem, Who is in
haShamayim, Who will give good gifts to all asking Him and seeking Him!
7:12 “Therefore, all that you wish men to do to you, also you do to them, for this is haTorah and haNebi’im.
7:13 “Enter you through a narrow gate of living! Wide is a gate and wide is the way that will lead the way to ha’abadon,
and many are they who go up.
7:14 “How narrow the gate and narrow the way that will lead the way to ha’chayim, and few are they who find it.
7:15 “Beware of the false nebi’ei that come to you in the garments of the sheep, but they, within clothes, are deceit-filled
as carnivorous wolves.
7:16 “But from their fruit you will recognize them. Are gathered from the thorns grapes and from the thistles figs?
7:17 “Thus every good tree yields good fruit, but every bad tree yields bad fruit.
7:18 “A good tree is not able to yield bad fruit, and neither a bad tree to yield good fruit.
7:19 “Indeed, every tree that does not yield good fruit is cut off and into the fire it is sent.
7:20 “And you, from their fruit you will know them.
7:21 “Not all who say to Me, ‘Rabi, Rabi,’ come in to Malchut hwhy, but him who does will of Abi, Who is in
haShamayim, he comes in with Me into Malchut hwhy.
7:22 “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Rabi, Rabi, is it not so in Your Shem we prophesied, and in Your Shem we took
out shadim, and in Your Shem we did many things of power?’
7:23* “And then I will confess to them, that, ‘I do not know them. Remove from Me all workers of wickedness!’
7:24 “Every hearer to these, My words, and does them, resembles a wise man who builds his house upon the rock,
7:25 and rain descended, and rivers came, and winds blew, and struck at the house, it did not fall, for it was founded upon
the rock.
7:26 “And every hearer to these, My words, and does not them, he resembles a man- a fool- who builds his house upon
the sand,
7:27 and rain descended, and rivers came, and winds blew therein, and struck at the house, it did fall, and it was a great
7:28 And it came to pass, when finished uSwhy these Debarim, and were amazed the sects by His Talmud,
7:29 for He is learned like he that in his hand has the ability, and not from mouths of sophrim and Prushim.

7:23b* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 6:9


7:6 qodesh (mistranslated holy) QOH-dehsh

7:11 Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
7:12 haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
haNebi’im, the Prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
7:13 ha’abadon, the destruction hah-ah-bah-DOHN


7:14 ha’chayim, the life hah-chah-YEEM

7:15 nebi’ei, prophets neh-bee-AY
7:21 Rabi, Rabi, my Rab, my Rab; Rabbi, Rabbi rah-BEE rah-BEE
(mistranslated Lord, Lord; Adoni, Adoni)
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
7:22 Shem, Name shaym
shadim, demons shay-DEEM
7:28 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Debarim, Words deh-bah-REEM
Talmud, Instruction tahl-MOOD
7:29 sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM

8:1 And when went down uSwhy from the mountain, went they after Him a vast multitude.
8:2 And behold, a leper came and bowed down to Him, saying, “Rabi, if You will desire, You will be able to make clean
8:3 Then stretched out uSwhy His hand, and touched therein, and said, “I desire, be clean!” And immediately he was
cleansed of his leprosy.
8:4 And said to him uSwhy, “See not you tell to man, but go, and appear to ha’kohen, and bring in to him your
offering, as commanded Mosheh to them for a witness.”
8:5 And when came uSwhy to Kephar-Nachum, there approached to Him a captain of a hundred, and beseeched Him,
8:6 “Rabi, my son lies in the house, and he has dropping of limbs, and very tormented.”
8:7 And said to him uSwhy, “I will come and will heal him.”
8:8 And then answered a captain of a hundred, and said, “Rabi, I am wrong that You will come under my roof. Only
speak a word, and will be healed my son.
8:9 “For also I am placed under rule of another man, and under me are men of valour. And I say to this one, ‘Go!’ then
he goes, and to another, ‘Come!’ then he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this!’ then he does it.”
8:10 And when heard uSwhy, He was surprised, and said to walkers after Him, “Amein, I say to you, not found I such
emunah in Yisrael!
8:11 “And I say to you, that many will come from east and from west, and will lie down with Abraham, Yitschaq and
Ya’aqob in Malchut hwhy,
8:12 but children of the kingdom will be thrown to the outer darkness- and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
8:13 And said uSwhy to a captain of a hundred, “Go! and as you believed, let it be to you.” And was healed the boy in
that hour.
8:14 And came uSwhy to house of Kepha, and He saw his mother-in-law lying down in a continual fever.
8:15 And touched He her hand, and left her the fever. And she stood up and served them.
8:16 And when it caused to be evening, brought they near to Him many possessed of ha’shadim. And He, by His Debar
alone, took out ha’ruchot, and healed them staying in wickedness,
8:17* to fulfill what has been said through Yeshahy ha’nabi, the utterance, “Our sicknesses He took up and our pains He
endured them.”
8:18 And saw uSwhy many sects surrounding Him, and He commanded His talmidim to go to the opposite side of the
8:19 And drew near one from sophrim, and said to Him, “Rabi, I will come after You where will go You.”
8:20 And said to him uSwhy, “Foxes- there are to them the holes, and to a bird of ha’shamayim nests, but to a son of
man there is not to them a floor that is there to lay his head.”
8:21 And one of His talmidim said to Him, “Leave me until that I bury my father.”
8:22 But answered him uSwhy, “Come after Me, and leave the dead to bury his dead.”
8:23 And went up He into the boat, and came after Him His talmidim.
8:24 And behold, a great storm in the sea, and the boat covered from the waves. But He was sleeping.

8:25 And drew near His talmidim to Him, and awakened Him, saying, “Rabi, deliver us lest we perish!”
8:26 Then said to them uSwhy, “Why do you fear, little of emunah?” Then He arose, and commanded He the winds
and the sea, and there was a great silence.
8:27 And were amazed the men, and said they, “Who is this, that the winds and the sea listen to Him?”
8:28 And afterwards came uSwhy to the opposite side of the sea, into the country of Gergeshim, and came they to
meet Him two possessed of ha’shadim, and came out they from the graves, and they were very cruel, so that man
was not able to pass by the way of it.
8:29 And behold, called out they, saying, “What is it to us? And You, uSwhy, Ben-hwhy, why have You come
hither before the time to afflict us?”
8:30 And close by to there was a herd of many pigs shepherded,
8:31 and shadim beseeched Him, saying, “If You will take us out from here, send us into the herd of pigs.”
8:32 And behold, went the whole herd in a rage, and with a great wavering, and fell to the sea, and died.
8:33 Then shepherds fled, and came to the town, and told them all these things, and also concerning those that in them
were ha’shadim.
8:34 And behold, the whole city came out to meet uSwhy. And when they saw Him, they beseeched Him that He
would pass through their borders.

8:17* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 53:4a


8:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

8:2 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
8:4 ha’kohen (mistranslated the priest) hah-koh-HAYN
Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
8:5 Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
8:10 emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
8:11 Abraham ah-brah-HAHM
Yitschaq (mistranslated Isaac) yeets-CHAHQ
Ya’aqob (mistranslated Jacob) yah-ah-QOHB
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
8:14 Kepha (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
8:16 ha’shadim, the demons hah-shay-DEEM
Debar, Word deh-BAHR
8:17 Yeshahy, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
8:18 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
8:19 sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
8:20 ha’shamayim, the heavens hah-shah-mah-YEEM
8:29 Ben-hwhy, Son of hwhy (mistranslated Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah

9:1 And went up uSwhy to the boat, and went across the sea, and He came to His town.
9:2 And behold, brought near they to Him a man dropping of limbs, lying down in the bed, and when saw uSwhy
their emunah, He said to dropping of the limbs, “Trust, My son, for forgiven to you are your sins.”
9:3 And behold, said ha’sophrim among them, “Behold, This is a reviler!”
9:4 And saw uSwhy their thoughts, and He said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
9:5 “Then which is it more easy to say, ‘Forgiven to you are your sins,’ or to say, ‘Stand up and walk?’
9:6 “But so that you will know that there is Ben-haAdam Who is governing upon earth to forgive sins.” Then said He to
dropping of limbs, “Stand up and take your bed, and walk to your house.”

9:7 And he stood up and walked to his house.
9:8 But when saw thus the sects, feared they, and esteemed hwhy, Who gave haKoach to Ben-haAdam.
9:9 And as went uSwhy from there, saw He one man sitting in beit-ha’meches, and his name was Mati. And He said
to him, “Walk after Me.”
9:10 And it came to pass, as they sat down to eat in the house, and behold, many transgressors and sinners came and ate
with uSwhy, and with His talmidim.
9:11 And haPrushim, seeing, said to His talmidim, “Why does your Melamed eat with transgressors and with the
9:12 But heard uSwhy, and then He answered, saying, “There is no need of a physician to heal the healthy, only to
heal them who are with sickness.
9:13* “Go you! Go you and learn what which is written, ‘Chesed I desire and not sacrifice,’ for I have not come to call the
just, but sinners.”
9:14 Then drew near to Him talmidim of Yochanan, saying, “Why do haPrushim fast much, but Your talmidim do not
9:15 And said to them uSwhy, “Will be able b’nei ha’chatan to cry while there is with them ha’chatan? But will come
days that will be taken from them ha’chatan, and then they will fast.
9:16 “And he is not anyone who stretches out a piece of defective covering upon an old robe, for he takes filling from a
robe, and its repair is worthless- more than from previous.
9:17 “And transfer not they new wine into worn out skins, for then the skins would tear, and would pour out the wine,
and the skins lost, but new wine they transfer into new skins, and both are preserved.”
9:18 And as He spoke these Debarim to them, behold, drew near one ruler and bowed down to Him, saying, “Rabi, my
daughter already is dead, but You come and lay Your hand upon her, and she will live.”
9:19 And stood up uSwhy, and went after him with His talmidim.
9:20 And behold, a woman that blood flowed from her twelve years, came after Him, and touched fringes of His garment,
9:21 for she said in her inward part, “If I touch His garment only, I will be delivered.”
9:22 And sat uSwhy, and saw her, and He said, “Trust, My daughter, for your emunah has delivered you.” And was
delivered the woman at that time.
9:23 And when entered uSwhy to a house of the ruler, and saw players of the flutes, and hum of the people,
9:24 He said, “Turn aside, for not is dead the girl, for she is sleeping.” And they mocked Him.
9:25 But when the multitude was thrown out, entered He, and took hold of her hand, and He said, “Qumi, qumi,” and
arose the girl.
9:26 And went out the report of this into all that Arets.
9:27 And passed over from there uSwhy, and went they after Him two blind, crying out, and saying, “Pity us, Ben-
9:28 And when came He to the house, drew near blind to Him, and said to them uSwhy, “Believe you that I am able to
do this to you?” And said they to Him, “Yes indeed, Rabi.”
9:29 Then touched He their eyes, saying, “According to your emunah, it will be done to you.”
9:30 And were opened their eyes. And chided them uSwhy, saying, “See you that a man knows this not.”
9:31 But they went out, and announced His report in all that Arets.
9:32 And as went out they, behold, brought near they to Him a man mute, and possessed by ha’shad.
9:33 But when was thrown out ha’shad, from above he spoke, and was not any more mute. And were amazed the sects,
saying, “It is not apparent thus in Yisrael!”
9:34 But Prushim said, “By sar ha’shadim He takes out ha’shadim.”
9:35 And moved about uSwhy through all the villages, and taught in their kenesiyut, and declared Besorat haMalchut,
and healed every illness and every disease among the people.
9:36 But saw He the sects, and pitied them because they were burdened and lying down, as sheep who have them not a
9:37 Then said He to His talmidim, “There is a qatsir rab, but few labourers.
9:38 “And, therefore, beseech you, Rabi haQatsir, so that He will send labourers to reap His qatsir.”

9:13* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 6:6a (see also Matitwhy 12:7)


9:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

9:2 emunah, faith, trust eh-moo-NAH
9:3 ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
9:6 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
9:8 hwhy (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
haKoach, the Power hah-KOH-ahch
9:9 beit-ha’meches, the customhouse bayt hah-MEH-chehss
Mati (mistranslated Matthew) mah-TEE
9:10 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
9:11 haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM
Melamed, Teacher meh-lah-MAYD
9:13 Chesed, Favour, Mercy CHEH-sehd
9:14 Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
9:15 b’nei ha’chatan, sons of the bridegroom beh-NAY hah-chah-TAHN
ha’chatan, the bridegroom hah-chah-TAHN
9:18 Debarim, Words deh-bah-REEM
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
9:25 Qumi, qumi (Aramit), Arise, arise qoo-MEE qoo-MEE
9:26 Arets, Land ah-REHTS
9:27 Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated Son of David) behn dah-WEED
9:32 ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD
9:33 Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
9:34 sar ha’shadim, chief of the demons sahr hah-shay-DEEM
9:35 kenesiyut, synagogues keh-nay-see-YOOT
Besorat haMalchut, Good News of the Reign beh-soh-RAHT hah-mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated gospel of the kingdom)
9:37 qatsir rab, great harvest qah-TSEER rahb
9:38 Rabi haQatsir, my Rab of the Harvest, Rabbi of the Harvest rah-BEE hah-qah-TSEER
(mistranslated Lord of the harvest)

10:1 And He called twelve talmidim, and gave them dominion over ruchot tume’ot, to take out them, and to heal every
illness and disease.
10:2 And names of the twelve shlichim- these are they: The first, Shimon who is called Kepha, and Andrai’ah his brother,
10:3 Pilipos, and Bartolome’u, Ya’aqob of Zabdi, and Yochanan his brother, Tomaso, and Matiya’u who was a sinner,
10:4 and Ya’aqob Alpai, and Tadai’u, Shimon the merchant, and Yahudah Iskriyotu who delivered Him to death.
10:5 And sent out uSwhy these twelve and commanded them, saying, “To way of ha’goyim not will go you, and to
villages of haShomronim not will come you,
10:6 but go you to the lost sheep of Beit Yisrael.
10:7 “Go you and cry out, saying, ‘Shubu, shubu, for near is Malchut hwhy to come.’
10:8 “Heal the sick! Raise the dead! Cleanse the lepers! And take out ha’shadim! Without pay you have taken, and
without pay you will give.
10:9 “Do not acquire the gold, and the silver, and not the small change in your belts,
10:10 do not gather by the way, and not two shirts, not footwear, not a staff, for worthy is the labourer of his food.
10:11 “And into which village or small village you will enter, question who is honourable there in it, and there you will sit
until that you go out from there.
10:12 “And when you will enter into a house, ask after shalom of it, saying, ‘Shalom to this house.’
10:13 “And if this house be honourable, it will return to you your shalom.
10:14 “But a man who will not take you, and not hear the sound of your words, go out to outside from the house or from
the village, and cast even the dust from your feet.
10:15 “Amein, I say to you, easy it will be to land of Sedom and Amorah in Yom haDin more than from that village!

10:16 “Here I Am! I send you as sheep amidst the wolves, therefore, you will be subtle as the serpents, and gentle as the
10:17 “Be careful you of men, lest they deliver you according to witness, and into qehilot, and will afflict you with whips.
10:18 “And to officers and to kings will go you for My sake, to a witness to them and to ha’goyim.
10:19 “But when deliver they you, do not think how and what you will say, for it will be given to you in your mouths in
that hour what that you will answer.
10:20 “For you will not speak, but Cwr Abichem- He will speak to you.
10:21 “And brother will deliver brother to death, and father son. And children will rise up against their fathers to kill them.
10:22 “And all people will hate you because of My Shem, but who withstands until end he will be delivered.
10:23 “But when they persecute you in one village, flee to another. Amein, I say to you, you will not finish villages of
Yisrael until Ben-haAdam comes.
10:24 “There is not a talmid above the teacher, and there is not a servant above his master.
10:25 “But enough for ha’talmid to be as his rab, and for a servant as his master. If they called the house owner ba’al-
zebub, so much the more sons of the house!
10:26 “Therefore, do not fear of them, for there is not a thing covered that is not revealed, and hidden that is not known.
10:27 “That what I talk to you in the darkness, say it in the light, and that what you will hear in the ear, call it out upon the
10:28 “And do not fear them who kill the body but ha’nefesh they are not able to kill, but fear Him Who is able together
ha’nefesh and the body to perish in Gei-Hinom.
10:29 “Is it not that two sparrows are to be sold in place of an insignificant coin, and one of them will not fall upon the
ground without Abichem?
10:30 “But hairs of your head are all numbered.
10:31 “And, therefore, do not fear, for you are good- more than many sparrows.
10:32 “And whoever will acknowledge Me before men, also I will acknowledge him before Abi, Who is in haShamayim.
10:33 “But who will deny Me before men, also I will deny him before Abi, Who is in haShamayim.
10:34 “Do not think that I have come to send shalom upon the earth. I have not come to send shalom but the sword.
10:35 “For I have come to separate a man from his father, and the daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from
her mother-in-law-
10:36* and enemies of a man are men of his house.
10:37 “And he that loves his father and his mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he that loves the son or the
daughter more than Me is not worthy to be with Me in Malchut hwhy.
10:38 “And he that does not bear his stake and go after Me he is not worthy of Me.
10:39 “He that will find his nefesh will lose it, and who will lose his nefesh for My sake will find it.
10:40 “He that will take you he will take Me, and who will take Me he will take Him Who sent Me.
10:41 “He that will take ha’nabi in the name of ha’nabi, he will take the reward of ha’nabi. And he who will take ha’tsadiq
in the name of a tsadiq, he will take the reward of ha’tsadiq.
10:42 “And who will give to drink to one of these the little, even one cup of cold water, in the name of ha’talmid, Amein, I
say to you, that he will not lose his reward.”

10:36* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Michah 7:6d


10:1 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM

ruchot tume’ot, unclean spirits roo-CHOHT too-meh-OHT
10:2 shlichim, emissaries (mistranslated apostles) shlee-CHEEM
Shimon (mistranslated Simon) sheem-OHN
Kepha (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Andrai’ah (mistranslated Andrew) ahn-drye-AH
10:3 Ya’aqob (mistranslated James) yah-ah-QOHB
Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
Matiya’u (mistranslated Matthew) mah-tee-YAH-oo


10:4 Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH

Iskriyotu, the Shore of Skriyot (mistranslated Iscariot) eece-kree-YOH-too
10:5 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
ha’goyim, the gentiles hah-goh-YEEM
haShomronim (mistranslated the Samaritans) hah-shohm-roh-NEEM
10:6 Beit Yisrael, House of Yisrael (mistranslated house of Israel) bayt yeece-rah-AYL
10:7 Shubu, shubu, Return you, return you; Repent you, repent you shoo-BOO shoo-BOO
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
10:8 ha’shadim, the demons hah-shay-DEEM
10:12 shalom, peace shah-LOHM
10:15 Sedom (mistranslated Sodom) seh-DOHM
Amorah (mistranslated Gomorrah) ah-moh-RAH
Yom haDin, Day of Doom yohm hah-DEEN
10:17 qehilot, assemblies (mistranslated synagogues) qeh-hee-LOHT
10:20 Cwr Abichem, Ruach of your Ab, Ruach of your Father ROO-ahch ah-bee-CHEHM
(mistranslated Spirit of your Father)
10:22 Shem, Name shaym
10:23 Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
10:24 talmid, student (mistranslated disciple) tahl-MEED
10:28 ha’nefesh, the being hah-NEH-phehsh
Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
10:29 Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
10:32 Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
10:39 nefesh, life NEH-phehsh
10:41 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
ha’tsadiq, the righteous one hah-tsah-DEEQ

11:1 And it came to pass, when ended uSwhy to commanding His twelve talmidim, He passed over from there to teach
and to proclaim in their villages.
11:2 And Yochanan, when he heard in jail of the deed of haMashiach, sent two of his talmidim,
11:3 and said to Him, “If You are He Who is prepared to come, or if we are to expect another?”
11:4 And then answered uSwhy, and said to them, “Go, and tell Yochanan together that you hear and see:
11:5* “Blind see, lame walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf hear, and dead are raised, poor are happy.
11:6 “And happy is he who does not stumble in Me.”
11:7 And after that these were departed, began uSwhy to speak to the sects concerning Yochanan. “What for did you
go out into ha’midbar to see? Is it a reed fallen from the wind?
11:8 “But what for did you go out to see? Is it a man in smooth clothing? Behold, who will be clothed in smooth- they are
in houses of the kings.
11:9 “But what for did you go out to see? Ha’nabi? Also I say to you, he was more than from a nabi.
11:10* “For it is he about who it was written, ‘Behold, I send My malak, and he will make way before Me.’
11:11 “Amein, I say, there is not risen from among children of women he who is more great than Yochanan haTobel, but
he that is small in Malchut hwhy, he is great from him.
11:12 “Only from days of Yochanan haTobel until now Malchut hwhy is violated, and violent spoil it.
11:13 “For all haNebi’im and haTorah concerning Yochanan prophesied.
11:14 “And if you desire to receive it, there is Eliwhy who comes.
11:15 “He that has to him ears to hear, he will hear!
11:16 “To whom will be compared this generation? It is compared to boys sitting in the market, who call to their
11:17 and it is said that, ‘We have played for you and you did not skip! For we sang a lament and you did not mourn!’

11:18 “For came Yochanan and did not eat and did not drink, and they said, ‘Possessed of ha’shad is he.’
11:19 “But Ben-haAdam came eating and drinking, and they said, ‘Behold, haAdam is a glutton and a drunkard of wine,
and a friend of transgressors and the sinners!’ But justice is wisdom from her children.”
11:20 Then began He to reproach villages where in them were done many works of power, because they did not turn from
works of evil:
11:21 “Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Beit-Tsaidah! But in Tsor and in Tsidon were works of power that were done,
therefore, in the past, in sackcloth and ashes they turned from evil.
11:22 “Surely I say to you, that it will be more than easy for Tsor and for Tsidon in Yom haMishpat than you!
11:23 “And you, Kephar-Nachum, is it not so up to haShamayim you will be exalted, to Gei-Hinom you will come down?
But in Sedom were the works of power that were done in you- perhaps they would have stayed until this day.
11:24 “Truly I say to you, that more than easy it is for land of Sedom in Yom haDin than you.”
11:25 At that time answered uSwhy, and said, “I thank You, Abi, Master of haShamayim and ha’arets, Who concealed
these from the wise and from clever, and will reveal them to youngsters.
11:26 “Yes, Abi, for thus it is desirable before You.
11:27 “All has been given to Me from Abi, and a man does not know a son except a father. And there are not who know
haAb except a son, and to whoever that a son wants to reveal Him.
11:28 “Walk you to Me, all the weary and you who are burdened, and I will satisfy you.
11:29* “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am driven and low of Ruach, and you will find rest for your
11:30 “For My yoke it is pleasant, and My burden easy.”

11:5* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 35:5-6
11:10* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Malachi 3:1a
11:29* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 6:16d


11:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
11:2 Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
11:7 ha’midbar, the wilderness hah-meed-BAHR
11:9 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
11:10 malak, messenger (mistranslated angel) MAHL-ahk
11:11 Yochanan haTobel, Yochanan the Immerser (mistranslated John the Baptist) yoh-chah-NAHN hah-toh-BAYL
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
11:13 haNebi’im, the Prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
11:14 Eliwhy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH-hoo
11:18 ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD
11:19 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
haAdam, the Man hah-ah-DAHM
11:21 Korazin (mistranslated Chorazin) koh-rah-ZEEN
Beit-Tsaidah (mistranslated Bethsaida) bayt tsye-DAH
Tsor (mistranslated Tyre) tsohr
Tsidon (mistranslated Sidon) tsee-DOHN
11:22 Yom haMishpat, Day of Judgment yohm hah-meesh-PAHT
11:23 Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
Sedom (mistranslated Sodom) seh-DOHM
11:24 Yom haDin, Day of Doom yohm hah-DEEN
11:25 Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE


11:25 ha’arets, the earth hah-ah-REHTS

11:27 haAb, the Father hah-AHB
11:29 Ruach, Spirit ROO-ahch
nefeshot, beings neh-pheh-SHOHT

12:1 At that time went uSwhy to sow upon haShabat, and His talmidim were hungry, and began to pluck ears from the
heights, and to eat.
12:2 But haPrushim seeing, said, “Behold, Your talmidim do what which is not proper to do upon haShabat!”
12:3 But He said to them, “Surely you read what Dawid did when he was hungry, he and that with him:
12:4 “For he entered into Beit-hwhy and Lechem haPanim he ate, which it was not lawful for him to eat, and not them
who were with him, but to kohanim alone?
12:5 “Surely you read in haTorah that kohanim profaned haShabat in haHechal and there is no accused?
12:6 “But I say to you that here is a Great, more than haHechal is He!
12:7* “But if you knew what it is, ‘Chesed I desire and not sacrifice,’ you would not convict the guiltless.
12:8 “For hwhy He is Ben-haAdam and also haShabat.”
12:9 And when He passed over from there, He entered into their beit-kenesiyut,
12:10 and behold, a man that his hand was dried up. And they asked Him, saying, “If it is permitted upon haShabat to heal
the sick?” And all this was so that they slander Him in ha’beit-din.
12:11 And He said to them, “Who among you is a man that there is to him one sheep that will fall into a pit upon haShabat,
is it not so he takes hold and lifts it?
12:12 “And is it not so a man he is more good than the sheep? Therefore, it is permitted to do good upon haShabat.”
12:13 Then He said to a man, “Extend your hand!” And he extended it, and it was returned to health like the other.
12:14 Then haPrushim went out, and designated Him in order that they destroy Him.
12:15 But uSwhy knew, and turned aside from there. And many went after Him, and He healed all,
12:16 and He commanded them not to announce Him,
12:17 so that it was fulfilled what the verse said through Yeshawhy ha’nabi, the utterance,
12:18* “Behold! My Servant I uphold. In Him, My Bachir, My Nefesh is pleased with. I will put My Cwr upon Him.
Justice to ha’goyim will go out.
12:19* “He will not shout, and not lift, and His voice will not be audible outside.
12:20* “A crushed reed He will not break, and flax smoldering will not be extinguished. According to haEmet will go out
12:21* “He will not grow dim and He will not be appeased until He puts upon the earth justice, and for His Torah islands
will hope.”
12:22 Then was brought near to Him possessed of ha’shad, blind and deaf, and He healed him, so that he was able to speak
and to see.
12:23 And were amazed all the sects, and said, “Is this not He, Ben-Dawid?”
12:24 But haPrushim heard, and said, “This does not take out ha’shadim but by ba’al-zebub, sar ha’shadim.”
12:25 But uSwhy knew their thoughts, and said to them, “Every kingdom that is divided of strength will be desolate,
and every village or house that is divided of its strength does not stand.
12:26 “And if shatan drives out ha’shatan, he is divided of his strength. And how will stand his kingdom?
12:27 “And if I, by ba’al-zebub, take out ha’shadim, your children- by who do they take out? Therefore, they will be your
12:28 “But because I, by hwhy Cwr, take out ha’shadim, if that is the case, Malchut hwhy has come to you.
12:29 “And how is able a man to enter into the house of the strong to despise his article, if he had not previously chained
the strong? And then will despise his house.
12:30 “He that there is not with Me, he there is against Me, and he that does not gather with Me, he scatters.
12:31 “And therefore, I say to you, ‘Every sin and abuse will be forgiven men, but abuse that is against Cwrh will not be
12:32 “And every man that says a thing against a son of man, it will be forgiven to him, but who says a thing against
Sdqh Cwr, it will not be forgiven to him- not in this world, and not in the world to come.
12:33 “Make a tree good and its fruit good, or make a tree bad and its fruit bad, for from the fruit is known the tree.

12:34 “The generation of vipers! How will you be able to speak good being that you are evil? For having in abundance of
the heart, speaks the mouth.
12:35 “The good man takes out good from a good treasury, but an evil man takes out evil from an evil treasury.
12:36 “And I say to you, ‘For every disrespectful thing that the people will speak, it will be reconciled to him a reckoning
in Yom haMishpat.
12:37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be found guilty.”
12:38 Then answered Him from sophrim and from haPrushim, saying, “Rabeinu, we wish to see from You a sign.”
12:39 But He answered, and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given to it
except a sign of Yonah ha’nabi.
12:40* “For as was Yonah in the bowels of the fish three days and three nights, so will be Ben-haAdam in the heart of the
earth three days and three nights.
12:41 “And men of Nineweih will rise up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, because they made
teshubah towards the proclamation of Yonah, and behold, more than a Yonah is here.
12:42 “The sovereigness of the south will rise up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, for she came
from the ends of the earth to hear wisdom of Shlomoh, and behold, more than a Shlomoh is here.
12:43 “When goes out ruach ha’tume’ah from a man, it will go through dry places and will seek rest but will not find.
12:44 “Then it will say, ‘I will return to my house which I went out from there.’ And it will come and will find it empty
and cleaned out with shovels and magnificent.
12:45 “Then it will go and will take with it seven other ruchot, more wicked than it, and they will enter and dwell there.
And it will be an end of that man is worse than the beginning. Thus it will be to this wicked generation.”
12:46 And when He again spoke to the sects, behold, His mother and His brothers stood outside and desired to speak to
12:47 Then said to Him one, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers stand outside, and want You.”
12:48 But He answered in these words to him, and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?”
12:49 And He extended His hand toward His talmidim, and said, “Behold, My mother and My brothers!
12:50 “Every man who does the will of Abi, Who is in haShamayim, they are My brother, My sister and My mother.”

12:7* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 6:6a (see also Matitwhy 9:13)
12:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:1
12:19* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:2
12:20* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:3
12:21* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:4
12:40* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Yonah 1:17b


12:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

haShabat (mistranslated the Sabbath) hah-shah-BAHT
talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
12:2 haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM
12:3 Dawid (mistranslated David) dah-WEED
12:4 Beit-hwhy, House of hwhy (mistranslated house of God) bayt yah-HOO-ah
Lechem haPanim, Bread of the Presences (mistranslated shewbread) LEH-chehm hah-pah-NEEM
kohanim (mistranslated priests) koh-hah-NEEM
12:5 haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
12:7 Chesed, Favour, Mercy CHEH-sehd
12:8 hwhy (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
12:9 beit-kenesiyut, synagogue bayt keh-neh-see-YOOT
12:10 ha’beit-din, the law court hah-BAYT deen
12:17 Yeshawhy, YeshaYahu (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH-hoo
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE


12:18 Bachir, Chosen bah-CHEER

Nefesh, Being NEH-phehsh
Cwr, Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
ha’goyim, the gentiles, the nations hah-goh-YEEM
12:20 haEmet, the Truth hah-EH-meht
12:22 ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD
12:23 Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) behn dah-WEED
12:24 ha’shadim, the demons (mistranslated devils) hah-shay-DEEM
ba’al-zebub (mistranslated Beelzebub) bah-AHL zeh-BOOB
sar ha’shadim, chief of the demons (mistranslated prince of the devils) sahr hah-shay-DEEM
12:26 shatan, adversary, devil shah-TAHN
ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil hah-shah-TAHN
12:28 hwhy Cwr, Ruach hwhy (mistranslated Spirit of God) ROO-ahch yah-HOO-ah
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of God) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
12:31 Cwrh, haRuach (mistranslated the Spirit) hah-ROO-ahch
12:32 Sdqh Cwr, Ruach haQodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
12:36 Yom haMishpat, Day of Judgment yohm hah-meesh-PAHT
12:38 sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
Rabeinu, our Rab, our Rabbi (mistranslated Master) rah-bay-NOO
12:39 Yonah ha’nabi (mistranslated the prophet Jonas) yoh-NAH hah-nah-BEE
12:41 Nineweih (mistranslated Nineveh) nee-neh-WAY
teshubah, repentance teh-shoo-BAH
12:42 Shlomoh (mistranslated Solomon) SHLOH-moh
12:43 ruach ha’tume’ah, the unclean spirit ROO-ahch hah-too-meh-AH
12:45 ruchot, spirits roo-CHOHT
12:50 Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM

13:1 Upon that day went out uSwhy from the house and sat upon a shore of the sea.
13:2 And gathered to Him many sects, and He went up into a boat and sat, and all the people stood upon a shore of the
13:3 And He spoke to them much in parables, and said, “Behold, went out the sower to sow his seed.
13:4 “And as he sowed, fell some of them by the way, and came birds of ha’shamayim and ate them.
13:5 “And others fell upon the rock, that not much earth was there, and immediately they sprouted, because they had no
depth in the earth.
13:6 “And after the sun had risen, they dried up. And to them which did not root, they dried up.
13:7 “And others fell into the thorns, and the thorns grew and strangled them.
13:8 “But others fell into good ground, and gave us fruit, one a hundred, and one sixty, and one thirty.
13:9 “He that has to him ears to hear, will hear!”
13:10 And came near to Him His talmidim, and said to Him, “Rabi, why speak You with us in parables?”
13:11 And He answered, and said to them, “Because it is given to you to understand secrets of Malchut hwhy, but to
these it is not given.
13:12 “For he that there is to him will be given to him and he will abound, but he that there is not to him, the more so there
is to him will be taken from him.
13:13 “And, therefore, I am speaking to you in parables, for they see but will not see, and hear but will not hear, and will
not understand.
13:14* “To fulfill in them prophecies of Yeshahy, who said, ‘Hear! you hear but will not understand. And see! you see but
will not know.
13:15* ‘Make fat! heart of this people, and his ears make heavy! and his eyes close! lest he sees with his eyes, and with his
ears hears, and his heart understands, and he turns, and heals him.’
13:16 “And happy are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

13:17 “Amein, I say to you, that many nebi’im and tsadiqim desired to see what you see but have not seen, and to hear
what you hear but have not heard.
13:18 “Therefore, hear you a parable of the seed:
13:19 “All who hear Debar Malchut, and do not understand, ha’ra comes and confuses what which was sown in his heart.
And this is that sown by the way.
13:20 “But which was sown upon the rock, this is he who hears a word, and suddenly with joy receives it,
13:21 but is similar to seed which is not to her a root, for he remains not but for a time, and when trouble or persecution
arises, immediately he stumbles.
13:22 “And which was sown into the thorns, this is he who hears Debar hwhy, but anxieties of this world and lust of a lie
of ha’mamon strangle haDabar, and he is without fruit.
13:23 “But which was sown upon good ground, this is he who hears haDabar, and understands, and from it comes fruit,
and one produces a hundred, and one sixty, and one thirty.”
13:24 Yet there before them is another parable, saying, “Malchut hwhy is similar to a man who sowed good seed in his
13:25 but while men slept, came his enemy and sowed a nettle in the midst of the wheat, and went to him.
13:26 “But while grew up the herb, and produced the fruit, then appeared there also the mustard.
13:27 “And drew near servants of a house owner, and said to him, ‘Master, is it not so you sowed good seed in your field?
But from where came in the nettles?’
13:28 “And he said to them, ‘A man, an enemy, does this.’ Then servants said to him, ‘If you will want to go and gather
13:29 “But he said, ‘No, lest you will gather the mustard, and will uproot together you also of the wheat.
13:30 ‘Leave both so that they grow up until ha’qatsir, and in the time of ha’qatsir, say to the reapers, “Gather at first the
mustard, and bind them into bundles to burn, but wheat gather into a threshing floor.” ’ ”
13:31 Yet there before them is another parable, saying, “Malchut hwhy is similar to a kernel of mustard, which a man
took and sowed in his field,
13:32 and it is small, more than all seeds, but when it grows up it becomes great of the herbs, and becomes a tree, which
also birds of ha’shamayim come and nest in its branches.”
13:33 Again He spoke to them in another parable, “Malchut hwhy is similar to chameits, which a woman will take and
hide it in three measures of fine flour until which chameits was whole.”
13:34 All these spoke uSwhy in parables to the sects, and without parables He was not speaking with them,
13:35* in order to fulfill a saying of ha’nabi, the utterance, “I will open My mouth in a parable, I will utter an enigma from
ancient days.”
13:36 Then He left behind the sects, and entered into the house, and approached Him His talmidim, saying, “Interpret for
us a parable of mustard of the field.”
13:37 And then He answered, and said, “He that sowed good seed, He is Ben-haAdam,
13:38 and the field is the world, and the good seed they are b’nei Malchut, but the nettles they are b’nei beliya’al,
13:39 and the enemy who sowed them he is ha’shatan, and a harvest it is end of the world, and reapers they are
13:40 “And as were gathered nettles and burned in the fire, thus it will be in the end of the world.
13:41 “For will send Ben-haAdam His malachim, and they will gather from among His Malchut all stumbling blocks, and
them who do sin,
13:42 and will send them to the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
13:43 “Then tsadiqim will shine as the sun in Malchut Abihem. He that has to him ears to hear, will hear!
13:44 “Malchut hwhy is similar to a treasure hidden in the field, which if a man finds, he hides, and from his joy he goes
and sells all of him and buys this field.
13:45 “Again, Malchut hwhy is similar to a man, the merchant, seeking good pearls,
13:46 and when he found one precious pearl, he went and sold all of him and bought it.
13:47 “Again, Malchut hwhy is similar to a dragnet that was stretched into the sea, and it gathered from all kinds of fish,
13:48 and took them out when it was full, and upon a shore of the sea sat, and chose the good and put them into vessels,
but the bad they threw out.
13:49 “So it will be at the end of the world: For will go out malachim, and remove the wicked from the midst of the
13:50 and will throw them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
13:51 “Understand you all these?” And they said to Him, “Yes.”
13:52 And He said to them, “Therefore, every learned sopher in Malchut hwhy, he is similar to a man, a house owner,
who took out of his treasury new and old.”

13:53 And it came to pass, when finished uSwhy speaking these parables, He passed over from there.
13:54 And He came to His Erets Moledet, and taught them in their batei-kenesiyut, and they were amazed, saying, “From
where is this- this wisdom and the might?
13:55 “Is not this Ben napacha? Is not His mother said to be Miryam, and His brothers Ya’aqob and Yoseph and Shimon
and Yahudah?
13:56 “And are not His sisters all with us? Then from where is this all these?”
13:57 And they stumbled in Him. But said to them uSwhy, “There is no nabi without kabod except in the place of his
birth, and in his house.”
13:58 And He did not there many mighty deeds because of their being stubborn.

13:14* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 6:9
13:15* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 6:10
13:35* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 78:2


13:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

13:4 ha’shamayim, heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
13:10 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Adoni) rah-BEE
13:11 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
13:14 Yeshahy, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
13:17 nebi’im, prophets neh-bee-EEM
tsadiqim, righteous men tsah-dee-QEEM
13:19 Debar Malchut, Word of the Reign (mistranslated word of the kingdom) deh-BAHR mahl-CHOOT
ha’ra, the evil one hah-RAH
13:22 Debar hwhy, Word of hwhy (mistranslated the word) deh-BAHR yah-HOO-ah
ha’mamon, mammon, money hah-mah-MOHN
haDabar, the Word hah-dah-BAHR
13:30 ha’qatsir, the harvest hah-qah-TSEER
13:33 chameits, leaven chah-MAYTS
13:35 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
13:37 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
13:38 b’nei Malchut, children of the Reign beh-NAY mahl-CHOOT
b’nei beliya’al, children of the wicked one beh-NAY beh-lee-yah-AHL
13:39 ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil hah-shah-TAHN
ha’malachim, the messengers (mistranslated the angels) hah-mahl-ah-CHEEM
13:41 malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
13:43 Malchut Abihem, Reign of their Ab, Reign of their Father mahl-CHOOT ah-bee-HEHM
13:52 sopher, scribe, Torah teacher soh-PHAYR
13:54 Erets Moledet, Homeland EH-rehts moh-leh-DEHT
batei-kenesiyut, synagogues bah-TAY keh-neh-see-YOOT
13:55 Ben napacha, Son of a smith behn nah-pah-CHAH
Miryam (mistranslated Mary) meer-YAHM
Ya’aqob (mistranslated James) yah-ah-QOHB
Yoseph (mistranslated Joses) yoh-SAYPH
Shimon (mistranslated Simon) sheem-OHN
Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
13:57 nabi, prophet nah-BEE
kabod, honour kah-BOHD

14:1 At that time heard Herod, one of four princes, a report of uSwhy,
14:2 and said to his young men, “This is he, Yochanan haTobel. He rose up from the dead, and, therefore, the powers
work in him.”
14:3 And Herod held Yochanan, and chained him and put him in jail, because of Herodias, wife of his brother,
14:4 for she said to him, “Yochanan is not worthy that he be with you.”
14:5 And he wanted to kill him, but he feared the people, and was in their eyes like a nabi.
14:6 And upon the day of birth of Herod, skipped a daughter of Herodias in the midst, and she prevailed in the eyes of
14:7 And he swore to her with an oath to give to her whatever she will ask from him.
14:8 And she was warned of her mother, and said, “Give to me here in a dish his head belonging to Yochanan haTobel.”
14:9 And it grieved the king, but upon account of the oath and upon account of them who sat with him together at the
table he commanded it to be given to her.
14:10 And he sent, and cut off his head belonging to Yochanan, who was in jail,
14:11 and that his head be carried in a dish, and they give it to the young woman. And they did so. And it was given to the
young woman, and she carried it to her mother.
14:12 Then approached his talmidim and removed his body and buried it, and his talmidim came and told uSwhy.
14:13 And when He heard it, He turned aside from there by boat into a wilderness place alone. And the sects heard, and
went upon foot after Him from their villages.
14:14 And He went out, and He saw many people, and He pitied them, and He healed their sick.
14:15 And since it was evening, approached Him His talmidim, saying, “Desolate is the place, and the hour already is
passing, and, therefore leave the sects so that they will go to villages and buy them food.”
14:16 But said to them uSwhy, “No need to go you, give them to eat.”
14:17 And they answered Him, “There is not to give here but five bread and two fish.”
14:18 And He said to them, “Transport them hither to Me.”
14:19 And He commanded the people to sit to eat upon the grass in the field, and He took the five bread and the two fish,
and lifted His eyes to haShamayim, and blessed,* and broke, and gave the bread to His talmidim, and His talmidim
gave to the sects.

*NOTE: It is quite possible uSwhy said these very words:

Baruk atah hwhy Eloheinu, Melek haOlam, haMotsi Lechem min haArets.
Blessed are You hwhy our Eloah, Sovereign of the Universe, Who brings forth Bread from the Land.
beh-ROOK ah-TAH yah-HOO-ah eh-loh-HAY-noo, MEH-lehk hah-oh-LAHM, hah-moh-TSEE LEH-chehm meen hah-ah-REHTS.

14:20 And all ate, and were satiated, and remained to them twelve baskets full of morsels.
14:21 And a number of the eaters was five thousand of man, without the women and the children.
14:22 And immediately urged uSwhy among His talmidim to go up into the boat and to go before Him to cross the sea,
while the sects rested.
14:23 And when rested the people, He went up alone upon the mountain to pray, and it was evening, and He alone was
14:24 And the boat was driven in the midst of the sea from the waves, for the wind was to them to the contrary.
14:25 It came to pass in the fourth watch of the night, and He came to them, and He went by the sea,
14:26 and they saw Him walking by the sea, and they were terrified, and they said, “For a maziq it is!” And they cried out
from fear.
14:27 But suddenly spoke uSwhy to them, saying, “Have faith, for I Am He, you shall not fear.”
14:28 And then answered Kephah, and said, “Rabi, if You are He, command and I will come to You over the water.”
14:29 And He said, “Come!” And descended Kephah from the boat, and went over the water to come to uSwhy.
14:30 But when he saw a strong wind he was very fearful, lest he sink, and he cried out, saying, “Rabi, deliver me!”
14:31 And immediately extended uSwhy His hand, and took hold of him, and said to him, “You little in emunah, why
are you in doubt?”
14:32 And when they went up to the boat, immediately calmed down the wind.
14:33 And when they were in the boat, they came and bowed down to Him, saying, “In truth, You are Ben-hwhy!”
14:34 And they went from the opposite side of the sea, and they came into the land of Gei-Nosar.
14:35 And men of that place, when they knew it, sent to all this land, and approached Him all that were in wickedness,

14:36 and they beseeched Him so that they may touch upon the borders of His garment, and all who touched them were


14:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

14:2 Yochanan haTobel, Yochanan the Immerser (mistranslated John the Baptist) yoh-chah-NAHN hah-toh-BAYL
14:5 nabi, prophet nah-BEE
14:12 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
14:19 haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
14:26 maziq, evil spirit mah-ZEEQ
14:28 Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
14:31 emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
14:33 Ben-hwhy, Son of hwhy (mistranslated Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah
14:34 Gei-Nosar (mistranslated Gennesaret) gay noh-SAHR

15:1 Then came near to Him from Yerushala’im sophrim and Prushim, saying,
15:2 “Why do Your talmidim transgress decrees of ha’zeqenim? For they do not wash their hands when they eat the
15:3 But He answered them, and said, “And why do you transgress Mitswot hwhy because of decrees?
15:4* “Is it not written in your Torah from the mouth of hwhy, ‘Honour your father and your mother?’ And written,
‘And cursing his father and his mother he is to die, he must die.’
15:5 “But you say, ‘Whoever that says to father and to mother, “Any gift from me it profits you,” and it honours not his
father and his mother.’
15:6 “And you violated Mitswot hwhy because of your decrees.
15:7 “You hypocrites! Much well did Yeshawhy to prophesy concerning you, saying,
15:8* ‘This people with its mouth and with its lips honours Me, but its heart is far from Me.
15:9* ‘But in vain they fear Me from commands of learned men.’ ”
15:10 Then He called to Himself the sects, and said to them, “Hear and know!
15:11 “What which enters into the mouth does not defile the man, but what which comes out from the mouth it defiles the
15:12 Then approached Him His talmidim, and said, “Know that haPrushim who heard this saying were angry?”
15:13 But answered uSwhy, and said, “Every plant that is not planted, Abi, Who is in haShamayim, will uproot.
15:14 “Put them aside, for blind are they and leading the blind, and if a blind leads another blind, both will fall into the
15:15 Then answered Kephah, and said to Him, “Explain to us this parable.”
15:16 And said uSwhy, “Also you are not understanding?
15:17 “Up to now do not you understand everything what which enters into the mouth it enters into the belly, and is sent
through the buttock?
15:18 “But that going out from the mouth are they going out from the heart, and they themselves are that defiling the man.
15:19 “For from the heart comes out evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies,
15:20 they themselves are that defiling the man, but when a man eats and does not wash his hands, this does not defile the
15:21 Then went out from there uSwhy and entered unto portions of Tsor and Tsidon.
15:22 And behold, a merchant woman came out from those borders, and cried out, and said to Him, “Pity me, Rabi, Ben-
Dawid! For my daughter is very afflicted from ha’shad.”
15:23 But uSwhy did not answer to her anything. And approached His talmidim, and beseeched Him, saying, “Send
her, for she cries after us.”
15:24 But He answered, and said, “I was not sent but to the sheep that are lost of Beit Yisrael.”
15:25 Then she came and bowed down to the ground to Him, and said, “Rabi, deliver me!”
15:26 But answered uSwhy, and said, “It is not good to take bread of the children and to give it to the dogs.”

15:27 Then answered she, and said, “Truth, yes, Rabi, but the dogs they also eat of the crumbs falling under a table of their
15:28 Then answered uSwhy, and said to her, “O woman, how great is your emunah! Let it be to you while in your
heart.” And was healed her daughter at that time.
15:29 And passed over from there uSwhy, and came by Yam haGalil, and went up to a mountain, and sat there.
15:30 And approached Him many sects, and having them deaf, blind, lame, feeble, and many others, and laid them before
His feet, and He healed them.
15:31 And were amazed the people when they saw the deaf speaking, and lame coming and going, and blind seeing, and
they magnified Elohei of Yisrael.
15:32 Then called uSwhy His talmidim, and said to them, “I have compassion for the people- for three days they dwell
with Me in ha’midbar, and there is not to them what which to eat, and I will not allow them fasting, lest they faint
upon the way.”
15:33 And said to Him His talmidim, “From where to us in ha’midbar is bread so that is satiated this people?”
15:34 And said to them uSwhy, “How many loaves of bread are there to them?” And they answered, and said, “Seven,
and a few small fish.”
15:35 Then He commanded the people to sit upon the ground.
15:36 And He took seven loaves of the bread, and the fish, and said thanks,* and He broke, and He gave to His talmidim,
and they gave to the people.

*NOTE: It is quite possible uSwhy said these very words:

Baruk atah hwhy Eloheinu, Melek haOlam, haMotsi Lechem min haArets.
Blessed are You hwhy our Eloah, Sovereign of the Universe, Who brings forth Bread from the Land.
beh-ROOK ah-TAH yah-HOO-ah eh-loh-HAY-noo, MEH-lehk hah-oh-LAHM, hah-moh-TSEE LEH-chehm meen hah-ah-REHTS.

15:37 And all ate, and were satisfied, and of what remained from the sects they carried seven baskets full.
15:38 And they were those who ate- four thousand of man, without the children and the women.
15:39 And rested the sects. Then He went up unto the boat, and came to a border of Magdalah.

15:4* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:12, Debarim 5:16
A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 21:17, Wayiqra 20:9
15:8* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 29:13b
15:9* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 29:13c


15:1 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem

sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
15:2 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
ha’zeqenim, the elders hah-zeh-qay-NEEM
15:3 Mitswot hwhy, Commandments of hwhy meets-WOHT yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated commandment of God)
15:4 Torah, Guidance, Instruction (mistranslated Law) TOH-rah
15:7 Yeshawhy, YeshaYahu (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH-hoo
15:13 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
15:15 Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
15:21 Tsor (mistranslated Tyre) tsohr
Tsidon (mistranslated Sidon) tsee-DOHN
15:22 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated Son of David) behn dah-WEED


15:22 ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD

15:24 Beit Yisrael, House of Yisrael (mistranslated house of Israel) bayt yeece-rah-AYL
15:28 emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
15:29 Yam haGalil (mistranslated sea of Galilee) yahm hah-gah-LEEL
15:31 Elohei Yisrael (mistranslated the God of Israel) eh-loh-HAY yeece-rah-AYL
15:32 ha’midbar, the wilderness hah-meed-BAHR

16:1 And approached Him Prushim and Tsedoqim testing and questioning Him, that they would see one sign from
16:2 But He answered them, and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘Brightness is going to come to pass from
haShamayim, for haShamayim will turn red.
16:3 ‘And at the light of day will be a storm, for haShamayim are gloomy- they will turn red.’ And behold, the face of
haShamayim you know to judge, but signs of the times you are not able to know!
16:4 “An evil and carnal genealogy seek a sign, but a sign will not be given to her, except a sign of Yonah ha’nabi.” And
He left them behind and went away.
16:5 And when came His talmidim by the opposite side of the sea, they forgot to take the bread.
16:6 And He said to them, “See you, and guard you from machmetset of Prushim and Tsedoqim.”
16:7 And they thought among them, saying, “Because we took not bread?”
16:8 And knew uSwhy, and said, “What are you thinking, little of emunah, because you took not bread?
16:9 “Yet you will not understand and not remember five bread to five thousands of man, and how many baskets you
16:10 “And not the seven bread to four thousands of man, and how many baskets you carried?
16:11 “And why will you not understand that it was not concerning the bread that I spoke to you, ‘Guard you from
machmetset of haPrushim and haTsedoqim?’ ”
16:12 Then they heard and they understood that He did not say to guard from machmetset of bread, but from talmud of
haPrushim and haTsedoqim.
16:13 And came uSwhy to borders of Tsisriah Pilipos, and He asked to each and to every one of His talmidim, saying,
“Whom says sons of the men is Ben-haAdam?”
16:14 And they said, “Some Yochanan haTobel, and some Elihy, and others Yirmewhy or one of ha’nebi’im.”
16:15 And said to them uSwhy, “But you, Whom do you say it is?”
16:16 Then answered Shimon Kephah, saying, “You are He, Mashiach, Ben-Elohim Chai.”
16:17 And answered uSwhy, and said to him, “Happy are you, Shimon ben-Yonah, for to flesh and blood this was not
revealed, but to you, that it was revealed to you from Abi, Who is He in haShamayim.
16:18 “And I say to you, that you are Kephah, and upon this kephah I will build My Qahal, and gates of tachtiyot will not
prevail against you!
16:19 “And to you I will give a key of Malchut hwhy, and whatever you will prohibit upon the earth has been prohibited
in haShamayim, and whatever you will allow upon the earth has been allowed in haShamayim.”
16:20 Then He commanded His talmidim that it not be said for man that He, uSwhy, is haMashiach.
16:21 And then began uSwhy to make known to His talmidim that it is necessary to go to Yerushala’im, and to suffer
there many pains and many abuses from ha’zeqenim, and ha’sophrim, and Sarei haKohanim, and to be killed there,
and to rise upon the third day.
16:22 Then Kephah took Him, and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it to You, Rabi, not will be to You all this.”
16:23 But returned He, and said to Kephah, “Go after Me, shatan! You are he to Me a stumbling block, for not will you
savour them that are they of hwhy, but them that are they of men.”
16:24 Then said uSwhy to His talmidim, “He that wishes to go after Me, reject himself, and take up his stake, and go
after Me.
16:25 “For he that desires to deliver His nefesh he will lose it, and he that will lose his nefesh for My sake he will find it.
16:26 “For what has it helped to man if he acquired the whole world, and in his nefesh injury to bear? Or which exchange
gives the man in place of his nefesh?
16:27 “For Ben-haAdam comes in Kabod Abiyu with His malachim, and then He will recompense to all, everyone
according to his works.

16:28 “Amein, I say to you, there are from the standing here who will not taste death until that they see Ben-haAdam
offering His Malchut.”


16:1 Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM

Tsedoqim (mistranslated Sadducees) tseh-doh-QEEM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
16:4 Yonah (mistranslated Jonas) yoh-NAH
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
16:5 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
16:6 machmetset, sour (leavened) dough mahch-meh-TSEHT
16:8 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
16:11 haTsedoqim (mistranslated the Sadducees) hah-tseh-doh-QEEM
16:12 talmud, learning, study tahl-MOOD
16:13 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
16:14 Yochanan haTobel, Yochanan the Immerser (mistranslated John the Baptist) yoh-chah-NAHN hah-toh-BAYL
Elihy, EliYah (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH
Yirmewhy, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremias) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
ha’nebi’im, the prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
16:16 Shimon Kephah (mistranslated Simon Peter) sheem-OHN kay-PHAH
Mashiach, Messiah, Anointed (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
Ben-Elohim Chai, Son of the Living Elohim behn eh-loh-HEEM chye
(mistranslated Son of the living God)
16:17 Shimon ben-Yonah (mistranslated Simon Bar-jona) sheem-OHN behn yoh-NAH
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
16:18 kephah, rock kay-PHAH
Qahal, Assembly (mistranslated church) qah-HAHL
tachtiyot (refers to the lowest parts of Sheol) tahch-tee-YOHT
16:19 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
16:21 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
ha’zeqenim, the elders hah-zeh-qay-NEEM
ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
16:22 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
16:23 shatan, adversary, devil shah-TAHN
16:25 nefesh, life NEH-phehsh
16:27 Kabod Abiyu, Esteem of His Ab, Esteem of His Father kah-BOHD ah-bee-YOO
malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM

17:1 And after six days took uSwhy Kephah and Ya’aqob and Yochanan his brother, and went up them upon a high
mountain alone,
17:2 and was portrayed His face before them, and His face shone as a sun, and His garment became white as snow.
17:3 And behold, appeared to them Mosheh and Eliwhy speaking with Him.
17:4 Then answered Kephah, and said to uSwhy, “Rabi, good it is for us to be here if You want to be made here three
ohalim- for You one, for Mosheh one, and for Eliwhy one.”
17:5 Still speaking, and behold, a bright cloud covered them. Then behold, a voice from the cloud said, “This is He, B’ni
Ahubi, Who I am pleased with. Him hear!”
17:6 And heard ha’talmidim, and fell upon their faces, and were very afraid.
17:7 But drew near uSwhy and touched upon them, and said to them, “Arise, and not you will fear.”
17:8 And lifted they their eyes and saw not but uSwhy alone.

17:9 And as they came down from the mountain, commanded them uSwhy, saying, “You will not tell for the sake of
man the sight that you have seen until that is risen Ben-haAdam from the dead.”
17:10 And asked Him ha’talmidim, saying, “Then why say ha’sophrim that needs Eliwhy to come at first?”
17:11 And He answered, and said to them, “Surely, Eliwhy comes, and will return everything.
17:12 “And I say to you, that Eliwhy already came, and they knew him not, but they did of him all that they chose. And
thus Ben-haAdam will receive and bear afflictions from them.”
17:13 Then heard and understood ha’talmidim that He was speaking upon account of haTobel Yochanan, to speak with
17:14 And when they came to the sect, drew near to Him one man, and kneeled before Him upon his knee,
17:15 saying, “Rabi, have compassion upon my son, for he falls, and from it, the disease, he is very afflicted, for
sometimes he falls much into the fire, and sometimes he falls much into the water.
17:16 “And I brought him to Your talmidim, but they were not able to heal him.”
17:17 Then answered uSwhy, and said, “The generation of rebellious and perverted- how long will I be with you? And
how long will I suffer you? Bring him to Me.”
17:18 And rebuked it uSwhy, and went out from him ha’shad. And was healed the boy at that time.
17:19 Then approached to Him ha’talmidim secretly, and asked Him, “Why were we not able to take it out?”
17:20 And He answered them, and said, “For the reason that you are not believers. Amein, I say to you, if you will have to
you emunah as a kernel of mustard, you will tell this mountain, ‘Pass over from this place,’ and immediately it will
pass over. And the thing it will not be withheld from you.
17:21 “But this kind is not sent out except by prayer and by fast.”
17:22 And as they went to haGalil, spoke to them uSwhy, and said, “Ben-haAdam will be delivered into the hands of
17:23 and they will kill Him, and upon the third day He will rise!” And they were very grieved.
17:24 And when they came into Kephar-Nachum, drew near they that received a drachmon to Kephah, and said to him,
“Does your Melamed pay a drachmon?”
17:25 And he said, “As well.” And as he came to a house, preceded him uSwhy, saying, “How appears it to you,
Shimon? Kings of the earth- from who do they receive tax and an offering- from their children or from the
17:26 And he said, “From the foreigners.” Then said to him uSwhy, “If so, free are they the children.
17:27 “But so that as not to anger them, go to the sea and throw off the net, and take the fish that at first is lifted up. And
you will open its mouth and you will find a litra. You will take it and you will give it to them for the sake of Me and
for the sake of you.”


17:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Ya’aqob (mistranslated James) yah-ah-QOHB
Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
17:3 Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
Eliwhy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH-hoo
17:4 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
ohalim, tents oh-hah-LEEM
17:5 B’ni Ahubi, My Beloved Son beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
17:6 ha’talmidim, the students (mistranslated the disciples) hah-tahl-mee-DEEM
17:9 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
17:10 ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
17:13 haTobel Yochanan, the Immerser Yochanan (mistranslated John the Baptist) hah-toh-BAYL yoh-chah-NAHN
17:18 ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD
17:20 emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
17:22 haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
17:24 Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
Melamed, Teacher meh-lah-MAYD

18:1 In that hour drew near ha’talmidim to uSwhy, saying, “Who will be great in Malchut hwhy?”
18:2 And called out uSwhy to one boy, and stood him up in their midst,
18:3 and said, “Amein, I say to you, if you will not shub and will be as children, you will not enter to Malchut hwhy.
18:4 “And whoever will be humbled as this boy he will be great in Malchut hwhy.
18:5 “And he that receives one boy like this in My Shem he receives Me.
18:6 “And he that causes to stumble one of these youths who believe in Me, it is good for him that it is hung upon his
neck an upper millstone of the donkey to be cast into depths of the sea.
18:7 “Woe to the world more than stumbling blocks! It is necessary that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him, to man,
who from him comes a stumbling block!
18:8 “And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it and throw it away from you, for it is good for you to
enter unto the life weak or lame than sending together hands and feet unto a fire forever.
18:9 “And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it and throw it away from you, for it is good for you to enter with one
eye unto the life than sending with eyes unto a fire of Gei-Hinom.
18:10 “See that you will not despise one of these youths, for I say to you, that their malachim in haShamayim continually
see face of Abi, Who is in haShamayim.
18:11 “For Ben-haAdam is to deliver what which is lost.
18:12 “How does it appear to you? If has to a man one hundred, and was lost one from they, is it not that a man leaves the
ninety and nine sheep in ha’midbar and goes to seek it that was lost?
18:13 “And if it be that he finds it, Amein, I say to you, that he rejoices over it more than the ninety and nine that did not go
18:14 “Thus there is not a desire before Abichem, Who is in haShamayim, that one of these youths be lost.
18:15 “And if sins at you your brother, go and reprove him, between you and between him alone, and if he will hear you,
you will gain your brother.
18:16* “But if he will hear you not, take to you one witness or two, so that ‘By mouth of two or three witnesses is
established every matter.’
18:17 “And if he will hear them not, publicly speak to him, but if he refuses to hear publicly, he will be to you as a goy and
a sinner.
18:18 “Amein, I say to you, whatever you will prohibit upon the earth they have been prohibited also in haShamayim, and
whatever you will allow upon the earth they have been allowed also in haShamayim.
18:19 “Again I say to you, if two of you come as one upon the earth, from everything that they will ask it is to them from
Abi, Who is He in haShamayim.
18:20 “For in every place that there are assembled two or three in My Shem there I am in the midst of them.”
18:21 Then called out Kephah to Him, and said, “Rabi, how many times will sin upon me my brother and I forgive him?
Until seven times?”
18:22 And said to him uSwhy, “I do not say to you until seven times, but until seventy seven times.
18:23 “And, therefore, Malchut hwhy is similar to a man, a king, who wished to make a reckoning with his servant.
18:24 “And when he began to make the reckoning, drew near to him one who was committed to render to him ten
thousand manim.
18:25 “And as it was not to him from where to pay, commanded his master to sell him and his wife and children, and all
that is to him, until it comes to him the whole payment that was committed to him.
18:26 “Then kneeled that servant, and beseeched him, saying, ‘Wait for me and I pay to you everything.’
18:27 “And had pity the master for his servant, and gave him rest, and forgave his debt.
18:28 “But went out this servant, and found one of those who were servants like him, and this was committed to render to
him one hundred me’ot, and he grasped him, and took hold of him, saying, ‘Pay what which you were committed to
render to me!’
18:29 “Then kneeled that servant, and beseeched him, saying, ‘Wait for me and I pay to you everything.’
18:30 “But he refused, and he went and sent him into jail until he pay all his debt.
18:31 “And saw other servants what which was done, and were very grieved, and came and related to their master all that
had happened.
18:32 “Then called out to him his master, and said to him, ‘Ebed beliya’al! behold, I forgave to you all the debt because
you beseeched me.
18:33 ‘And is it not so you also needed to have pity for a similar servant to you, as I who had pity upon you?’
18:34 “And was kindled of anger his master, and delivered him into the jail until he pay all his debt.
18:35 “Thus, Abi, Who is in haShamayim, will do to you if you will not forgive each other, from your hearts, your

18:16* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 19:15b


18:1 ha’talmidim, the students (mistranslated the disciples) hah-tahl-mee-DEEM

uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
18:3 shub, turn, return, repent shoob
18:5 Shem, Name shaym
18:9 Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
18:10 malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
18:11 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
18:12 ha’midbar, the wilderness hah-meed-BAHR
18:14 Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
18:17 goy, gentile goy
18:21 Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
18:32 ebed beliya’al, wicked servant EH-behd beh-lee-yah-AHL

19:1 And it came to pass, after that finished uSwhy to speak these sayings, He departed from haGalil, and came to
borders of Yahudah beyond haYarden.
19:2 And went after Him many sects, and He healed them there.
19:3 And approached Him haPrushim, and tested Him, saying, “If it is allowed for a man to send away his wife because
of any matter?”
19:4* And He answered, and said to them, “Is it not so you read that, ‘He Who made the man from the beginning- male
and female- made them,’
19:5* and said, ‘Therefore, will leave a man his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, and they will be as one
19:6 “And now they are not two, but one flesh only. Therefore, to what which joined hwhy, the man is not able to
19:7* But they said, “And why commanded Mosheh to give a Sefer Kritut and to send away her if not straightforward in
his eyes?”
19:8 And He answered them, and said, “Because Mosheh, for the sake of hardness of your hearts, allowed to send away
your wives, but from beginning it was not so.
19:9 “And I say to you, that every man who sent away, or will send away, his wife, except because of fornication, and
takes another, commits adultery. And he who takes the divorcées he also commits adultery.”
19:10 And said to Him His talmidim, “If that is the case there is a matter of the man with a wife, that it is not good to
19:11 But He said to them, “Not everyone will perceive this saying, but they to whom it is given.
19:12 “For there are faithful that they from womb of mothers thus were born, and there are faithful who were made from
the man, and there are faithful who themselves are faithful for the sake of Malchut hwhy. He that is able to
perceive will perceive.”
19:13 Then brought near they to Him children in order that hands be laid upon them and to pray, but His talmidim rebuked
19:14 And uSwhy said to them, “Allow children, and do not prevent them to come to Me, for of these is Malchut
19:15 And when He laid upon them His hands, He departed from there.
19:16 And, behold, came near one, and said to Him, “Rabi Tob, and what good thing do I so that I acquire life of the world
to come?”

19:17 And He said to him, “Why do you ask Me concerning the good? There is not good but One, there is a good, and He
is hwhy. But if you desire to enter unto life of the world to come, keep Mitswot hwhy.”
19:18* And he said to Him, “And which?” And answered uSwhy, and said, “You do not murder, you do not commit
adultery, you do you steal, you do not bear of your neighbour false witness,
19:19* honour your father and your mother, and you will love your neighbour as yourself.”
19:20 But said to Him the young man, “All these things I kept from my youth, and what more lacks to me?”
19:21 And said to him uSwhy, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all that is to you, and give to the poor, and it
comes to you treasure in haShamayim, and come follow after Me.”
19:22 But heard the young man the saying, and he went in sorrow, for it was to him a great possession.
19:23 Then uSwhy said to His talmidim, “Amein, I say to you, that the wealthy, with difficulty, enter Malchut hwhy.
19:24 “And again I say to you, easy it is for the large rope through an eye of the needle more than to enter the wealthy
Malchut hwhy.”
19:25 And when heard ha’talmidim these sayings, they were very amazed, saying, “Then who is able to be delivered?”
19:26 And regarded them uSwhy, and said, “To men this is impossible, but to hwhy they are all possible.”
19:27 Then answered Kephah, and said to Him, “Here we are, we left behind everything and follow after You, and what
will be to us?”
19:28 And said to them uSwhy, “Amein, I say to you, that you who went after Me, in the second birth, when sits Ben-
haAdam upon His Kisei Kabod, will sit also you upon twelve thrones, and will judge twelve tribes of Yisrael.
19:29 “And whoever will forsake the house, or brothers, or sisters, or the father, or the mother, or the wife, or the children,
or the fields, for the sake of My Shem, he a hundredfold will receive, and the everlasting life he will inherit.
19:30 “But many of the first will be last, and the last will be first.

19:4* A reference from the TaNaK at Beresheet 1:27, 5:2
19:5* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Beresheet 2:24
19:7* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 24:1b, 3b (see also Matitwhy 5:31)
19:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:13-16; Debarim 5:17-20
19:19* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:12; Debarim 5:16
A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b


19:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
haYarden (mistranslated the Jordan River) hah-yahr-DAYN
19:3 haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM
19:6 hwhy (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
19:7 Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
Sefer Kritut, Bill of Divorcement SAY-phehr kree-TOOT
19:10 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
19:12 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
19:16 Rabi Tob, my Good Rab, Good Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE tohb
19:17 Mitswot hwhy, Commandments of hwhy (mistranslated commandments) meets-WOHT yah-HOO-ah
19:21 haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
19:27 Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
19:28 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
Kisei Kabod, Throne of Esteem kee-SAY kah-BOHD
Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
19:29 Shem, Name shaym

20:1 “Malchut hwhy is similar to a man, a house owner, who went out at first in the morning to hire labourers to work
his vineyard,
20:2 and contracted with them for a zuz the whole day, and sent them into his vineyard.
20:3 “And he went out at the third hour, and saw others standing in the market place unemployed,
20:4 and said to them, ‘Go also you into my vineyard, and anything agreeable I will give you.’
20:5 “And they departed. Again he went out at the sixth hour, and ninth, and did likewise.
20:6 “And at the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing, and said to them, ‘Why are you standing here
unemployed the whole day?’
20:7 “And they said to him, ‘No man hired us.’ And he said to them, ‘Go also you into my vineyard.’
20:8 “And when it was evening, said the master of the vineyard to his maintainer, ‘Call out to the labourers, and return to
them wages, and begin from the first to the last.’
20:9 “And when those came which came at the eleventh hour, received everyone a zuz.
20:10 “And came the first, and they thought that they receive more than these, and received also they, everyone, a zuz.
20:11 “And when they received it, they grumbled against the house owner,
20:12 saying, ‘These last laboured for one hour and you equal them to us who endured a burden of the day and heat!’
20:13 “But he answered to one from them, and said, ‘My brother, I do not to you wrong. Is it not so for a zuz you
contracted with me?
20:14 ‘Take that to you and go, and I desire to give also to this last as to you.
20:15 ‘Is it not permitted for me to do in my eyes what which I want? Or if it is bad your eye because I am good?’
20:16 “So will be last first and first last. For many were called but few were chosen.”
20:17 And went up uSwhy to Yerushala’im, and took His twelve talmidim secretly, and said to them,
20:18 “Behold, we are ascending to Yerushala’im, and Ben-haAdam will be delivered into the hand of Sarei haKohanim
and ha’sophrim, and they will condemn Him to death,
20:19 and they will deliver Him to ha’goyim to be mocked and to suffer, and to the stake, and upon the third day He will
20:20 Then came to Him mother of children of Zabdi with her sons, and bowed down, and asked of Him.
20:21 And He said to her, “What do you wish?” And she said to Him, “Let us say that these sit, my two sons, one at Your
right, and one at Your left, in Your Malchut.”
20:22 But answered uSwhy, and said, “You know not what which you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink,
and to be immersed in the immersion that I am immersed in?” They said to Him, “We are able.”
20:23 Then He said to them, “Indeed, My cup you will drink, and will be immersed in the immersion that in it I am
immersed, but to sit at My right or at My left is not for Me to give you, but theirs prepared of Abi.”
20:24 And heard ten, and were annoyed with the two brothers.
20:25 But uSwhy called them to Himself, saying, “Know you that sarei ha’goyim govern in them, and the great ones
have authority among them.
20:26 “It will not be so among you, but whoever wishes among you to be great, he will be your servant,
20:27 and who wishes among you to be first, he will be your servant,
20:28 as Ben-haAdam did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His Nefesh a ransom for many.”
20:29 And as went out they from Yericho, went after Him a large sect.
20:30 And behold, two blind went out and sat by the way, and heard that passed uSwhy, and cried out, saying, “Rabi,
pity us, Ben-Dawid!”
20:31 And the sect reprimanded them, and said to them to be silent, but they cried out more, saying, “Rabi, pity us, Ben-
20:32 And halted uSwhy, and called out to them, saying, “What do you wish of Me and I do it for you?”
20:33 And they said to Him, “Rabi, that will be opened our eyes.”
20:34 And pitied them uSwhy, and touched upon their eyes, and immediately they saw and went after Him.


20:1 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
20:17 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
20:18 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM


20:18 Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM

ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
20:19 ha’goyim, the gentiles hah-goh-YEEM
20:20 Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
20:23 Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
20:25 sarei ha’goyim, chiefs of the gentiles sah-RAY hah-goh-YEEM
20:28 Nefesh, Life NEH-phehsh
20:29 Yericho (mistranslated Jericho) yeh-ree-CHOH
20:30 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated Son of David) behn dah-WEED

21:1 And when came near they to Yerushala’im, and came to Beit-Pagai, to Har haZeitim, then sent uSwhy two
21:2 and said to them, “Go to the encampment which is before you, and suddenly you will find there a she-ass chained,
and a donkey foal by her side. Release them and bring near them to Me.
21:3 “And if a man says something to you, say that, ‘Rabi has need of them,’ and immediately he will leave them alone.”
21:4 And this it was fulfilled what was said through ha’nabi, the utterance,
21:5* “Say to Bat-Tsiyon, ‘Behold! Your Melek comes to you- poor, and riding upon a donkey, and upon a young ass, a
foal of she-asses.’ ”
21:6 And went ha’talmidim, and did thus which was commanded of them of uSwhy,
21:7 and brought they the she-ass and the young ass, and put upon them garments of them, and mounted Him upon.
21:8 And the large sect removed garments of them in the way, and others cut down branches of trees, and spread in the
21:9* And the sects that went before Him and after Him cried out, saying, “Hoshanah l’Ben-Dawid! Baruk Asher Ba
bShem hwhy! Hoshanah baElyonot!”
21:10 And when He came unto Yerushala’im, raged the whole city, saying, “Who is this?”
21:11 And people said, “It is uSwhy haNabi from Natseret of haGalil!”
21:12 And entered uSwhy unto Hechal hwhy, and drove to outside all vendors and buyers in haHechal, and tables of
the moneychangers and seats of the vendors of the doves He overturned,
21:13* and said to them, “It is written, ‘For My Beit, a Beit-Tephilah it will be called,’ but you made it ‘dens of the
robbers.’ ”
21:14 And drew near to Him blind and lame in haHechal, and He healed them.
21:15 But saw Sarei haKohanim and ha’sophrim together the miracles that He did, and the youths cried out in haHechal,
and said, “Hoshana l’Ben-Dawid!” and they were angry,
21:16* and said to Him, “Hear You what said these?” And uSwhy said to them, “Have you not read that, ‘From mouth of
infants and sucklings You established strength?’ ”
21:17 And He left them, and went outside of the village unto Beit-Anhy, and dwelled there.
21:18 And He returned in the morning unto the village, and He was hungry.
21:19 And He saw a fig tree upon the way, and He came to it and found not in it except the leaves only. And He said to it,
“Not will go out from you fruit forever.” And suddenly dried up the fig tree.
21:20 And saw ha’talmidim, and they were amazed, saying, “How suddenly it dried up!”
21:21 And answered uSwhy, and said to them, “Amein, I say to you, if you will have to you emunah and not be in
doubt, not only with the fig tree you will do, but if you will say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and be thrown into
the sea,’ then it will come to pass.
21:22 “And all that you will ask in prayer and in emunah, you will receive.”
21:23 And when He came to haHechal, approached Him as He was teaching Sarei haKohanim and ziqnei ha’am, saying,
“How are You able to do these? And Who gave You this ability?”
21:24 And answered uSwhy, and said to them, “Ask you also I one thing, and if you answer Me it, also I say to you
how am able I to do what I do:
21:25 “Immersions of Yochanan, from where is it? Whether from hwhy or from men?” And they thought among them,
and said, “If we will say, ‘From hwhy,’ He will say to us, ‘Why not did you believe him?’

21:26 “But if we will say, ‘From men,’ we will be afraid of the sect, for in the eyes of everyone was Yochanan as a nabi.”
21:27 And they answered, and said to uSwhy, “We do not know.” And said also He to them, “And also I do not say to
you how am able I to do these.
21:28 “But how does it appear to you? Was one man and to him was two sons, and he approached the first, and said, ‘My
son, go today to my vineyard to work.’
21:29 “But he answered, and said, ‘I will not do it,’ but he repented afterwards and went.
21:30 “And he approached the second, and said also. And he answered, and said, ‘I will go, master,’ but went not.
21:31 “Who of these two did a will of the father?” They answered Him, “First.” And said to them uSwhy, “Amein, I say
to you, that sinners and harlots will go before you in Malchut hwhy.
21:32 “For came to you Yochanan in the way of rightness, and you did not believe him, but sinners and harlots believed
him. And you saw but you did not teshubah after that, to believe him.
21:33 “Hear another parable: Was a man, a house owner, and he planted a vineyard, and a hedge surrounded it, and dug in
it a winepress, and built a tower, and delivered it to vinedressers to work, and went to dwell.
21:34 “And when drew near time of the fruits, he sent his servants to the vinedressers to receive the fruits.
21:35 “But the vinedressers grasped his servants, and beat the one, and killed another, and stoned another.
21:36 “Again he sent other servants, much more than the first, and they did to them also.
21:37 “And at last he sent to them his son, saying, ‘Perhaps they will fear my son.’
21:38 “But the vinedressers, when they saw the son, said among them, ‘This is he, the next heir. We will kill him, and to
us will be his inheritance.’
21:39 “And they seized him, and brought him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
21:40 “Think in your heart, when comes owner of the vineyard, what will he do to these vinedressers?”
21:41 And they answered Him, and said, “The wicked vinedressers will perish in their evil, and his vineyard he will render
to another instead of to hire who will return him fruit in its seasons.”
21:42* And said to them uSwhy, “Did you not read in Tehilim, ‘A stone rejected of the builders it became as Rosh
Pinah. From hwhy this happened, it is wonderful in our eyes.’?
21:43 “And, therefore, I say to you: For it will be removed from you Malchut hwhy, and it will be given to peoples
bringing about fruits.
21:44 “And he that falls upon this stone will be broken, but upon whoever it falls it will destroy him.”
21:45 And when heard Sarei haKohanim and Prushim His parables they knew that He spoke to them.
21:46 And they sought to seize Him but they feared the sects, for a Nabi He was in their eyes.

21:5* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 9:9
21:9* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:26a (see also Matitwhy 23:39)
21:13* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 56:7
A reference from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 7:11
21:16* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 8:2a
21:42* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:22-23


21:1 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem

Beit-Pagai (mistranslated Bethphage) bayt pah-GYE
Har haZeitim (mistranslated mount of Olives) hahr hah-zay-TEEM
uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
21:3 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
21:4 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
21:5 Bat-Tsiyon, Daughter of Tsiyon (mistranslated daughter of Sion) baht tsee-YOHN
Melek, Sovereign (mistranslated King) MEH-lehk
21:9 hoshanah, deliver us (mistranslated Hosanna) hoh-shah-NAH
l’Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) leh-BEHN dah-WEED


21:9 Baruk Asher Ba bShem hwhy, beh-ROOK ah-SHEHR bah

Blessed is Who Comes in the Name of hwhy beh-SHAYM yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord)
baElyonot, in the Heights bah-ehl-yoh-NOHT
21:11 haNabi, the Prophet hah-nah-BEE
Natseret (mistranslated Nazareth) nah-TSEH-reht
haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
21:12 Hechal hwhy, Main Hall of hwhy (mistranslated temple of God) hay-CHAHL yah-HOO-ah
haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
21:13 Beit, House bayt
Beit-Tephilah, House of Prayer bayt teh-phee-LAH
21:15 Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
21:17 Beit-Anhy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany) bayt ahn-YAH
21:21 emunah, faith eh-moo-NAH
21:23 ziqnei ha’am, elders of the people zeeq-NAY hah-AHM
21:25 Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
hwhy (mistranslated heaven) yah-HOO-ah
21:31 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of God) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
21:32 teshubah, repentance teh-shoo-BAH
21:42 Tehilim, Psalms teh-hee-LEEM
Rosh Pinah, Head of the Corner, Chief Cornerstone rohsh pee-NAH
21:45 Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM

22:1 And answered uSwhy, and said again to them in parables, saying,
22:2 “Malchut hwhy is similar to a man, a king, who made a chatunah for his son,
22:3 and sent his servants to call invited ones to chatunah, but they desired not to come.
22:4 “Again, he sent other servants, saying, ‘Say to the invited, “Behold, my covenant I prepared, my ox and my swan
are cooked, and all they are ready. Come to ha’chatunah.” ’
22:5 “But these were careless, and went- one to his village and one to his merchandise.
22:6 “And a remainder seized his servants, and with violence killed them.
22:7 “But when he heard, the king burned of anger, and sent his hosts, and perished these murderers, and small towns he
burned with fire.
22:8 “And then he said to his servants, ‘Surely chatunah is ready, but the invited were not worthy.
22:9 ‘And you, go to the outgoing of ways, and all that you will find, call to ha’chatunah.’
22:10 “And went out his servants unto the ways, and gathered all that they found, bad and good, and was filled chatunah of
the seated at reception.
22:11 “And came in the king to see the seated, and he saw there the man was not dressed in garments of ha’chatunah,
22:12 and said to him, ‘Friend, how come you hither and there is not to you garments of ha’chatunah?’ And he was struck
22:13 “Then said the king to his servants, ‘Bind his hands and his feet, and send him to the outer darkness that there will
be weeping and gnashing of teeth!’
22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
22:15 Then went haPrushim and took counsel together to trap Him concerning this saying.
22:16 And sent they to Him their talmidim with servants of Herod, saying, “Rabi, we know that faithful are You, and way
of hwhy in truth You teach, and there is not to You concern of any man, for You regard not face of the man.
22:17 “And, therefore, say to us, how appears it to You? Is it permitted to give tribute to Caesar, or not?”
22:18 But knew uSwhy their evil nature, and said to them, “Flatterers! Why do you try Me?
22:19 “Show Me a coin of the tribute.” And they brought near to Him one zuz.
22:20 And He said to them, “Whose is this image and this writing?”

22:21 And they answered Him, and said, “Caesar.” Then He said to them, “Therefore, you give to Caesar that to Caesar,
and to hwhy that are they to hwhy.”
22:22 And when they heard, they were amazed, and they left Him, and they went away.
22:23 In that day came near to Him haTsedoqim, who are they saying that it will be not a Tequmah, and they asked Him,
22:24* “Rabi, said Mosheh if will die a man, and a son there is not to him, his brother will take a wife of the dead to him for
a wife so that it is fulfilled to his brother seed.
22:25 “And he left his wife to his brother.
22:26 “So a second, and a third, until the seventh.
22:27 “And afterwards died also the woman.
22:28 “In haTequmah, whose will be this woman- because all the seven were her husbands?”
22:29 And answered uSwhy, and said to them, “You err- neither knowing haKetubim nor Koach hwhy.
22:30 “For in haTequmah neither will they marry nor will they be betrothed, but are as malachei hwhy in haShamayim.
22:31 “And concerning tequmat ha’meitim, have you not read what was spoken from hwhy, Who said to you,
22:32* ‘Ani Elohei Abraham, Ani Elohei Yitschaq, Ani Elohei Ya’aqob?’ And He is not Elohei ha’meitim, but Elohei
22:33 And when heard the sects, they were amazed concerning His Talmud.
22:34 But haPrushim, when they heard that He silenced haTsedoqim, took counsel together.
22:35 And asked Him one from them, and he was a teacher of haTorah, and he tried Him, and said to Him,
22:36 “Rabi, which Mitswah is great in haTorah?”
22:37* And answered him uSwhy, and said, “ ‘You will love hwhy your Eloah, with all your heart, and with all your
nefesh, and with all your might.’
22:38 “That it is haMitswah haGedolah which is in all of haTorah, and that it is first.
22:39* “However, the second- that it is similar to it: ‘And you will love your neighbour as yourself.’
22:40 “Upon these two Mitswot are hanging all haTorah and haNebi’im.”
22:41 And while were assembled haPrushim, asked them uSwhy, saying,
22:42 “How appears it to you concerning haMashiach? Whose Son is He?” And they said to Him, “He is Ben-Dawid.”
22:43 But He said to them, “Then how does Dawid, by His Sdq Cwr, call Him ‘Master,’ saying,
22:44* ‘Uttered hwhy to my Master, “Sit at My right hand until I put Your enemies a footrest of Your feet?” ’
22:45 “Then if Dawid calls Him ‘Master,’ how is He his Son?”
22:46 Neither were they able to return to Him a word, nor wanted again anything man to question of Him further from that


22:32* Ani Elohei Abraham, I Am Elohei of Abraham ah-NEE eh-loh-HAY ah-brah-HAHM

(mistranslated I am the God of Abraham)
Ani Elohei Yitschaq, I Am Elohei of Yitschaq ah-NEE eh-loh-HAY yeets-CHAHQ
(mistranslated I am the God of Isaac)
Ani Elohei Ya’aqob, I Am Elohei of Ya’aqob ah-NEE eh-loh-HAY yah-ah-QOHB
(mistranslated I am the God of Jacob)

22:24* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 25:5-6
22:32* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 3:6, 15; 4:5
22:37* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:5
22:39* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b
22:44* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 110:1


22:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

22:2 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah


22:2 chatunah, marriage chah-too-NAH

22:15 haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM
22:16 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
hwhy (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
22:23 haTsedoqim (mistranslated the Sadducees) hah-tseh-doh-QEEM
Tequmah, Resurrection teh-qoo-MAH
22:24 Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
22:28 haTequmah, the Resurrection hah-teh-qoo-MAH
22:29 haKetubim, the Scriptures hah-keh-too-BEEM
Koach hwhy, Power of hwhy (mistranslated power of God) KOH-ahch yah-HOO-ah
22:30 malachei hwhy, messengers of hwhy (mistranslated angels of God) mahl-ah-CHAY yah-HOO-ah
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
22:31 tequmat ha’meitim, resurrection of the dead teh-qoo-MAHT hah-may-TEEM
22:32 Elohei ha’meitim, Elohei of the dead (mistranslated God of the dead) eh-loh-HAY hah-may-TEEM
Elohei ha’chayim, Elohei of the living (mistranslated God of the living) eh-loh-HAY hah-chah-YEEM
22:33 Talmud, Instruction tahl-MOOD
22:35 haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
22:36 Mitswah, Commandment meets-WAH
22:37 Eloah (mistranslated God) eh-LOH-ah
nefesh, being NEH-phehsh
22:38 haMitswah haGedolah, the Great Commandment hah-meets-WAH hah-geh-doh-LAH
22:40 Mitswot, Commandments meets-WOHT
haNebi’im, the Prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
22:42 haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated Son of David) behn dah-WEED
22:43 Sdq Cwr, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Spirit) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh

23:1 Then spoke uSwhy to the sects and to His talmidim,
23:2 saying, “Upon seat of Mosheh are seated sophrim and Prushim.
23:3 “And all that they say to you, observe and do. But according to their works do not do, for they say, but do not.
23:4 “For they bind heavy burdens without bearing, and put them upon a shoulder of men, but by themselves will not
move them.
23:5 “And also all their works they do so that will see children of men, for they broaden their totaphot and enlarge
kenaphot of their kesuyot,
23:6 and love principal receptions at the suppers, and principal seats in batei-kenesiyut,
23:7 and greetings in the market place, and to be called from people, ‘rabi.’
23:8 “But you will not be called ‘rabi,’ for One- He is Rabichem and He is haMashiach, and all you- brothers.
23:9 “Also, neither will it be called to you ‘ab’ upon the earth, for One- He is Abichem, Who is in haShamayim,
23:10 nor will you be called ‘melamedim,’ for One- He is your Melamed and He is haMashiach.
23:11 “He that is great from you he will be your servant.
23:12 “For he that will exalt himself will be humbled, and he that is humbled will be exalted.
23:13 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who close haMalchut hwhy before children of man, for you
neither enter nor allow the wanting to enter.
23:14 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who devour houses of widows in order to pray long prayers, and,
therefore, will receive a long judgment.
23:15 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who go around the sea and the mainland in order to make one
proselyte, and when he is made, you make him a son of Gei-Hinom double more than you.
23:16 “Woe to you, blind leaders! who say, ‘Whoever swears by haHechal it is not anything, but who swears by the gold
of haHechal he is guilty!’
23:17 “Fools and blind! which it is great- whether the gold or haHechal that makes qodesh the gold?

23:18 “And all who swear by ha’mizbei’ach there is not anything, but who swears by the gift that is upon it he is guilty.
23:19 “The blind! which it is great- whether a gift or ha’mizbei’ach that makes qodesh the gift?
23:20 “The swearer by ha’mizbei’ach swears by it, and by all that are they upon it.
23:21 “And who swears by haHechal swears by it, and by this that inhabits therein.
23:22 “And the swearer by haShamayim swears by Kisei hwhy and by Him Who sits upon it.
23:23 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who tithe mint and rue and cumin, and neglected them that they are
weightier in haTorah: Mishpat, chesed, and emunah. These you have need to do, and these not to reject.
23:24 “Blind leaders! who will filter a gnat, and swallow the camel!
23:25 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who clean what which is outside of the cup and the bowl, but within
they are full of robbery and uncleanness.
23:26 “Blind Parush! clean at first anything within the cup and the bowl so that it will be clean, also which is outside.
23:27 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! for similar are you to whitened graves, which outside appear to
children of men fair, but within are full of bones of the dead, and all uncleanness.
23:28 “And so also you appear from outside righteous to children of men, but within you are full of perverseness and
23:29 “Woe to you, sophrim and Prushim, hypocrites! who build graves of ha’nebi’im, and adorn graves of the righteous,
23:30 and say, ‘If we were in the days of our fathers, we were not their friends in the blood of ha’nebi’im.’
23:31 “And certainly, witnesses you are to yourselves, that you came from them who killed ha’nebi’im, and their children
you are.
23:32 “Then you fill measures of your fathers.
23:33 “Serpents, and the generation of vipers! how will you escape from justice of Gei-Hinom?
23:34 “Therefore, I say to you, behold, I send to you nebi’im, and the wise, and ha’sophrim, and from them you will kill
and impale, and from them you will beat with whips in your batei-kenesiyut, and will persecute from village to
23:35 so that it will come upon you all dam tsadiq which was poured out upon the earth, from Hebel ha’tsadiq to
Zecharhy ben-Berechhy, who you killed between haHechal and between ha’mizbei’ach.
23:36 “Amein, I say to you, that all these will come upon this generation.
23:37 “Yerushala’im, Yerushala’im, that kills ha’nebi’im and stones them who were sent! Further, how many times I
wanted to gather your children as the hen collects her chicks under the wings, but you were unwilling!
23:38 “Behold! left to you is your house desolate.
23:39* “And I say to you, that you will not see Me henceforth until which you say, ‘Baruk Asher Ba bShem hwhy!’ ”

23:39* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:26a (see also Matitwhy 21:9)


23:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
23:2 Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
23:5 totaphot, phylacteries toh-tah-PHOHT
kenaphot, corners keh-nah-PHOHT
kesuyot, covering keh-soo-YOHT
23:6 batei-kenesiyut, synagogues bah-TAY keh-neh-see-YOOT
23:7 rabi, my rab, rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
23:8 Rabichem, your Rab, your Rabbi (mistranslated your Master) rah-bee-CHEHM
haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
23:9 ab, father ahb
Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
23:10 melamedim, teachers meh-lah-meh-DEEM
Melamed, Teacher meh-lah-MAYD


23:13 haMalchut hwhy, the Reign of hwhy (mistranslated the kingdom of heaven) hah-mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
23:15 Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
23:16 haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
23:17 qodesh, sanctified (mistranslated holy) QOH-dehsh
23:18 ha’mizbei’ach, the altar hah-meez-BAY-ahch
23:22 Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy (mistranslated the throne of God) kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
23:23 haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
mishpat, judgment meesh-PAHT
chesed, favour, mercy CHEH-sehd
emunah, belief eh-moo-NAH
23:26 Parush (mistranslated Pharisee) pah-ROOSH
23:29 ha’nebi’im, the prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
23:35 dam tsadiq, righteous blood dahm tsah-DEEQ
Hebel (mistranslated Abel) HEH-behl
ha’tsadiq, the righteous hah-tsah-DEEQ
Zecharhy, ZecharYah (mistranslated Zacharias) zeh-chahr-YAH
ben-Berechhy, son of BerechYah (mistranslated son of Barachias) behn beh-rehch-YAH
23:37 Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
23:39 Baruk Asher Ba bShem hwhy, beh-ROOK ah-SHEHR bah
Blessed is Who Comes in the Name of hwhy beh-SHAYM yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord)

24:1 And went out uSwhy, and departed from haHechal, and came near His talmidim in order that they show Him
buildings of haHechal.
24:2 But He answered them, saying, “Regard you all these? Amein, I say to you, there will not be left here a stone upon a
stone that will not be broken.”
24:3 And as He sat upon Har haZeitim, approached Him His talmidim secretly, saying, “Tell us, when will be these? And
what sign will be at Your Coming, and end of the world?”
24:4 Then answered uSwhy, and said to them, “That it will not be any man who will deceive you.
24:5 “For many will come in My Shem, saying, ‘Ani mashiach,’ and to many he will deceive.
24:6 “For you will hear of wars and the rumours of wars. See that you are not alarmed- it must be that are done these, but
yet there is no end.
24:7 “For will rise up goy against goy, and kingdom against kingdom. And it will be plague, and famine, and uproar of
the earth in all the places.
24:8 “And these they are the beginning of pains.
24:9 “Then they will give you anguish and will kill you, and will hate you all ha’goyim because of My Shem.
24:10 “And then will stumble many, and will hand over a man his neighbour, and will hate a man his brother.
24:11 “And many will rise of the false nebi’ei, and will go astray the many.
24:12 “And because will increase transgression, will be cooled the love of the many.
24:13 “But he that perseveres until the end he will be delivered.
24:14 “And this will be proclaimed- Besorat haMalchut- in all the world for a witness to all ha’goyim, and then will come
the end.
24:15* “And when you will see ‘Shiquts Meshomeim,’ the utterance by Daniyel ha’nabi, who said that it is standing in
Maqom haQodesh”, he that reads will understand.
24:16 “Then who are in Yahudah will flee to the mountains,
24:17 and who will be upon the roof will not descend to take anything from his house,
24:18 and who in the field will not return to take his garment.
24:19 “But woe to them and to mothers and to wet nurses in those days!
24:20 “And you, pray that not will be your flight in winter or upon Shabat,
24:21* for then will be great anguish that is not like it has been from beginning of the world until now, nor will be

24:22 “And if not were shortened those days not will be delivered all flesh, but because of haBechirim will be shortened
those days.
24:23 “Then if a man says to you, ‘Behold, here is haMashiach!’ or ‘In there!’ do not believe.
24:24 “Because that will arise the false meshichei and the false nebi’ei, and will give great signs and wonders, that also
will come to go astray, if it were able to happen, those Bechirim.
24:25 “Behold, I told you.
24:26 “Therefore, if they say to you, ‘Behold, in ha’midbar He is!’ do not go out. ‘Behold, in the rooms!’ do not believe.
24:27 “For the lightning goes out from east and appears as far as west, so will be coming Ben-haAdam.
24:28* “In every place that will be a carcass, there will gather the vultures.
24:29* “And immediately after anguish of those days will be darkened the sun, and the moon not will give her light, and
stars will fall from haShamayim, and powers of haShamayim will shake,
24:30* and then will appear a sign of Ben-haAdam in haShamayim, and then will mourn all tribes of haArets, and will see
Ben-haAdam next in clouds of haShamayim with chayil rab and with kabod.
24:31* “And He will send His malachim with a shofar, and with a great voice, that they will gather His Bechirim from four
winds, from heights of haShamayim to their extremes.
24:32 “Of the fig tree learn the parable: When it will be a branch is tender and will sprout the leaves, you know that soon it
will be the end,
24:33 so when you will see all these, know that it is near, at the doors.
24:34 “Amein, I say to you, not will pass this generation until that is accomplished everything.
24:35 “Shamayim and earth will pass, but My Debarim will not pass.
24:36 “Until that day, and concerning that hour, neither will a man know nor malachim in haShamayim, but Abi alone.
24:37 “And as it was in the days of Noach, so will be coming Ben-haAdam.
24:38 “For as they were in those days that were before the flood- eaters and drinkers, and marrying and giving to marriage-
until a day that entered Noach into ha’teibah,
24:39 and knew they not until came the flood and took everyone, so will be coming Ben-haAdam.
24:40 “Then will be two in the field- one will be taken and one will be left.
24:41 “Two grinders at the mill- one will be taken and one will be left.
24:42 “Two in a bed- one will be taken and one will be left. Then, therefore, keep watch, for you will know not at which
hour will come Rabichem.
24:43 “But know this- if knew a house owner at which hour the thief will come, in truth, he will keep watch and not allow
to be broken into his house.
24:44 “Therefore, also, you be prepared, for not you will know at which hour will come Ben-haAdam.
24:45 “Then who is he, a servant faithful and wise, that he put a master over his close friends, that will give them food in
due season?
24:46 “Happy is that servant, who, at a coming of his master to his house, and he will find so doing.
24:47 “Amein, I say to you, that in truth, over all his property he will put him.
24:48 “But if will think this servant wicked in his heart, ‘Delays my master to come,’
24:49 and begins to hit the servants who are with him, and eats and drinks with the drunkards,
24:50 then will come master of that servant upon a day that not he will expect, and in an hour that not he will know,
24:51 and will split him, and his portion he will put with hypocrites. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!

24:15* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11
24:21* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 12:1; Yoel 2:2
24:28* A reference from the TaNaK at Yechezqel 39:17-18; Chabaquq 1:8
24:29* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 13:10; Yechezqel 32:7; Yoel 2:10, 3:4 (2:31), 4:15 (3:15)
A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 34:4; Chagai 2:6, 21
24:30* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 12:10, 14
A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 7:13-14
24:31* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 27:13


24:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah


24:1 haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL

talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
24:3 Har haZeitim (mistranslated mount of Olives) hahr hah-zay-TEEM
24:5 Shem, Name shaym
Ani mashiach, I am messiah, I am anointed (mistranslated I am Christ) ah-NEE mah-SHEE-ahch
24:7 goy, nation goy
24:9 ha’goyim, the gentiles hah-goh-YEEM
24:11 nebi’ei, prophets neh-bee-AY
24:14 Besorat haMalchut, Good News of the Reign beh-soh-RAHT hah-mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated gospel of the kingdom)
ha’goyim, the nations hah-goh-YEEM
24:15 Shiquts Meshomeim, Abomination of Desolation shee-QOOTS meh-shoh-MAYM
Daniyel (mistranslated Daniel) dah-nee-YAYL
ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE
Maqom haQodesh (mistranslated the holy place) mah-QOHM hah-QOH-dehsh
24:16 Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
24:20 Shabat (mistranslated sabbath day) shah-BAHT
24:22 haBechirim, the Chosen, the Elect hah-beh-chee-REEM
24:23 haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
24:24 meshichei, messiahs (mistranslated Christs) meh-shee-CHAY
nebi’ei, prophets neh-bee-AY
24:26 ha’midbar, the wilderness hah-meed-BAHR
24:27 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
24:29 haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
24:30 haArets, the Land hah-ah-REHTS
chayil rab, great strength chah-YEEL rahb
kabod, esteem kah-BOHD
24:31 malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
shofar, ram’s horn (mistranslated trumpet) SHOH-phahr
24:35 Debarim, Words deh-bah-REEM
24:36 Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
24:37 Noach (mistranslated Noe) NOH-ahch
24:38 ha’teibah, the ark hah-tay-BAH
24:42 Rabichem, your Rab, your Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adon) rah-bee-CHEHM

25:1 “Then will be similar Malchut hwhy to ten young women, who took their torches and went out to meet he’chatan.
25:2 “Five of them were foolish, and five of them were wise.
25:3 “The five foolish, when they took the torches, took not oil with them,
25:4 but the wise took the oil in their vessels with the torches.
25:5 “And while he’chatan was delayed, slept and slumbered all.
25:6 “And at midnight was a cry, ‘And behold, he’chatan came, and went out they to meet him!’
25:7 “Then arose all those young women and prepared their torches.
25:8 “And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us of your oil, for our torches are extinguished.’
25:9 “But answered the wise, and said to them, ‘We do not give to you, lest is enough for us and you. Therefore, go to the
vendors and buy for you.’
25:10 “And as went they to buy, came he’chatan. Who were ready came in with him to ha’chatunah, and was shut the
25:11 “And afterwards came a remnant of the young women, saying, ‘My master, my master, open to us!’
25:12 “But he answered, saying, ‘Amein, I say to you, that I know you not.’
25:13 “And therefore, you keep watch, for you know not the day and the hour that in it comes Ben-haAdam,

25:14 for it is like the man who went to live in a distant country, and he called to his servants, and gave to them his
25:15 “To one he gave five talents, and to one two, and to one one- to every man he gave according to his power, then
journeyed immediately.
25:16 “Then he that received the five talents went and traded with them, and acquired five others.
25:17 “And so he that received two acquired still two others.
25:18 “But he that received the one went and dug in the earth and hid it in the earth.
25:19 “And it came to pass, after a long time returned him the master, and made with them a reckoning.
25:20 “And approached he that received the five talents, and brought near still another five talents, saying, ‘My master,
you gave to me five talents, and behold, I added to them still five others.’
25:21 “And said to him his master, ‘Hurrah! because you were an ebed tob and faithful over the few, come, and I give you
command over the many. Go enter to joy of your master.’
25:22 “And came near also he that received the two talents, and said, ‘My master, you gave to me the two talents, and
behold, still two of these I acquired.’
25:23 “And said to him his master, ‘Hurrah! because you were an ebed tob and faithful over the few, come, please, and I
give you command over the many. Go enter to joy of your master.’
25:24 “And came near also he that received the one talent, and said, ‘My master, I knew that you are a hard man, and you
reap there that you sow not, and you gather there that you scatter not,
25:25 and I was afraid, and I went and I hid your talent in the earth. Behold, to you what which is to you.’
25:26 “And answered his master, and said to him, ‘Ebed ra and lazy, you knew that I reap there that I sow not, and I gather
there that I scatter not,
25:27 you should have given my money to moneychangers, and surely I was to come and receive that for myself with
25:28 ‘Therefore, take, please, from him the talent, and give it to him who is him of the ten talents.
25:29 ‘For of all of that there is to him will be given to him, and abundantly, but of that there is not to him- also what
which appears to be to him- will be taken from him.
25:30 ‘And the idle servant- throw away him to the outer darkness that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!’
25:31 “And when comes Ben-haAdam in His Kabod, and all His malachim with Him, then He will sit upon His Kisei
25:32 and will bring Him before Him all goyim, and will separate them, these from those, as the shepherd separates the
lambs from above the young goats.
25:33 “And He will place the lambs at the right-hand, but the young goats at the left-hand.
25:34 “And then will say haMelek to these that are at His right-hand, ‘Go, blessed of Abi, and inherit the prepared
Mamlachah to you from beginning of the world-
25:35 ‘I was hungry and you gave Me to eat, thirsty and you gave Me to drink, a stranger I was and you took in Me.
25:36 ‘Naked I was and you covered Me, sick I was and you visited Me, in jail I was and you came to Me.’
25:37 “Then will answer ha’tsadiqim to Him, saying, ‘Rabi, when saw we You hungry and we fed You? or thirsty and we
gave You abundantly?
25:38 ‘And when saw we You a stranger and we took in You? or naked and we covered You?
25:39 ‘Then when saw we You sick or in jail and we came to You?’
25:40 “And will answer haMelek, and say to them, ‘Amein, I say to you, as you did to one of these, who are they to Me as
younger brothers, inasmuch you did to Me.’
25:41 “And then will say haMelek to those from His left-hand, ‘Go away from Me, cursed. Go to fire of eternity that is
prepared for ha’shatan and his malachim-
25:42 for I was hungry and you gave not to Me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave no drink to Me.
25:43 ‘A stranger I was and you took not Me in. Naked I was and you covered not Me. Sick I was and in jail and you
visited not Me.’
25:44 “Then they will answer Him, saying, ‘Rabi, how saw we You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or
in jail, and not we served You?’
25:45 “Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Amein, I say to you, as not you did to one of these younger, not you did to Me.’
25:46 “And these will go to everlasting punishment, but ha’tsadiqim to everlasting life!”


25:1 Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah


25:1 he’chatan, the bridegroom heh-chah-TAHN

25:10 ha’chatunah, the marriage, the wedding hah-chah-too-NAH
25:13 Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
25:21 ebed tob, good servant EH-bed tohb
25:26 ebed ra, wicked servant EH-behd rah
25:31 Kabod, Esteem kah-BOHD
malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
Kisei Kabod, Throne of Esteem (mistranslated the throne of his glory) kee-SAY kah-BOHD
25:32 goyim, nations goh-YEEM
25:34 haMelek, the Sovereign (mistranslated the King) hah-MEH-lehk
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
Mamlachah, Reign (mistranslated kingdom) mahm-lah-CHAH
25:37 ha’tsadiqim, the righteous hah-tsah-dee-QEEM
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
25:41 ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil hah-shah-TAHN

26:1 And it came to pass, when finished uSwhy all these sayings, He said to His talmidim,
26:2 “You know that after days comes haPasach, and Ben-haAdam will be handed over and will be bound, in order to be
26:3 Then were assembled ha’kohanim and ziqnei ha’am to a court of Sar haKohanim, who was called Qayaphah,
26:4 and counseled to hold uSwhy by deceit, and to kill Him.
26:5 But they said, “We do not this upon yom ha’chag, lest it will be a great commotion among the people.”
26:6 And when was uSwhy in one Beit-Anhy, in the house of Simon the jar merchant,
26:7 approached Him a woman, who in her hand was a jar of precious oil, and she poured it upon His head, and He was
26:8 And saw ha’talmidim, and they were vexed, and said, “Why is this lost?
26:9 “For was able this oil to be sold for much money, and to be given to the poor.”
26:10 But knew uSwhy, and said to them, “Why have you forced this woman? For she is doing upon Me a good work.
26:11 “And you always will have poor, but I shall not always have you.
26:12 “And she sent this oil upon My body- for My burial she did.
26:13 “Amein, I say to you, in every place that there will be proclaimed this Besorah Tobah in all the world, of whatever
she has done will be told for her name and for her memorial.”
26:14 Then went one of His twelve talmidim, and was he who was called Yahudah Iskriyoti, and he went to Rashei
26:15* and said to them, “What will you give to me, and I will hand Him over to you?” And they stated to him thirty
26:16 And since then he sought the appropriate time to hand Him over.
26:17 And upon the first day of Chag haMatsot came near ha’talmidim to uSwhy, saying, “Where wish You to eat
26:18 And said uSwhy, “Go you to the village to one, and say to him, ‘HaMelamed says, “My time it comes near, and
with you I keep haPesach with My talmidim.” ’ ”
26:19 And did ha’talmidim as commanded them uSwhy, and prepared ha’pasach.
26:20 And when it was evening, He sat by the table with His twelve talmidim.
26:21 And as they were eating, said He, “Amein, I say to you, that one of you will hand Me over!”
26:22 And they burned of anger exceedingly, and each one began saying, “Is it I, Rabi?”
26:23 But answered He, and said, “He that will dip with Me a hand in the dish he will hand Me over.
26:24 “And surely Ben-haAdam goes as that it is written of Him, but in truth, woe to him, the man, that by his hand will
hand over Ben-haAdam! Good it is to him that not he was born that man.”
26:25 Then answered Yahudah, who handed Him over, and said, “Is it I, Rabi?” And He said to him, “You said.”
26:26 And it came to pass, as they sat to eat, took uSwhy the bread, and blessed,* and broke off, and gave to His
talmidim, saying, “Take, and eat, this which is My Body.”

*NOTE: It is quite possible uSwhy said these very words:

Baruk atah hwhy Eloheinu, Melek haOlam, haMotsi Lechem min haArets.
Blessed are You hwhy our Eloah, Sovereign of the Universe, Who brings forth Bread from the Land.
beh-ROOK ah-TAH yah-HOO-ah eh-loh-HAY-noo, MEH-lehk hah-oh-LAHM, hah-moh-TSEE LEH-chehm meen hah-ah-REHTS.

26:27 And afterwards He took the cup, and blessed,* and gave to them, saying, “Drink of it all,

*NOTE: It is quite possible uSwhy said these very words:

Baruk atah hwhy Eloheinu, Melek haOlam, Borei pri ha’gaphen.

Blessed are You hwhy our Eloah, Sovereign of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine.
beh-ROOK ah-TAH yah-HOO-ah eh-loh-HAY-noo, MEH-lehk hah-oh-LAHM, boh-RAY pree hah-gah-PHEHN.

26:28 for this is Dami shel Brit haChadashah, which is spilled for many la’kipur ha’chata’im.
26:29 “But I say to you, henceforth I will not drink of fruit of the vine up to it the day that I drink with you new in
haMalchut Abi, Who in haShamayim is He.”
26:30* And when they recited haTehilah, they went out to Har haZeitim.
26:31* Then said to them uSwhy, “All of you will stumble in Me in this night. It is written, ‘Strike haRo’eh, and will be
scattered ha’tson.’
26:32 “But after that I have risen, I will go to haGalil before you.”
26:33 Then answered Kepha, and said to Him, “If all will stumble, I will not stumble in You.”
26:34 And said to him uSwhy, “Amein, I say to you, that in this night, before will sing the rooster, three times you will
deny Me.”
26:35 Then said to Him Kepha, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” And so also said all ha’talmidim.
26:36 Then came uSwhy with them to a village which is named Gei-Shemanim, and said to His talmidim, “Sit in this
place while that I go to there and pray.”
26:37 And went with Him Kepha and two sons of Zabdi, and He began to be grieved and to be downcast.
26:38 And then He said to them, “My Nefesh is grieving to death. Here you will wait for Me and keep watch with Me.”
26:39 And He went forward a little, and fell upon His face, and prayed, saying, “Abi, if it is possible that pass away this
cup from Me be done, but may it not be as My will, but as Your will be done.”
26:40 And He came to His talmidim and found them sleeping, and said to Kepha, “Or were you not able to keep watch one
hour with Me?
26:41 “Keep watch, and pray that you do not enter into temptation, but nevertheless ha’ruach indeed it is diligent, but the
flesh it is frail.”
26:42 Again He went a second time, and prayed, saying, “Abi, if not is able to pass this cup from Me, but is necessary that
I drink it, may it be as Your will.”
26:43 And He came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy.
26:44 And He left them, and went again, and prayed a third time, and said it, the prayer that already He said.
26:45 Then came He to His talmidim, and said to them, “You slept now and you rested, behold, at hand is the hour that
Ben-haAdam will be given into the hand of the sinners.
26:46 “Arise and we go, behold, he draws near who will hand Me over.”
26:47 Still was He speaking, and behold, Yahudah, one of His twelve talmidim, came, and with him a great crowd with
swords and spears, and they were sent from Rashei haKohanim and ziqnei ha’am.
26:48 And Yahudah, who handed Him over, gave to them- the people who came with him- a sign, saying, “He that I kiss,
it is He, and Him hold.”
26:49 And he approached forthwith to uSwhy, and said, “Shalom, Rabi!” and kissed Him.
26:50 And said to him uSwhy, “Beloved, why came you?” Then came near they and laid hands upon uSwhy and
seized Him.
26:51 And behold, one of those who were with uSwhy extended his hand and drew his sword, and struck a servant of
Rosh haKohen, and cut off his ear.
26:52 Then said to him uSwhy, “Sheathe your sword to its place, for all who take the sword will die with the sword.
26:53 “Is it not so you think that I am not able to ask from Abi that He send for My sake now more than twelve legions of
26:54 “But how will be fulfilled the writings of haKetubim, which it must be doing so?”

26:55 In that hour said uSwhy to the sects, “As a robber you come out toward Me with swords and spears to hold Me?
Upon each day I sat at the side of you, and I taught you in haHechal, and you did not seize Me.
26:56 “But all this was so that will be fulfilled from Kitbei haNebi’im.” Then ha’talmidim all forsook Him and fled.
26:57 And they seized uSwhy, and led Him to Qayaphah, Rosh haKohanim, that there sophrim and zeqenim were
gathered together.
26:58 And Kephah followed Him from a distance up to a court of Rosh haKohanim, and entered unto haBeit, and sat with
the servants to see what will be the end.
26:59* Then Rashei haKohanim and all of keneset sought false witness against uSwhy, to deliver Him to death.
26:60 But found they not, while came near many false witnesses. But in the end came two false witnesses, and said,
26:61 “This said, ‘I am able to pull down Hechal hwhy, and after three days am able to build it.’ ”
26:62 Then arose Rosh haKohanim, and said to Him, “Answer You not anything concerning these who witness against
26:63 But uSwhy answered not anything, and was silent. Then Rosh haKohanim said to Him, “I adjure You by Elohim
Chayim that You tell us whether You are Mashiach, Ben-haElohim.”
26:64* And answered uSwhy, and said to him, “You said. And truly I say to you, henceforth you will see Ben-haAdam
sitting at the right-hand of Koach hwhy, coming in thickness of haShamayim.”
26:65 Then Rosh haKohanim tore his garment, saying, “He blasphemed! For what have need we further of witnesses?
Behold, you heard now that He blasphemed!
26:66 “How appears it to you?” And they answered, saying, “He deserves this death.”
26:67 Then they vomited upon His face, and struck Him with fist, and others stretched out the hands to His face,
26:68 saying, “Prophesy to us, Mashiach, who is it that struck You?”
26:69 And Kephah sat outside in the court, and approached to him a maidservant, saying, “You also were with uSwhy
26:70 But he denied in sight of everyone, saying, “I know not what you say.”
26:71 And when he went out to the door, saw him another maidservant, and said to them who were there, “Also this was
with uSwhy haNatsri.”
26:72 And again with an oath he denied, and said, “I know not Him!”
26:73 And after a little came near whoever that stood there, and said to Kephah, “In truth, also you are he from them, for
your speech reveals you.”
26:74 Then he began to curse and to swear that he knew not Him- the Man! And immediately sang the rooster.
26:75 Then remembered Kephah Dibrei uSwhy, Who said, “Before will sing the rooster, you will deny Me three
times.” And immediately he went to the outside and wept in bitterness.

26:15* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:12
26:30* haLal, praise (Tehilim 113-118 are recited after Pesach meal)
26:31* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 13:7
26:59* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 35:11
26:64* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 7:13


26:1 uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah

talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
26:2 haPasach, the Passover hah-pah-SAHCH
Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM
26:3 ha’kohanim (mistranslated the priests) hah-koh-hah-NEEM
ziqnei ha’am, elders of the people zeeq-NAY hah-AHM
Sar haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief of the Priests) sahr hah-koh-hah-NEEM
Qayaphah (mistranslated Caiaphas) qah-yah-PHAH
26:5 yom, day yohm
ha’chag (mistranslated the feast) hah-CHAHG
26:6 Beit-Anhy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany) bayt ahn-YAH
Simon seem-OHN


26:13 Besorah Tobah, Good News (mistranslated gospel) beh-soh-RAH toh-BAH

26:14 Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
Iskriyoti, the Shore of Skriyot (mistranslated Iscariot) eece-kree-YOH-tee
Rashei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) rah-SHAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
26:17 Chag haMatsot (mistranslated feast of unleavened bread) chahg hah-mah-TSOHT
ha’pasach, the passover (sacrificial lamb) hah-pah-SAHCH
26:18 haMelamed, the Teacher hah-meh-lah-MAYD
haPesach, the Passover hah-PEH-sahch
26:22 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
26:28 Dami shel, My Blood of dah-MEE shehl
Brit haChadashah, the Renewed Covenant (mistranslated the New Testament) breet hah-chah-dah-SHAH
la’kipur ha’chata’im, for the atonement of sins lah-kee-POOR hah-chah-tah-EEM
26:29 haMalchut, the Reign hah-mahl-CHOOT
Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
26:30 haTehilah, the Praise hah-teh-hee-LAH
Har haZeitim (mistranslated mount of Olives) hahr hah-zay-TEEM
26:31 haRo’eh, the Shepherd hah-roh-EH
ha’tson, the sheep, the flock hah-TSOHN
26:32 haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
26:33 Kepha (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
26:36 Gei-Shemanim (mistranslated Gethsemane) gay sheh-mah-NEEM
26:37 Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
26:38 Nefesh, Being NEH-phehsh
26:41 ha’ruach, the spirit hah-ROO-ahch
26:49 shalom, peace shah-LOHM
26:51 Rosh haKohen (mistranslated the Chief Priest) rohsh hah-koh-HAYN
26:53 malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
26:54 haKetubim, the Scriptures hah-keh-too-BEEM
26:55 haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
26:56 Kitbei haNebi’im, Scriptures of the Prophets keet-BAY hah-neh-bee-EEM
26:57 Rosh haKohanim (mistranslated Chief of the Priests) rohsh hah-koh-hah-NEEM
sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
zeqenim, elders zeh-qay-NEEM
26:58 Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
haBeit, the Law Court hah-BAYT
26:59 keneset, synagogue keh-NAY-seht
26:61 Hechal hwhy, Main Hall of hwhy (mistranslated temple of God) hay-CHAHL yah-HOO-ah
26:63 Elohim Chayim, the Living Elohim (mistranslated the Living God) eh-loh-HEEM chah-YEEM
Mashiach, Messiah, Anointed (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
Ben-haElohim, Son of Elohim (mistranslated Son of God) behn hah-eh-loh-HEEM
26:64 Koach hwhy, Power of hwhy (mistranslated the right hand of power) KOH-ahch yah-HOO-ah
26:69 haGalili (mistranslated of Galilee) hah-gah-lee-LEE
26:71 haNatsri, the Natsrite (from Natseret) hah-nahts-REE
26:75 Dibrei uSwhy, Words of uSwhy (mistranslated word of Jesus) dee-BRAY yah-HOO-shoo-ah

27:1 And it came to pass in the morning, and counseled together all Rashei haKohanim and ziqnei ha’am concerning
uSwhy in order to convict Him to death.
27:2 And they bound Him and led Him and handed over Him to Pontius Pilate the overseer.
27:3 Then saw Yahudah, who handed over Him- for He was convicted to death- and he regretted, and returned the thirty
of silver which was given to him, and gave to Rashei haKohanim and zeqenim, saying,

27:4 “I have sinned because I have betrayed Dam haTsadiq.” But they said, “What is it to us? You see of it!”
27:5 And he threw away the thirty of silver unto haHechal, and hung by a snare.
27:6 And Rashei haKohanim took the silver, and said, “It is not permitted to send them for a sacrifice, for a reward of the
blood are they.”
27:7 And they consulted counsel, and bought of these a portion of the potter field for burial of the strangers.
27:8 And, therefore, was called the portion Cheileq Damah to this day.
27:9* Then was fulfilled what was said through Yirmehy ha’nabi, the utterance, “And they took the thirty of silver, the
handsome price of haYaqor, Who they valued from b’nei Yisrael,
27:10* and gave them for a portion the potter, as a witness of my hwhy.”
27:11 And uSwhy stood before the overseer, and asked Him the overseer, saying, “Are You Melek haYahudim?” And
answered him uSwhy, and said, “You say.”
27:12* But when slandered Him Rashei haKohanim and ha’zeqenim, He answered them not anything.
27:13 Then said to Him Pilate, “Hear You not the witnesses that witness against You?”
27:14 But He answered him not anything, even one word, and was very amazed the overseer.
27:15 And upon the day of ha’chag it was customary for the overseer to have taken out to the people an imprisoned one
that they wanted.
27:16 And then they had in possession an imprisoned one, a robber, and his name was called Bar-Rabah.
27:17 Therefore, when they were gathered together, said to them Pilate, “Who do you want and I release to you- whether
Bar-Rabah or uSwhy, Who it is said to be Mashiach?”
27:18 For he knew that they, for hatred, handed over Him.
27:19 And as he sat upon a platform, sent to him his wife, saying, “It will not be to you to deal with that Tsadiq, for I
suffered much today because of Him.”
27:20 But Rashei haKohanim and ha’zeqenim persuaded the people to ask Bar-Rabah, and to destroy uSwhy.
27:21 And answered the overseer, and said to them, “For who do you want that I release to you of the two?” And they
said, “Bar-Rabah!”
27:22 And said to them Pilate, “And what shall I do with uSwhy Who is called Mashiach?” And they all answered, and
said, “Be impaled!”
27:23 Then said to them the overseer, “But what is the evil that He did?” And they repeated, and cried out, “Be impaled!”
27:24 Then saw Pilate that he succeeded not, for a great commotion arose. Therefore, he took the water and washed his
hands before the people, saying, “Innocent I am of Dam haTsadiq ha’zeh, you see.”
27:25 Then answered all the people, and said, “His Dam upon us and upon our children.”
27:26 Then he released to them Bar-Rabah, but uSwhy was delivered to them to afflict Him with whips, and to be
27:27 And then soldiers of the overseer took uSwhy and delivered Him to them in haBeit-Din, and gathered to Him
with the whole sect.
27:28 And they stripped Him, and surrounding Him a scarlet robe,
27:29 and encircled His head with a wreath, and placed a rod in His right hand, and bowed their knees before Him, and
mocked Him, saying, “Shalom unto You, Melek Yahudim!”
27:30 And they vomited upon Him, and they took the rod and struck His head.
27:31 And after that they ridiculed Him, they stripped Him of the robe, and clothed Him in His garment, and led Him to be
27:32 And they went out and found a man of Qirini, and his name was Simon, and him they approached to bear His stake.
27:33 And they came to the place that is said to be Galgalta,
27:34* and they gave Him wine mixed with opium, and when He tasted, He refused to drink.
27:35* And after that they impaled Him, they parted His garment and cast the lot- to fulfill what was said by mouth of
ha’nabi, the utterance, “They part My garment unto them, and upon My garment they cast a lot.”
27:36 And they sat and guarded Him.
27:37 And they put His sentence above His head, and thus it was written: ZEH uSwhy, MELEK HA’YAHUDIM.
27:38* Then were impaled with Him two robbers- one at the right-hand and one at the left-hand.
27:39* And all passing were insulting Him and moving their heads,
27:40 saying, “Aha! You Who break Hechal hwhy, and in three days will rebuild it, deliver You! If Ben-haElohim are
You, come down from the stake.”
27:41 And also Rashei haKohanim mocked Him, with ha’sophrim and with ha’zeqenim, saying,
27:42 “The others He delivered, but Himself not is able to deliver. If He is Melek Yisrael, come down now from this stake
and we will believe in Him.
27:43* “He trusted in hwhy, He will save Him now if He wants, for He said, ‘Ben-hwhy Ani.’ ”

27:44 And so also reproached Him robbers who were impaled with Him.
27:45 And from the sixth hour it was dark over all haArets until ninth hour.
27:46* And in the ninth hour cried out uSwhy with a great voice, and said, “Eli, Eli, lamah Shachachtani?”
27:47 And some men, when they heard, said, “For Elihy This calls!”
27:48* And suddenly ran one from them, and took the sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it upon the rod, and gave
to Him to drink.
27:49 But others said, “Stop! and it will be seen if will come Eliwhy to save Him.”
27:50 Then uSwhy cried out again with a great voice, and gave back His Ruach.
27:51 And behold, a curtain of haHechal was torn in two parts from above to below,
27:52 and the earth shook, and the rocks were torn, and qebarim were opened, and many bodies of ha’qedoshim which
were laid, arose,
27:53 and went out from ha’qebarim after His Tequmah, and entered unto Ir haQodesh, and were seen by many.
27:54 And captains of the hundred who were with Him to guard uSwhy, when they saw shaking of the earth, and them
who were fearing exceedingly, therefore, said, “In truth, Ben-hwhy was This!”
27:55 And were there many women from a distance, viewing, who followed uSwhy from haGalil- the servants of Him,
27:56 and among them were Miryam Magdalonit, and Miryam of Ya’aqob, and mother of Yoseph, and mother of Zabdi.
27:57 And when it was evening, came one rich man from haRamatayim, and his name was Yoseph, and also he was a
talmid of uSwhy.
27:58 And he approached Pilate and asked body of uSwhy. Then Pilate commanded to give body of uSwhy.
27:59 And took Yoseph body of uSwhy, and wrapped it in pure linen,
27:60 and put it in a qeber chadash that was hewn of rock. Then he rolled the great stone over entrance of ha’qeber, and
27:61 And were there Miryam Magdalonit, and another Miryam, sitting in front of ha’qeber.
27:62 And upon the day after that it is after bediqat chameits, gathered together Rashei haKohanim and Prushim to Pilate,
27:63 “Master, we remember that this deceiver said, ‘That after three days after I die I will rise.’
27:64 “Therefore, command to be watched ha’qeber until the third day, lest enter His talmidim and steal Him, and say to
the people that, ‘From the dead He arose.’ And it will be the deceit of the last is worse than the first.”
27:65 And said to them Pilate, “Behold, there is to you a guard. Go you, and guard as you know.”
27:66 And they went and made inaccessible ha’qeber with guards, and sealed the stone.

27:9* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:12-13
27:10* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:13
27:12* A reference from the TaNaK at Yeshawhy (YeshaYahu) 53:7
27:34* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 69:21 (22)
27:35* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:18 (19)
27:38* A reference from the TaNaK at Yeshawhy (YeshaYahu) 53:12
27:39* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:6-7 (7-8)
27:43* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:8 (9)
27:46* A indirect direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:1 (2)
27:48* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 69:21 (22)


27:1 Rashei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) rah-SHAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM

ziqnei ha’am, elders of the people zeeq-NAY hah-AHM
uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
27:3 Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
zeqenim, elders zeh-qay-NEEM
27:4 Dam haTsadiq, the Blood of the Righteous dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ
27:5 haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
27:8 Cheileq Damah, Plot of Blood chay-LEHK dah-MAH
27:9 YirmeHY, YirmeYah (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH


27:9 ha’nabi, the prophet hah-nah-BEE

haYaqor, the Precious hah-yah-QOHR
b’nei Yisrael, children of Yisrael beh-NAY yeece-rah-AYL
27:10 hwhy (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
27:11 Melek haYahudim (mistranslated King of the Jews) MEH-lehk hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
27:15 ha’chag (mistranslated the feast) hah-CHAHG
27:16 Bar-Rabah (mistranslated Barabbas) bahr rah-BAH
27:17 Mashiach, Messiah, Anointed (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
27:19 Tsadiq, Righteous Man tsah-DEEQ
27:24 Dam haTsadiq ha’zeh, the Blood of this Righteous Man dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ hah-ZEH
27:25 Dam, Blood dahm
27:27 haBeit-Din, the Law Court hah-BAYT deen
27:29 shalom, peace shah-LOHM
27:32 Qirini (mistranslated Cyrene) qee-ree-NEE
Simon seem-OHN
27:33 Galgalta (mistranslated Golgotha) gahl-gahl-TAH
27:37 ZEH uSwhy, THIS IS uSwhy (mistranslated THIS IS JESUS) zeh yah-HOO-shoo-ah
MELEK HA’YAHUDIM (mistranslated THE KING OF THE JEWS) MEH-lehk hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
27:40 Hechal hwhy, Main Hall of hwhy (mistranslated temple of God) hay-CHAHL yah-HOO-ah
Ben-haElohim, Son of Elohim (mistranslated Son of God) behn hah-eh-loh-HEEM
27:41 ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
27:42 Melek Yisrael (mistranslated King of Israel) MEH-lehk yeece-rah-AYL
27:43 Ben-hwhy Ani, Son of hwhy I Am (mistranslated I am the Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah ah-NEE
27:45 haArets, the Land hah-ah-REHTS
27:46 Eli, Eli, My El, My El (mistranslated My God, My God) ay-LEE ay-LEE
lamah Shachachtani?, why did You forget Me?, why did You forsake Me? lah-MAH shah-chahch-tah-NEE
27:47 Elihy, EliYah (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH
27:49 Eliwhy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH-hoo
27:50 Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
27:52 qebarim, graves, sepulchres, tombs qeh-bah-REEM
ha’qedoshim, the qodesh ones (mistranslated the saints) hah-qeh-doh-SHEEM
27:53 Tequmah, Resurrection teh-qoo-MAH
Ir haQodesh, the Qodesh City (mistranslated the holy city) eer hah-QOH-dehsh
27:55 haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
27:56 Miryam Magdalonit (mistranslated Mary Magdalene) meer-YAHM mahg-dah-loh-NEET
Ya’aqob (mistranslated James) yah-ah-QOHB
Yoseph (mistranslated Joses) yoh-SAYPH
Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
27:57 haRamatayim (mistranslated Arimathaea) hah-rah-mah-tah-YEEM
talmid, student (mistranslated disciple) tahl-MEED
27:60 qeber chadash, new grave, new sepulchre, new tomb QEH-behr chah-DAHSH
ha’qeber, the grave, the sepulchre, the tomb hah-QEH-behr
27:62 bediqat chameits, a search for leaven beh-dee-QAHT chah-MAYTS
Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
27:64 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM

28:1 And in the evening of haShabat, as it dawned toward the first day, came Miryam Magdalonit and another Miryam to
see ha’qeber.
28:2 And behold, was a great earthquake, for a malak hwhy descended from haShamayim, and approached, then rolled
the stone from the entrance, and sat upon it.
28:3 And he had an appearance like lightning, and his garment like snow,

28:4 and from fear of him were terrified the guards, and they were like dead.
28:5 And answered ha’malak, and said to the women, “Not will fear you, I know that it is uSwhy you are seeking.
28:6 “He is not here, for He has arisen as He said. Come, and see the place that therein was laid down Rabi.
28:7 “And suddenly go you, and say to His talmidim that He has arisen from the dead, and behold, He went before you
into haGalil, and there you will see Him, and behold, I said to you.”
28:8 And quickly they went out from ha’qeber, with fear and with great joy, and they ran to tell His talmidim.
28:9 And as they went to tell His talmidim, and behold, uSwhy came towards them, saying, “Shalom unto you!” and
behold, they approached and took hold of His feet and bowed down to Him.
28:10 Then said to them uSwhy, “Not will fear you, go you and tell to My brothers that they go into haGalil, for there
they will see Me.”
28:11 And when they went, and behold, some of the guards came to the village, and they told to Rashei haKohanim all that
28:12 And gathered ha’zeqenim, and took counsel together, and they gave much money to soldiers, saying,
28:13 “Say that His talmidim came at night and they stole Him while we lay down.
28:14 “And if this is heard by the overseer, we will persuade him and secure you.”
28:15 And they took the money, and they did as they were taught, and the saying is spread among haYahudim until this
28:16 Then eleven of His talmidim went unto haGalil, upon a mountain in order that uSwhy appoint a witness in them.
28:17 And they saw Him, and bowed down to Him, but some were in doubt.
28:18 And approached uSwhy and spoke to them, saying, “It is given to Me Kal-Memshelet in haShamayim and upon
the earth.
28:19 “Therefore, you go and teach all ha’goyim, and immerse them baShem haAb, and haBen, and Sdqh Cwr,
28:20 and teach them to observe all that I commanded you, and here I am with you all the days, until end of the world.”



28:1 haShabat (mistranslated the sabbath) hah-shah-BAHT

Miryam Magdalonit (mistranslated Mary Magdalene) meer-YAHM mahg-dah-loh-NEET
ha’qeber, the grave, the sepulchre, the tomb hah-QEH-behr
28:2 malak hwhy, messenger of hwhy (mistranslated angel of the Lord) MAHL-ahk yah-HOO-ah
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
28:5 ha’malak, the messenger (mistranslated the angel) hah-MAHL-ahk
uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
28:6 Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated the Lord, haAdon) rah-BEE
28:7 talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
28:9 shalom, peace shah-LOHM
28:11 Rashei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) rah-SHAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
28:12 ha’zeqenim, the elders hah-zeh-qay-NEEM
28:15 haYahudim (mistranslated the Jews) hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
28:18 Kal-Memshelet, All Dominion, All Rule, All Reign kahl mehm-sheh-LEHT
28:19 ha’goyim, the gentiles, the nations hah-goh-YEEM
baShem haAb, in the Name of the Father bah-SHAYM hah-AHB
haBen, the Son hah-BAYN
SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh

28:20 Chazaq, Be strong! (greeting exchanged upon finishing the reading of haTorah) chah-ZAHQ

Glossary: 348 Ebrit (Hebrew) - English entries


HWHY (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah

Hwhy (mistranslated heaven) yah-HOO-ah
Hwhy (mistranslated Lord) yah-HOO-ah
uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Cwrh, haRuach (mistranslated the Spirit) hah-ROO-ahch
CWR, Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
HWHY CWR, Ruach HWHY (mistranslated Spirit of God) ROO-ahch yah-HOO-ah
SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
Sdq Cwr, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Spirit) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh
Cwr Abichem, Ruach of your Ab, Ruach of your Father ROO-ahch ah-bee-CHEHM
(mistranslated Spirit of your Father)

ab, father ahb

Abi, My Ab, My Father ah-BEE
Abichah, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHAH
Abichem, your Ab, Your Father ah-bee-CHEHM
Abinu, our Father ah-bee-NOO
Abraham ah-brah-HAHM
ahmanah, faith ah-mah-NAH
Amein, So be it, Surely ah-MAYN
Amorah (mistranslated Gomorrha) ah-moh-RAH
Andrai’ah (mistranslated Andrew) ahnd-rye-AH
Ani mashiach, I am messiah, I am anointed (mistranslated I am Christ) ah-NEE mah-SHEE-ahch
arabah, wilderness ah-rah-BAH
ba’al-zebub (mistranslated Beelzebub) bah-AHL zeh-BOOB
Babel (mistranslated Babylon) bah-BEHL
Bachir, Chosen bah-CHEER
baElyonot, in the Heights bah-ehl-yoh-NOHT
Bar-Rabah (mistranslated Barabbas) bahr rah-BAH
Bat-Tsiyon, Daughter of Tsiyon (mistranslated daughter of Sion) baht tsee-YOHN
batei-kenesiyut, synagogues bah-TAY keh-neh-see-YOOT
bediqat chameits, a search for leaven beh-dee-QAHT chah-MAYTS
Beit, House bayt
Beit-hwhy, House of hwhy (mistranslated house of God) bayt yah-HOO-ah
Beit-Anhy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany) bayt ahn-YAH
beit-ha’meches, the customhouse bayt hah-MEH-chehss
beit-kenesiyut, synagogue bayt keh-neh-see-YOOT
Beit-Lechem, House of Bread (mistranslated Bethlehem) bayt LEH-chehm
Beit-Pagai (mistranslated Bethphage) bayt pah-GYE
Beit-Tephilah, House of Prayer bayt teh-phee-LAH
Beit-Tsaidah (mistranslated Bethsaida) bayt tsye-DAH
Beit Yisrael, House of Yisrael (mistranslated house of Israel) bayt yeece-rah-AYL
Ben-HWHY, Son of HWHY (mistranslated Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah
Ben-hwhy Ani, Son of hwhy I Am (mistranslated I am the Son of God) behn yah-HOO-ah ah-NEE
Ben-Elohim Chai, Son of the Living Elohim behn eh-loh-HEEM chye
(mistranslated Son of the living God)
Ben-haElohim, Son of Elohim (mistranslated Son of God) behn hah-eh-loh-HEEM
Ben-Abraham, Son of Abraham behn ah-brah-HAHM
ben-Berechhy, son of BerechYah (mistranslated son of Barachias) behn beh-rehch-YAH
Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) behn dah-WEED


Ben-haAdam, Son of Adam, Son of Man behn hah-ah-DAHM

Ben napacha, Son of a smith behn nah-pah-CHAH
Besorah Tobah, Good News (mistranslated gospel) beh-soh-RAH toh-BAH
Besorat haMalchut, Good News of the Reign beh-soh-RAHT hah-mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated gospel of the kingdom)
b’nei-hwhy, sons of hwhy (mistranslated children of God) beh-NAY yah-HOO-ah
b’nei beliya’al, children of the wicked one beh-NAY beh-lee-yah-AHL
b’nei ha’chatan, sons of the bridegroom beh-NAY hah-chah-TAHN
b’nei Malchut, children of the Reign beh-NAY mahl-CHOOT
b’nei Yisrael, children of Yisrael beh-NAY yeece-rah-AYL
B’ni Ahubi, My Beloved Son beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
Brit haChadashah, the Renewed Covenant (mistranslated the New Testament) breet hah-chah-dah-SHAH
bShem hwhy, in the Name of hwhy (mistranslated in the name of the Lord) beh-SHAYM yah-HOO-ah
bShem haAb, in the Name of the Father beh-SHAYM hah-AHB
Chag haMatsot (mistranslated feast of unleavened bread) chahg hah-mah-TSOHT
chameits, leaven chah-MAYTS
chatunah, marriage chah-too-NAH
chayil rab, great strength chah-YEEL rahb
Cheileq Damah, Plot of Blood chay-LEHK dah-MAH
chesed, favour, mercy CHEH-sehd
Dam, Blood dahm
Dam haTsadiq, the Blood of the Righteous dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ
Dam haTsadiq ha’zeh, the Blood of this Righteous Man dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ hah-ZEH
dam tsadiq, righteous blood dahm tsah-DEEQ
Dami shel, My Blood of dah-MEE shehl
Daniyel (mistranslated Daniel) dah-nee-YAYL
Dawid (mistranslated David) dah-WEED
Debar hwhy, Word of hwhy (mistranslated the word) deh-BAHR yah-HOO-ah
Debar Malchut, Word of the Reign (mistranslated word of the kingdom) deh-BAHR mahl-CHOOT
Debarim, Words deh-bah-REEM
Dibrei uSwhy, Words of uSwhy (mistranslated word of Jesus) dee-BRAY yah-HOO-shoo-ah
ebed beliya’al, wicked servant EH-behd beh-lee-yah-AHL
ebed ra, wicked servant EH-behd rah
ebed tob, good servant EH-bed tohb
Ebrit, Hebrew eeb-REET
Elihy, EliYah (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH
Eliwhy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH-hoo
Eloah (mistranslated God) eh-LOH-ah
Elohei (mistranslated God) eh-loh-HAY
Elohei ha’chayim, Elohei of the living (mistranslated God of the living) eh-loh-HAY hah-chah-YEEM
Elohei ha’meitim, Elohei of the dead (mistranslated God of the dead) eh-loh-HAY hah-may-TEEM
Elohei Yisrael (mistranslated the God of Israel) eh-loh-HAY yeece-rah-AYL
Eloheinu, our Eloah (mistranslated our God) eh-loh-HAY-noo
Elohim Chayim, the Living Elohim (mistranslated the Living God) eh-loh-HEEM chah-YEEM
emunah, belief, faith, trust eh-moo-NAH
emunim, faith eh-moo-NEEM
Ereb haShabat, Shabat Eve (mistranslated the Sabbath) EH-rehb hah-shah-BAHT
Erets Moledet, Homeland EH-rehts moh-leh-DEHT
Erets Yisrael, Land of Yisrael (mistranslated land of Israel) EH-rehts yeece-rah-AYL
Galgalta (mistranslated Golgotha) gahl-gahl-TAH
Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
Gei-Nosar (mistranslated Gennesaret) gay noh-SAHR
Gei-Shemanim (mistranslated Gethsemane) gay sheh-mah-NEEM
Gelil ha’goyim, Gelil of the gentiles (mistranslated Galilee of the Gentiles) geh-LEEL hah-goh-YEEM


goy, gentile goy

goy, nation goy
haAb, the Father hah-AHB
ha’abadon, the destruction hah-ah-bah-DOHN
haAdam, the Man hah-ah-DAHM
ha’almah, the virgin, the maiden, the young woman hah-ahl-MAH
haArets, the Land hah-ah-REHTS
ha’arets, the earth hah-ah-REHTS
haBechirim, the Chosen, the Elect hah-beh-chee-REEM
haBechor, the First-Born hah-beh-CHOHR
haBeit, the Law Court hah-BAYT
haBeit-Din, the Law Court hah-BAYT deen
haBen, the Son hah-BAYN
ha’chag (mistranslated the feast) hah-CHAHG
ha’chatan, the bridegroom hah-chah-TAHN
ha’chatunah, the marriage, the wedding hah-chah-too-NAH
ha’chayim, the life hah-chah-YEEM
haDabar, the Word hah-dah-BAHR
haEmet, the Truth hah-EH-meht
haGalil, the Galil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
ha’galut, the exile hah-gah-LOOT
haGeburah, the Might hah-geh-boo-RAH
haGelili (mistranslated of Galilee) hah-geh-lee-LEE
ha’goyim, the gentiles, the nations hah-goh-YEEM
haHechal, the Main Hall (mistranslated the temple) hah-hay-CHAHL
ha’keneset, the synagogue hah-keh-NAY-seht
ha’kenesiyut, the synagogues hah-keh-neh-see-YOOT
haKetubim, the Scriptures hah-keh-too-BEEM
haKoach, the Power hah-KOH-ahch
ha’kohanim (mistranslated the priests) hah-koh-hah-NEEM
ha’kohen (mistranslated the priest) hah-koh-HAYN
ha’malachim, the messengers (mistranslated the angels) hah-mahl-ah-CHEEM
ha’malak, the messenger (mistranslated the angel) hah-MAHL-ahk
haMalchut, the Reign hah-mahl-CHOOT
ha’mamon, mammon, money hah-mah-MOHN
haMashiach, the Messiah, the Anointed (mistranslated the Christ) hah-mah-SHEE-ahch
haMelamed, the Teacher hah-meh-lah-MAYD
haMelek, the Sovereign (mistranslated the king) hah-MEH-lehk
haMeluchah, the Reign hah-meh-loo-CHAH
ha’menaseh, the tester (ha’shatan) hah-meh-nah-SEH
ha’menorah, the menorah (mistranslated the candlestick) hah-meh-NOH-rah
ha’midbar, the wilderness hah-meed-BAHR
haMitswah haGedolah, the Great Commandment hah-meets-WAH hah-geh-doh-LAH
haMitswot, the Commandments hah-meets-WOHT
ha’mizbei’ach, the altar hah-meez-BAY-ahch
haNa’ar, the Boy hah-nah-AHR
haNabi, the Prophet hah-nah-BEE
haNatsri, the Natsrite (from Natseret) hah-nahts-REE
ha’nebi’im, the prophets hah-neh-bee-EEM
ha’nefesh, the being hah-NEH-phehsh
haPasach, the Passover hah-pah-SAHCH
ha’pasach, the passover (sacrificial lamb) hah-pah-SAHCH
haPesach, the Passover hah-PEH-sahch
haPrushim (mistranslated the Pharisees) hah-proo-SHEEM


ha’qatsir, the harvest hah-qah-TSEER

ha’qeber, the grave, the sepulchre, the tomb hah-QEH-behr
ha’qedoshim, the qodesh ones (mistranslated the saints) hah-qeh-doh-SHEEM
ha’qehilot, assemblies (mistranslated synagogues) hah-qeh-hee-LOHT
Har haZeitim (mistranslated mount of Olives) hahr hah-zay-TEEM
ha’ra, the evil one hah-RAH
haRamatayim (mistranslated Arimathaea) hah-rah-mah-tah-YEEM
haRo’eh, the Shepherd hah-roh-EH
ha’ruach, the spirit hah-ROO-ahch
ha’ruchot, the spirits hah-roo-CHOHT
haShabat (mistranslated the sabbath) hah-shah-BAHT
ha’shad, the demon hah-SHAYD
ha’shadim, the demons (mistranslated devils) hah-shay-DEEM
ha’shalom, the peace hah-shah-LOHM
haShamayim, Heaven hah-shah-mah-YEEM
ha’shamayim, the heavens hah-shah-mah-YEEM
ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil hah-shah-TAHN
haShomronim (mistranslated the Samaritans) hah-shohm-roh-NEEM
ha’sophrim, the scribes, the Torah teachers hah-sohph-REEM
ha’talmid, the student (mistranslated the disciple) hah-tahl-MEED
haTehilah, the Praise hah-teh-hee-LAH
ha’teibah, the ark hah-tay-BAH
haTequmah, the Resurrection hah-teh-qoo-MAH
haTorah, the Torah, the Guidance, the Instruction (mistranslated the Law) hah-TOH-rah
ha’tsadiq, the righteous, the righteous one hah-tsah-DEEQ
ha’tsadiqim, the righteous hah-tsah-dee-QEEM
haTsedoqim (mistranslated the Sadducees) hah-tseh-doh-QEEM
ha’tson, the sheep, the flock hah-TSOHN
haYahudim (mistranslated the Jews) hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
haYaqor, the Precious hah-yah-QOHR
haYarden (mistranslated the Jordan River) hah-yahr-DAYN
ha’zeqenim, the elders hah-zeh-qay-NEEM
Hebel (mistranslated Abel) HEH-behl
Hechal hwhy, Main Hall of hwhy (mistranslated temple of God) hay-CHAHL yah-HOO-ah
he’chatan, the bridegroom heh-chah-TAHN
hoshanah, deliver us (mistranslated Hosanna) hoh-shah-NAH
Imanu’el ee-mah-noo-AYL
Ir haMelek haGadol, the City of the Great Sovereign eer hah-MEH-lehk hah-gah-DOHL
Ir haQodesh, the Qodesh City (mistranslated the holy city) eer hah-QOH-dehsh
Iskriyotu, the Shore of Skriyot (mistranslated Iscariot) eece-kree-YOH-too
kabod, honour kah-BOHD
Kabod Abiyu, Esteem of His Ab, Esteem of His Father kah-BOHD ah-bee-YOO
Kal-Memshelet, All Dominion, All Rule, All Reign kahl mehm-sheh-LEHT
kenaphot, corners keh-nah-PHOHT
keneset, synagogue keh-NAY-seht
kenesiyut, synagogues keh-nay-see-YOOT
Kepha (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
kephah, rock kay-PHAH
Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
kesuyot, covering keh-soo-YOHT
Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy (mistranslated God’s throne) kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy (mistranslated the throne of God) kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
Kisei Kabod, Throne of Esteem kee-SAY kah-BOHD


Kitbei haNebi’im, Scriptures of the Prophets keet-BAY hah-neh-bee-EEM

Koach hwhy, Power of hwhy (mistranslated power of God) KOH-ahch yah-HOO-ah
kohanim (mistranslated priests) koh-hah-NEEM
Korazin (mistranslated Chorazin) koh-rah-ZEEN
la’kipur ha’chata’im, for the atonement of sins lah-kee-POOR hah-chah-tah-EEM
l’Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) leh-BEHN dah-WEED
Lechem haPanim, Bread of the Presences (mistranslated shewbread) LEH-chehm hah-pah-NEEM
machmetset, sour (leavened) dough mahch-meh-TSEHT
malachei hwhy, messengers of hwhy (mistranslated angels of God) mahl-ah-CHAY yah-HOO-ah
malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
malak, messenger (mistranslated angel) MAHL-ahk
malak HWHY, messenger of HWHY (mistranslated angel of the Lord) MAHL-ahk yah-HOO-ah
Malchut, Reign mahl-CHOOT
Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy (mistranslated kingdom of heaven) mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
Malchut Abihem, Reign of their Ab, Reign of their Father mahl-CHOOT ah-bee-HEHM
Mamlachah, Reign (mistranslated kingdom) mahm-lah-CHAH
Maqom haQodesh (mistranslated the holy place) mah-QOHM hah-QOH-dehsh
Mashiach, Messiah, Anointed (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
Mati (mistranslated Matthew) mah-TEE
Matitwhy, MatitYahu (mistranslated Matthew) mah-teet-YAH-hoo
Matiya’u (mistranslated Matthew) mah-tee-YAH-oo
maziq, evil spirit mah-ZEEQ
Melamed, Teacher meh-lah-MAYD
melamedim, teachers meh-lah-meh-DEEM
Melek, Sovereign, Ruler (mistranslated King) MEH-lehk
Melek haYahudim (mistranslated King of the Jews) MEH-lehk hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
Melek Yisrael (mistranslated King of Israel) MEH-lehk yeece-rah-AYL
meshichei, messiahs (mistranslated Christs) meh-shee-CHAY
midbar, desert, wilderness meed-BAHR
Miryam (mistranslated Mary) meer-YAHM
Miryam Magdalonit (mistranslated Mary Magdalene) meer-YAHM mahg-dah-loh-NEET
mishpat, judgment meesh-PAHT
Mitsrayim (mistranslated Egypt) meets-rah-YEEM
Mitswah, Commandment meets-WAH
Mitswot, Commandments meets-WOHT
Mitswot hwhy, Commandments of hwhy meets-WOHT yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated commandments of God)
Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
Moshel, Ruler moh-SHAYL
nabi, prophet nah-BEE
Natseret (mistranslated Nazareth) nah-TSEH-reht
Natsrit (from Natseret) nahts-REET
nebi’ei, prophets neh-bee-AY
nebi’im, prophets neh-bee-EEM
nefesh, being, life NEH-phehsh
Nefesh haYeled, Life of the Child NEH-phehsh hah-YEH-lehd
nefeshot, beings neh-pheh-SHOHT
Nineweih (mistranslated Nineveh) nee-neh-WAY
Noach (mistranslated Noe) NOH-ahch
ohalim, tents oh-hah-LEEM
Parush (mistranslated Pharisee) pah-ROOSH
Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
Qahal, Assembly (mistranslated church) qah-HAHL
Qayaphah (mistranslated Caiaphas) qah-yah-PHAH


qatsir rab, great harvest qah-TSEER rahb

qebarim, graves, sepulchres, tombs qeh-bah-REEM
qeber chadash, new grave, new sepulchre, new tomb QEH-behr chah-DAHSH
qehilot, assemblies (mistranslated synagogues) qeh-hee-LOHT
Qirini (mistranslated Cyrene) qee-ree-NEE
qodesh, sanctified (mistranslated holy) QOH-dehsh
Qumi, qumi (Aramit), Arise, arise qoo-MEE qoo-MEE
Rabeinu, our Rab, our Rabbi (mistranslated Adonaynu) rah-bay-NOO
Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE
Rabi haQatsir, my Rab of the Harvest, Rabbi of the Harvest rah-BEE hah-qah-TSEER
(mistranslated Lord of the harvest)
Rabi Tob, my Good Rab, Good Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adoni) rah-BEE tohb
Rabichem, your Rab, your Rabbi (mistranslated Lord, Adon) rah-bee-CHEHM
Rachel (mistranslated Rachel) rah-CHAYL
Rosh haKohanim (mistranslated Chief of the Priests) rohsh hah-koh-hah-NEEM
Rosh haKohen (mistranslated the Chief Priest) rohsh hah-koh-HAYN
Rosh Pinah, Head of the Corner, Chief Cornerstone rohsh pee-NAH
Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
ruach ha’tume’ah, the unclean spirit ROO-ahch hah-too-meh-AH
ruchot, spirits roo-CHOHT
ruchot tume’ot, unclean spirits roo-CHOHT too-meh-OHT
Sar haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief of the Priests) sahr hah-koh-hah-NEEM
sar ha’shadim, chief of the demons (mistranslated prince of the devils) sahr hah-shay-DEEM
sarei ha’goyim, chiefs of the gentiles sah-RAY hah-goh-YEEM
Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
Sedom (mistranslated Sodom) seh-DOHM
Sefer Kritut, Bill of Divorcement SAY-phehr kree-TOOT
Shabat (mistranslated sabbath day) shah-BAHT
shadim, demons shay-DEEM
shalom, peace shah-LOHM
shatan, adversary, devil shah-TAHN
Shem, Name shaym
Shimon (mistranslated Simon) sheem-OHN
Shimon ben-Yonah (mistranslated Simon Bar-jona) sheem-OHN behn yoh-NAH
Shimon Kephah (mistranslated Simon Peter) sheem-OHN kay-PHAH
Shiquts Meshomeim, Abomination of Desolation shee-QOOTS meh-shoh-MAYM
shlichim, emissaries (mistranslated apostles) shlee-CHEEM
Shlomoh (mistranslated Solomon) SHLOH-moh
shofar, ram’s horn (mistranslated trumpet) SHOH-phahr
shub, turn, return, repent shoob
Shubu, shubu, Return you, return you; Repent you, repent you shoo-BOO shoo-BOO
sopher, scribe, Torah teacher soh-PHAYR
sophrei, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-RAY
sophrim, scribes, Torah teachers sohph-REEM
tachtiyot (refers to the lowest parts of Sheol) tahch-tee-YOHT
talmid, student (mistranslated disciple) tahl-MEED
talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
Talmud, Instruction tahl-MOOD
Tehilim, Psalms teh-hee-LEEM
Tequmah, Resurrection teh-qoo-MAH
tequmat ha’meitim, resurrection of the dead teh-qoo-MAHT hah-may-TEEM
teshubah, repentance teh-shoo-BAH
Torah, Guidance, Instruction (mistranslated Law) TOH-rah
totaphot, phylacteries toh-tah-PHOHT


Tsadiq, Righteous Man tsah-DEEQ

tsadiqim, righteous men tsah-dee-QEEM
Tsedoqim (mistranslated Sadducees) tseh-doh-QEEM
Tsidon (mistranslated Sidon) tsee-DOHN
Tsor (mistranslated Tyre) tsohr
Ya’aqob (mistranslated Jacob) yah-ah-QOHB
Ya’aqob ben-Zabdi (mistranslated James the son of Zebedee) yah-ah-QOHB behn zahb-DEE
Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
Yam haGalil (mistranslated sea of Galilee) yahm hah-gah-LEEL
Yericho (mistranslated Jericho) yeh-ree-CHOH
Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
YeshaHY, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
YeshaWHY, YeshaYahu (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH-hoo
YirmeHY, YirmeYah (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH
Yirmewhy, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremias) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
YirmeWHY, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
Yishai (mistranslated Jesse) yee-SHYE
Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
Yitschaq (mistranslated Isaac) yeets-CHAHQ
Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
Yochanan haMetabel, Yochanan the Immerser yoh-chah-NAHN hah-meh-tah-BAYL
(mistranslated John the Baptist)
Yochanan haTobel, Yochanan the Immerser (mistranslated John the Baptist) yoh-chah-NAHN hah-toh-BAYL
yom, day yohm
Yom haDin, Day of Doom yohm hah-DEEN
Yom haMishpat, Day of Judgment yohm hah-meesh-PAHT
Yonah (mistranslated Jonas) yoh-NAH
Yonah ha’nabi (mistranslated the prophet Jonas) yoh-NAH hah-nah-BEE
Yoseph (mistranslated Joseph) yoh-SAYPH
Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
Zecharhy, ZecharYah (mistranslated Zacharias) zeh-chahr-YAH
Zeh B’ni Ahubi, This is My Beloved Son zeh beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
zeqenim, elders zeh-qay-NEEM
ziqnei ha’am, elders of the people zeeq-NAY hah-AHM


Baruk Asher Ba bShem hwhy, beh-ROOK ah-SHEHR bah

Blessed is Who Comes in the Name of hwhy beh-SHAYM yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord)

ZEH uSwhy, MELEK HA’YAHUDIM zeh yah-HOO-shoo-ah,


Glossary: 379 English - Ebrit (Hebrew) entries
Since most people who read Scripture are familiar with the WRONG words, names and place-names, the majority of the 379
English-to-Hebrew Glossary entries begin with the familiar MISTRANSLATED word, i.e.,
Capernaum, Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
Capernaum is mistranslated and incorrect. Kephar-Nachum is correct. You can find the correct word from the familiar
mistranslated word.


Abel, Hebel (mistranslated Abel) HEH-behl

Abomination of Desolation, Shiquts Meshomeim shee-QOOTS meh-shoh-MAYM
Abraham ah-brah-HAHM
adversary, shatan shah-TAHN
All Dominion, Kal-Memshelet kahl mehm-sheh-LEHT
All Reign, Kal-Memshelet kahl mehm-sheh-LEHT
All Rule, Kal-Memshelet kahl mehm-sheh-LEHT
altar, mizbei’ach meez-BAY-ahch
angel, malak, messenger (mistranslated angel) MAHL-ahk
angel of the Lord, malak HWHY, messenger of HWHY MAHL-ahk yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated angel of the Lord)
angels, malachim, messengers (mistranslated angels) mahl-ah-CHEEM
angels of God, malachei hwhy, messengers of hwhy mahl-ah-CHAY yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated angels of God)
apostle, sheliach, emissary (mistranslated apostle) sheh-LEE-ahch
apostles, shlichim, emissaries (mistranslated apostles) shlee-CHEEM
Arimathaea, haRamatayim (mistranslated Arimathaea) hah-rah-mah-tah-YEEM
Arise, arise, Qumi, qumi (Aramit) qoo-MEE qoo-MEE
ark, the, ha’teibah hah-tay-BAH
atonement of sins, for the, la’kipur ha’chata’im lah-kee-POOR hah-chah-tah-EEM
Babylon, Babel (mistranslated Babylon) bah-BEHL
Barabbas, Bar-Rabah (mistranslated Barabbas) bahr rah-BAH
beelzebub, ba’al-zebub (mistranslated beelzebub) bah-AHL zeh-BOOB
being, nefesh NEH-phehsh
beings, nefeshot neh-pheh-SHOHT
belief, emunah eh-moo-NAH
Bethany, Beit-Anhy, Beit-AnYah (mistranslated Bethany) bayt ahn-YAH
Bethlehem, Beit-Lechem, House of Bread (mistranslated Bethlehem) bayt LEH-chehm
Bethphage, Beit-Pagai (mistranslated Bethphage) bayt pah-GYE
Bethsaida, Beit-Tsaidah (mistranslated Bethsaida) bayt tsye-DAH
Bill of Divorcement, Sefer Kritut SAY-phehr kree-TOOT
Blood, Dam dahm
Blood of the Righteous, the, Dam haTsadiq dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ
Blood of this Righteous Man, the, Dam haTsadiq ha’zeh dahm hah-tsah-DEEQ hah-ZEH
Boy, Na’ar nah-AHR
Bread of the Presences, Lechem haPanim (mistranslated shewbread) LEH-chehm hah-pah-NEEM
Bridegroom, the, ha’chatan hah-chah-TAHN
Bridegroom, the, he’chatan heh-chah-TAHN
Caiaphas, Qayaphah (mistranslated Caiaphas) qah-yah-PHAH
Candlestick, Menorah (mistranslated candlestick) meh-NOH-rah
Capernaum, Kephar-Nachum (mistranslated Capernaum) keh-PHAHR nah-CHOOM
Chief Cornerstone, Rosh Pinah rohsh pee-NAH
Chief of the Priests, Rosh haKohanim (mistranslated Chief of the Priests) rohsh hah-koh-hah-NEEM
Chief of the Priests, Sar haKohanim (mistranslated Chief of the Priests) sahr hah-koh-hah-NEEM
Chief Priest, the, Rosh haKohen (mistranslated the Chief Priest) rohsh hah-koh-HAYN
Chief Priests, the, Sarei haKohanim (mistranslated the Chief Priests) sah-RAY hah-koh-hah-NEEM
chiefs of the gentiles, sarei ha’goyim sah-RAY hah-goh-YEEM


children of God, b’nei-HWHY, children of HWHY beh-NAY yah-HOO-ah

(mistranslated children of God)
children of Israel, b’nei Yisrael, children of Yisrael beh-NAY yeece-rah-AYL
(mistranslated children of Israel)
children of the kingdom, b’nei Malchut, children of the Reign beh-NAY mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated children of the kingdom)
children of the wicked one, b’nei beliya’al beh-NAY beh-lee-yah-AHL
Chorazin, Korazin (mistranslated Chorazin) koh-rah-ZEEN
Chosen, Bachir bah-CHEER
Chosen, the, haBechirim hah-beh-chee-REEM
Christ, Mashiach, Anointed, Messiah (mistranslated Christ) mah-SHEE-ahch
church, Qahal, Assembly (mistranslated church) qah-HAHL
City of the Great Sovereign, the, Ir haMelek haGadol eer hah-MEH-lehk hah-gah-DOHL
Commandment, Mitswah meets-WAH
Commandments, Mitswot meets-WOHT
commandments of God, Mitswot hwhy, Commandments of hwhy meets-WOHT yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated commandments of God)
corners, kenaphot keh-nah-PHOHT
covering, kesuyot keh-soo-YOHT
customhouse, the, beit-ha’meches bayt hah-MEH-chehss
Cyrene, Qirini (mistranslated Cyrene) qee-ree-NEE
Daniel, Daniyel (mistranslated Daniel) dah-nee-YAYL
daughter, bat baht
daughter of Sion, Bat-Tsiyon, Daughter of Tsiyon baht tsee-YOHN
(mistranslated daughter of Sion)
David, Dawid (mistranslated David) dah-WEED
day, yom yohm
Day of Doom, Yom haDin yohm hah-DEEN
Day of Judgment, Yom haMishpat yohm hah-meesh-PAHT
demon, the, ha’shad hah-SHAYD
demons, shadim (mistranslated devils) shay-DEEM
desert, midbar meed-BAHR
destruction, the, ha’abadon hah-ah-bah-DOHN
devil, shatan shah-TAHN
disciple, talmid, student (mistranslated disciple) tahl-MEED
disciples, talmidim, students (mistranslated disciples) tahl-mee-DEEM
earth, the, ha’arets hah-ah-REHTS
Egypt, Mitsrayim (mistranslated Egypt) meets-rah-YEEM
elders, zeqenim zeh-qay-NEEM
elders of the people, ziqnei ha’am zeeq-NAY hah-AHM
Elect, the, haBechirim hah-beh-chee-REEM
Elias, Elihy, EliYah (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH
Elias, Eliwhy, EliYahu (mistranslated Elias) ay-lee-YAH-hoo
Esaias, YeshaHY, YeshaYah (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH
Esaias, YeshawHY, YeshaYahu (mistranslated Esaias) yeh-shah-YAH-hoo
esteem, kabod kah-BOHD
Esteem of His Ab, Kabod Abiyu kah-BOHD ah-bee-YOO
Esteem of His Father, Kabod Abiyu kah-BOHD ah-bee-YOO
evil one, the, ha’ra hah-RAH
evil spirit, maziq mah-ZEEQ
exile, the, ha’galut hah-gah-LOOT
faith, ahmanah ah-mah-NAH
faith, emunah eh-moo-NAH
faith, emunim eh-moo-NEEM


Father, Ab ahb
favour, chesed CHEH-sehd
Feast, Chag (mistranslated feast) chahg
feast of unleavened bread, the, Chag haMatsot chahg hah-mah-TSOHT
(mistranslated feast of unleavened bread)
First-Born, the, haBechor hah-beh-CHOHR
flock, tson tsohn
Galilee, haGalil (mistranslated Galilee) hah-gah-LEEL
Galilee, of, haGelili (mistranslated of Galilee) hah-geh-lee-LEE
Galilee of the Gentiles, Gelil ha’goyim, Gelil of the gentiles geh-LEEL hah-goh-YEEM
(mistranslated Galilee of the Gentiles)
Gehenna, Gei-Hinom, Valley of Hinom (mistranslated Gehenna) gay hee-NOHM
Gennesaret, Gei-Nosar (mistranslated Gennesaret) gay noh-SAHR
gentile, goy goy
gentiles, goyim goh-YEEM
Gethsemane, Gei-Shemanim (mistranslated Gethsemane) gay sheh-mah-NEEM
God, HWHY (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
God, Eloah (mistranslated God) eh-LOH-ah
God, Elohei (mistranslated God) eh-loh-HAY
God of Israel, the, Elohei Yisrael (mistranslated the God of Israel) eh-loh-HAY yeece-rah-AYL
God of the dead, hwhy ha’meitim, hwhy of the dead yah-HOO-ah hah-may-TEEM
(mistranslated God of the dead)
God of the living, hwhy ha’chayim, hwhy of the living yah-HOO-ah hah-chah-YEEM
(mistranslated God of the living)
God’s throne, Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated God’s throne)
Golgotha, Galgalta (mistranslated Golgotha) gahl-gahl-TAH
Gomorrha, Amorah (mistranslated Gomorrha) ah-moh-RAH
Good Master, Rabi Tob, my Good Rab, Good Rabbi rah-BEE tohb
(mistranslated my Good Master)
Good News, Besorah Tobah (mistranslated gospel) beh-soh-RAH toh-BAH
good servant, ebed tob EH-bed tohb
Gospel, Besorah Tobah (mistranslated gospel) beh-soh-RAH toh-BAH
gospel of the kingdom, Besorat haMalchut, Good News of the Reign beh-soh-RAHT hah-mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated gospel of the kingdom)
grave, qeber QEH-behr
graves, qebarim qeh-bah-REEM
Great Commandment, the, haMitswah haGedolah hah-meets-WAH hah-geh-doh-LAH
great harvest, qatsir rab qah-TSEER rahb
great strength, chayil rab chah-YEEL rahb
Guidance, Torah (mistranslated Law) TOH-rah
harvest, qatsir qah-TSEER
Head of the Corner, Rosh Pinah rohsh pee-NAH
Heaven, haShamayim hah-shah-mah-YEEM
heavens, the, ha’shamayim hah-shah-mah-YEEM
Hebrew, Ebrit eeb-REET
Heights, in the, baElyonot bah-ehl-yoh-NOHT
Holy, Qodesh (mistranslated Holy) QOH-dehsh
holy city, the, Ir haQodesh, the Qodesh City (mistranslated the holy city) eer hah-QOH-dehsh
Holy Ghost, SDQ CWR, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh
Holy Ghost, SDwQ CWR, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Ghost) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh
Holy Ghost, the, SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
(mistranslated the Holy Ghost)


Holy Ghost, the, SDwQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh

(mistranslated the Holy Ghost)
holy place, the, Maqom haQodesh (mistranslated the holy place) mah-QOHM hah-QOH-dehsh
Holy Spirit, SDQ CWR, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Spirit) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh
Holy Spirit, SDwQ CWR, Ruach Qodesh (mistranslated Holy Spirit) ROO-ahch QOH-dehsh
Holy Spirit, the, SDQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
(mistranslated the Holy Spirit)
Holy Spirit, the, SDwQH CWR, Ruach haQodesh ROO-ahch hah-QOH-dehsh
(mistranslated the Holy Spirit)
Homeland, Erets Moledet EH-rehts moh-leh-DEHT
honour, kabod kah-BOHD
Hosanna, hoshanah, deliver us (mistranslated Hosanna) hoh-shah-NAH
House, Beit bayt
House of hwhy, Beit-hwhy (mistranslated house of God) bayt yah-HOO-ah
house of God, Beit-hwhy, House of hwhy (mistranslated house of God) bayt yah-HOO-ah
House of Israel, Beit Yisrael, House of Yisrael (mistranslated house of Israel) bayt yeece-rah-AYL
House of Prayer, Beit-Tephilah bayt teh-phee-LAH
I am anointed, Ani mashiach (mistranslated I am Christ) ah-NEE mah-SHEE-ahch
I am messiah, Ani mashiach (mistranslated I am Christ) ah-NEE mah-SHEE-ahch
I am the Son of God, Ben-hwhy Ani, Son of hwhy I Am behn yah-HOO-ah ah-NEE
(mistranslated I am the Son of God)
Instruction, Talmud tahl-MOOD
Instruction, Torah (mistranslated Law) TOH-rah
Isaac, Yitschaq (mistranslated Isaac) yeets-CHAHQ
Iscariot, Iskriyotu, the Shore of Skriyot (mistranslated Iscariot) eece-kree-YOH-too
Israel, Yisrael (mistranslated Israel) yeece-rah-AYL
Jacob, Ya’aqob (mistranslated Jacob) yah-ah-QOHB
James the son of Zebedee, Ya’aqob ben-Zabdi yah-ah-QOHB behn zahb-DEE
(mistranslated James the son of Zebedee)
Jeremias, YirmeHY, YirmeYah (mistranslated Jeremias) yeer-meh-YAH
Jeremias, YirmewHY, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremias) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
Jeremy, YirmeHY, YirmeYah (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH
Jeremy, YirmewHY, YirmeYahu (mistranslated Jeremy) yeer-meh-YAH-hoo
Jericho, Yericho (mistranslated Jericho) yeh-ree-CHOH
Jerusalem, Yerushala’im (mistranslated Jerusalem) yeh-roo-shah-LAH-eem
Jesse, Yishai (mistranslated Jesse) yee-SHYE
Jesus, uSwhy (mistranslated Jesus) yah-HOO-shoo-ah
Jew, Yahudi (mistranslated Jew) yah-hoo-DEE
Jews, Yahudim (mistranslated Jews) yah-hoo-DEEM
John, Yochanan (mistranslated John) yoh-chah-NAHN
John the Baptist, Yochanan haMetabel, Yochanan the Immerser yoh-chah-NAHN hah-meh-tah-BAYL
(mistranslated John the Baptist)
John the Baptist, Yochanan haTobel, Yochanan the Immerser yoh-chah-NAHN hah-toh-BAYL
(mistranslated John the Baptist)
Jonah, Yonah (mistranslated Jonah) yoh-NAH
Jonas, Yonah (mistranslated Jonas) yoh-NAH
Jordan River, the, haYarden (mistranslated the Jordan River) hah-yahr-DAYN
Joseph, Yoseph (mistranslated Joseph) yoh-SAYPH
Juda, Yahudah (mistranslated Juda) yah-hoo-DAH
Judaea, Yahudah (mistranslated Judaea) yah-hoo-DAH
Judah, Yahudah (mistranslated Judah) yah-hoo-DAH
Judas, Yahudah (mistranslated Judas) yah-hoo-DAH
Judgment, Mishpat meesh-PAHT
King, Melek, Sovereign, Ruler MEH-lehk


King of Israel, Melek Yisrael (mistranslated King of Israel) MEH-lehk yeece-rah-AYL

King of the Jews, Melek haYahudim (mistranslated King of the Jews) MEH-lehk hah-yah-hoo-DEEM
kingdom, Mamlachah, Reign (mistranslated kingdom) mahm-lah-CHAH
kingdom of heaven, Malchut hwhy, Reign of hwhy mahl-CHOOT yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated kingdom of heaven)
Lampstand, Menorah (mistranslated lampstand) meh-NOH-rah
Land, the, haArets hah-ah-REHTS
land of Israel, Erets Yisrael, Land of Yisrael (mistranslated land of Israel) EH-rehts yeece-rah-AYL
Law, Torah, Guidance, Instruction (mistranslated Law) TOH-rah
Law Court, the, haBeit-Din hah-BAYT deen
Learning, Talmud tahl-MOOD
leaven, chameits chah-MAYTS
life, nefesh NEH-phehsh
Life of the Child, Nefesh haYeled NEH-phehsh hah-YEH-lehd
Life, the, haChayim hah-chah-YEEM
Living God, the, Elohim Chayim, the Living Elohim eh-loh-HEEM chah-YEEM
(mistranslated the Living God)
Living God, the, hwhy Chayim, the Living hwhy yah-HOO-ah chah-YEEM
(mistranslated the Living God)
LORD, HWHY (mistranslated LORD) yah-HOO-ah
Lord, HWHY (mistranslated God) yah-HOO-ah
Lord of the harvest, Rabi haQatsir, my Rab of the Harvest, rah-BEE hah-qah-TSEER
Rabbi of the Harvest (mistranslated Lord of the harvest)
lowest parts of Sheol, refers to the, tachtiyot tahch-tee-YOHT
maiden, almah ahl-MAH
mammon, ha’mamon hah-mah-MOHN
Man, the, haAdam hah-ah-DAHM
marriage, chatunah chah-too-NAH
Mary, Miryam (mistranslated Mary) meer-YAHM
Mary Magdalene, Miryam Magdalonit (mistranslated Mary Magdalene) meer-YAHM mahg-dah-loh-NEET
Matthew, Mati (mistranslated Matthew) mah-TEE
Matthew, MatitWHY, MatitYahu (mistranslated Matthew) mah-teet-YAH-HOO
Matthew, Matiya’u (mistranslated Matthew) mah-tee-YAH-oo
mercy, chesed CHEH-sehd
Might, Geburah geh-boo-RAH
money, ha’mamon hah-mah-MOHN
Moses, Mosheh (mistranslated Moses) MOH-sheh
mount of Olives, Har haZeitim (mistranslated mount of Olives) hahr hah-zay-TEEM
My Ab, Abi ah-BEE
My Beloved Son, B’ni Ahubi beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
My Blood of, Dami shel dah-MEE shehl
My Father, Abi ah-BEE
my Lord, Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated my Lord) rah-BEE
my Master, Rabi, my Rab, Rabbi (mistranslated my Master) rah-BEE
Name, Shem shaym
Name of the Father, in the, bShem haAb beh-SHAYM hah-AHB
nation, goy goy
nations, goyim goh-YEEM
Natsrite, the, haNatsri, the Natsrite (from Natseret) hah-nahts-REE
Nazareth, Natseret (mistranslated Nazareth) nah-TSEH-reht
new grave, qeber chadash QEH-behr chah-DAHSH
new sepulchre, qeber chadash QEH-behr chah-DAHSH
New Testament, the, Brit haChadashah, the Renewed Covenant breet hah-chah-dah-SHAH
(mistranslated the New Testament)


new tomb, qeber chadash QEH-behr chah-DAHSH

Nineveh, Nineweih (mistranslated Nineveh) nee-neh-WAY
Noah, Noach (mistranslated Noah) NOH-ahch
Noe, Noach (mistranslated Noe) NOH-ahch
our Father, Abinu ah-bee-NOO
our God, Eloheinu, our Eloah (mistranslated our God) eh-loh-HAY-noo
our Master, Rabeinu, our Rab (mistranslated our Master) rah-bay-NOO
Passover, haPesach (mistranslated the passover) hah-PEH-sahch
passover, the, ha’pesach, the sacrificial lamb (mistranslated the passover) hah-PEH-sahch
peace, shalom shah-LOHM
Peter, Kepha (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Peter, Kephah (mistranslated Peter) kay-PHAH
Pharisee, Parush (mistranslated Pharisee) pah-ROOSH
Pharisees, Prushim (mistranslated Pharisees) proo-SHEEM
phylacteries, totaphot toh-tah-PHOHT
Plot of Blood, Cheileq Damah chay-LEHK dah-MAH
Power, Koach KOH-ahch
power of God, Koach hwhy, Power of hwhy (mistranslated power of God) KOH-ahch yah-HOO-ah
Praise, Tehilah teh-hee-LAH
Precious, Yaqor yah-QOHR
Precious, the, haYaqor hah-yah-QOHR
priest, kohen (mistranslated priest) koh-HAYN
priests, kohanim (mistranslated priests) koh-hah-NEEM
prince of the devils, sar ha’shadim, chief of the demons sahr hah-shay-DEEM
(mistranslated prince of the devils)
prophet, nabi nah-BEE
Prophet Jonas, the, Yonah ha’nabi (mistranslated the prophet Jonas) yoh-NAH hah-nah-BEE
prophets, nebi’ei neh-bee-AY
prophets, nebi’im neh-bee-EEM
Psalms, Tehilim teh-hee-LEEM
Qodesh City, the, Ir haQodesh (mistranslated the holy city) eer hah-QOH-dehsh
Rachel, Rachel (mistranslated Rachel) rah-CHAYL
ram’s horn, shofar (mistranslated trumpet) SHOH-phahr
Reign, Malchut mahl-CHOOT
Reign, Meluchah meh-loo-CHAH
Reign of their Ab, Malchut Abihem mahl-CHOOT ah-bee-HEHM
Reign of their Father, Malchut Abihem mahl-CHOOT ah-bee-HEHM
Renewed Covenant, the, Brit haChadashah (mistranslated the New Testament) breet hah-chah-dah-SHAH
repent, shub shoob
Repent you, repent you, Shubu, shubu shoo-BOO shoo-BOO
repentance, teshubah teh-shoo-BAH
Resurrection, Tequmah teh-qoo-MAH
resurrection of the dead, tequmat ha’meitim teh-qoo-MAHT hah-may-TEEM
return, shub shoob
Return you, return you, Shubu, shubu shoo-BOO shoo-BOO
righteous, the, ha’tsadiq hah-tsah-DEEQ
righteous, the, ha’tsadiqim hah-tsah-dee-QEEM
righteous blood, dam tsadiq dahm tsah-DEEQ
Righteous Man, Tsadiq tsah-DEEQ
righteous men, tsadiqim tsah-dee-QEEM
righteous one, the, ha’tsadiq hah-tsah-DEEQ
rock, kephah kay-PHAH
Ruler, Moshel moh-SHAYL
Sabbath, Shabat (mistranslated sabbath) shah-BAHT


Sadducees, Tsedoqim (mistranslated Sadducees) tseh-doh-QEEM

saints, qedoshim, qodesh ones (mistranslated saints) qeh-doh-SHEEM
Samaritans, Shomronim (mistranslated Samaritans) shohm-roh-NEEM
sanctified, qodesh (mistranslated holy) QOH-dehsh
satan, ha’shatan, the adversary, the devil (mistranslated satan) hah-shah-TAHN
scribe, sopher soh-PHEHR
scribes, sophrei sohph-RAY
scribes, sophrim sohph-REEM
Scriptures of the Prophets, Kitbei haNebi’im keet-BAY hah-neh-bee-EEM
Scriptures, the, haKetubim hah-keh-too-BEEM
sea of Galilee, Yam haGalil (mistranslated sea of Galilee) yahm hah-gah-LEEL
search for leaven, a, bediqat chameits beh-dee-QAHT chah-MAYTS
sepulchre, qeber QEH-behr
sepulchres, qebarim qeh-bah-REEM
sheep, tson tsohn
Shepherd, Ro’eh roh-EH
shewbread, Lechem haPanim, Bread of the Presences LEH-chehm hah-pah-NEEM
(mistranslated shewbread)
Sidon, Tsidon (mistranslated Sidon) tsee-DOHN
Simon, Shimon (mistranslated Simon) sheem-OHN
Simon Bar-jona, Shimon Ben-Yonah (mistranslated Simon Bar-jona) sheem-OHN behn yoh-NAH
Simon Peter, Shimon Kepha, Shimon Kephah (both mistranslated Simon Peter) sheem-OHN kay-PHAH
So be it, Amein ah-MAYN
Sodom, Sedom (mistranslated Sodom) seh-DOHM
Solomon, Shlomoh (mistranslated Solomon) SHLOH-moh
Son, the, haBen hah-BAYN
Son of a smith, Ben napacha behn nah-pah-CHAH
Son of Abraham, Ben-Abraham behn ah-brah-HAHM
Son of Adam, Ben-haAdam behn hah-ah-DAHM
son of Barachias, ben-Berechhy, son of BerechYah behn beh-rehch-YAH
(mistranslated son of Barachias)
son of David, Ben-Dawid, Son of Dawid (mistranslated son of David) behn dah-WEED
Son of God, Ben-haElohim, Son of Elohim (mistranslated Son of God) behn hah-eh-loh-HEEM
Son of Man, Ben-haAdam behn hah-ah-DAHM
sons of the bridegroom, b’nei ha’chatan beh-NAY hah-chah-TAHN
Son of the living God, Ben-Elohim Chai, Son of the Living Elohim behn eh-loh-HEEM chye
(mistranslated Son of the living God)
sour (leavened) dough, machmetset mahch-meh-TSEHT
Sovereign, Melek (mistranslated King) MEH-lehk
Spirit, Cwr, Ruach (mistranslated Spirit) ROO-ahch
Spirit, the, Cwrh, haRuach (mistranslated the Spirit) hah-ROO-ahch
spirit, the, ha’ruach hah-ROO-ahch
Spirit of God, HWHY CWR, Ruach HWHY (mistranslated Spirit of God) ROO-ahch yah-HOO-ah
Spirit of your Father, Cwr Abichem, Ruach of your Ab ROO-ahch ah-bee-CHEHM
(mistranslated Spirit of your Father)
Spirit of your Father, Cwr Abichem, Ruach of your Father ROO-ahch ah-bee-CHEHM
(mistranslated Spirit of your Father)
spirits, ruchot roo-CHOHT
study, talmud tahl-MOOD
Surely, Amein ah-MAYN
synagogue, beit-kenesiyut bayt keh-neh-see-YOOT
synagogue, keneset keh-NAY-seht
synagogues, batei-kenesiyut bah-TAY keh-neh-see-YOOT
synagogues, qehilot, assemblies (mistranslated synagogues) qeh-hee-LOHT


synagogues, the, ha’kenesiyut hah-keh-neh-see-YOOT

Teacher, Melamed meh-lah-MAYD
teachers, melamedim meh-lah-meh-DEEM
temple, Hechal, Main Hall (mistranslated temple) hay-CHAHL
temple of God, Hechal hwhy, Main Hall of hwhy hay-CHAHL yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated temple of God)
tents, ohalim oh-hah-LEEM
tester, the, ha’menaseh (ha’shatan) hah-meh-nah-SEH
This is My Beloved Son, Zeh B’ni Ahubi zeh beh-NEE ah-hoo-BEE
Throne of Esteem, Kisei Kabod kee-SAY kah-BOHD
throne of God, the, Kisei hwhy, the Throne of hwhy kee-SAY yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated God’s throne)
tomb, qeber QEH-behr
tombs, qebarim qeh-bah-REEM
Torah teachers, sophrei sohph-RAY
Torah teachers, sophrim sohph-REEM
trust, emunah eh-moo-NAH
Truth, the, haEmet hah-EH-meht
turn, shub shoob
Tyre, Tsor (mistranslated Tyre) tsohr
unclean spirit, the, ruach ha’tume’ah ROO-ahch hah-too-meh-AH
unclean spirits, ruchot tume’ot roo-CHOHT too-meh-OHT
virgin, almah ahl-MAH
wedding, the, ha’chatunah hah-chah-too-NAH
wicked servant, ebed beliya’al EH-behd beh-lee-yah-AHL
wicked servant, ebed ra EH-behd rah
wilderness, arabah ah-rah-BAH
wilderness, midbar meed-BAHR
Word, the, haDabar hah-dah-BAHR
word, the, Debar hwhy, Word of hwhy (mistranslated the word) deh-BAHR yah-HOO-ah
word of Jesus, Dibrei uSwhy, Words of uSwhy dee-BRAY yah-HOO-shoo-ah
(mistranslated word of Jesus)
word of the kingdom, Debar Malchut, Word of the Reign deh-BAHR mahl-CHOOT
(mistranslated word of the kingdom)
Words, Debarim deh-bah-REEM
young woman, almah ahl-MAH
your Ab, Abichah ah-bee-CHAH
your Ab, Abichem ah-bee-CHEHM
your Father, Abichah ah-bee-CHAH
your Father, Abichem ah-bee-CHEHM
your Lord, Rabichem, your Rab (mistranslated your Lord) rah-bee-CHEHM
Zacharias, Zecharhy, ZecharYah (mistranslated Zacharias) zeh-chahr-YAH
Zebedee, Zabdi (mistranslated Zebedee) zahb-DEE
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, Baruk Asher Ba beh-ROOK ah-SHEHR bah
bShem hwhy, Blessed is Who Comes in the Name of hwhy beh-SHAYM yah-HOO-ah
(mistranslated Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord)
My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?, Eli, Eli, lamah ay-LEE, ay-LEE, lah-MAH
Shachachtani?, My El, My El, why did You forget Me? shah-chahch-tah-NEE?
(also My El, My El, why did You forsake Me?)
(mistranslated My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?)

110 Quotes from the TaNaK found in MatitWHY

1:23* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 7:14

2:6* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Michah 5:1a
2:15* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 11:1b
2:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 31:15b
2:23* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 11:1

3:3* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 40:3

4:4* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 8:3b
4:6* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 91:11-12
4:7* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:16a
4:10* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:13a
4:15* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 8:23 (9:1)
4:16* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 9:1 (9:2)

CHAPTER 5 (18)
5:4* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 61:2b
5:5* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 37:11a
5:21* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:13; Debarim 5:17
5:27* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:14; Debarim 5:18
5:31* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 24:1b, 3b (see also Matitwhy 19:7)
5:33* A reference from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:12a; baMidbar 30:3 (30:2); Debarim 23:22a (23:21a)
5:34* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 66:1a
5:35a* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 66:1a
5:35b* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 48:2
5:38* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 21:24a; Wayiqra 24:20a; Debarim 19:21a
5:43* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b

7:23b* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 6:9

8:17* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 53:4a

9:13* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 6:6a (see also Matitwhy 12:7)

CHAPTER 10 (1)
10:36* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Michah 7:6d

CHAPTER 11 (3)
11:5* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 35:5-6
11:10* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Malachi 3:1a
11:29* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 6:16d

CHAPTER 12 (6)
12:7* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Hoshea 6:6a (see also Matitwhy 9:13)
12:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:1
12:19* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:2

12:20* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:3
12:21* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 42:4
12:40* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Yonah 1:17b

CHAPTER 13 (3)
13:14* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 6:9
13:15* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 6:10
13:35* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 78:2

CHAPTER 15 (6)
15:4* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:12, Debarim 5:16
A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 21:17, Wayiqra 20:9
15:8* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 29:13b
15:9* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 29:13c

CHAPTER 18 (1)
18:16* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 19:15b

CHAPTER 19 (10)
19:4* A reference from the TaNaK at Beresheet 1:27, 5:2
19:5* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Beresheet 2:24
19:7* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 24:1b, 3b (see also Matitwhy 5:31)
19:18* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:13-16; Debarim 5:17-20
19:19* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 20:12; Debarim 5:16
A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b

CHAPTER 21 (6)
21:5* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 9:9
21:9* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:26a (see also Matitwhy 23:39)
21:13* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 56:7
A reference from the TaNaK at YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) 7:11
21:16* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 8:2a
21:42* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:22-23

CHAPTER 22 (7)
22:24* A reference from the TaNaK at Debarim 25:5-6
22:32* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Shemot 3:6, 15; 4:5
22:37* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Debarim 6:5
22:39* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Wayiqra 19:18b
22:44* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 110:1

CHAPTER 23 (1)
23:39* An indirect word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 118:26a (see also Matitwhy 21:9)

CHAPTER 24 (19)
24:15* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11
24:21* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 12:1; Yoel 2:2
24:28* A reference from the TaNaK at Yechezqel 39:17-18; Chabaquq 1:8
24:29* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 13:10; Yechezqel 32:7; Yoel 2:10, 3:4 (2:31), 4:15 (3:15)
A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 34:4; Chagai 2:6, 21
24:30* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 12:10, 14
A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 7:13-14
24:31* A reference from the TaNaK at YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) 27:13

CHAPTER 26 (4)
26:15* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:12

26:31* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 13:7
26:59* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 35:11
26:64* A reference from the TaNaK at Daniyel 7:13

CHAPTER 27 (10)
27:9* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:12-13
27:10* A reference from the TaNaK at Zecharhy (ZecharYah) 11:13
27:12* A reference from the TaNaK at Yeshawhy (YeshaYahu) 53:7
27:34* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 69:21 (22)
27:35* A direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:18 (19)
27:38* A reference from the TaNaK at Yeshawhy (YeshaYahu) 53:12
27:39* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:6-7 (7-8)
27:43* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:8 (9)
27:46* A indirect direct word-for-word quote from the TaNaK at Tehilim 22:1 (2)
27:48* A reference from the TaNaK at Tehilim 69:21 (22)


Beresheet Genesis Torah

baMidbar Numbers Torah
Debarim Deuteronomy Torah
Hoshea Hosea Nebi’im
Malachi Malachi Nebi’im
Michah Micah Nebi’im
Shemot Exodus Torah
Tehilim Psalms Ketubim
Wayiqra Leviticus Torah
YeshaWHY (YeshaYahu) Esaias Nebi’im
YirmeWHY (YirmeYahu) Jeremy, Jeremias Nebi’im
Zecharhy (ZecharYah) Zacharias Nebi’im

Strawberry Islands Messianic Publishing
(see page 2 for Ordering Information)

To order more copies of this book:

MATITwhy (PALAEO NAME VERSION), the entire word-for-word literal translation of the Good News of MatitYahu
(mistranslated Matthew), with Palaeo Hebrew restored for the Names, and the Words of Mashiach printed in red ink. Includes topical word
study. Translated word-for-word from the du Tillet Hebrew Manuscript of MatitYahu by Todd (Tobhy) Effren, 5764 (pagan year 2004
CE), 8½” X 11”, 88 pages.

Electronic version of Matitwhy (PNV) is now available! .pdf format for computers (Adobe Acrobat Reader allows reader to control
font size). Looks EXACTLY like the book.
printed books: ONE COPY: $11.95 – 5 OR MORE: $8.95 EACH; electronic version: ONE COPY: $9.95

We also distribute other Messianic teaching tools (not all are listed due to lack of space)

DANIYEL (PALAEO NAME VERSION), the entire word-for-word literal translation of the Book of Daniyel (mistranslated
Daniel), with Palaeo Hebrew restored for the Name. Includes topical word study. Translated word-for-word from the Hebrew / Aramit
Book of Daniyel by Todd (Tobhy) Effren, 5764 (pagan year 2004 CE), 8½” X 11”, 52 pages.

Electronic version of Daniyel (PNV) is now available! .pdf format for computers (Adobe Acrobat Reader allows reader to control font
size). Looks EXACTLY like the book.
printed books: ONE COPY: $11.95 – 5 OR MORE: $8.95 EACH; electronic version: ONE COPY: $9.95


(176 pages, 5th Edition) by Lew White; a Messianic Yisraelite book explaining the pagan origins of christmas, easter, sun-day, the calendar,
and much more. A unique outreach tool that will answer questions you haven’t even thought to ask! If you’d like to hand someone some-
thing (in addition to the Scriptures) that contains everything you’d like to tell them, Fossilized Customs would be the book.

Electronic version of Fossilized Customs is available! .pdf format for computers (Adobe Acrobat Reader allows reader to control font
size). Looks EXACTLY like the book.

FIFTH EDITION PRICING: printed books or electronic version upon CD-R

ONE COPY: $9.95 – 4 COPIES: $20.00 – 10 OR MORE COPIES: $3.00 EACH


(116 pages) by Lew White; a 20 / 20 hindsight view of mankind’s rebellion against Truth, and one of the strongest warnings for those
living in the last days (Laodicea, the final assembly) awaiting the Second Coming of Yahushua… He is at the door!
ONE COPY: $7.95 – 5 COPIES: $20.00 – 10 OR MORE COPIES: $3.00 EACH


(160 pages) by Chris Koster; a companion book with Fossilized Customs. Well documented, it provides the reader with detailed etymology,
and shows how christianity became paganized, embracing the gentile customs of sun worship from babylon.
ONE COPY: $12.95 – 10 COPIES: $80.00


By Alexander Hislop – Author explains christian practices with pagan origins. 330 pages. Another witness containing research from the
19th century which proves the pagan origins of many religious practices and beliefs. Appendix and index, numerous illustrations.
$19.95 EACH

Witnessing tools can play a vital part in your work. They can speak in a variety of situations, planting and watering the seed, and
they keep working effortlessly. If we are to be at least as shrewd as the children of the world, we children of light need to take note
of how to market our message.

Declare His Name in all the Earth- see Shemot (Exodus) 9:16, 33:19; Debarim (Deuteronomy) 32:3; Luke 9:60; Ebrim (Hebrews) 2:12.

We will each personally have to endure having our work (efforts) tested. Our efforts that have made a difference in the spreading of the
news of Malchut hwhy will either remain, or be considered a loss to us. See 1 Corinthians 3, entire context.

Once upon a time,
in 1553, upon September 9th:
(coincidentally Rosh haShanah)
At the petition of the Inquisitor General Cardinal Caraffa (later to become Pope
Paul IV), Pope Julius III permitted the execution of a decree to forcibly confiscate
all documents written in Hebrew characters from among the Jewish
community in Rome. A visiting French bishop, Jean du Tillet, acquired a
Hebrew manuscript of MatitYahu among these documents and returned to
France. He deposited it in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris where it is to this
day. Over 1000 years earlier, Epiphanius recorded the words of Jerome, stating
that the early Natsarim possessed a copy of MatitYahu in the original Hebrew.
(Epiphanius; Panarion 29, translated from the greek).

The du Tillet Hebrew text renders the Personal Name of hwhy as two yods
(hh), a man-made tradition. Being that this Hebrew manuscript precedes the
kjv by more than 50 years, and is absent of greek or latin mis-readings and
corruptions, it is the best text we have from which to make a direct English
translation. Throughout the manuscript, the Messiah’s Name was written in
the modern Hebrew characters: guah (Yeshua) and uah (Yeshu). This Palaeo
Name version (PNV) restores the oldest Hebrew characters in the proper places,
and will instill a fresh, unmolested, and more literal voice from MatitYahu the
Lewite, our tax-collecting brother of long ago. The Words of Rabbi uSwhy
(Yahushua) are printed in red, and are a joy to read and study in this very
special work of translator and brother Todd Effren. By attacking, destroying,
or hiding the Hebrew foundation of Scripture, much Truth has been withheld
from the multitudes imprisoned within the many divisions of christianity ~
the Truth will make them free and that Truth is the Word of hwhy. You will
find this translation of MatitYahu to be a cool drink of clean water. This is
also one of the few Palaeo Hebrew restorations made since the Septuagint
translation of over 2200 years ago!

Lew White

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