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Mosquetes, Mary Louisky F.

International Political Economy

AB Foreign Service 301 Sir Jumel G. Estrañero


Hotel Rwanda is historical drama film in 2004, the story is about the 1994 massacre in
Africa. Paul Rusesabagina, he is a Hutu and he has a wife named Tatiana is a Tutsi and
they had three children. This movie showed us the rivalry between the two groups, the
Hutus and Tutsis, this groups have the same language, culture, and territory but they
have different physical features. The thematic experience of the characters is very terrible
because everyone that can help them step back to them. The discrimination of UN’s and
because UN thinks that Paul Rusesabagina is a dirt, black, and not even a nigger that he
is an African the Colonel told that to Paul.
We can see to the movie that the role of UN is just peacekeepers not peacemakers they
are prohibited to shoot Hutus. When the Family of Paul and all of his neighbors threatened
Paul plead to their lives and he said to the Hutu soldier that he can spare his wife and
neighbors by giving them what they want. Paul and the Hutus soldier go to the Hotel to
get some moneys and on the way they passed the street and seeing people that have
bloods and Hutus are happy to do that. You can see to the Tutsi’s eyes that they are
scared and cannot do anything. When the situation got worse they use the water of the
pool and the supplies are cut off. Paul did not give up for calling for help to anyone.
In the Philippines, National Security Council (NSC) in charge is to advise the President of
the Philippines with respect to the alliance of foreign, domestic and military policies
relation to national security. The security in state development, states need to have
security because of protection and if the Philippines have the national security even
terrorist attacked, Philippines can handle it even foreign country cannot help us.
In Asia-pacific case the more feasible right now is the peace development because we
need to have peace in our own country before we can have a good relationship to other
countries to avoid catastrophic scenario that may affect to political economy, Filipinos
need to know that fighting is not the way to solve the problem. And as a citizen of the
Republic of the Philippines we need to know that we share culture, beliefs and other. We
need to be one and not enemies. Also we need to do negotiations and dealing with one

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