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Vulnhub - Droopy: v0.

Penetration Test Report
25/3/2018 -N4ckHcker
Executive Summary
Summary of Results

Initial enumeration of the box, gave us that the box ran

Drupal7. At the exploitation part I found one exploit at
metasploit that worked and I took meterpreter shell.
At the final step (Privilege Escalation) i found a local root
exploit based on ubuntu 14.04, and I took root.
Attack Narrative
Remote System Discovery

I used linux arp-scan to find the target IP Address.

Running service(s) is only one, port 80 and run http.

Now at the exploitation part, I fired up metasploit
because I knew it had an exploit that works for our

And I took a meterpreter shell, then I spawned a shell.

Also I spawned a TTY Shell & I’m as www-data.

Privilege Escalation
After some enumeration I find out that Ubuntu version
is : Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS.

This exploit worked and I took root.

I have root.

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