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Diversity of expression defines the core philosophy of postmodern ideals.

Buildings are designed not

only to deliver conventional function but also combined with characteristics of meaning such as
pluralism, irony, paradox, and contextualism. For example, postmodern skyscrapers are adorned with
non-conventional ledges or classical columns, something unusual for a skyscraper to have.

Colors of postmodern architecture do not necessarily follow the “color wheel law” but there is a certain
harmony that exudes from it. Often, colors are irregular, though following a theme. An example for this
is the Team Disney Buildings designed by Michael Graves in 1991. Snow White’s Seven Dwarves are the
main attraction of the building’s entrance. The “dwarves” were colored light brown, away from the
colorful characters people used to watch.

as a reaction against the perceived shortcomings of modern architecture, particularly its rigid doctrines,
its uniformity, its lack of ornament, and its habit of ignoring the history and culture of the cities where it

I speak of a complex and contradictory architecture based on the richness and ambiguity of modern
experience, including that experience which is inherent in art. … I welcome the problems and exploit the
uncertainties. … I like elements which are hybrid rather than "pure", compromising rather than "clean",
… accommodating rather than excluding. … I am for messy vitality over obvious unity. … I prefer "both-
and" to "either-or", black and white, and sometimes gray, to black or white. … An architecture of
complexity and contradiction must embody the difficult unity of inclusion rather than the easy unity of
exclusion. –Venturi

Venturi proposed giving primary emphasis to the facade, incorporating historical elements, a subtle use
of unusual materials and historical allusions, and the use of fragmentation and modulations to make the
building interesting.

He argued that ornamental and decorative elements "accommodate existing needs for variety and
both high-style and vernacular, both historic and modern

Guild House, in Philadelphia, as examples of a new style that welcomed variety and historical references,
without returning to academic revival of old styles.

Pelajari bangunan-bangunan tradisional, direvival. Sejarah daerah tertentu.

Denver Library

Known for his surreal and “entertainment” architecture; Graves’ implemented traditional post-modern
motifs of abstracted classical forms, natural materials, and colors commonly found in past centuries.

For a post-modern building, the interior of the library is fairly conservative when it comes to the
decorative aesthetics. Most of the spaces appear as traditional library spaces composed of natural
wood evoking a sense of grandeur and extravagance.

Only in the reading rooms is there any trace of the post-modern aesthetic. One begins to understand
the abstracted colonnades, vaulting, and colorful painting creating more of a fun learning environment
rather than a stark, serious library space.
Portland building

Konsep : Menggabungkan ornament-ornamen masa lampau, menggabungkan dengan gaya modern.

Bangunan terdiri dari kaki badan kepada, warna melambangkan tanah, udara, dan langit.

The building attempts to create a continuum between past and present: it’s a symmetrical block with
four off-white, stucco-covered rectangular facades featuring reinterpreted Classical elements, such as
over-scaled keystones, pilasters and belvederes. The building is set on a two-story base, reminiscent of a
Greek pedestal, which divides it into the Classical three-part partition of base-body-top. Furthermore,
Graves added symbolism through color—green for the ground, blue for the sky, etc—in order to visually
tie the building to its environment and locati
Hotel di Disney

Konsep : Bikin cerita, kayak suatu pulau yang terbelah terus muncul dolphin dari sana. Jadi ada
ornamen2 dolphin di atas bangunan, motif daun pisang, dan lain sebagainya.

Graves' story behind the hotels began with the idea for the Dolphin, which he said was an island that
was formed by a sudden cataclysmic event, such as an underwater volcano or earthquake. When the
island emerged from underwater it lifted the dolphins up as well, and these are represented by the
dolphins on the roof of the hotel, each 63' feet tall. The banana leaves painted on the side of the hotel
represent the foliage on the island, and the "black box" on the front elevation of the building is the heart
of the mountain. In Graves' tale, this burst open and water began flowing down to the dolphin pool.

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