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Task 4: Reflective Report

On twenty-second of February and first of March, I had submitted task two and task three
which were the production of performance kit and the role play respectively. My group had to
produce the performance kit and perform a role play based on The Jungle Book by Rudyard
Kipling while the other group used Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift as their storybook. For the
performance kit, I made the costume of the main character in the story book which is Mowgli, a
few masks of the animals in the storybook, three little people huts and the backgrounds with the
sound of the places. Based on task two and task three, they enhance my creativity, gave a better
understanding on how to implement elements of art in education and improved our relationship
with one another.

In the process of making the performance kit, I read the storybook and observed the
storyline with all the characters. After that, I did a discussion with my fellow friends on what and
how to make the performance kit with the help from our lecturer. Arts education is life-enhancing
and crucial in stimulating creative thinking (Sheila N., 2009). So, I used my creativity to produce
the idea for the performance kit with the help from my friends and guidance by the lecturer. This
was relatable to the Constructivism Theory by Lev Vygotsky through the Zone of Proximal
Development or ZPD. Defined as the distance between the actual development level as decided
by independent problem-solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers
(Vygotsky , 1978). From the definition of ZPD, we could see that I solved my problems to make
the kit under the adult guidance who was my lecturer and I also did a collaboration with more
capable peers who were my friends.

After that, I got a better understanding on how to implement elements of art in education
which is the elements of visual art, musical art and movements in teaching and learning processes
in the classroom. In task two, I needed to designed a performance kit that integrates the elements
of arts, music and movements. Because of that, I decided to make the costume of the main
character and the masks of the animals in the storybook that integrates the visual arts. Besides,
I added the background of different places using powerpoint slide presentation also for visual art
element and put the sound of each places for musical art based on the instruction in the task
given. Next, I performed a role play for task three with my group and we also had to use the
performance kits prepared in task 2.
All of the activities in the task given was related to Multiple Intelligences Theory by Howard
Gardner which were spatial-visual intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and musical
intelligence. Spatial-intelligence was used in the making of the performance kit, musical
intelligence was used in both task two and three which was the sounds of places and bodily-
kinesthetic was applied during the role play as we needed to use our body movements. Spatial-
visual intelligence was the capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and
abstractly, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence was the ability to control one’s body movements and to
handle objects, and musical intelligence was the ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch
and timber (Thirteen ed online, 20014).

Last but not least, the process of producing and implementing the performance kit in the
role play had made the relationship between me and my friends become closer. In the making of
the performance kit, I used to ask the opinion from my friends about the way to produce the kit
and all of them gave good cooperation and with their help, I managed to submit my performance
kit on time. Based on the constructivism theory, the nature of learner was being implemented by
me as stated by Wertsch in 1997, the importance of nature of the learner’s social interaction with
knowledgeable members of the society is to acquire social meaning of important symbol systems
and learn how to utilize them.

For the conclusion, what we had done in task two and task three gave lots of benefits to
us and also me personally such as enhancing my creativity, gave a better understanding on how
to implement elements of art in education and improved our relationship with one another.
Everything we did can be related with the theories that we learnt and this proved that all those
theories could be useful in the future to be an excellent teacher.

(756 words)

Constructivism (philosophy of education). (2018, March 04). Retrieved March 13, 2018, from

Northern Illinois University. (2009) Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center.

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Sheila, N. (2009) Creativity and the Arts in the Primary School. Discussion Document and

Proceedings of the Consultative Conference on Education 2009.

The Performance Kit

Masks of Bagheera, Akela, Won-tolla,

Kaa and the Dholes

Dholes tail

Mowgli wig

The Little Peoples huts

Shabby short pant



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