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Name______________________ Date______________

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Who is Stephen R. Covey?

2. What is the difference between attitude and paradigms?

3. List the 7 Habits in Order.

Habit 1

4. What are three things that you can do to be proactive?

5. What is a SMART Goal?

Habit 2

6. What did you want to be when you grow up when you were five and what do you want
to be now?

7. What is one tool that makes you a leader in your own life, and do you have one?

Habit 3

8. What are some little things in your life that take up your time?

9. What are some big rocks in your life?

10. What happened when we put the big rocks in the container last? What happened when
we put the first?

11. How do the rocks symbolize our lives?

Habit 4

12. Why doesn’t comparisons and competition work?

13. What does it mean to Win-win and what is needed to accomplish it?

Habit 5

14. What other communication skills do we need, that are not typically taught. (Reading,
speaking, writing)

15. How can we become better at listening and understanding others?

16. How can using this habit improve your relationships with parents, friends, and/or

Habit 6

17. 1+1>2, why and what is synergy?

18. When would using synergy be helpful in your life?

Habit 7
19. What does sharpening the saw mean?

20. In what ways do you take time to rejuvenate your, physical, mental, spiritual, and
emotional/social dimensions?


What are three things that you learned?

What information did you find useful?

On a scale of 1-10 (one being you would never do this activity again and 10, you thought it the
most awesome activity that you have done) did you enjoy the web quest?

What do you think could improved?

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