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0 Definition Wau

Wau game is one of the traditional games of the Malays since hundreds of years ago.
The game contains elements of authentic Malay culture. This can be seen in the form of patterns
and designs available on the wau. The word ‘Wau’ is believed to have been derived from the
Arabic letter ‘Wau’, because the shape of the wing resembles the outline of that particular
letter. Many legends and local folklore surrounds the origin and even method of handling the
Wau. It is said that in the past, farmers used the Wau as a sort of flying scarecrow to ward off
birds from their paddy fields, and the sounds made by the Wau once it was airborne was said
to lull their children to sleep which in turn gave the farmers ample time to tend to their crops
without any distractions. This game is one of the hobby population in rural areas, especially
for the states in Kedah, Perlis and Kelantan.

Kite game has become a tradition of the game after the harvest. They play wau to relieve
tired after working in the fields. They also feel happy while playing and see each other up there
in some places, and their district will hold an annual festival and the most beautiful kite
competition between districts. Artisans skilled wau has its own way of measuring and weighing
when whittle bamboo wau frame. Tips that would be obtained from the elders, but the actual
ability is gained through experience.The most popular of all the Wau’s is indeed the “Wau
Bulan”. A name that certainly fits one of the three country’s official kites, the name takes after
the shape of the moon because the tail of this Wau is resembles that of a crescent. One of the
more stable kites amongst the others, the “Wau Bulan” is known for its easy handling and
stability during strong winds. The origin of the “Wau Bulan” is said to have been during the
days of the Sri Wijaya Empire, where according to legend, a young prince named Dewa Muda
utilised the usage of the Wau by mapping out the districts that he had conquered on the Wau
itself, which he will then display to his people.

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