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NAME______________________ DATE__________________

VI Grade______

I. Read the text and then answer these questions with T (true) / F (false) and DS (doesn’t say).
Thomas and Inger, who live in Sweden, are the happiest couple in the world. Two years ago, they were on a boat a
few kilometres from the beach. Thomas asked Inger to marry him and he gave her a gold ring. He wanted to put the
ring on Inger's finger, but he dropped it and it fell into the sea. They were sure the ring was lost forever. That is,
until last week, when Mr Carlsson visited them. He has a fish shop and he found the ring in a large fish which he
was cutting up for one of his customers. The fish thought the ring was something to eat! Mr Carlsson knew that the
ring belonged to Thomas and Inger because inside the ring there were some words. They were, 'To Inger, All my
love, Thomas'. And so Mr Carlsson gave the ring back to them. Inger now has two rings. When they lost the first
one, Thomas bought Inger another one. But they think the one the fish ate is the best one.
1. Thomas asked Inger to marry him when they were on a boat.
2. Thomas put the gold ring on Inger's finger.
3. They returned from their boat trip without the ring.
4. Mr Carlsson often visited Thomas and Inger.
5. Mr Carlsson caught the fish.
6. Mr Carlsson found the ring when he ate the fish.
7. Thomas and Inger prefer the first ring.

II. Put the verbs into past tense continuous: (11x2=22)

1. I _________________ (play) cards while Mark _______________(watch) TV.
2. ____________________ (they listen) to music while they______________ (study)?
3. The bees __________________ (make) honey while the Sun ___________________ (shine).
4. She ____________________(not/ learn) French while she ________________(live) with us.
5. When I got to the office, Ann and Peter _____________________________(not / work).
6. The phone ______________________ (ring) while Sue _______________________ (cook) dinner.

III. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous. (10x1=10)

1-It ___________________ (rain) when we ______________________________(go out).
2-Tom _________________ (look) out of the window when the accident __________________ (happen).
3-Bruce had a book in his hand, but he _________________ (not / read) it when I saw him yesterday. He
____________________________ (watch) TV.
4-Erica bought a magazine, but she _________________________ (not / read) it. She didn’t have time.
5-I ____________________(see) Kate this morning. I ____________________ (walk) along the street, and
she _____________________________ (wait) for the bus.

IV. Write the form of the following verbs together with the Romanian translation: (10x1=10)
To be - to have-
To go - to give-
To eat - to drink-
To say - to write –
To buy - to make -

V. Write a paragraph with the title “My favourite show”. Give a short description of it, followed by
2-3 arguments why you like it. (20)

10 points are granted.


I. (2p. – 0,25 / each answer)

1. “Solo per due” is the smallest restaurant in the world.
2. It is in a 19th century villa.
3. People come to this restaurant to sit in front of the fire and enjoy the friendliest service, the best local food
and wine and possibly the most romantic atmosphere.
4. It is made of pasta, meat, tomato sauce and cheese.
5. Omelet is popular in the UK.
6. You can mix ham, onions, leeks and asparagus into the egg to make a delicious omelet.
7. Sweet and sour pork is from China.
8. In this dish, there are small pieces of pork, mixed with sugar, onion, garlic, pineapple and soy sauce.

II. (1,8 p., 0,30 each verb)

1. Was standing
2. Was raining; was getting
3. Were you watching
4. we weren’t watching; we were doing

III. (1,20 p., 0,20 each sentence)

1. Did
2. Were
3. Did
4. Was
5. Was

IV. (0.10 x 20 = 2p.)

A citi = read/read/read; a obtine = get/got/got;
a avea = have/had/had; a auzi = hear/heard/heard;
a face = do/did/done; a face = make/made/made;
a spune = say/said/said; a spune = tell/told/told;
a bea = drink/drank/drunk; a manca = eat/ate/eaten;
a se intalni = meet/met/met; a gandi = think/thought/thought;
a veni = come/came/come; a da = give/gave/given;
a sti = know/knew/known; a vedea = see/saw/seen;
a vorbi = speak/spoke/spoken; a scrie = write/wrote/written;
a lua = take/took/taken; a merge = go/went/gone

V. (0.20 x 5 = 1p.)
1. – Ai voie sa intri! spune seful
2. Esti tu capabil sa vorbesti engleza?
3. Este necesar ca eu sa-mi fac curat in dormitor de 2 ori pe saptamana.
4. Nu este nevoie ca eu sa gatesc in fiecare zi.
5. Copiii nu au voie sa stea pana tarziu.

Se acorda 2 puncte din oficiu.

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