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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

ACTIVITY SHEET # 6: Taking Stand

MELC: Take a stand on critical issues brought up in the material viewed.

At the end of this worksheet, the learners will be able to:

1. define a stand and thesis statement;
2. explain how a stand is expressed in a thesis statement; and
3. take a stand on critical issues by writing a thesis statement

Taking a Stand
Taking a stand means expressing your opinions or viewpoints whether you are asserting your unyielding
support of, defense of, or opposition to something. It is adopting a firm position about an issue and defending
your point of view or beliefs.
As a student, you will often be asked to state your opinion or take a stand on critical issues, usually in a
form of an essay or a composition. Taking a stand in an essay takes multiple forms. One example is when you
make a “claim” (a statement of what should be), which is the most common type of opinionated thesis statement.
Thesis Statement
A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points raised in relation to the
topic, and is written for a specific audience. It presents the major message of the paper and a short summary
of the points you make. It is usually found at the end of the first paragraph or the introduction to prepare the
readers by generating interest in the topic. It also facilitates understanding.
Another option is to think of a thesis statement as one complete sentence that expresses your position, opinion
or stand on an issue. Specifically, it:
• narrows the topic down to a specific focus of an investigation;
• establishes a direction for the entire paper;
• points forward to the conclusion;
• always stated in your introduction, usually at the end of the first paragraph; and
• always take a stand and justify further discussion.

Parts of Thesis Statement

A. Topic – tells the readers what the paper is about. However, it must narrowly define the topic, or it will be
too broad. This is where BRAINSTORMING comes in! Here are examples that show you how to narrow
down your topic:
Too broad: dessert
Better, but still a little too general: ice cream
Narrow: Chunky Monkey ice cream
B. Stand / Stance / Claim – means your assertion or your opinion. It is what you think of the issue / topic,
whether you agree, disagree, support or contradict.
Too obvious: Chunky Monkey ice cream is good. (Opinion, but not debatable.)
Improved: Chunky Monkey ice cream makes me happy when I'm depressed. (Opinion, but not socially relevant)
Better: Chunky Monkey ice cream is essential for mental health. (My stand - debatable opinion that is socially relevant.)
C. Reasons / Significance / Solutions – are the “because” factors. These are the details that will support
or explain your stand / claim. To do this, ask yourself why you are making that stand / claim.
"Chunky Monkey ice cream is essential for mental health because...." This lays out your paper’s basic organization
with the major points (arguments) you will use to support your assertion in the stand/ claim:
Main Point 1 – Physical Health: Ice cream is made up of some of the most important food groups (dairy,
nuts, etc) that are reminded to consume for physical health, which doctors claim leads to mental health.
Main Point 2 – Productivity: This ice cream provides a lot more long-term energy most ice creams. After
eating it, one will have plenty of energy to clean the whole house. And productive individual helps keep a
healthy mind.

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Main Point 3 – Positive Relationships: It is more enjoyable to eat Chunky Monkey ice cream with family
and friends. It is like sharing your happiness with them. Sometimes, this ice cream is given as a peace
offering, to make up for a misdeed, or to cheer someone up when they are sad or depressed.

When all three parts are put together, you are able to create a thesis statement.
Chunky Monkey ice cream is essential for mental health because of its benefits to one's physical
health, daily productivity, and familial relationships.

*Note: The main points give will be used as the topic sentence to start each body paragraph (e.g. paragraph 2, 3 …) in the body of the
essay where each point will be provided with supporting details and elaborated on.

Directions: Below is the introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay. Read it carefully and
identify the thesis statement. Also, answer the questions that follow.
“Students Who Study Abroad Achieve Greater Success”
Much of our learning takes place outside the classroom. We learn how to maintain budgets, forge friendships,
develop business relationships, and more. Imagine extending those skills on a global level. We would immediately
cease to believe the world only contains the people and things we can see but, rather, a wide variety of opinions,
customs, beliefs, and ethics. This is why every college-level student must study abroad during their undergraduate
years. They will learn more in that semester abroad than in any other academic year.
Source: Kittelstad, Kit. (n.d.). Argumentative Essay Examples. Retrieved from

1. What is the topic?


2. What is the stand / claim?


3. What reasons / support for the stand were given?


4. What was the thesis statement?


5. Does the thesis statement contain the 3 parts discussed in Engage? Why or Why not?

Directions: Read each thesis statement carefully. Determine if each statement contains the three parts. If
it does, write YES on the blank and NO if it is missing some parts.

____________________ 1. There are so many positive outcomes of education, but most of them come under
the two banners of allowing us to develop personally, and improving our life
____________________ 2. A regular exercise regime leads to multiple benefits, both physical and emotional.
____________________ 3. The number of school days required to complete one school year must be lessened.
____________________ 4. Many Filipinos college graduates are having difficulty finding a good job in the
____________________ 5. The economics of television have made the viewing experience challenging for many
viewers because shows are not offered regularly, similar programming occurs at
the same time, and commercials are rampant.

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Directions: Interview TWO people – they can be your family members, neighbors, or classmates. Ask
them for their stand on the given topic and at least THREE reasons for their stand. Then, based on their
answers, write a thesis statement. Use the table below for your answers.
Topic: Good Travel Destinations.
Stand: France is one of the good travel destinations.
Reasons: 1. I love French food
2. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I would like to see it.
3. I would like to practice my French and become more fluent.
Thesis Statement: France is one of the good travel destinations because I love French food, I want to see Paris, and would like to
become more fluent in French.

Topic 1 – Vaccine against COVID-19 virus (would they get the vaccine?)
Name of
Interviewee 1


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 2

Thesis Statement

Topic 2 – No More Suspension of Classes in Distance Learning (agree or disagree)

Name of
Interviewee 2


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 2

Thesis Statement

Directions: Read each statement below and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

_______ 1. What is a stand on an issue?

a. your opinions c. your position
b. your views or beliefs d. all of the above
_______ 2. In an essay, what do you call the statement that expresses your position, opinion or stand on an
a. assertion b. claim c. thesis statement d. all three
_______ 3. Which is NOT a part of a thesis statement?
a. topic b. stand / claim c. reason / support d. conclusion

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

_______ 4. Which of these is a strong thesis statement with complete parts?

a. Knowing a foreign language.
b. Why should people know a foreign language?
c. Learning a foreign language is an advantage for an individual who wants to become a
successful in life.
d. Knowing a foreign language is a very useful skill that can help one advance in a career, relate
better to others, and open one’s mind to the ideas of another culture.

_______ 5. In the thesis statement, Michael Angelo’s artwork is powerful because of its strong spiritual
undertones,” what is the stand / claim?
a. Michael Angelo’s artwork c. because of its strong spiritual undertones
b. Michael Angelo’s artwork is powerful d. The whole sentence is the stand.

Directions: Choose one from the two topics given in INTEGRATE and give your stand / position on the
topic as well as your reasons / details that will support your stand. Then, write a thesis statement based
on your answers. Use the table below.


Stand / Position

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 2

Thesis Statement

Criteria Standards Points Score
STAND The student’s stand on the chosen topic is very clear. 5
SUPPORT Student gives rich details / valid or sound reasons for his or her stand on the topic. All three reasons are logical. 5
THESIS The thesis statement contains all three parts. It is well-constructed and expresses clearly the stand of the
STATEMENT student.
The output shows time and effort from the part of the learner as seen in the legible handwriting and well-thought
of answers.

English Worksheets Land Common Core Aligned Language Arts Worksheets. Thesis Statement Worksheets. (n.d.).
How to Write a Thesis Statement Worksheet Activity. Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans. (n.d.). /worksheet/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement/.
Kittelstad, K. (n.d.). Argumentative Essay Examples. Example Articles & Resources.
Lynch-Greenberg, J. (21 November 2017). How to Take a Stand in a Thesis Statement. Education.
What is a Thesis Statement? (13 October 2020). Retrieved from
A Strong Thesis Statement: Tips and Examples | Make a Stand. (2015 – 2021). Retrieved from
The 3-part THESIS Statement & OUTLINE for Essays. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Parts of a Thesis Sentence. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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